package play.templates; import java.util.Stack; import play.Logger; import play.vfs.VirtualFile; import play.exceptions.TemplateCompilationException; import play.exceptions.PlayException; import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException; public abstract class TemplateCompiler { public BaseTemplate compile(BaseTemplate template) { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); generate(template); if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("%sms to parse template %s", System.currentTimeMillis() - start,; } return template; } catch (PlayException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } public BaseTemplate compile(VirtualFile file) { return compile(new GroovyTemplate(file.relativePath(), file.contentAsString())); } StringBuilder compiledSource = new StringBuilder(); BaseTemplate template; TemplateParser parser; boolean doNextScan = true; TemplateParser.Token state; Stack<Tag> tagsStack = new Stack<Tag>(); int tagIndex; boolean skipLineBreak; int currentLine = 1; static class Tag { String name; int startLine; boolean hasBody; } void generate(BaseTemplate template) { this.template = template; String source = source(); this.parser = new TemplateParser(source); // Class header head(); // Parse loop: for (;;) { if (doNextScan) { state = parser.nextToken(); } else { doNextScan = true; } switch (state) { case EOF: break loop; case PLAIN: plain(); break; case SCRIPT: script(); break; case EXPR: expr(); break; case MESSAGE: message(); break; case ACTION: action(false); break; case ABS_ACTION: action(true); break; case COMMENT: skipLineBreak = true; break; case START_TAG: startTag(); break; case END_TAG: endTag(); break; } } // Class end end(); // Check tags imbrication if (!tagsStack.empty()) { Tag tag = tagsStack.peek(); throw new TemplateCompilationException(template, tag.startLine, "#{" + + "} is not closed."); } // Done ! template.compiledSource = compiledSource.toString(); if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("%s is compiled to %s",, template.compiledSource); } } abstract String source(); abstract void head(); abstract void end(); abstract void plain(); abstract void script(); abstract void expr(); abstract void message(); abstract void action(boolean absolute); abstract void startTag(); abstract void endTag(); void markLine(int line) { compiledSource.append("// line ").append(line); template.linesMatrix.put(currentLine, line); } void println() { compiledSource.append("\n"); currentLine++; } void print(String text) { compiledSource.append(text); } void println(String text) { compiledSource.append(text); println(); } }