package net.thucydides.core.reports; import ch.lambdaj.function.convert.Converter; import; import; import; import; import; import net.thucydides.core.guice.Injectors; import net.thucydides.core.model.*; import net.thucydides.core.model.formatters.TestCoverageFormatter; import net.thucydides.core.requirements.RequirementsService; import net.thucydides.core.requirements.model.Requirement; import net.thucydides.core.util.EnvironmentVariables; import net.thucydides.core.webdriver.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.*; import static net.thucydides.core.model.TestResult.*; import static net.thucydides.core.reports.matchers.TestOutcomeMatchers.*; import static; //import net.thucydides.core.statistics.HibernateTestStatisticsProvider; /** * A set of test outcomes, which lets you perform query operations on the test outcomes. * In particular, you can filter a set of test outcomes by tag type and by tag values. * Since these operations also return TestOutcomes, you can then further drill down into the test * outcome sets. * The TestOutcomes object will usually return a list of TestOutcome objects. You can also inject * statistics and test run history by using the withHistory() method. This will return a list * of TestOutcomeWithHistory instances. */ public class TestOutcomes { private final List<? extends TestOutcome> outcomes; private final Optional<TestOutcomes> rootOutcomes; private final double estimatedAverageStepCount; private final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables; private final RequirementsService requirementsService; /** * A label indicating where these tests come from (e.g. the tag, the result status, etc). */ private final String label; /** * Reference to the test statistics service provider, used to inject test history if required. */ private static final Integer DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_TOTAL_STEPS = 3; @Inject protected TestOutcomes(List<? extends TestOutcome> outcomes, double estimatedAverageStepCount, String label, TestOutcomes rootOutcomes, EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables) { this.outcomes = ImmutableList.copyOf(outcomes); this.estimatedAverageStepCount = estimatedAverageStepCount; this.label = label; this.rootOutcomes = Optional.fromNullable(rootOutcomes); this.environmentVariables = environmentVariables; this.requirementsService = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(RequirementsService.class); } protected TestOutcomes(List<? extends TestOutcome> outcomes, double estimatedAverageStepCount, String label) { this(outcomes, estimatedAverageStepCount, label, null, Injectors.getInjector().getProvider(EnvironmentVariables.class).get() ); } protected TestOutcomes(List<? extends TestOutcome> outcomes, double estimatedAverageStepCount) { this(outcomes, estimatedAverageStepCount, ""); } public TestOutcomes withLabel(String label) { return new TestOutcomes(this.outcomes, this.estimatedAverageStepCount, label); } public TestOutcomes havingResult(String result) { return havingResult(TestResult.valueOf(result.toUpperCase())); } public TestOutcomes havingResult(TestResult result) { return TestOutcomes.of(filter(withResult(result), outcomes)) .withLabel(labelForTestsWithStatus( .withRootOutcomes(getRootOutcomes()); } public static TestOutcomes of(List<? extends TestOutcome> outcomes) { return new TestOutcomes(outcomes, Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(Configuration.class).getEstimatedAverageStepCount()); } private static List<TestOutcome> NO_OUTCOMES = ImmutableList.of(); public static TestOutcomes withNoResults() { return new TestOutcomes(NO_OUTCOMES, Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(Configuration.class).getEstimatedAverageStepCount()); } public String getLabel() { return label; } /** * @return The list of all of the different tag types that appear in the test outcomes. */ public List<String> getTagTypes() { Set<String> tagTypes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { addTagTypesFrom(outcome, tagTypes); } return sort(ImmutableList.copyOf(tagTypes), on(String.class)); } public List<String> getFirstClassTagTypes() { Set<String> tagTypes = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { addTagTypesFrom(outcome, tagTypes); } tagTypes.remove("version"); tagTypes.removeAll(getRequirementTagTypes()); return sort(ImmutableList.copyOf(tagTypes), on(String.class)); } public List<String> getRequirementTagTypes() { List<String> tagTypes = Lists.newArrayList(); List<String> candidateTagTypes = requirementsService.getRequirementTypes(); for(String tagType : candidateTagTypes) { if (getTagTypes().contains(tagType)) { tagTypes.add(tagType); } } return ImmutableList.copyOf(tagTypes); } /** * @return The list of all the names of the different tags in these test outcomes */ public List<String> getTagNames() { Set<String> tags = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { addTagNamesFrom(outcome, tags); } return sort(ImmutableList.copyOf(tags), on(String.class)); } private void addTagNamesFrom(TestOutcome outcome, Set<String> tags) { for (TestTag tag : outcome.getTags()) { String normalizedForm = tag.getName().toLowerCase(); if (!tags.contains(normalizedForm)) { tags.add(normalizedForm); } } } private void addTagTypesFrom(TestOutcome outcome, Set<String> tags) { for (TestTag tag : outcome.getTags()) { String normalizedForm = tag.getType().toLowerCase(); if (!tags.contains(normalizedForm)) { tags.add(normalizedForm); } } } /** * @return The list of all the different tags in these test outcomes */ public List<TestTag> getTags() { Set<TestTag> tags = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { tags.addAll(outcome.getTags()); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(tags); } /** * @return The list of all the tags associated with a given tag type. */ public List<TestTag> getTagsOfType(String tagType) { Set<TestTag> tags = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { tags.addAll(tagsOfType(tagType).in(outcome)); } return sort(ImmutableList.copyOf(tags), on(String.class)); } /** * @return The list of all the tags associated with a given tag type. */ public List<TestTag> getMostSpecificTagsOfType(String tagType) { Set<TestTag> tags = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { List<TestTag> mostSpecificOutcomeTags = removeGeneralTagsFrom(tagsOfType(tagType).in(outcome)); tags.addAll(mostSpecificOutcomeTags); } return sort(ImmutableList.copyOf(tags), on(String.class)); } private List<TestTag> removeGeneralTagsFrom(List<TestTag> tags) { List<TestTag> specificTags = Lists.newArrayList(); for(TestTag tag : tags) { if (!moreSpecificTagExists(tag, tags)) { specificTags.add(tag); } } return specificTags; } private boolean moreSpecificTagExists(TestTag generalTag, List<TestTag> tags) { for(TestTag tag : tags) { if (tag.getName().endsWith("/" + generalTag.getName())) { return true; } } return false; } public List<TestTag> getTagsOfTypeExcluding(String tagType, String excludedTag) { Set<TestTag> tags = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { List<TestTag> allTagsOfType = removeGeneralTagsFrom(tagsOfType(tagType).in(outcome)); allTagsOfType = removeExcluded(allTagsOfType, excludedTag); tags.addAll(allTagsOfType); } return sort(ImmutableList.copyOf(tags), on(String.class)); } private List<TestTag> removeExcluded(List<TestTag> allTagsOfType, String excludedTag) { List<TestTag> tags = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestTag tag: allTagsOfType) { if (!tag.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(excludedTag)) { tags.add(tag); } } return tags; } private TagFinder tagsOfType(String tagType) { return new TagFinder(tagType); } public TestOutcomes getRootOutcomes() { return rootOutcomes.or(this); } public TestOutcomes forRequirement(Requirement requirement) { return withTag(requirement.asTag()); } public boolean containsTag(TestTag testTag) { return getTags().contains(testTag); } public DateTime getStartTime() { return min(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getStartTime()); } public TestOutcomes ofType(TestType testType) { List<TestOutcome> filteredOutcomes = Lists.newArrayList(); for(TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { if (outcome.typeCompatibleWith(testType)) { filteredOutcomes.add(outcome); } } return TestOutcomes.of(filteredOutcomes); } public TestOutcomes withRequirementsTags() { List<TestOutcome> testOutcomesWithRequirements = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { Set<TestTag> outcomeTags = Sets.newHashSet(outcome.getTags()); List<Requirement> parentRequirements = requirementsService.getAncestorRequirementsFor(outcome); for(Requirement requirement : parentRequirements) { outcomeTags.add(requirement.asTag()); } testOutcomesWithRequirements.add(outcome.withTags(outcomeTags)); } return new TestOutcomes(testOutcomesWithRequirements, estimatedAverageStepCount, label, rootOutcomes.orNull(), environmentVariables); } private class TagFinder { private final String tagType; private TagFinder(String tagType) { this.tagType = tagType; } List<TestTag> in(TestOutcome testOutcome) { List<TestTag> matchingTags = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestTag tag : testOutcome.getTags()) { if (tag.getType().compareToIgnoreCase(tagType) == 0) { matchingTags.add(tag); } } return matchingTags; } } /** * Find the test outcomes with a given tag type * * @param tagType the tag type we are filtering on * @return A new set of test outcomes for this tag type */ public TestOutcomes withTagType(String tagType) { return TestOutcomes.of(filter(havingTagType(tagType), outcomes)).withLabel(tagType).withRootOutcomes(this.getRootOutcomes()); } private TestOutcomes withRootOutcomes(TestOutcomes rootOutcomes) { return new TestOutcomes(this.outcomes, this.estimatedAverageStepCount, this.label, rootOutcomes, environmentVariables); } /** * Find the test outcomes with a given tag name * * @param tagName the name of the tag type we are filtering on * @return A new set of test outcomes for this tag name */ public TestOutcomes withTag(String tagName) { return TestOutcomes.of(filter(havingTagName(tagName), outcomes)).withLabel(tagName).withRootOutcomes(getRootOutcomes()); } public TestOutcomes withTag(TestTag tag) { List<? extends TestOutcome> matchingTags = matchingOutcomes(outcomes, tag); return TestOutcomes.of(matchingTags).withLabel(tag.getName()).withRootOutcomes(getRootOutcomes()); } public TestOutcomes withTags(List<TestTag> tags) { List<TestOutcome> filteredOutcomes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestTag tag : tags) { filteredOutcomes.addAll(matchingOutcomes(outcomes, tag)); } return TestOutcomes.of(filteredOutcomes); } private List<? extends TestOutcome> matchingOutcomes(List<? extends TestOutcome> outcomes, TestTag tag) { List<TestOutcome> matchingOutcomes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { if (isAnIssue(tag) && (outcome.hasIssue(tag.getName()))) { matchingOutcomes.add(outcome); } if (outcome.hasTag(tag)) { matchingOutcomes.add(outcome); } } return matchingOutcomes; } private boolean isAnIssue(TestTag tag) { return tag.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("issue"); } /** * Return a copy of the current test outcomes, with test run history and statistics. * * @return a TestOutcome instance containing a list of TestOutcomeWithHistory instances. */ public TestOutcomes withHistory() { return TestOutcomes.of(convert(outcomes, toOutcomesWithHistory())); } private Converter<TestOutcome, TestOutcome> toOutcomesWithHistory() { return new Converter<TestOutcome, TestOutcome>() { public TestOutcome convert(TestOutcome testOutcome) { // TODO: Here's where the stats go //TestStatistics statistics = testStatisticsProvider.statisticsForTests(With.title(testOutcome.getTitle())); //testOutcome.setStatistics(statistics); return testOutcome; } }; } /** * Find the failing test outcomes in this set * * @return A new set of test outcomes containing only the failing tests */ public TestOutcomes getFailingTests() { return TestOutcomes.of(filter(withResult(TestResult.FAILURE), outcomes)) .withLabel(labelForTestsWithStatus("failing tests")) .withRootOutcomes(getRootOutcomes()); } public TestOutcomes getErrorTests() { return TestOutcomes.of(filter(withResult(TestResult.ERROR), outcomes)) .withLabel(labelForTestsWithStatus("failing tests")) .withRootOutcomes(getRootOutcomes()); } private String labelForTestsWithStatus(String status) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(label)) { return status; } else { return label + " (" + status + ")"; } } /** * Find the successful test outcomes in this set * * @return A new set of test outcomes containing only the successful tests */ public TestOutcomes getPassingTests() { return TestOutcomes.of(filter(withResult(TestResult.SUCCESS), outcomes)) .withLabel(labelForTestsWithStatus("passing tests")) .withRootOutcomes(getRootOutcomes()); } /** * Find the pending or ignored test outcomes in this set * * @return A new set of test outcomes containing only the pending or ignored tests */ public TestOutcomes getPendingTests() { List<TestOutcome> pendingOrSkippedOutcomes = outcomesWithResults(outcomes, PENDING, SKIPPED); return TestOutcomes.of(pendingOrSkippedOutcomes) .withLabel(labelForTestsWithStatus("pending tests")) .withRootOutcomes(getRootOutcomes()); } private List<TestOutcome> outcomesWithResults(List<? extends TestOutcome> outcomes, TestResult... possibleResults) { List<TestOutcome> validOutcomes = Lists.newArrayList(); List<TestResult> possibleResultsList = Arrays.asList(possibleResults); for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { if (possibleResultsList.contains(outcome.getResult())) { validOutcomes.add(outcome); } } return validOutcomes; } /** * @return The list of TestOutcomes contained in this test outcome set. */ public List<? extends TestOutcome> getTests() { return sort(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getTitle()); } /** * @return The total duration of all of the tests in this set in milliseconds. */ public Long getDuration() { Long total = 0L; for (TestOutcome outcome : outcomes) { total += outcome.getDuration(); } return total; } /** * @return The total duration of all of the tests in this set in milliseconds. */ public double getDurationInSeconds() { return TestDuration.of(getDuration()).inSeconds(); } /** * @return The total number of test runs in this set (including rows in data-driven tests). */ public int getTotal() { return sum(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getTestCount()); } /** * The total number of test scenarios (a data-driven test is counted as one test scenario). */ public int getTotalTestScenarios() { return outcomes.size(); } public List<? extends TestOutcome> getOutcomes() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(outcomes); } /** * @return The overall result for the tests in this test outcome set. */ public TestResult getResult() { TestResultList testResults = TestResultList.of(getCurrentTestResults()); return testResults.getOverallResult(); } private List<TestResult> getCurrentTestResults() { return convert(outcomes, toTestResults()); } private Converter<? extends TestOutcome, TestResult> toTestResults() { return new Converter<TestOutcome, TestResult>() { public TestResult convert(final TestOutcome step) { return step.getResult(); } }; } /** * @return The total number of nested steps in these test outcomes. */ public int getStepCount() { return sum(extract(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getNestedStepCount())).intValue(); } /** * @param testType 'manual' or 'automated' (this is a string because it is mainly called from the freemarker templates */ public int successCount(String testType) { return sum(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).countResults(SUCCESS, TestType.valueOf(testType.toUpperCase()))); } public OutcomeCounter getTotalTests() { return count(TestType.ANY); } public OutcomeCounter count(String testType) { return count(TestType.valueOf(testType.toUpperCase())); } public OutcomeCounter count(TestType testType) { return new OutcomeCounter(testType, this); } public OutcomeProportionCounter getProportion() { return proportionOf(TestType.ANY); } public OutcomeProportionCounter proportionOf(String testType) { return proportionOf(TestType.valueOf(testType.toUpperCase())); } public OutcomeProportionCounter proportionOf(TestType testType) { return new OutcomeProportionCounter(testType); } public class OutcomeProportionCounter extends TestOutcomeCounter { public OutcomeProportionCounter(TestType testType) { super(testType); } public Double withResult(String expectedResult) { return withResult(TestResult.valueOf(expectedResult.toUpperCase())); } public Double withResult(TestResult testResult) { int matchingTestCount = countTestsWithResult(testResult, testType); return (getTotal() == 0) ? 0 : (matchingTestCount / (double) getTotal()); } public Double withIndeterminateResult() { int pendingCount = countTestsWithResult(TestResult.PENDING, testType); int ignoredCount = countTestsWithResult(TestResult.IGNORED, testType); int skippedCount = countTestsWithResult(TestResult.SKIPPED, testType); return (getTotal() == 0) ? 0 : ((pendingCount + skippedCount + ignoredCount) / (double) getTotal()); } public Double withFailureOrError() { return withResult(TestResult.FAILURE) + withResult(TestResult.ERROR); } } public OutcomeProportionStepCounter getPercentSteps() { return proportionalStepsOf(TestType.ANY); } public OutcomeProportionStepCounter proportionalStepsOf(String testType) { return proportionalStepsOf(TestType.valueOf(testType.toUpperCase())); } public OutcomeProportionStepCounter proportionalStepsOf(TestType testType) { return new OutcomeProportionStepCounter(testType); } public OutcomeProportionStepCounter decimalPercentageSteps(String testType) { return new OutcomeProportionStepCounter(TestType.valueOf(testType.toUpperCase())); } public class OutcomeProportionStepCounter extends TestOutcomeCounter { public OutcomeProportionStepCounter(TestType testType) { super(testType); } public Double withResult(String expectedResult) { return withResult(TestResult.valueOf(expectedResult.toUpperCase())); } public Double withResult(TestResult expectedResult) { int matchingStepCount = countStepsWithResult(expectedResult, testType); return (matchingStepCount / (double) getEstimatedTotalStepCount()); } public Double withIndeterminateResult() { int pendingCount = countStepsWithResult(TestResult.PENDING, testType); int ignoredCount = countStepsWithResult(TestResult.IGNORED, testType); int skippedCount = countStepsWithResult(TestResult.SKIPPED, testType); return ((pendingCount + skippedCount + ignoredCount) / (double) getEstimatedTotalStepCount()); } } public TestCoverageFormatter.FormattedPercentageStepCoverage getFormattedPercentageSteps() { return new TestCoverageFormatter(this).getPercentSteps(); } public TestCoverageFormatter.FormattedPercentageCoverage getFormattedPercentage() { return new TestCoverageFormatter(this).getPercentTests(); } public TestCoverageFormatter.FormattedPercentageCoverage getFormattedPercentage(String testType) { this.getFormattedPercentage().withIndeterminateResult(); return new TestCoverageFormatter(this).percentTests(testType); } public TestCoverageFormatter.FormattedPercentageCoverage getFormattedPercentage(TestType testType) { return new TestCoverageFormatter(this).percentTests(testType); } /** * @return Formatted version of the test coverage metrics */ public TestCoverageFormatter getFormatted() { return new TestCoverageFormatter(this); } private int countStepsWithResult(TestResult expectedResult, TestType testType) { int stepCount = sum(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).countNestedStepsWithResult(expectedResult, testType)); if ((stepCount == 0) && aMatchingTestExists(expectedResult, testType)) { return (int) Math.round(getAverageTestSize()); } return stepCount; } private boolean aMatchingTestExists(TestResult expectedResult, TestType testType) { return (countTestsWithResult(expectedResult, testType) > 0); } protected int countTestsWithResult(TestResult expectedResult, TestType testType) { return sum(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).countResults(expectedResult, testType)); } private Integer getEstimatedTotalStepCount() { int estimatedTotalSteps = (getStepCount() + estimatedUnimplementedStepCount()); return (estimatedTotalSteps == 0) ? DEFAULT_ESTIMATED_TOTAL_STEPS : estimatedTotalSteps; } private Integer estimatedUnimplementedStepCount() { return (int) (Math.round(getAverageTestSize() * totalUnimplementedTests())); } public double getAverageTestSize() { if (totalImplementedTests() > 0) { return ((double) getStepCount()) / totalImplementedTests(); } else { return estimatedAverageStepCount; } } public double getRecentStability() { if (outcomes.isEmpty()) { return 0.0; } else { return sum(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getRecentStability()) / getTestCount(); } } public double getOverallStability() { if (outcomes.isEmpty()) { return 0.0; } else { return sum(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getOverallStability()) / getTestCount(); } } private int totalUnimplementedTests() { return getTotal() - totalImplementedTests(); } public int getTestCount() { return sum(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getTestCount()); } private int totalImplementedTests() { return sum(outcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getImplementedTestCount()); } public boolean hasDataDrivenTests() { return !filter(having(on(TestOutcome.class).isDataDriven(), is(true)), outcomes).isEmpty(); } public int getTotalDataRows() { List<? extends TestOutcome> datadrivenTestOutcomes = filter(having(on(TestOutcome.class).isDataDriven(), is(true)), outcomes); return sum(datadrivenTestOutcomes, on(TestOutcome.class).getDataTable().getSize()); } public TestOutcomeMatcher findMatchingTags() { return new TestOutcomeMatcher(this); } public final class TestOutcomeMatcher { private final TestOutcomes outcomes; private Optional<List<Matcher<String>>> nameMatcher = Optional.absent(); private Optional<Matcher<String>> typeMatcher = Optional.absent(); public TestOutcomeMatcher(TestOutcomes outcomes) { this.outcomes = outcomes; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public TestOutcomeMatcher withName(Matcher<String> nameMatcher) { List<Matcher<String>> matchers = Lists.newArrayList(nameMatcher); this.nameMatcher = Optional.of(matchers); return this; } public TestOutcomeMatcher withNameIn(List<Matcher<String>> nameMatchers) { List<Matcher<String>> matchers = Lists.newArrayList(nameMatchers); this.nameMatcher = Optional.of(matchers); return this; } public TestOutcomeMatcher withName(String name) { return withName(is(name)); } public TestOutcomeMatcher withType(Matcher<String> typeMatcher) { this.typeMatcher = Optional.of(typeMatcher); return this; } public TestOutcomeMatcher withType(String type) { return withType(is(type)); } public List<TestTag> list() { List<TestTag> matches = Lists.newArrayList(); for(TestTag tag : outcomes.getTags()) { if (compatibleTag(tag)) { matches.add(tag); } } Collections.sort(matches); return matches; } private boolean compatibleTag(TestTag tag) { if (nameMatcher.isPresent()) { if (!matches(tag.getName(), nameMatcher.get())) { return false; } } if (typeMatcher.isPresent()) { if (!typeMatcher.get().matches(tag.getType())) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean matches(String name, List<Matcher<String>> matchers) { for(Matcher<String> match : matchers) { if (match.matches(name)) { return true; } } return false; } } }