package play.templates; import groovy.lang.Closure; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import play.Play; import play.exceptions.TemplateCompilationException; import play.templates.GroovyInlineTags.CALL; /** * The template compiler */ public class GroovyTemplateCompiler extends TemplateCompiler { public static List<String> extensionsClassnames = new ArrayList<String>(); // [#714] The groovy-compiler complaints if a line is more than 65535 unicode units long.. // Have to split it if it is really that big protected static final int maxPlainTextLength = 60000; @Override public BaseTemplate compile(BaseTemplate template) { try { extensionsClassnames.clear(); extensionsClassnames.addAll( Play.pluginCollection.addTemplateExtensions()); List<Class> extensionsClasses = Play.classloader.getAssignableClasses(JavaExtensions.class); for (Class extensionsClass : extensionsClasses) { extensionsClassnames.add(extensionsClass.getName()); } } catch (Throwable e) { // } return super.compile(template); } @Override String source() { String source = template.source; // If a plugin has something to change in the template before the compilation source = Play.pluginCollection.overrideTemplateSource(template, source); // Static access List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, String> originalNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Class clazz : Play.classloader.getAllClasses()) { if (clazz.getName().endsWith("$")) { String name = clazz.getName().substring(0, clazz.getName().length() - 1).replace('$', '.') + '$'; names.add(name); originalNames.put(name, clazz.getName()); } else { String name = clazz.getName().replace('$', '.'); names.add(name); originalNames.put(name, clazz.getName()); } } Collections.sort(names, new Comparator<String>() { public int compare(String o1, String o2) { return o2.length() - o1.length(); } }); // We're about to do many many String.replaceAll() so we do some checking first // to try to reduce the number of needed replaceAll-calls. // Morten: I have tried to create a single regexp that can be used instead of all the replaceAll, // but I failed to do so.. Such a single regexp would be much faster since // we then we only would have to have one pass. if (!names.isEmpty()) { if (names.size() <= 1 || source.indexOf("new ")>=0) { for (String cName : names) { // dynamic class binding source = source.replaceAll("new " + Pattern.quote(cName) + "(\\([^)]*\\))", "_('" + originalNames.get(cName) + "').newInstance$1"); } } if (names.size() <= 1 || source.indexOf("instanceof")>=0) { for (String cName : names) { // dynamic class binding source = source.replaceAll("([a-zA-Z0-9.-_$]+)\\s+instanceof\\s+" + Pattern.quote(cName), "_('" + originalNames.get(cName).replace("$", "\\$") + "').isAssignableFrom($1.class)"); } } if (names.size() <= 1 || source.indexOf(".class")>=0) { for (String cName : names) { // dynamic class binding source = source.replaceAll("([^.])" + Pattern.quote(cName) + ".class", "$1_('" + originalNames.get(cName) + "')"); } } // With the current arg0 in replaceAll, it is not possible to do a quick indexOf-check for this one, // so we have to run all the replaceAll-calls for (String cName : names) { // dynamic class binding source = source.replaceAll("([^'\".])" + Pattern.quote(cName) + "([.][^'\"])", "$1_('" + originalNames.get(cName).replace("$", "\\$") + "')$2"); } } return source; } @Override void head() { print("class "); //This generated classname is parsed when creating cleanStackTrace. //The part after "Template_" is used as key when //looking up the file on disk this template-class is generated from. //cleanStackTrace is looking in TemplateLoader.templates String uniqueNumberForTemplateFile = TemplateLoader.getUniqueNumberForTemplateFile(; String className = "Template_" + uniqueNumberForTemplateFile; print(className); println(" extends play.templates.GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate {"); println("public Object run() { use(play.templates.JavaExtensions) {"); for (String n : extensionsClassnames) { println("use(_('" + n + "')) {"); } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unused") void end() { for (String n : extensionsClassnames) { println(" } "); } println("} }"); println("}"); } /** * Interesting performance observation: * Calling print(); from java (in ExecutableTemplate) called from groovy is MUCH slower than * java returning string to groovy * which then prints with out.print(); */ @Override void plain() { String text = parser.getToken().replace("\\", "\\\\").replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"").replace("$", "\\$"); if (skipLineBreak && text.startsWith("\n")) { text = text.substring(1); } skipLineBreak = false; text = text.replaceAll("\r\n", "\n").replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n"); // we don't have to print line numbers here since this cannot fail - it is only text printing // [#714] The groovy-compiler complaints if a line is more than 65535 unicode units long.. // Have to split it if it is really that big if (text.length() <maxPlainTextLength) { // text is "short" - just print it println("out.print(\""+text+"\");"); } else { // text is long - must split it int offset = 0; do { int endPos = offset+maxPlainTextLength; if (endPos>text.length()) { endPos = text.length(); } else { // #869 If the last char (at endPos-1) is \, we're dealing with escaped char - must include the next one also.. if ( text.charAt(endPos-1) == '\\') { // use one more char so the escaping is not broken. Don't have to check length, since // all '\' is used in escaping, ref replaceAll above.. endPos++; } } println("out.print(\""+text.substring(offset, endPos)+"\");"); offset+= (endPos - offset); }while(offset < text.length()); } } @Override void script() { String text = parser.getToken(); if (text.indexOf("\n") > -1) { String[] lines = parser.getToken().split("\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { print(lines[i]); markLine(parser.getLine() + i); println(); } } else { print(text); markLine(parser.getLine()); println(); } skipLineBreak = true; } @Override void expr() { String expr = parser.getToken().trim(); print(";out.print(__safeFaster("+expr+"))"); markLine(parser.getLine()); println(); } @Override void message() { String expr = parser.getToken().trim(); print(";out.print(__getMessage("+expr+"))"); markLine(parser.getLine()); println(); } @Override void action(boolean absolute) { String action = parser.getToken().trim(); if (action.trim().matches("^'.*'$")) { if (absolute) { print("\tout.print(__reverseWithCheck_absolute_true("+action+"));"); } else { print("\tout.print(__reverseWithCheck_absolute_false("+action+"));"); } } else { if (!action.endsWith(")")) { action = action + "()"; } if (absolute) { print("\tout.print(actionBridge._abs()." + action + ");"); } else { print("\tout.print(actionBridge." + action + ");"); } } markLine(parser.getLine()); println(); } @Override void startTag() { tagIndex++; String tagText = parser.getToken().trim().replaceAll("\n", " "); String tagName = ""; String tagArgs = ""; boolean hasBody = !parser.checkNext().endsWith("/"); if (tagText.indexOf(" ") > 0) { tagName = tagText.substring(0, tagText.indexOf(" ")); tagArgs = tagText.substring(tagText.indexOf(" ") + 1).trim(); if (!tagArgs.matches("^[_a-zA-Z0-9]+\\s*:.*$")) { tagArgs = "arg:" + tagArgs; } // We only have to try to replace the following if we find at least one // @ in tagArgs.. if (tagArgs.indexOf('@')>=0) { tagArgs = tagArgs.replaceAll("[:]\\s*[@]{2}", ":actionBridge._abs()."); tagArgs = tagArgs.replaceAll("(\\s)[@]{2}", "$1actionBridge._abs()."); tagArgs = tagArgs.replaceAll("[:]\\s*[@]{1}", ":actionBridge."); tagArgs = tagArgs.replaceAll("(\\s)[@]{1}", "$1actionBridge."); } } else { tagName = tagText; tagArgs = ":"; } Tag tag = new Tag(); = tagName; tag.startLine = parser.getLine(); tag.hasBody = hasBody; tagsStack.push(tag); if (tagArgs.trim().equals("_:_")) { print("attrs" + tagIndex + " = _attrs;"); } else { print("attrs" + tagIndex + " = [" + tagArgs + "];"); } // Use inlineTag if exists try { Method m = GroovyInlineTags.class.getDeclaredMethod("_" +, int.class, CALL.class); print("play.templates.TagContext.enterTag('" + + "');"); print((String) m.invoke(null, new Object[]{tagIndex, CALL.START})); tag.hasBody = false; markLine(parser.getLine()); println(); skipLineBreak = true; return; } catch (Exception e) { // do nothing here } if (!"doBody") && hasBody) { print("body" + tagIndex + " = {"); markLine(parser.getLine()); println(); } else { print("body" + tagIndex + " = null;"); markLine(parser.getLine()); println(); } skipLineBreak = true; } @Override void endTag() { String tagName = parser.getToken().trim(); if (tagsStack.isEmpty()) { throw new TemplateCompilationException(template, parser.getLine(), "#{/" + tagName + "} is not opened."); } Tag tag = tagsStack.pop(); String lastInStack =; if (tagName.equals("")) { tagName = lastInStack; } if (!lastInStack.equals(tagName)) { throw new TemplateCompilationException(template, tag.startLine, "#{" + + "} is not closed."); } if ("doBody")) { print("if(_body || attrs" + tagIndex + "['body']) {"); print("def toExecute = attrs" + tagIndex + "['body'] ?: _body; toUnset = []; if(attrs" + tagIndex + "['vars']) {"); print("attrs" + tagIndex + "['vars'].each() {"); print("if(toExecute.getProperty(it.key) == null) {toUnset.add(it.key);}; toExecute.setProperty(it.key, it.value);"); print("}};"); print("if(attrs" + tagIndex + "['as']) { setProperty(attrs" + tagIndex + "['as'], toExecute.toString()); } else { out.print(toExecute.toString()); }; toUnset.each() {toExecute.setProperty(it, null)} };"); markLine(tag.startLine); template.doBodyLines.add(currentLine); println(); } else { if (tag.hasBody) { print("};"); // close body closure } println(); // Use inlineTag if exists try { Method m = GroovyInlineTags.class.getDeclaredMethod("_" +, int.class, CALL.class); println((String) m.invoke(null, new Object[]{tagIndex, CALL.END})); print("play.templates.TagContext.exitTag();"); } catch (Exception e) { // Use fastTag if exists List<Class> fastClasses = new ArrayList<Class>(); try { fastClasses = Play.classloader.getAssignableClasses(FastTags.class); } catch (Exception xe) { // } fastClasses.add(0, FastTags.class); Method m = null; String tName =; String tSpace = ""; if (tName.indexOf(".") > 0) { tSpace = tName.substring(0, tName.lastIndexOf(".")); tName = tName.substring(tName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); } for (Class<?> c : fastClasses) { if (!c.isAnnotationPresent(FastTags.Namespace.class) && tSpace.length() > 0) { continue; } if (c.isAnnotationPresent(FastTags.Namespace.class) && !c.getAnnotation(FastTags.Namespace.class).value().equals(tSpace)) { continue; } try { m = c.getDeclaredMethod("_" + tName, Map.class, Closure.class, PrintWriter.class, GroovyTemplate.ExecutableTemplate.class, int.class); } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) { continue; } } if (m != null) { print("play.templates.TagContext.enterTag('" + + "');"); print("_('" + m.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "')._" + tName + "(attrs" + tagIndex + ",body" + tagIndex + ", out, this, " + tag.startLine + ");"); print("play.templates.TagContext.exitTag();"); } else { print("invokeTag(" + tag.startLine + ",'" + tagName + "',attrs" + tagIndex + ",body" + tagIndex + ");"); } } markLine(tag.startLine); println(); } tagIndex--; skipLineBreak = true; } }