/* * Copyright 2002-2007 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.scheduling.commonj; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.naming.NamingException; import commonj.timers.Timer; import commonj.timers.TimerManager; import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.context.Lifecycle; import org.springframework.jndi.JndiLocatorSupport; /** * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean} that retrieves a * CommonJ {@link commonj.timers.TimerManager} and exposes it for bean references. * * <p><b>This is the central convenience class for setting up a * CommonJ TimerManager in a Spring context.</b> * * <p>Allows for registration of ScheduledTimerListeners. This is the main * purpose of this class; the TimerManager itself could also be fetched * from JNDI via {@link org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean}. * In scenarios that just require static registration of tasks at startup, * there is no need to access the TimerManager itself in application code. * * <p>Note that the TimerManager uses a TimerListener instance that is * shared between repeated executions, in contrast to Quartz which * instantiates a new Job for each execution. * * @author Juergen Hoeller * @since 2.0 * @see ScheduledTimerListener * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager * @see commonj.timers.TimerListener */ public class TimerManagerFactoryBean extends JndiLocatorSupport implements FactoryBean, InitializingBean, DisposableBean, Lifecycle { private TimerManager timerManager; private String timerManagerName; private boolean shared = false; private ScheduledTimerListener[] scheduledTimerListeners; private final List timers = new LinkedList(); /** * Specify the CommonJ TimerManager to delegate to. * <p>Note that the given TimerManager's lifecycle will be managed * by this FactoryBean. * <p>Alternatively (and typically), you can specify the JNDI name * of the target TimerManager. * @see #setTimerManagerName */ public void setTimerManager(TimerManager timerManager) { this.timerManager = timerManager; } /** * Set the JNDI name of the CommonJ TimerManager. * <p>This can either be a fully qualified JNDI name, or the JNDI name relative * to the current environment naming context if "resourceRef" is set to "true". * @see #setTimerManager * @see #setResourceRef */ public void setTimerManagerName(String timerManagerName) { this.timerManagerName = timerManagerName; } /** * Specify whether the TimerManager obtained by this FactoryBean * is a shared instance ("true") or an independent instance ("false"). * The lifecycle of the former is supposed to be managed by the application * server, while the lifecycle of the latter is up to the application. * <p>Default is "false", i.e. managing an independent TimerManager instance. * This is what the CommonJ specification suggests that application servers * are supposed to offer via JNDI lookups, typically declared as a * <code>resource-ref</code> of type <code>commonj.timers.TimerManager</code> * in <code>web.xml<code>, with <code>res-sharing-scope</code> set to 'Unshareable'. * <p>Switch this flag to "true" if you are obtaining a shared TimerManager, * typically through specifying the JNDI location of a TimerManager that * has been explicitly declared as 'Shareable'. Note that WebLogic's * cluster-aware Job Scheduler is a shared TimerManager too. * <p>The sole difference between this FactoryBean being in shared or * non-shared mode is that it will only attempt to suspend / resume / stop * the underlying TimerManager in case of an independent (non-shared) instance. * This only affects the {@link org.springframework.context.Lifecycle} support * as well as application context shutdown. * @see #stop() * @see #start() * @see #destroy() * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager */ public void setShared(boolean shared) { this.shared = shared; } /** * Register a list of ScheduledTimerListener objects with the TimerManager * that this FactoryBean creates. Depending on each ScheduledTimerListener's settings, * it will be registered via one of TimerManager's schedule methods. * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager#schedule(commonj.timers.TimerListener, long) * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager#schedule(commonj.timers.TimerListener, long, long) * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager#scheduleAtFixedRate(commonj.timers.TimerListener, long, long) */ public void setScheduledTimerListeners(ScheduledTimerListener[] scheduledTimerListeners) { this.scheduledTimerListeners = scheduledTimerListeners; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of InitializingBean interface //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public void afterPropertiesSet() throws NamingException { if (this.timerManager == null) { if (this.timerManagerName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either 'timerManager' or 'timerManagerName' must be specified"); } this.timerManager = (TimerManager) lookup(this.timerManagerName, TimerManager.class); } if (this.scheduledTimerListeners != null) { for (int i = 0; i < this.scheduledTimerListeners.length; i++) { ScheduledTimerListener scheduledTask = this.scheduledTimerListeners[i]; Timer timer = null; if (scheduledTask.isOneTimeTask()) { timer = this.timerManager.schedule(scheduledTask.getTimerListener(), scheduledTask.getDelay()); } else { if (scheduledTask.isFixedRate()) { timer = this.timerManager.scheduleAtFixedRate( scheduledTask.getTimerListener(), scheduledTask.getDelay(), scheduledTask.getPeriod()); } else { timer = this.timerManager.schedule( scheduledTask.getTimerListener(), scheduledTask.getDelay(), scheduledTask.getPeriod()); } } this.timers.add(timer); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of FactoryBean interface //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public Object getObject() { return this.timerManager; } public Class getObjectType() { return (this.timerManager != null ? this.timerManager.getClass() : TimerManager.class); } public boolean isSingleton() { return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of Lifecycle interface //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Resumes the underlying TimerManager (if not shared). * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager#resume() */ public void start() { if (!this.shared) { this.timerManager.resume(); } } /** * Suspends the underlying TimerManager (if not shared). * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager#suspend() */ public void stop() { if (!this.shared) { this.timerManager.suspend(); } } /** * Considers the underlying TimerManager as running if it is * neither suspending nor stopping. * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager#isSuspending() * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager#isStopping() */ public boolean isRunning() { return (!this.timerManager.isSuspending() && !this.timerManager.isStopping()); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Implementation of DisposableBean interface //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Cancels all statically registered Timers on shutdown, * and stops the underlying TimerManager (if not shared). * @see commonj.timers.Timer#cancel() * @see commonj.timers.TimerManager#stop() */ public void destroy() { // Cancel all registered timers. for (Iterator it = this.timers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Timer timer = (Timer) it.next(); try { timer.cancel(); } catch (Throwable ex) { logger.warn("Could not cancel CommonJ Timer", ex); } } this.timers.clear(); // Stop the entire TimerManager, if necessary. if (!this.shared) { // May return early, but at least we already cancelled all known Timers. this.timerManager.stop(); } } }