package play.classloading.enhancers; import java.lang.annotation.ElementType; import java.lang.annotation.Retention; import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy; import java.lang.annotation.Target; import java.util.Stack; import javassist.CannotCompileException; import javassist.CtClass; import javassist.CtField; import javassist.CtMethod; import javassist.Modifier; import javassist.NotFoundException; import javassist.bytecode.annotation.Annotation; import javassist.expr.ExprEditor; import javassist.expr.FieldAccess; import javassist.expr.Handler; import play.Logger; import play.classloading.ApplicationClasses.ApplicationClass; import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException; /** * Enhance controllers classes. */ public class ControllersEnhancer extends Enhancer { public static ThreadLocal<Stack<String>> currentAction = new ThreadLocal<Stack<String>>(); @Override public void enhanceThisClass(final ApplicationClass applicationClass) throws Exception { if (isAnon(applicationClass)) { return; } CtClass ctClass = makeClass(applicationClass); if (!ctClass.subtypeOf(classPool.get(ControllerSupport.class.getName()))) { return; } for (final CtMethod ctMethod : ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { // Threaded access ctMethod.instrument(new ExprEditor() { @Override public void edit(FieldAccess fieldAccess) throws CannotCompileException { try { if (isThreadedFieldAccess(fieldAccess.getField())) { if (fieldAccess.isReader()) { fieldAccess.replace("$_ = ($r)play.utils.Java.invokeStatic($type, \"current\");"); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e, "Error in ControllersEnhancer. %s.%s has not been properly enhanced (fieldAccess %s).",, ctMethod.getName(), fieldAccess); throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } }); // Auto-redirect boolean isHandler = false; for (Annotation a : getAnnotations(ctMethod).getAnnotations()) { if (a.getTypeName().startsWith("play.mvc.")) { isHandler = true; break; } if (a.getTypeName().endsWith("$ByPass")) { isHandler = true; break; } } // Perhaps it is a scala-generated method ? if (ctMethod.getName().contains("$")) { isHandler = true; } else { if (ctClass.getName().endsWith("$") && ctMethod.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { try { ctClass.getField(ctMethod.getName()); isHandler = true; } catch (NotFoundException e) { // ok } } } if (isScalaObject(ctClass)) { // Auto reverse --> if (Modifier.isPublic(ctMethod.getModifiers()) && ((ctClass.getName().endsWith("$") && !ctMethod.getName().contains("$default$"))) && !isHandler) { try { ctMethod.insertBefore( "if(play.mvc.Controller._currentReverse.get() != null) {" + "play.mvc.Controller.redirect(\"" + ctClass.getName().replace("$", "") + "." + ctMethod.getName() + "\", $args);" + generateValidReturnStatement(ctMethod.getReturnType()) + "}"); ctMethod.insertBefore( "((java.util.Stack)play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.currentAction.get()).push(\"" + ctClass.getName().replace("$", "") + "." + ctMethod.getName() + "\");"); ctMethod.insertAfter( "((java.util.Stack)play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.currentAction.get()).pop();", true); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e, "Error in ControllersEnhancer. %s.%s has not been properly enhanced (auto-reverse).",, ctMethod.getName()); throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } } else { // Auto redirect --> if (Modifier.isPublic(ctMethod.getModifiers()) && Modifier.isStatic(ctMethod.getModifiers()) && ctMethod.getReturnType().equals(CtClass.voidType) && !isHandler) { try { ctMethod.insertBefore( "if(!play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.ControllerInstrumentation.isActionCallAllowed()) {" + "play.mvc.Controller.redirect(\"" + ctClass.getName().replace("$", "") + "." + ctMethod.getName() + "\", $args);" + generateValidReturnStatement(ctMethod.getReturnType()) + "}" + "play.classloading.enhancers.ControllersEnhancer.ControllerInstrumentation.stopActionCall();"); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e, "Error in ControllersEnhancer. %s.%s has not been properly enhanced (auto-redirect).",, ctMethod.getName()); throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } } // Enhance global catch to avoid potential unwanted catching of play.mvc.results.Result ctMethod.instrument(new ExprEditor() { @Override public void edit(Handler handler) throws CannotCompileException { StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(); try { code.append("if($1 instanceof play.mvc.results.Result || $1 instanceof play.Invoker.Suspend) throw $1;"); handler.insertBefore(code.toString()); } catch (NullPointerException e) { // TODO: finally clause ? // There are no $1 in finally statements in javassist } } }); } // Done. applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode(); ctClass.defrost(); } /** * Mark class that need controller enhancement */ public static interface ControllerSupport { } /** * Check if a field must be translated to a 'thread safe field' */ static boolean isThreadedFieldAccess(CtField field) { if (field.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals("play.mvc.Controller") || field.getDeclaringClass().getName().equals("play.mvc.WebSocketController")) { return field.getName().equals("params") || field.getName().equals("request") || field.getName().equals("response") || field.getName().equals("session") || field.getName().equals("params") || field.getName().equals("renderArgs") || field.getName().equals("routeArgs") || field.getName().equals("validation") || field.getName().equals("inbound") || field.getName().equals("outbound") || field.getName().equals("flash"); } return false; } /** * Runtime part needed by the instrumentation */ public static class ControllerInstrumentation { public static boolean isActionCallAllowed() { return allow.get(); } public static void initActionCall() { allow.set(true); } public static void stopActionCall() { allow.set(false); } static ThreadLocal<Boolean> allow = new ThreadLocal<Boolean>(); } @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Target(ElementType.METHOD) public @interface ByPass { } static String generateValidReturnStatement(CtClass type) { if (type.equals(CtClass.voidType)) { return "return;"; } if (type.equals(CtClass.booleanType)) { return "return false;"; } if (type.equals(CtClass.charType)) { return "return '';"; } if (type.equals(CtClass.byteType)) { return "return (byte)0;"; } if (type.equals(CtClass.doubleType)) { return "return (double)0;"; } if (type.equals(CtClass.floatType)) { return "return (float)0;"; } if (type.equals(CtClass.intType)) { return "return (int)0;"; } if (type.equals(CtClass.longType)) { return "return (long)0;"; } if (type.equals(CtClass.shortType)) { return "return (short)0;"; } return "return null;"; } }