package; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; // ActionInvoker.getActionMethodArgs() is called twice when using validation // so we use this threadlocal cache to store the binding-result pr method pr request. // This way we don't have to do it twice. public class CachedBoundActionMethodArgs { private static ThreadLocal<CachedBoundActionMethodArgs> current = new ThreadLocal<CachedBoundActionMethodArgs>(); private Map<Method, Object[]> preBoundActionMethodArgs = new HashMap<Method, Object[]>(1); public static void init() { current.set( new CachedBoundActionMethodArgs()); } public static void clear() { current.remove(); } public static CachedBoundActionMethodArgs current() { return current.get(); } public void storeActionMethodArgs( Method method, Object[] rArgs) { preBoundActionMethodArgs.put(method, rArgs); } public Object[] retrieveActionMethodArgs( Method method) { return preBoundActionMethodArgs.get(method); } }