package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.lang.reflect.Method; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: stevend * Date: 23-feb-2006 * Time: 17:32:16 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class FactoryMethodArguments { private static ThreadLocal argumentListThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal(); private static ThreadLocal methodInvocationThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal(); private FactoryMethodArguments() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public static void setMethodThatsBeenInvoked(Method method) { methodInvocationThreadLocal.set(method); } public static void addArgument(Object argument) { initializeArgumentListIfNecessary(); List argumentList = getArgumentList(); argumentList.add(argument); } private static List getArgumentList() { return (List)argumentListThreadLocal.get(); } private static void initializeArgumentListIfNecessary() { if (argumentListThreadLocal.get() == null) { argumentListThreadLocal.set(new ArrayList()); } } private static Method getMethodThatsBeenInvoked() { return (Method)methodInvocationThreadLocal.get(); } public static Object getArgument(int i) { if (getArgumentList() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Make sure the domain class bean definition is configured as a prototype!"); } if (i >= getArgumentList().size() | i < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument in position [" + i + "] is not available for method invocation [" + getMethodThatsBeenInvoked() + "]!"); } return getArgumentList().get(i); } public static void cleanUp() { argumentListThreadLocal.remove(); methodInvocationThreadLocal.remove(); } public static Object getFirstArgument() { return getArgument(0); } public static Object getSecondArgument() { return getArgument(1); } public static Object getThirdArgument() { return getArgument(2); } public static Object getFourthArgument() { return getArgument(3); } public static Object getFifthArgument() { return getArgument(4); } }