package net.thucydides.core.steps; import; import; import; import net.thucydides.core.annotations.*; import net.thucydides.core.reflection.MethodFinder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static net.thucydides.core.util.NameConverter.humanize; /** * Test steps and step groups can be described by various annotations. */ public final class AnnotatedStepDescription { private static final List<String> VALID_STEP_ANNOTATIONS = ImmutableList.of("Step", "Given", "When", "Then"); private final ExecutedStepDescription description; public static AnnotatedStepDescription from(final ExecutedStepDescription description) { return new AnnotatedStepDescription(description); } private AnnotatedStepDescription(final ExecutedStepDescription description) { this.description = description; } public List<String> getAnnotatedRequirements() { List<String> requirements = new ArrayList<String>(); Method testMethod = getTestMethod(); if (testMethod != null) { addRequirementFrom(requirements, testMethod); addMultipleRequirementsFrom(requirements, testMethod); } return requirements; } private void addMultipleRequirementsFrom(final List<String> requirements, final Method testMethod) { TestsRequirements testRequirements = testMethod.getAnnotation(TestsRequirements.class); if (testRequirements != null) { requirements.addAll(Arrays.asList(testRequirements.value())); } } private void addRequirementFrom(final List<String> requirements, final Method testMethod) { TestsRequirement testsRequirement = testMethod .getAnnotation(TestsRequirement.class); if (testsRequirement != null) { requirements.add(testsRequirement.value()); } } public Method getTestMethod() { if (getTestClass() != null) { return methodCalled(withNoArguments(description.getName()), getTestClass()); } else { return null; } } public Method getTestMethodIfPresent() { return findMethodCalled(withNoArguments(description.getName()), getTestClass()); } private String withNoArguments(final String methodName) { String unqualifiedName = unqualified(methodName); return stripFrom(':', unqualifiedName); } private String stripFrom(char boundaryChar, String text) { int boundaryPosition = text.indexOf(boundaryChar); if (boundaryPosition > 0) { return text.substring(0, boundaryPosition); } else { return text; } } private String unqualified(String methodName) { return StringUtils.stripStart(methodName,"[0123456789] "); } private Class<?> getTestClass() { return description.getStepClass(); } private Method methodCalled(final String methodName, final Class<?> testClass) { Method methodFound = findMethodCalled(methodName, testClass); if (methodFound == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No test method called " + methodName + " was found in " + testClass); } return methodFound; } private Method findMethodCalled(final String methodName, final Class<?> testClass) { return MethodFinder.inClass(testClass).getMethodNamed(methodName); } public String getAnnotatedTitle() { Method testMethod = getTestMethod(); Title title = testMethod.getAnnotation(Title.class); if (title != null) { return title.value(); } return null; } private Optional<String> getAnnotatedStepName() { Optional<String> stepAnnotatedName = getNameFromStepAnnotationIn(getTestMethod()); if (stepAnnotatedName.isPresent()) { return stepAnnotatedName; } else { return getCompatibleStepNameFrom(getTestMethod()); } } public static boolean isACompatibleStep(Annotation annotation) { return VALID_STEP_ANNOTATIONS.contains(annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName()); } private Optional<String> getCompatibleStepNameFrom(Method testMethod) { Annotation[] annotations = testMethod.getAnnotations(); for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (isACompatibleStep(annotation)) { try { String annotationType = annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName(); String annotatedValue = (String)annotation.getClass().getMethod("value").invoke(annotation); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(annotatedValue)) { return Optional.absent(); } else { return Optional.of(annotationType + " " + StringUtils.uncapitalize(annotatedValue)); } } catch (Exception ignoredException) {} } } return Optional.absent(); } private Optional<String> getNameFromStepAnnotationIn(final Method testMethod) { Step step = testMethod.getAnnotation(Step.class); if ((step != null) && (!StringUtils.isEmpty(step.value()))) { return Optional.of(step.value()); } return Optional.absent(); } public String getName() { if (noClassIsDefined()) { return description.getName(); } else if (isAGroup()) { return groupName(); } else { return stepName(); } } private boolean noClassIsDefined() { return description.getStepClass() == null; } private String groupName() { String annotatedGroupName = getGroupName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(annotatedGroupName)) { return annotatedGroupName; } else { return stepName(); } } private String stepName() { String annotationTitle = getAnnotatedTitle(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(annotationTitle)) { return annotationTitle; } Optional<String> annotatedStepName = getAnnotatedStepName(); if (getAnnotatedStepName().isPresent() && (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(annotatedStepName.get()))) { return annotatedStepNameWithParameters(annotatedStepName.get()); } return humanize(description.getName()); } private String annotatedStepNameWithParameters(String annotatedStepTemplate) { String annotatedStepName = annotatedStepTemplate; Iterable<String> parameters = getParamatersFrom(description.getName()); int counter = 0; for(String parameter : parameters) { annotatedStepName = annotatedStepName.replaceAll("\\{" + counter++ + "\\}", parameter); } return annotatedStepName; } private Iterable<String> getParamatersFrom(String name) { String parameters = StringUtils.substringAfter(name,":"); return Splitter.on(",").trimResults().split(parameters); } public boolean isAGroup() { Method testMethod = getTestMethodIfPresent(); if (testMethod != null) { StepGroup testGroup = testMethod.getAnnotation(StepGroup.class); return (testGroup != null); } else { return false; } } private String getGroupName() { Method testMethod = getTestMethodIfPresent(); StepGroup testGroup = testMethod.getAnnotation(StepGroup.class); return testGroup.value(); } public boolean isPending() { Method testMethod = getTestMethodIfPresent(); return testMethod != null && TestStatus.of(testMethod).isPending(); } public boolean isIgnored() { Method testMethod = getTestMethodIfPresent(); return testMethod != null && TestStatus.of(testMethod).isIgnored(); } public boolean isFluent() { if (description.getTestMethod() != null) { Step step = description.getTestMethod().getAnnotation(Step.class); return ((step != null) && (step.fluent())); } return false; } }