package; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.sf.oval.configuration.annotation.AbstractAnnotationCheck; import play.Play; import play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer; import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException; public class Validation { static ThreadLocal<Validation> current = new ThreadLocal<Validation>(); List<Error> errors = new ArrayList<Error>(); boolean keep = false; protected Validation() { } /** * @return The current validation helper */ public static Validation current() { return current.get(); } /** * @return The list of all errors */ @SuppressWarnings({"serial", "unused"}) public static List<Error> errors() { Validation validation = current.get(); if (validation == null) return Collections.emptyList(); return new ArrayList<Error>(validation.errors) { public Error forKey(String key) { return Validation.error(key); } public List<Error> allForKey(String key) { return Validation.errors(key); } }; } /** * @return All errors keyed by field name */ public Map<String, List<Error>> errorsMap() { Map<String, List<Error>> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Error>>(); for (Error error : errors()) { result.put(error.key, errors(error.key)); } return result; } /** * Add an error * @param field Field name * @param message Message key * @param variables Message variables */ public static void addError(String field, String message, String... variables) { if (error(field) == null || !error(field).message.equals(message)) { Validation.current().errors.add(new Error(field, message, variables)); } } /** * @return True if the current request has errors */ public static boolean hasErrors() { Validation validation = current.get(); return validation != null && validation.errors.size() > 0; } /** * @param field The field name * @return First error related to this field */ public static Error error(String field) { Validation validation = current.get(); if (validation == null) return null; for (Error error : validation.errors) { if (error.key!=null && error.key.equals(field)) { return error; } } return null; } /** * @param field The field name * @return All errors related to this field */ public static List<Error> errors(String field) { Validation validation = current.get(); if (validation == null) return Collections.emptyList(); List<Error> errors = new ArrayList<Error>(); for (Error error : validation.errors) { if (error.key!=null && error.key.equals(field)) { errors.add(error); } } return errors; } /** * Keep errors for the next request (will be stored in a cookie) */ public static void keep() { current.get().keep = true; } /** * @param field The field name * @return True is there are errors related to this field */ public static boolean hasError(String field) { return error(field) != null; } public static void clear() { current.get().errors.clear(); ValidationPlugin.keys.get().clear(); } // ~~~~ Integration helper public static Map<String, List<Validator>> getValidators(Class<?> clazz, String name) { Map<String, List<Validator>> result = new HashMap<String, List<Validator>>(); searchValidator(clazz, name, result); return result; } public static List<Validator> getValidators(Class<?> clazz, String property, String name) { try { List<Validator> validators = new ArrayList<Validator>(); while (!clazz.equals(Object.class)) { try { Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(property); for (Annotation annotation : field.getDeclaredAnnotations()) { if (annotation.annotationType().getName().startsWith("")) { Validator validator = new Validator(annotation); validators.add(validator); if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Equals.class)) { validator.params.put("equalsTo", name + "." + ((Equals) annotation).value()); } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(InFuture.class)) { validator.params.put("reference", ((InFuture) annotation).value()); } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(InPast.class)) { validator.params.put("reference", ((InPast) annotation).value()); } } } break; } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); } } return validators; } catch (Exception e) { return new ArrayList<Validator>(); } } static void searchValidator(Class<?> clazz, String name, Map<String, List<Validator>> result) { for (Field field : clazz.getDeclaredFields()) { List<Validator> validators = new ArrayList<Validator>(); String key = name + "." + field.getName(); boolean containsAtValid = false; for (Annotation annotation : field.getDeclaredAnnotations()) { if (annotation.annotationType().getName().startsWith("")) { Validator validator = new Validator(annotation); validators.add(validator); if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Equals.class)) { validator.params.put("equalsTo", name + "." + ((Equals) annotation).value()); } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(InFuture.class)) { validator.params.put("reference", ((InFuture) annotation).value()); } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(InPast.class)) { validator.params.put("reference", ((InPast) annotation).value()); } } if (annotation.annotationType().equals(Valid.class)) { containsAtValid = true; } } if (!validators.isEmpty()) { result.put(key, validators); } if (containsAtValid) { searchValidator(field.getType(), key, result); } } } public static class Validator { public Annotation annotation; public Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public Validator(Annotation annotation) { this.annotation = annotation; } } // ~~~~ Validations public static class ValidationResult { public boolean ok = false; public Error error; public ValidationResult message(String message) { if (error != null) { error.message = message; } return this; } public ValidationResult key(String key) { if (error != null) { error.key = key; } return this; } } public static ValidationResult required(String key, Object o) { RequiredCheck check = new RequiredCheck(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult required(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.required(key, o); } public static ValidationResult min(String key, Object o, double min) { MinCheck check = new MinCheck(); check.min = min; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult min(Object o, double min) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.min(key, o, min); } public static ValidationResult max(String key, Object o, double max) { MaxCheck check = new MaxCheck(); check.max = max; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult max(Object o, double max) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.max(key, o, max); } public static ValidationResult future(String key, Object o, Date reference) { InFutureCheck check = new InFutureCheck(); check.reference = reference; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult future(Object o, Date reference) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.future(key, o, reference); } public static ValidationResult future(String key, Object o) { InFutureCheck check = new InFutureCheck(); check.reference = new Date(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult future(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.future(key, o, new Date()); } public static ValidationResult past(String key, Object o, Date reference) { InPastCheck check = new InPastCheck(); check.reference = reference; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult past(Object o, Date reference) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.past(key, o, reference); } public static ValidationResult past(String key, Object o) { InPastCheck check = new InPastCheck(); check.reference = new Date(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult past(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.past(key, o, new Date()); } public static ValidationResult match(String key, Object o, String pattern) { MatchCheck check = new MatchCheck(); check.pattern = Pattern.compile(pattern); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult match(Object o, String pattern) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.match(key, o, pattern); } public static ValidationResult email(String key, Object o) { EmailCheck check = new EmailCheck(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult email(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return, o); } public static ValidationResult url(String key, Object o) { URLCheck check = new URLCheck(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult url(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.url(key, o); } public static ValidationResult phone(String key, Object o) { PhoneCheck check = new PhoneCheck(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult phone(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return, o); } public static ValidationResult ipv4Address(String key, Object o) { IPv4AddressCheck check = new IPv4AddressCheck(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult ipv4Address(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.ipv4Address(key, o); } public static ValidationResult ipv6Address(String key, Object o) { IPv6AddressCheck check = new IPv6AddressCheck(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult ipv6Address(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.ipv6Address(key, o); } public static ValidationResult isTrue(String key, Object o) { IsTrueCheck check = new IsTrueCheck(); return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult isTrue(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.isTrue(key, o); } public static ValidationResult equals(String key, Object o, String otherName, Object to) { EqualsCheck check = new EqualsCheck(); check.otherKey = otherName; check.otherValue = to; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult equals(Object o, Object to) { String key = getLocalName(o); String otherKey = getLocalName(to); return Validation.equals(key, o, otherKey, to); } public static ValidationResult range(String key, Object o, double min, double max) { RangeCheck check = new RangeCheck(); check.min = min; check.max = max; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult range(Object o, double min, double max) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.range(key, o, min, max); } public static ValidationResult minSize(String key, Object o, int minSize) { MinSizeCheck check = new MinSizeCheck(); check.minSize = minSize; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult minSize(Object o, int minSize) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.minSize(key, o, minSize); } public static ValidationResult maxSize(String key, Object o, int maxSize) { MaxSizeCheck check = new MaxSizeCheck(); check.maxSize = maxSize; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult maxSize(Object o, int maxSize) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.maxSize(key, o, maxSize); } public static ValidationResult valid(String key, Object o) { ValidCheck check = new ValidCheck(); check.key = key; return applyCheck(check, key, o); } public ValidationResult valid(Object o) { String key = getLocalName(o); return Validation.valid(key, o); } static ValidationResult applyCheck(AbstractAnnotationCheck<?> check, String key, Object o) { try { ValidationResult result = new ValidationResult(); if (!check.isSatisfied(o, o, null, null)) { Error error = new Error(key, check.getClass().getDeclaredField("mes").get(null) + "", check.getMessageVariables() == null ? new String[0] : check.getMessageVariables().values().toArray(new String[0])); Validation.current().errors.add(error); result.error = error; result.ok = false; } else { result.ok = true; } return result; } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } static String getLocalName(Object o) { List<String> names = LocalVariablesNamesTracer.getAllLocalVariableNames(o); if (names.size() > 0) { return names.get(0); } return ""; } public static Object willBeValidated(Object value) { return Play.pluginCollection.willBeValidated(value); } }