package net.thucydides.core.reports.html; import; import; import; import net.thucydides.core.ThucydidesSystemProperty; import net.thucydides.core.guice.Injectors; import net.thucydides.core.issues.IssueTracking; import net.thucydides.core.reports.renderer.Asciidoc; import net.thucydides.core.reports.renderer.MarkupRenderer; import net.thucydides.core.util.EnvironmentVariables; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.AggregateTranslator; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.CharSequenceTranslator; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.EntityArrays; import org.apache.commons.lang3.text.translate.LookupTranslator; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.join; /** * Format text for HTML reports. * In particular, this integrates JIRA links into the generated reports. */ public class Formatter { private final static String ISSUE_NUMBER_REGEXP = "#([A-Z][A-Z0-9-_]*)?-?\\d+"; private final static Pattern shortIssueNumberPattern = Pattern.compile(ISSUE_NUMBER_REGEXP); private final static String FULL_ISSUE_NUMBER_REGEXP = "([A-Z][A-Z0-9-_]*)-\\d+"; private final static Pattern fullIssueNumberPattern = Pattern.compile(FULL_ISSUE_NUMBER_REGEXP); private final static String ISSUE_LINK_FORMAT = "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"{0}\">{1}</a>"; private static final String ELIPSE = "…"; private static final String ASCIIDOC = "asciidoc"; private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private final IssueTracking issueTracking; private final EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables; private final MarkupRenderer asciidocRenderer; @Inject public Formatter(IssueTracking issueTracking, EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables) { this.issueTracking = issueTracking; this.environmentVariables = environmentVariables; this.asciidocRenderer = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(Key.get(MarkupRenderer.class, Asciidoc.class)); } public Formatter(IssueTracking issueTracking) { this(issueTracking, Injectors.getInjector().getProvider(EnvironmentVariables.class).get() ); } public String renderAsciidoc(String text) { return stripNewLines(asciidocRenderer.render(text)); } private String stripNewLines(String render) { return render.replaceAll("\n",""); } public String stripQualifications(String title) { if (title.contains("[")) { return title.substring(0,title.lastIndexOf("[")); } else { return title; } } static class IssueExtractor { private String workingCopy; IssueExtractor(String initialValue) { this.workingCopy = initialValue; } public List<String> getShortenedIssues() { Matcher matcher = shortIssueNumberPattern.matcher(workingCopy); ArrayList<String> issues = Lists.newArrayList(); while (matcher.find()) { String issue =; issues.add(issue); workingCopy = workingCopy.replaceFirst(issue, ""); } return issues; } public List<String> getFullIssues() { Matcher unhashedMatcher = fullIssueNumberPattern.matcher(workingCopy); ArrayList<String> issues = Lists.newArrayList(); while (unhashedMatcher.find()) { String issue =; issues.add(issue); workingCopy = workingCopy.replaceFirst(issue, ""); } return issues; } } public static List<String> issuesIn(final String value) { IssueExtractor extractor = new IssueExtractor(value); List<String> issuesWithHash = extractor.getShortenedIssues(); List<String> allIssues = extractor.getFullIssues(); allIssues.addAll(issuesWithHash); return allIssues; } public String addLinks(final String value) { if (issueTracking == null) { return value; } String formattedValue = value; if (issueTracking.getIssueTrackerUrl() != null) { formattedValue = insertFullIssueTrackingUrls(value); } if (issueTracking.getShortenedIssueTrackerUrl() != null) { formattedValue = insertShortenedIssueTrackingUrls(formattedValue); } return formattedValue; } public String renderDescription(final String text) { String format = environmentVariables.getProperty(ThucydidesSystemProperty.NARRATIVE_FORMAT,""); if (isRenderedHtml(text)) { return text; } else if (format.equalsIgnoreCase(ASCIIDOC)) { return renderAsciidoc(text); } else { return addLineBreaks(text); } } private boolean isRenderedHtml(String text) { return (text != null) && (text.startsWith("<")); } public String addLineBreaks(final String text) { return (text != null) ? text.replaceAll(IOUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR_WINDOWS, "<br>").replaceAll(IOUtils.LINE_SEPARATOR_UNIX, "<br>") : ""; } public String convertAnyTables(String text) { text = convertNonStandardNLChars(text); if (shouldFormatEmbeddedTables() && containsEmbeddedTable(text)) { text = withTablesReplaced(text); } return text; } private String withTablesReplaced(String text) { List<String> unformattedTables = getEmbeddedTablesIn(text); for(String unformattedTable : unformattedTables) { // String unformattedTable = getFirstEmbeddedTable(text); ExampleTable table = new ExampleTable(unformattedTable); text = text.replace(unformattedTable, table.inHtmlFormat()); } text = text.replaceAll(newLineUsedIn(text), "<br>"); return text; } private String convertNonStandardNLChars(String text) { text = StringUtils.replace(text, "\r␤", NEW_LINE); return StringUtils.replace(text, "␤", NEW_LINE); } private boolean shouldFormatEmbeddedTables() { return !environmentVariables.getPropertyAsBoolean(ThucydidesSystemProperty.IGNORE_EMBEDDED_TABLES, false); } private boolean containsEmbeddedTable(String text) { return ((positionOfFirstPipeIn(text) >= 0) && (positionOfLastPipeIn(text) >= 0)); } private int positionOfLastPipeIn(String text) { return text.indexOf("|", positionOfFirstPipeIn(text) + 1); } private int positionOfFirstPipeIn(String text) { return text.indexOf("|"); } private List<String> getEmbeddedTablesIn(String text) { List<String> embeddedTables = Lists.newArrayList(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text)); StringBuffer tableText = new StringBuffer(); boolean inTable = false; String newLine = newLineUsedIn(text); try { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!inTable && line.contains("|")){ // start of a table inTable = true; } else if (inTable && !line.contains("|") && !(isBlank(line))){ // end of a table embeddedTables.add(tableText.toString().trim()); tableText = new StringBuffer(); inTable = false; } if (inTable) { tableText.append(line).append(newLine); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not process embedded table", e); } if (!tableText.toString().isEmpty()) { embeddedTables.add(tableText.toString().trim()); } return embeddedTables; } private String getFirstEmbeddedTable(String text) { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text)); StringBuffer tableText = new StringBuffer(); boolean inTable = false; String newLine = newLineUsedIn(text); try { String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (!inTable && line.contains("|")){ inTable = true; } else if (inTable && !line.contains("|") && !(isBlank(line))){ break; } if (inTable) { tableText.append(line).append(newLine); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not process embedded table", e); } return tableText.toString().trim(); } private boolean isBlank(String line) { return (StringUtils.isBlank(line.trim())); } private String newLineUsedIn(String text) { if (text.contains("\r\n")) { return "\r\n"; } else if (text.contains("\n")) { return "\n"; } else if (text.contains("\r")) { return "\r"; } else { return NEW_LINE; } } private final CharSequenceTranslator ESCAPE_SPECIAL_CHARS = new AggregateTranslator( new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.ISO8859_1_ESCAPE()), new LookupTranslator(EntityArrays.HTML40_EXTENDED_ESCAPE()) ); public String htmlCompatible(Object fieldValue) { return addLineBreaks(ESCAPE_SPECIAL_CHARS.translate(fieldValue != null ? stringFormOf(fieldValue) : "")); } private String stringFormOf(Object fieldValue) { if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(fieldValue.getClass())) { return "[" + join(fieldValue) + "]"; } else { return fieldValue.toString(); } } public String truncatedHtmlCompatible(String text, int length) { return addLineBreaks(ESCAPE_SPECIAL_CHARS.translate(truncate(text, length))); } private String truncate(String text, int length) { if (text.length() > length) { return text.substring(0, length).trim() + ELIPSE; } else { return text; } } private String replaceWithTokens(String value, List<String> issues) { List<String> sortedIssues = inOrderOfDecreasingLength(issues); for(int i = 0; i < sortedIssues.size(); i++) { value = value.replaceAll(sortedIssues.get(i), "%%%" + i + "%%%"); } return value; } private List<String> inOrderOfDecreasingLength(List<String> issues) { List<String> sortedIssues = Lists.newArrayList(issues); Collections.sort(sortedIssues, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return o2.length() - o1.length(); } }); return sortedIssues; } public static List<String> shortenedIssuesIn(String value) { IssueExtractor extractor = new IssueExtractor(value); return extractor.getShortenedIssues(); } public static List<String> fullIssuesIn(String value) { IssueExtractor extractor = new IssueExtractor(value); return extractor.getFullIssues(); } private String insertShortenedIssueTrackingUrls(String value) { String issueUrlFormat = issueTracking.getShortenedIssueTrackerUrl(); List<String> issues = sortByDecreasingSize(shortenedIssuesIn(value)); String formattedValue = replaceWithTokens(value, issues); int i = 0; for (String issue : issues) { String issueUrl = MessageFormat.format(issueUrlFormat, stripLeadingHashFrom(issue)); String issueLink = MessageFormat.format(ISSUE_LINK_FORMAT, issueUrl, issue); String token = "%%%" + i++ + "%%%"; formattedValue = formattedValue.replaceAll(token, issueLink); } return formattedValue; } private String insertFullIssueTrackingUrls(String value) { String issueUrlFormat = issueTracking.getIssueTrackerUrl(); List<String> issues = sortByDecreasingSize(fullIssuesIn(value)); String formattedValue = replaceWithTokens(value, issues); int i = 0; for (String issue : issues) { String issueUrl = MessageFormat.format(issueUrlFormat, issue); String issueLink = MessageFormat.format(ISSUE_LINK_FORMAT, issueUrl, issue); String token = "%%%" + i++ + "%%%"; formattedValue = formattedValue.replaceAll(token, issueLink); } return formattedValue; } private List<String> sortByDecreasingSize(List<String> issues) { List<String> sortedIssues = Lists.newArrayList(issues); Collections.sort(sortedIssues, new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String a, String b) { return new Integer(-a.length()).compareTo(new Integer(b.length())); } }); return sortedIssues; } public String formatWithFields(String textToFormat, List<String> fields) { String textWithEscapedFields = textToFormat; for (String field : fields) { textWithEscapedFields = textWithEscapedFields.replaceAll("<" + field + ">", "<" + field + ">"); } return addLineBreaks(removeMacros(convertAnyTables(textWithEscapedFields))); } private String removeMacros(String textToFormat) { return textToFormat.replaceAll("\\{trim=false\\}\\s*\\r?\\n",""); } private String stripLeadingHashFrom(final String issue) { return issue.substring(1); } }