package play.db.jpa; import; import javax.persistence.Embeddable; import javax.persistence.Transient; import play.Play; import play.libs.Files; /** * Please use play.db.jpa.Blob now */ @Embeddable @Deprecated public class FileAttachment { @Transient Object model; @Transient String name; @Transient File f; public String filename; public FileAttachment() { } FileAttachment(Object model, String name) { this.model = model; = name; } public File get() { if (f != null) { return f; } File file = new File(getStore(), model.getClass().getName() + "." + name + "_" + ((Model) model)._key()); if (file.exists()) { f = file; } return f; } public void set(File file) { f = file; } void save() { if (f != null) { File to = new File(getStore(), model.getClass().getName() + "." + name + "_" + ((Model) model)._key()); Files.copy(f, to); } } void delete() { File to = new File(getStore(), model.getClass().getName() + "." + name + "_" + ((Model) model)._key()); if (to.exists()) { to.delete(); } name = null; } public boolean isSet() { return f != null || get() != null; } public static File getStore() { String name = Play.configuration.getProperty("attachments.path", "attachments"); File store = null; if (new File(name).isAbsolute()) { store = new File(name); } else { store = Play.getFile(name); } if (!store.exists()) { store.mkdirs(); } return store; } // Make it compatible with new Blob @Deprecated public boolean exists() { return isSet(); } @Deprecated public long length() { return get().length(); } }