package net.thucydides.core.annotations; import; import; import net.thucydides.core.model.TestTag; import net.thucydides.core.reports.html.Formatter; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.convert; import static net.thucydides.core.tags.TagConverters.fromStringValuesToTestTags; import static net.thucydides.core.tags.TagConverters.toTestTags; import static net.thucydides.core.util.NameConverter.withNoArguments; /** * Utility class used to help process annotations on tests and test steps. */ public class TestAnnotations { private final Class<?> testClass; private TestAnnotations(final Class<?> testClass) { this.testClass = testClass; } public static TestAnnotations forClass(final Class<?> testClass) { return new TestAnnotations(testClass); } public Optional<String> getAnnotatedTitleForMethod(final String methodName) { if ((testClass != null) && (testClassHasMethodCalled(methodName))) { return getAnnotatedTitle(methodName); } return Optional.absent(); } public boolean isPending(final String methodName) { Optional<Method> method = getMethodCalled(methodName); return method.isPresent() && isPending(method.get()); } public static boolean isPending(final Method method) { return method != null && (method.getAnnotation(Pending.class) != null); } public static boolean isIgnored(final Method method) { if (method != null) { return hasAnnotationCalled(method, "Ignore"); } return false; } public static boolean shouldSkipNested(Method method) { if (method != null) { Step stepAnnotation = method.getAnnotation(Step.class); return ((stepAnnotation != null) && (!stepAnnotation.callNestedMethods())); } return false; } private static boolean hasAnnotationCalled(Method method, String annotationName) { Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations(); for (Annotation annotation : annotations) { if (annotation.annotationType().getSimpleName().equals(annotationName)) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean isIgnored(final String methodName) { Optional<Method> method = getMethodCalled(methodName); return method.isPresent() && isIgnored(method.get()); } private Optional<String> getAnnotatedTitle(String methodName) { Optional<Method> testMethod = getMethodCalled(methodName); if (testMethod.isPresent()) { Title titleAnnotation = testMethod.get().getAnnotation(Title.class); if (titleAnnotation != null) { return Optional.of(titleAnnotation.value()); } } return Optional.absent(); } private boolean testClassHasMethodCalled(final String methodName) { return (getMethodCalled(methodName).isPresent()); } private Optional<Method> getMethodCalled(final String methodName) { if (testClass == null) { return Optional.absent(); } String baseMethodName = withNoArguments(methodName); try { if (baseMethodName == null) { return Optional.absent(); } else { return Optional.fromNullable(testClass.getMethod(baseMethodName)); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { return Optional.absent(); } } /** * Return a list of the issues mentioned in the title annotation of this method. */ public List<String> getAnnotatedIssuesForMethodTitle(String methodName) { Optional<String> title = getAnnotatedTitleForMethod(methodName); if (title.isPresent()) { return Formatter.issuesIn(title.get()); } else { return Formatter.issuesIn(methodName); } } public Optional<String> getAnnotatedIssue(String methodName) { Optional<Method> testMethod = getMethodCalled(methodName); if ((testMethod.isPresent()) && (testMethod.get().getAnnotation(Issue.class) != null)) { return Optional.of(testMethod.get().getAnnotation(Issue.class).value()); } return Optional.absent(); } private Optional<String> getAnnotatedVersion(String methodName) { Optional<Method> testMethod = getMethodCalled(methodName); if ((testMethod.isPresent()) && (testMethod.get().getAnnotation(Version.class) != null)) { return Optional.of(testMethod.get().getAnnotation(Version.class).value()); } return Optional.absent(); } private String[] getAnnotatedIssues(String methodName) { Optional<Method> testMethod = getMethodCalled(methodName); if ((testMethod.isPresent()) && (testMethod.get().getAnnotation(Issues.class) != null)) { return testMethod.get().getAnnotation(Issues.class).value(); } return new String[]{}; } /** * Return a list of the issues mentioned in the Issue annotation of this method. * @param methodName the name of the test method in the Java test class, if applicable. * returns */ public Optional<String> getAnnotatedIssueForMethod(String methodName) { return getAnnotatedIssue(methodName); } public Optional<String> getAnnotatedVersionForMethod(String methodName) { return getAnnotatedVersion(methodName); } public String[] getAnnotatedIssuesForMethod(String methodName) { return getAnnotatedIssues(methodName); } public String getAnnotatedIssueForTestCase(Class<?> testCase) { Issue issueAnnotation = testCase.getAnnotation(Issue.class); if (issueAnnotation != null) { return issueAnnotation.value(); } else { return null; } } public String getAnnotatedVersionForTestCase(Class<?> testCase) { Version versionAnnotation = testCase.getAnnotation(Version.class); if (versionAnnotation != null) { return versionAnnotation.value(); } else { return null; } } public String[] getAnnotatedIssuesForTestCase(Class<?> testCase) { Issues issueAnnotation = testCase.getAnnotation(Issues.class); if (issueAnnotation != null) { return issueAnnotation.value(); } else { return null; } } public List<String> getIssuesForMethod(String methodName) { List<String> issues = new ArrayList<String>(); if (testClass != null) { addIssuesFromMethod(methodName, issues); } else { addIssuesFromTestScenarioName(methodName, issues); } return issues; } private void addIssuesFromTestScenarioName(String methodName, List<String> issues) { issues.addAll(getAnnotatedIssuesForMethodTitle(methodName)); } private void addIssuesFromMethod(String methodName, List<String> issues) { if (getAnnotatedIssues(methodName) != null) { issues.addAll(Arrays.asList(getAnnotatedIssues(methodName))); } if (getAnnotatedIssue(methodName).isPresent()) { issues.add(getAnnotatedIssue(methodName).get()); } if (getAnnotatedTitle(methodName) != null) { addIssuesFromTestScenarioName(methodName, issues); } } public List<TestTag> getTagsForMethod(String methodName) { List<TestTag> allTags = new ArrayList<>(getTags()); allTags.addAll(getTagsFor(methodName)); return ImmutableList.copyOf(allTags); } public List<TestTag> getTags() { return getTags(testClass); } private List<TestTag> getTags(Class<?> testClass) { List<TestTag> tags = new ArrayList<>(); if (testClass != null) { addTagValues(tags, testClass.getAnnotation(WithTagValuesOf.class)); addTags(tags, testClass.getAnnotation(WithTags.class)); addTag(tags, testClass.getAnnotation(WithTag.class)); } if (testClass.getSuperclass() != Object.class) { tags.addAll(getTags(testClass.getSuperclass())); } return tags; } private void addTag(List<TestTag> tags, WithTag tagAnnotation) { if (tagAnnotation != null) { tags.add(convertToTestTag(tagAnnotation)); } } private void addTags(List<TestTag> tags, WithTags tagSet) { if (tagSet != null) { tags.addAll(convert(tagSet.value(), toTestTags())); } } private void addTagValues(List<TestTag> tags, WithTagValuesOf tagSet) { if (tagSet != null) { tags.addAll(convert(tagSet.value(), fromStringValuesToTestTags())); } } private List<TestTag> getTagsFor(String methodName) { List<TestTag> tags = new ArrayList<TestTag>(); Optional<Method> testMethod = getMethodCalled(methodName); if (testMethod.isPresent()) { addTagValues(tags, testMethod.get().getAnnotation(WithTagValuesOf.class)); addTags(tags, testMethod.get().getAnnotation(WithTags.class)); addTag(tags, testMethod.get().getAnnotation(WithTag.class)); } return tags; } public TestTag convertToTestTag(WithTag withTag) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(withTag.value())) { return TestTag.withName(; } else { return TestTag.withValue(withTag.value()); } } }