package net.thucydides.core.model; import ch.lambdaj.function.convert.Converter; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.thucydides.core.ThucydidesSystemProperty; import net.thucydides.core.annotations.TestAnnotations; import net.thucydides.core.guice.Injectors; import net.thucydides.core.images.SimpleImageInfo; import net.thucydides.core.issues.IssueTracking; import net.thucydides.core.model.features.ApplicationFeature; import net.thucydides.core.pages.SystemClock; import net.thucydides.core.reports.html.Formatter; import net.thucydides.core.reports.json.JSONConverter; import net.thucydides.core.reports.saucelabs.LinkGenerator; import net.thucydides.core.screenshots.ScreenshotAndHtmlSource; import net.thucydides.core.statistics.model.TestStatistics; import net.thucydides.core.statistics.service.TagProvider; import net.thucydides.core.statistics.service.TagProviderService; import net.thucydides.core.steps.StepFailure; import net.thucydides.core.steps.StepFailureException; import net.thucydides.core.util.EnvironmentVariables; import net.thucydides.core.util.NameConverter; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import javax.validation.constraints.NotNull; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static ch.lambdaj.Lambda.*; import static; import static; import static net.thucydides.core.model.ReportType.HTML; import static net.thucydides.core.model.ReportType.ROOT; import static net.thucydides.core.model.TestResult.*; import static net.thucydides.core.util.NameConverter.withNoArguments; import static org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import static; /** * Represents the results of a test (or "scenario") execution. This * includes the narrative steps taken during the test, screenshots at each step, * the results of each step, and the overall result. A test scenario * can be associated with a user story using the UserStory annotation. * * A TestOutcome is stored after a test is executed. When the aggregate reports * are generated, the test outcome files are loaded into memory and processed. * * @author johnsmart */ public class TestOutcome { private static final int RECENT_TEST_RUN_COUNT = 10; private static final String ISSUES = "issues"; private static final String NEW_LINE = System.getProperty("line.separator"); /** * The name of the method implementing this test. */ @NotNull private final String methodName; /** * The class containing the test method, if the test is implemented in a Java class. */ private final Class<?> testCase; private String testCaseName; /** * The list of steps recorded in this test execution. * Each step can contain other nested steps. */ private final List<TestStep> testSteps = new ArrayList<TestStep>(); /** * A test can be linked to the user story it tests using the Story annotation. */ private Story userStory; private String title; private String description; private String backgroundDescription; /** * */ private List<String> issues; private List<String> additionalIssues; private List<String> versions; private List<String> additionalVersions; private Set<TestTag> tags; /** * When did this test start. */ private DateTime startTime; /** * How long did it last in milliseconds. */ private long duration; /** * When did the current test batch start */ private DateTime testRunTimestamp; /** * Identifies the project associated with this test. */ private String project; private FailureCause testFailureCause; private String testFailureClassname; private String testFailureMessage; /** * Used to determine what result should be returned if there are no steps in this test. */ private TestResult annotatedResult = null; /** * Keeps track of step groups. * If not empty, the top of the stack contains the step corresponding to the current step group - new steps should * be added here. */ private Stack<TestStep> groupStack = new Stack<TestStep>(); private IssueTracking issueTracking; private EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables; /** * The session ID for this test, is a remote web driver was used. * If the tests are run on SauceLabs, this is used to generate a link to the corresponding report and video. */ private String sessionId; private LinkGenerator linkGenerator; /** * Test statistics, read from the statistics database. * This data is only loaded when required, and added to the TestOutcome using the corresponding setter. */ private TestStatistics statistics; /** * Returns a set of tag provider classes that are used to determine the tags to associate with a test outcome. */ private TagProviderService tagProviderService; /** * An optional qualifier used to distinguish different runs of this test in data-driven tests. */ private Optional<String> qualifier; /** * Used to store the table of examples used in an example-driven test outcome. */ private DataTable dataTable; /** * Indicates that this is an imported manual test. */ private boolean manual; private final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TestOutcome.class); /** * The title is immutable once set. For convenience, you can create a test * run directly with a title using this constructor. * @param methodName The name of the Java method that implements this test. */ public TestOutcome(final String methodName) { this(methodName, null); } public TestOutcome(final String methodName, final Class<?> testCase) { startTime = now(); this.methodName = methodName; this.testCase = testCase; this.testCaseName = nameOf(testCase); this.additionalIssues = Lists.newArrayList(); this.additionalVersions = Lists.newArrayList(); this.issueTracking = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(IssueTracking.class); this.linkGenerator = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(LinkGenerator.class); this.qualifier = Optional.absent(); if (testCase != null) { initializeStoryFrom(testCase); } } private String nameOf(Class<?> testCase) { if (testCase != null) { return testCase.getCanonicalName(); } else { return null; } } private TagProviderService getTagProviderService() { if (tagProviderService == null) { tagProviderService = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(TagProviderService.class); } return tagProviderService; } public TestOutcome usingIssueTracking(IssueTracking issueTracking) { this.issueTracking = issueTracking; return this; } public TestOutcome asManualTest() { this.manual = true; return this; } public void setEnvironmentVariables(EnvironmentVariables environmentVariables) { this.environmentVariables = environmentVariables; } public EnvironmentVariables getEnvironmentVariables() { if (environmentVariables == null) { environmentVariables = Injectors.getInjector().getProvider(EnvironmentVariables.class).get() ; } return environmentVariables; } /** * A test outcome should relate to a particular test class or user story class. * @param methodName The name of the Java method implementing this test, if the test is a JUnit or TestNG test (for example) * @param testCase The test class that contains this test method, if the test is a JUnit or TestNG test * @param userStory If the test is not implemented by a Java class (e.g. an easyb story), we may just use the Story class to * represent the story in which the test is implemented. */ protected TestOutcome(final String methodName, final Class<?> testCase, final Story userStory) { startTime = now(); this.methodName = methodName; this.testCase = testCase; this.testCaseName = nameOf(testCase); this.additionalIssues = Lists.newArrayList(); this.additionalVersions = Lists.newArrayList(); this.userStory = userStory; this.issueTracking = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(IssueTracking.class); this.linkGenerator = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(LinkGenerator.class); } protected TestOutcome(final DateTime startTime, final long duration, final String title, final String description, final String methodName, final Class<?> testCase, final List<TestStep> testSteps, final List<String> issues, final List<String> additionalIssues, final Set<TestTag> tags, final Story userStory, final FailureCause testFailureCause, final String testFailureClassname, final String testFailureMessage, final TestResult annotatedResult, final DataTable dataTable, final Optional<String> qualifier, final boolean manualTest) { this.startTime = startTime; this.duration = duration; this.title = title; this.description = description; this.methodName = methodName; this.testCase = testCase; this.testCaseName = nameOf(testCase); addSteps(testSteps); this.issues = removeDuplicates(issues); this.additionalVersions = removeDuplicates(additionalVersions); this.additionalIssues = additionalIssues; this.tags = tags; this.userStory = userStory; this.testFailureCause = testFailureCause; this.testFailureClassname = testFailureClassname; this.testFailureMessage = testFailureMessage; this.qualifier = qualifier; this.annotatedResult = annotatedResult; this.dataTable = dataTable; this.issueTracking = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(IssueTracking.class); this.linkGenerator = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(LinkGenerator.class); this.manual = manualTest; } private List<String> removeDuplicates(List<String> issues) { List<String> issuesWithNoDuplicates = Lists.newArrayList(); if (issues != null) { for(String issue : issues) { if (!issuesWithNoDuplicates.contains(issue)) { issuesWithNoDuplicates.add(issue); } } } return issuesWithNoDuplicates; } /** * Create a new test outcome instance for a given test class or user story. * @param methodName The name of the Java method implementing this test, * @param testCase The JUnit or TestNG test class that contains this test method * @return A new TestOutcome object for this test. */ public static TestOutcome forTest(final String methodName, final Class<?> testCase) { return new TestOutcome(methodName, testCase); } public TestOutcome withQualifier(String qualifier) { if (qualifier != null) { return new TestOutcome(this.startTime, this.duration, this.title, this.description, this.methodName, this.testCase, this.testSteps, this.issues, this.additionalIssues, this.tags, this.userStory, this.testFailureCause, this.testFailureClassname, this.testFailureMessage, this.annotatedResult, this.dataTable, Optional.fromNullable(qualifier), this.manual); } else { return this; } } public TestOutcome withIssues(List<String> issues) { return new TestOutcome(this.startTime, this.duration, this.title, this.description, this.methodName, this.testCase, this.testSteps, ImmutableList.copyOf(issues), this.additionalIssues, this.tags, this.userStory, this.testFailureCause, this.testFailureClassname, this.testFailureMessage, this.annotatedResult, this.dataTable, this.qualifier, this.manual); } public TestOutcome withTags(Set<TestTag> tags) { return new TestOutcome(this.startTime, this.duration, this.title, this.description, this.methodName, this.testCase, this.testSteps, issues, this.additionalIssues, ImmutableSet.copyOf(tags), this.userStory, this.testFailureCause, this.testFailureClassname, this.testFailureMessage, this.annotatedResult, this.dataTable, this.qualifier, this.manual); } public TestOutcome withMethodName(String methodName) { if (methodName != null) { return new TestOutcome(this.startTime, this.duration, this.title, this.description, methodName, this.testCase, this.getTestSteps(), this.issues, this.additionalIssues, this.tags, this.userStory, this.testFailureCause, this.testFailureClassname, this.testFailureMessage, this.annotatedResult, this.dataTable, this.qualifier, this.manual); } else { return this; } } private void initializeStoryFrom(final Class<?> testCase) { Story story; if (Story.testedInTestCase(testCase) != null) { story = Story.from(Story.testedInTestCase(testCase)); } else { story = Story.from(testCase); } setUserStory(story); } /** * @return The name of the Java method implementing this test, if the test is implemented in Java. */ public String getMethodName() { return methodName; } public static TestOutcome forTestInStory(final String testName, final Story story) { return new TestOutcome(testName, null, story); } public static TestOutcome forTestInStory(final String testName, final Class<?> testCase, final Story story) { return new TestOutcome(testName, testCase, story); } @Override public String toString() { return getTitle() + ":" + join(extract(testSteps, on(TestStep.class).toString())); } /** * Return the human-readable name for this test. * This is derived from the test name for tests using a Java implementation, or can also be defined using * the Title annotation. * * @return the human-readable name for this test. */ public String getTitle() { return getTitle(true); } public String getTitle(boolean qualified) { if (title == null) { return (qualified) ? obtainQualifiedTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName() : getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName(); } else { return (qualified) ? title : getFormatter().stripQualifications(title); } } public TitleBuilder getUnqualified() { return new TitleBuilder(this, false); } public TitleBuilder getQualified() { return new TitleBuilder(this, true); } public void setAllStepsTo(TestResult result) { for(TestStep step : testSteps) { step.setResult(result); } } public void setAllStepsTo(List<TestStep> steps, TestResult result) { for(TestStep step : steps) { step.setResult(result); if (step.hasChildren()) { setAllStepsTo(step.getChildren(), result); } } } public class TitleBuilder { private final boolean qualified; private final TestOutcome testOutcome; public TitleBuilder(TestOutcome testOutcome, boolean qualified) { this.testOutcome = testOutcome; this.qualified = qualified; } public String getTitleWithLinks() { return getFormatter().addLinks(getTitle()); } public String getTitle() { return testOutcome.getTitle(qualified); } } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public void setBackgroundDescription(String description) { this.backgroundDescription = description; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public String getBackgroundDescription() { return backgroundDescription; } /** * Tests may have a description. * This can be defined with the scenarios (e.g. in the .feature files for Cucumber) * or defined elsewhere, such as in JIRA for manual tests. */ public Optional<String> getDescriptionText() { if (getDescription() != null) { return Optional.of(description); } else if (title != null) { return getDescriptionFrom(title); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } private Optional<String> getDescriptionFrom(String storedTitle) { List<String> multilineTitle = Lists.newArrayList(Splitter.on(Pattern.compile("\r?\n")).split(storedTitle)); if (multilineTitle.size() > 1) { multilineTitle.remove(0); return Optional.of(Joiner.on(NEW_LINE).join(multilineTitle)); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } public String toJson() { JSONConverter jsonConverter = Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(JSONConverter.class); try(ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { jsonConverter.toJson(this, outputStream); return outputStream.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { return ""; } } public String getTitleWithLinks() { return getFormatter().addLinks(getTitle()); } private Formatter getFormatter() { return new Formatter(issueTracking); } private String obtainQualifiedTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName() { if ((qualifier != null) && (qualifier.isPresent())) { return qualified(getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName()); } else { return getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName(); } } private String obtainUnqualifiedTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName() { return getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName(); } private String getBaseTitleFromAnnotationOrMethodName() { Optional<String> annotatedTitle = TestAnnotations.forClass(testCase).getAnnotatedTitleForMethod(methodName); return annotatedTitle.or(NameConverter.humanize(withNoArguments(methodName))); } private String qualified(String rootTitle) { return rootTitle + " [" + qualifier.get() + "]"; } public String getStoryTitle() { return (userStory != null) ? getTitleFrom(userStory) : ""; } public String getPath() { if (userStory != null) { return userStory.getPath(); } else { return null; } } public String getPathId() { if (userStory != null) { return userStory.getId(); } else { return getPath(); } } private String getTitleFrom(final Story userStory) { return userStory.getName() == null ? "" : userStory.getName(); } public String getReportName(final ReportType type) { return ReportNamer.forReportType(type).getNormalizedTestNameFor(this); } public String getSimpleReportName(final ReportType type) { ReportNamer reportNamer = ReportNamer.forReportType(type); return reportNamer.getSimpleTestNameFor(this); } public String getHtmlReport() { return getReportName(HTML); } public String getReportName() { return getReportName(ROOT); } public String getScreenshotReportName() { return getReportName(ROOT) + "_screenshots"; } /** * An acceptance test is made up of a series of steps. Each step is in fact * a small test, which follows on from the previous one. The outcome of the * acceptance test as a whole depends on the outcome of all of the steps. * @return A list of top-level test steps for this test. */ public List<TestStep> getTestSteps() { return ImmutableList.copyOf(testSteps); } public boolean hasScreenshots() { return !getScreenshots().isEmpty(); } public List<ScreenshotAndHtmlSource> getScreenshotAndHtmlSources() { List<TestStep> testStepsWithScreenshots = select(getFlattenedTestSteps(), having(on(TestStep.class).needsScreenshots())); return flatten(extract(testStepsWithScreenshots, on(TestStep.class).getScreenshots())); } public List<Screenshot> getScreenshots() { List<Screenshot> screenshots = new ArrayList<Screenshot>(); List<TestStep> testStepsWithScreenshots = select(getFlattenedTestSteps(), having(on(TestStep.class).needsScreenshots())); for (TestStep currentStep : testStepsWithScreenshots) { screenshots.addAll(screenshotsIn(currentStep)); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(screenshots); } private List<Screenshot> screenshotsIn(TestStep currentStep) { return convert(currentStep.getScreenshots(), toScreenshotsFor(currentStep)); } private Converter<ScreenshotAndHtmlSource, Screenshot> toScreenshotsFor(final TestStep currentStep) { return new Converter<ScreenshotAndHtmlSource, Screenshot>() { public Screenshot convert(ScreenshotAndHtmlSource from) { return new Screenshot(from.getScreenshotFile().getName(), currentStep.getDescription(), widthOf(from.getScreenshotFile()), currentStep.getException()); } }; } private int widthOf(final File screenshot) { try { return new SimpleImageInfo(screenshot).getWidth(); } catch (IOException e) { return ThucydidesSystemProperty.DEFAULT_WIDTH; } } public boolean hasNonStepFailure() { boolean stepsContainFailure = false; for(TestStep step : getFlattenedTestSteps()) { if (step.getResult() == FAILURE || step.getResult() == ERROR) { stepsContainFailure = true; } } return (!stepsContainFailure && (getResult() == ERROR || getResult() == FAILURE)); } public List<TestStep> getFlattenedTestSteps() { List<TestStep> flattenedTestSteps = new ArrayList<TestStep>(); for (TestStep step : getTestSteps()) { flattenedTestSteps.add(step); if (step.isAGroup()) { flattenedTestSteps.addAll(step.getFlattenedSteps()); } } return ImmutableList.copyOf(flattenedTestSteps); } public List<TestStep> getLeafTestSteps() { List<TestStep> leafTestSteps = new ArrayList<TestStep>(); for (TestStep step : getTestSteps()) { if (step.isAGroup()) { leafTestSteps.addAll(step.getLeafTestSteps()); } else { leafTestSteps.add(step); } } return ImmutableList.copyOf(leafTestSteps); } /** * The outcome of the acceptance test, based on the outcome of the test * steps. If any steps fail, the test as a whole is considered a failure. If * any steps are pending, the test as a whole is considered pending. If all * of the steps are ignored, the test will be considered 'ignored'. If all * of the tests succeed except the ignored tests, the test is a success. * The test result can also be overridden using the 'setResult()' method. * @return The outcome of this test. */ public TestResult getResult() { if (annotatedResult != null) { return annotatedResult; } if (testFailureClassname != null) { try { return new FailureAnalysis().resultFor(Class.forName(testFailureClassname)); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { return TestResult.ERROR; } } TestResultList testResults = TestResultList.of(getCurrentTestResults()); return testResults.getOverallResult(); } public TestOutcome recordSteps(final List<TestStep> steps) { for(TestStep step : steps) { recordStep(step); } return this; } /** * Add a test step to this acceptance test. * @param step a completed step to be added to this test outcome. * @return this TestOucome insstance - this is a convenience to allow method chaining. */ public TestOutcome recordStep(final TestStep step) { checkNotNull(step.getDescription(), "The test step description was not defined."); if (inGroup()) { getCurrentStepGroup().addChildStep(step); renumberTestSteps(); } else { addStep(step); } return this; } private void addStep(TestStep step) { testSteps.add(step); renumberTestSteps(); } private void addSteps(List<TestStep> steps) { testSteps.addAll(steps); renumberTestSteps(); } private void renumberTestSteps() { int count = 1; for(TestStep step : testSteps) { count = step.renumberFrom(count); } } private TestStep getCurrentStepGroup() { return groupStack.peek(); } private boolean inGroup() { return !groupStack.empty(); } /** * Get the feature that includes the user story tested by this test. * If no user story is defined, no feature can be returned, so the method returns null. * If a user story has been defined without a class (for example, one that has been reloaded), * the feature will be built using the feature name and id in the user story. * @return The Feature defined for this TestOutcome, if any */ public ApplicationFeature getFeature() { if ((getUserStory() != null) && (getUserStory().getFeature() != null)) { return getUserStory().getFeature(); } else { return null; } } public void setTitle(final String title) { this.title = title; } private List<TestResult> getCurrentTestResults() { return convert(testSteps, new ExtractTestResultsConverter()); } /** * Creates a new step with this name and immediately turns it into a step group. */ @Deprecated public void startGroup(final String groupName) { recordStep(new TestStep(groupName)); startGroup(); } public Optional<String> getQualifier() { return qualifier; } /** * Turns the current step into a group. Subsequent steps will be added as children of the current step. */ public void startGroup() { if (!testSteps.isEmpty()) { groupStack.push(currentStep()); } } /** * Finish the current group. Subsequent steps will be added after the current step. */ public void endGroup() { if (!groupStack.isEmpty()) { groupStack.pop(); } } /** * @return The current step is the last step in the step list, or the last step in the children of the current step group. */ public TestStep currentStep() { checkState(!testSteps.isEmpty()); if (!inGroup()) { return lastStepIn(testSteps); } else { TestStep currentStepGroup = groupStack.peek(); return lastStepIn(currentStepGroup.getChildren()); // Optional<TestStep> lastUnfinishedChild = lastUnfinishedStepIn(currentStepGroup.getChildren()); // return lastUnfinishedChild.or(currentStepGroup); } } public TestStep lastStep() { checkState(!testSteps.isEmpty()); if (!inGroup()) { return lastStepIn(testSteps); } else { TestStep currentStepGroup = groupStack.peek(); return lastStepIn(currentStepGroup.getChildren()); } } private TestStep lastStepIn(final List<TestStep> testSteps) { return testSteps.get(testSteps.size() - 1); } private Optional<TestStep> lastUnfinishedStepIn(final List<TestStep> testSteps) { TestStep lastStep = testSteps.get(testSteps.size() - 1); if (lastStep.getResult() == null) { return Optional.of(lastStep); } else { return Optional.absent(); } } public TestStep currentGroup() { checkState(inGroup()); return groupStack.peek(); } public void setUserStory(Story story) { this.userStory = story; } public void determineTestFailureCause(Throwable cause) { if (cause != null) { RootCauseAnalyzer rootCauseAnalyser = new RootCauseAnalyzer(cause); FailureCause rootCause = rootCauseAnalyser.getRootCause(); this.testFailureClassname = rootCauseAnalyser.getRootCause().getErrorType(); this.testFailureMessage = rootCauseAnalyser.getMessage(); this.setAnnotatedResult(new FailureAnalysis().resultFor(rootCause.exceptionClass())); this.testFailureCause = rootCause; } else { this.testFailureCause = null; this.testFailureClassname = ""; this.testFailureMessage = ""; } } public void setTestFailureCause(FailureCause testFailureCause) { this.testFailureCause = testFailureCause; } public void setTestFailureClassname(String testFailureClassname) { this.testFailureClassname = testFailureClassname; } public FailureCause getTestFailureCause() { return testFailureCause; } private boolean isFailureClass(String testFailureClassname) { return new FailureAnalysis().isFailure(testFailureClassname); } public String getErrorMessage() { for (TestStep step : getFlattenedTestSteps()) { if (isNotBlank(step.getErrorMessage())) { return step.getErrorMessage(); } } if (testFailureMessage != null) { return testFailureMessage; } return ""; } public void setTestFailureMessage(String testFailureMessage) { this.testFailureMessage = testFailureMessage; } public String getTestFailureMessage() { return testFailureMessage; } public String getTestFailureClassname() { return testFailureClassname; } public void setAnnotatedResult(final TestResult annotatedResult) { if (this.annotatedResult != PENDING) { this.annotatedResult = annotatedResult; } } public TestResult getAnnotatedResult() { return annotatedResult; } public List<String> getAdditionalVersions() { return additionalVersions; } public List<String> getAdditionalIssues() { return additionalIssues; } private List<String> issues() { if (!thereAre(issues)) { issues = removeDuplicates(readIssues()); } return issues; } public List<String> getIssues() { List<String> allIssues = new ArrayList(issues()); if (thereAre(additionalIssues)) { allIssues.addAll(additionalIssues); } return ImmutableList.copyOf(allIssues); } private List<String> versions() { if (!thereAre(versions)) { versions = removeDuplicates(readVersions()); } return versions; } private List<String> readVersions() { return TestOutcomeAnnotationReader.forTestOutcome(this).readVersions(); } public List<String> getVersions() { List<String> allVersions = new ArrayList(versions()); if (thereAre(additionalVersions)) { allVersions.addAll(additionalVersions); } addVersionsDefinedInTagsTo(allVersions); return ImmutableList.copyOf(allVersions); } private void addVersionsDefinedInTagsTo(List<String> allVersions) { for(TestTag tag : getTags()) { if (tag.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("version") && (!allVersions.contains(tag.getName()))) { allVersions.add(tag.getName()); } } } public Class<?> getTestCase() { return testCase; } public String getTestCaseName() { return testCaseName; } private boolean thereAre(Collection<String> anyIssues) { return ((anyIssues != null) && (!anyIssues.isEmpty())); } public TestOutcome addVersion(String version) { if (!getVersions().contains(version)){ additionalVersions.add(version); } return this; } public TestOutcome addVersions(List<String> versions) { for(String version : versions) { addVersion(version); } return this; } public TestOutcome forProject(String project) { this.project = project; return this; } public String getProject() { return project; } public TestOutcome inTestRunTimestamped(DateTime testRunTimestamp) { setTestRunTimestamp(testRunTimestamp); return this; } public void setTestRunTimestamp(DateTime testRunTimestamp) { this.testRunTimestamp = testRunTimestamp; } public void addIssues(List<String> issues) { additionalIssues.addAll(issues); } private List<String> readIssues() { return TestOutcomeAnnotationReader.forTestOutcome(this).readIssues(); } public String getFormattedIssues() { Set<String> issues = Sets.newHashSet(getIssues()); if (!issues.isEmpty()) { List<String> orderedIssues = sort(issues, on(String.class)); return "(" + getFormatter().addLinks(StringUtils.join(orderedIssues, ", ")) + ")"; } else { return ""; } } public void isRelatedToIssue(String issue) { if (!issues().contains(issue)) { issues().add(issue); } } public void addFailingExternalStep(Throwable testFailureCause) { // Add as a sibling of the last deepest group addFailingStepAsSibling(testSteps, testFailureCause); } public void addFailingStepAsSibling(List<TestStep> testStepList, Throwable testFailureCause) { if (testStepList.isEmpty()) { addStep(failingStep(testFailureCause)); } else { TestStep lastStep = lastStepIn(testStepList); if (lastStep.hasChildren()) { addFailingStepAsSibling(lastStep.children(), testFailureCause); } else { testStepList.add(failingStep(testFailureCause)); } } } private TestStep failingStep(Throwable testFailureCause) { TestStep failingStep = new TestStep("Failure"); failingStep.failedWith(testFailureCause); return failingStep; } public void lastStepFailedWith(StepFailure failure) { lastStepFailedWith(failure.getException()); } public void lastStepFailedWith(Throwable testFailureCause) { determineTestFailureCause(testFailureCause); TestStep lastTestStep = testSteps.get(testSteps.size() - 1); lastTestStep.failedWith(new StepFailureException(testFailureCause.getMessage(), testFailureCause)); } public Set<TestTag> getTags() { if (tags == null) { tags = getTagsUsingTagProviders(getTagProviderService().getTagProviders()); } return ImmutableSet.copyOf(tags); } private Set<TestTag> getTagsUsingTagProviders(List<TagProvider> tagProviders) { Set<TestTag> tags = Sets.newHashSet(); for (TagProvider tagProvider : tagProviders) { try { tags.addAll(tagProvider.getTagsFor(this)); } catch(Throwable theTagProviderFailedButThereIsntMuchWeCanDoAboutIt) { logger.error("Tag provider " + tagProvider + " failure", theTagProviderFailedButThereIsntMuchWeCanDoAboutIt); } } return tags; } public void setTags(Set<TestTag> tags) { this.tags = Sets.newHashSet(tags); } public void addTags(List<TestTag> tags) { Set<TestTag> updatedTags = Sets.newHashSet(getTags()); updatedTags.addAll(tags); this.tags = ImmutableSet.copyOf(updatedTags); } public List<String> getIssueKeys() { return convert(getIssues(), toIssueKeys()); } private Converter<String, String> toIssueKeys() { return new Converter<String,String>() { public String convert(String issueNumber) { String issueKey = issueNumber; if (issueKey.startsWith("#")) { issueKey = issueKey.substring(1); } if (StringUtils.isNumeric(issueKey) && (getProjectPrefix() != null)) { Joiner joiner = Joiner.on("-"); issueKey = joiner.join(getProjectPrefix(), issueKey); } return issueKey; } }; } private String getProjectPrefix() { return ThucydidesSystemProperty.THUCYDIDES_PROJECT_KEY.from(getEnvironmentVariables()); } public String getQualifiedMethodName() { if ((qualifier != null) && (qualifier.isPresent())) { String qualifierWithoutSpaces = qualifier.get().replaceAll(" ", "_"); return getMethodName() + "_" + qualifierWithoutSpaces; } else { return getMethodName(); } } /** * Returns the name of the test prefixed by the name of the story. */ public String getCompleteName() { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(getStoryTitle())) { return getStoryTitle() + ":" + getMethodName(); } else { return getTestCase() + ":" + getMethodName(); } } public void useExamplesFrom(DataTable table) { this.dataTable = table; } public void moveToNextRow() { if (dataTable != null && !dataTable.atLastRow()) { dataTable.nextRow(); } } public void updateCurrentRowResult(TestResult result) { dataTable.currentRow().hasResult(result); } public boolean dataIsPredefined() { return dataTable.hasPredefinedRows(); } public void addRow(Map<String, ?> data) { dataTable.addRow(data); } public void addRow(DataTableRow dataTableRow) { dataTable.addRow(dataTableRow); } public int getTestCount() { return isDataDriven() ? getDataTable().getSize() : 1; } public int getImplementedTestCount() { return (getStepCount() > 0) ? getTestCount() : 0; } public int countResults(TestResult expectedResult) { return countResults(expectedResult, TestType.ANY); } public int countResults(TestResult expectedResult, TestType expectedType) { if (isDataDriven()) { return countDataRowsWithResult(expectedResult); } else { return (getResult() == expectedResult) && (typeCompatibleWith(expectedType)) ? 1 : 0; } } public boolean typeCompatibleWith(TestType testType) { switch (testType) { case MANUAL: return isManual(); case AUTOMATED: return !isManual(); default: return true; } } private int countDataRowsWithResult(TestResult expectedResult) { List<DataTableRow> matchingRows = filter(having(on(DataTableRow.class).getResult(), is(expectedResult)), getDataTable().getRows()); return matchingRows.size(); } public int countNestedStepsWithResult(TestResult expectedResult, TestType testType) { if (isDataDriven()) { return countDataRowStepsWithResult(expectedResult); } else { return (getResult() == expectedResult) && (typeCompatibleWith(testType)) ? getNestedStepCount() : 0; } } private int countDataRowStepsWithResult(TestResult expectedResult) { int rowsWithResult = countDataRowsWithResult(expectedResult); int totalRows = getDataTable().getSize(); int totalSteps = getNestedStepCount(); return totalSteps * rowsWithResult / totalRows; } public Optional<String> getTagValue(String tagType) { if (tagType.equalsIgnoreCase(ISSUES) && !getIssueKeys().isEmpty()) { return Optional.of(Joiner.on(",").join(getIssueKeys())); } else { for(TestTag tag : getTags()) { if (tag.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(tagType)) { return Optional.of(tag.getName()); } } } return Optional.absent(); } public boolean hasIssue(String issue) { return getIssues().contains(issue); } public boolean hasTag(TestTag tag) { return getTags().contains(tag); } public void setStartTime(DateTime startTime) { this.startTime = startTime; } public void clearStartTime() { this.startTime = null; } public boolean isManual() { return manual; } public boolean isStartTimeNotDefined() { return this.startTime == null; } private SystemClock getSystemClock() { return Injectors.getInjector().getInstance(SystemClock.class); } private DateTime now() { return getSystemClock().getCurrentTime(); } public OptionalElements has() { return new OptionalElements(this); } public static class OptionalElements { private final TestOutcome testOutcome; public OptionalElements(TestOutcome testOutcome) { this.testOutcome = testOutcome; } public boolean testRunTimestamp() { return testOutcome.testRunTimestamp != null; } } private static class ExtractTestResultsConverter implements Converter<TestStep, TestResult> { public TestResult convert(final TestStep step) { return step.getResult(); } } public Integer getStepCount() { return testSteps.size(); } public Integer getNestedStepCount() { return getFlattenedTestSteps().size(); } public Integer getSuccessCount() { return count(successfulSteps()).in(getLeafTestSteps()); } public Integer getFailureCount() { return count(failingSteps()).in(getLeafTestSteps()); } public Integer getErrorCount() { return count(errorSteps()).in(getLeafTestSteps()); } public Integer getIgnoredCount() { return count(ignoredSteps()).in(getLeafTestSteps()); } public Integer getSkippedOrIgnoredCount() { return getIgnoredCount() + getSkippedCount(); } public Integer getSkippedCount() { return count(skippedSteps()).in(getLeafTestSteps()); } public Integer getPendingCount() { List<TestStep> allTestSteps = getLeafTestSteps(); return select(allTestSteps, having(on(TestStep.class).isPending())).size(); } public Boolean isSuccess() { return (getResult() == SUCCESS); } public Boolean isFailure() { return (getResult() == FAILURE); } public Boolean isError() { return (getResult() == ERROR); } public Boolean isPending() { return (getResult() == PENDING); //((getResult() == PENDING) || (getStepCount() == 0)); } public Boolean isSkipped() { return (getResult() == SKIPPED) || (getResult() == IGNORED); } public Story getUserStory() { return userStory; } public void recordDuration() { setDuration(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime.getMillis()); } public void setDuration(final long duration) { this.duration = duration; } public Long getDuration() { if ((duration == 0) && (testSteps.size() > 0)) { return sum(testSteps, on(TestStep.class).getDuration()); } else { return duration; } } /** * @return The total duration of all of the tests in this set in milliseconds. */ public double getDurationInSeconds() { return TestDuration.of(duration).inSeconds(); } /** * Returns the link to the associated video (e.g. from Saucelabs) for this test. * @return a URL. */ public String getVideoLink() { return linkGenerator.linkFor(this); } public String getSessionId() { return sessionId; } public void setSessionId(String sessionId) { this.sessionId = sessionId; } StepCountBuilder count(StepFilter filter) { return new StepCountBuilder(filter); } public static class StepCountBuilder { private final StepFilter filter; public StepCountBuilder(StepFilter filter) { this.filter = filter; } int in(List<TestStep> steps) { int count = 0; for (TestStep step : steps) { if (filter.apply(step)) { count++; } } return count; } } public Integer countTestSteps() { return countLeafStepsIn(testSteps); } private Integer countLeafStepsIn(List<TestStep> testSteps) { int leafCount = 0; for (TestStep step : testSteps) { if (step.isAGroup()) { leafCount += countLeafStepsIn(step.getChildren()); } else { leafCount++; } } return leafCount; } abstract class StepFilter { abstract boolean apply(TestStep step); } StepFilter successfulSteps() { return new StepFilter() { @Override boolean apply(TestStep step) { return step.isSuccessful(); } }; } StepFilter failingSteps() { return new StepFilter() { @Override boolean apply(TestStep step) { return step.isFailure(); } }; } StepFilter errorSteps() { return new StepFilter() { @Override boolean apply(TestStep step) { return step.isError(); } }; } StepFilter ignoredSteps() { return new StepFilter() { @Override boolean apply(TestStep step) { return step.isIgnored(); } }; } StepFilter skippedSteps() { return new StepFilter() { @Override boolean apply(TestStep step) { return step.isSkipped(); } }; } public void setStatistics(TestStatistics statistics) { this.statistics = statistics; } public TestStatistics getStatistics() { return statistics; } public double getOverallStability() { if (getStatistics() == null) return 0.0; return getStatistics().getOverallPassRate(); } public double getRecentStability() { if (getStatistics() == null) return 0.0; return getStatistics().getPassRate().overTheLast(RECENT_TEST_RUN_COUNT).testRuns(); } public Long getRecentTestRunCount() { if (getStatistics() == null) return 0L; return (getStatistics().getTotalTestRuns() > RECENT_TEST_RUN_COUNT) ? RECENT_TEST_RUN_COUNT : getStatistics().getTotalTestRuns(); } public int getRecentPassCount() { if (getStatistics() == null) return 0; return getStatistics().countResults().overTheLast(RECENT_TEST_RUN_COUNT).whereTheOutcomeWas(TestResult.SUCCESS); } public int getRecentFailCount() { if (getStatistics() == null) return 0; return getStatistics().countResults().overTheLast(RECENT_TEST_RUN_COUNT).whereTheOutcomeWas(TestResult.FAILURE); } public int getRecentPendingCount() { if (getStatistics() == null) return 0; return getStatistics().countResults().overTheLast(RECENT_TEST_RUN_COUNT).whereTheOutcomeWas(TestResult.PENDING); } public DateTime getStartTime() { return startTime; } public DateTime getTestRunTimestamp() { return testRunTimestamp; } public boolean isDataDriven() { return dataTable != null; } final private List<String> NO_HEADERS = Lists.newArrayList(); public List<String> getExampleFields() { return (isDataDriven()) ? getDataTable().getHeaders() : NO_HEADERS; } public String getDataDrivenSampleScenario() { if (!isDataDriven() || getTestSteps().isEmpty() || !getTestSteps().get(0).hasChildren()) { return ""; } TestStep firstExample = getTestSteps().get(0); StringBuilder sampleScenario = new StringBuilder(); for(TestStep topLevelChildStep : firstExample.getChildren()) { sampleScenario.append(topLevelChildStep.getDescription()); if (topLevelChildStep != lastOf(firstExample.getChildren())) { sampleScenario.append("\n"); } } return sampleScenario.toString(); } private TestStep lastOf(List<TestStep> children) { return children.get(children.size() - 1); } public DataTable getDataTable() { return dataTable; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; TestOutcome that = (TestOutcome) o; if (manual != that.manual) return false; if (methodName != null ? !methodName.equals(that.methodName) : that.methodName != null) return false; if (qualifier != null ? !qualifier.equals(that.qualifier) : that.qualifier != null) return false; if (testCase != null ? !testCase.equals(that.testCase) : that.testCase != null) return false; if (title != null ? !title.equals(that.title) : that.title != null) return false; if (userStory != null ? !userStory.equals(that.userStory) : that.userStory != null) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = methodName != null ? methodName.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (testCase != null ? testCase.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (userStory != null ? userStory.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (title != null ? title.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (qualifier != null ? qualifier.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (manual ? 1 : 0); return result; } }