package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.index.Term; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength; import; import; import play.Logger; import play.Play; import play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass; import play.db.jpa.JPA; import play.db.jpa.JPABase; import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException; import play.libs.Files; import; import; public class FilesystemStore implements Store { protected Map<String, IndexWriter> indexWriters = new HashMap<String, IndexWriter>(); protected Map<String, IndexSearcher> indexSearchers = new HashMap<String, IndexSearcher>(); public static String DATA_PATH; public static boolean sync = true; public void unIndex(Object object) { try { if (!(object instanceof JPABase)) return; if (object.getClass().getAnnotation(Indexed.class) == null) return; JPABase jpaBase = (JPABase ) object; String index = object.getClass().getName(); getIndexWriter(index).deleteDocuments(new Term("_docID", ConvertionUtils.getIdValueFor(jpaBase) + "")); if (sync) { getIndexWriter(index).commit(); dirtyReader(index); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } public void index(Object object, String index) { try { if (!(object instanceof JPABase)) { Logger.warn("Unable to index " + object + ", unsupported class type. Only play.db.jpa.JPABase classes are supported."); return; } JPABase jpaABase = (JPABase ) object; Document document = ConvertionUtils.toDocument(object); if (document == null) return; getIndexWriter(index).deleteDocuments(new Term("_docID", ConvertionUtils.getIdValueFor(jpaABase) + "")); getIndexWriter(index).addDocument(document); if (sync) { getIndexWriter(index).commit(); dirtyReader(index); } else { if (getIndexWriter(index).ramSizeInBytes() > 1024 * 1024 * 48) { getIndexWriter(index).commit(); dirtyReader(index); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } public IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher(String name) { try { if (!indexSearchers.containsKey(name)) { synchronized (this) { File root = new File(DATA_PATH, name); if (!root.exists()) getIndexWriter(name); IndexSearcher reader = new IndexSearcher(; indexSearchers.put(name, reader); } } return indexSearchers.get(name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException("Cannot open index", e); } } /** * Used to synchronize reads after writes * * @param name of the reader to be reopened */ public void dirtyReader(String name) { synchronized (this) { try { if (indexSearchers.containsKey(name)) { IndexReader rd = indexSearchers.get(name).getIndexReader(); indexSearchers.get(name).close(); indexSearchers.remove(name); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException("Can't reopen reader", e); } } } private IndexWriter getIndexWriter(String name) { try { if (!indexWriters.containsKey(name)) { synchronized (this) { File root = new File(DATA_PATH, name); if (!root.exists()) root.mkdirs(); if (new File(root, "write.lock").exists()) new File(root, "write.lock").delete(); IndexWriter writer = new IndexWriter(, Search.getAnalyser(), MaxFieldLength.UNLIMITED); indexWriters.put(name, writer); } } return indexWriters.get(name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } public void rebuildAllIndexes() throws Exception { stop(); File fl = new File(DATA_PATH); Files.deleteDirectory(fl); fl.mkdirs(); List<ApplicationClass> classes = Play.classes.getAnnotatedClasses(Indexed.class); for (ApplicationClass applicationClass : classes) { List<JPABase> objects = JPA.em().createQuery( "select e from " + applicationClass.javaClass.getCanonicalName() + " as e") .getResultList(); for (JPABase jpaBase : objects) { index(jpaBase, applicationClass.javaClass.getName()); } }"Rebuild index finished"); } public List<ManagedIndex> listIndexes() { List<ManagedIndex> indexes = new ArrayList<ManagedIndex>(); List<ApplicationClass> classes = Play.classes.getAnnotatedClasses(Indexed.class); for (ApplicationClass applicationClass : classes) { ManagedIndex index = new ManagedIndex(); = applicationClass.javaClass.getName(); index.optimized = getIndexSearcher(; index.documentCount = getIndexSearcher(; index.jpaCount = (Long ) JPA.em().createQuery("select count (*) from " + applicationClass.javaClass.getCanonicalName()+ ")").getSingleResult(); indexes.add(index); } return indexes; } public void start() { if (Play.configuration.containsKey("")) DATA_PATH = Play.configuration.getProperty(""); else DATA_PATH = Play.applicationPath.getAbsolutePath() + "/data/search/"; Logger.trace("Search module repository is in " + DATA_PATH); sync = Boolean.parseBoolean(Play.configuration.getProperty("", "true")); Logger.trace("Write operations sync: " + sync); } public void stop() throws Exception { for (IndexWriter writer : indexWriters.values()) { writer.close(); } for (IndexSearcher searcher : indexSearchers.values()) { searcher.close(); } indexWriters.clear(); indexSearchers.clear(); } public void optimize(String name) { try { getIndexWriter(name).optimize(true); getIndexWriter(name).commit(); dirtyReader(name); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } public void rebuild(String name) { String id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); File oldFolder = new File(DATA_PATH, name); File newFolder = new File(DATA_PATH, name + id); Class cl = Play.classes.getApplicationClass(name).javaClass; List<JPABase> objects = JPA.em().createQuery("select e from " + cl.getCanonicalName() + " as e").getResultList(); String index = cl.getName() + id; IndexWriter indexWriter = getIndexWriter(index); try { for (JPABase jpaBase : objects) { Document document = ConvertionUtils.toDocument(jpaBase); if (document == null) return; indexWriter.addDocument(document); } getIndexWriter(index).commit(); dirtyReader(index); getIndexSearcher(name).close(); indexSearchers.remove(name); getIndexWriter(name).close(); indexWriters.remove(name); Files.deleteDirectory(oldFolder); newFolder.renameTo(oldFolder); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } public void reopen(String name) { dirtyReader(name); } public void delete(String name) { synchronized (this) { try { if (indexSearchers.containsKey(name)) { IndexReader rd = indexSearchers.get(name).getIndexReader(); indexSearchers.get(name).close(); indexSearchers.remove(name); } if (indexWriters.containsKey(name)) { indexWriters.get(name).close(); indexWriters.remove(name); } File target = new File(DATA_PATH, name); if (target.exists() && target.isDirectory()) Files.deleteDirectory(target); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException("Can't reopen reader", e); } } } public void deleteAll() { File root = new File(DATA_PATH); if (root.exists() && root.isDirectory()) { File[] indexes = root.listFiles(new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.isDirectory(); } }); for (File file : indexes) { delete(file.getName()); } } } public boolean hasIndex(String name) { return new File(DATA_PATH, name).exists(); } }