package play.utils; import play.libs.IO; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class HTTP { public static class ContentTypeWithEncoding { public final String contentType; public final String encoding; public ContentTypeWithEncoding(String contentType, String encoding) { this.contentType = contentType; this.encoding = encoding; } } public static ContentTypeWithEncoding parseContentType( String contentType ) { if( contentType == null ) { return new ContentTypeWithEncoding("text/html".intern(), null); } else { String[] contentTypeParts = contentType.split(";"); String _contentType = contentTypeParts[0].trim().toLowerCase(); String _encoding = null; // check for encoding-info if( contentTypeParts.length >= 2 ) { String[] encodingInfoParts = contentTypeParts[1].split(("=")); if( encodingInfoParts.length == 2 && encodingInfoParts[0].trim().equalsIgnoreCase("charset")) { // encoding-info was found in request _encoding = encodingInfoParts[1].trim(); } } return new ContentTypeWithEncoding(_contentType, _encoding); } } private static final Map<String, String> lower2UppercaseHttpHeaders = initLower2UppercaseHttpHeaders(); private static Map<String, String> initLower2UppercaseHttpHeaders() { Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); String path = "/play/utils/"; InputStream in = HTTP.class.getResourceAsStream(path); if (in == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading " + path); } List<String> lines = IO.readLines( in ); for (String line : lines) { line = line.trim(); if ( !line.startsWith("#")) { map.put(line.toLowerCase(), line); } } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map); } /** * Use this method to make sure you have the correct caseing of a http header name. * eg: fixes 'content-type' to 'Content-Type' */ public static String fixCaseForHttpHeader( String headerName) { if (headerName == null) { return null; } String correctCase = lower2UppercaseHttpHeaders.get(headerName.toLowerCase()); if ( correctCase != null) { return correctCase; } // Didn't find it - return it as it is return headerName; } }