package play.templates; import com.jamonapi.Monitor; import com.jamonapi.MonitorFactory; import groovy.lang.Binding; import groovy.lang.Closure; import groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader; import groovy.lang.GroovyObjectSupport; import groovy.lang.GroovyShell; import groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException; import groovy.lang.Script; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationUnit.GroovyClassOperation; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilerConfiguration; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.Phases; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit; import org.codehaus.groovy.control.messages.SyntaxErrorMessage; import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper; import org.codehaus.groovy.syntax.SyntaxException; import; import play.Logger; import play.Play; import play.Play.Mode; import play.classloading.BytecodeCache; import play.classloading.enhancers.LocalvariablesNamesEnhancer.LocalVariablesNamesTracer; import; import play.exceptions.ActionNotFoundException; import play.exceptions.NoRouteFoundException; import play.exceptions.PlayException; import play.exceptions.TagInternalException; import play.exceptions.TemplateCompilationException; import play.exceptions.TemplateExecutionException; import play.exceptions.TemplateExecutionException.DoBodyException; import play.exceptions.TemplateNotFoundException; import play.exceptions.UnexpectedException; import play.i18n.Lang; import play.i18n.Messages; import play.libs.Codec; import play.mvc.Http; import play.utils.Java; import play.mvc.ActionInvoker; import play.mvc.Http.Request; import play.mvc.Router; import play.utils.HTML; /** * A template */ public class GroovyTemplate extends BaseTemplate { static { new GroovyShell().evaluate("java.lang.String.metaClass.if = { condition -> if(condition) delegate; else '' }"); } public GroovyTemplate(String name, String source) { super(name, source); } public GroovyTemplate(String source) { super(source); } public static class TClassLoader extends GroovyClassLoader { public TClassLoader() { super(Play.classloader); } public Class defineTemplate(String name, byte[] byteCode) { return defineClass(name, byteCode, 0, byteCode.length, Play.classloader.protectionDomain); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void directLoad(byte[] code) throws Exception { TClassLoader tClassLoader = new TClassLoader(); String[] lines = new String(code, "utf-8").split("\n"); this.linesMatrix = (HashMap<Integer, Integer>) Java.deserialize(Codec.decodeBASE64(lines[1])); this.doBodyLines = (HashSet<Integer>) Java.deserialize(Codec.decodeBASE64(lines[3])); for (int i = 4; i < lines.length; i = i + 2) { String className = lines[i]; byte[] byteCode = Codec.decodeBASE64(lines[i + 1]); Class c = tClassLoader.defineTemplate(className, byteCode); if (compiledTemplate == null) { compiledTemplate = c; } } } public void compile() { if (compiledTemplate == null) { try { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); TClassLoader tClassLoader = new TClassLoader(); // Let's compile the groovy source final List<GroovyClass> groovyClassesForThisTemplate = new ArrayList<GroovyClass>(); // ~~~ Please ! CompilerConfiguration compilerConfiguration = new CompilerConfiguration(); compilerConfiguration.setSourceEncoding("utf-8"); // ouf CompilationUnit compilationUnit = new CompilationUnit(compilerConfiguration); compilationUnit.addSource(new SourceUnit(name, compiledSource, compilerConfiguration, tClassLoader, compilationUnit.getErrorCollector())); Field phasesF = compilationUnit.getClass().getDeclaredField("phaseOperations"); phasesF.setAccessible(true); LinkedList[] phases = (LinkedList[]) phasesF.get(compilationUnit); LinkedList<GroovyClassOperation> output = new LinkedList<GroovyClassOperation>(); phases[Phases.OUTPUT] = output; output.add(new GroovyClassOperation() { public void call(GroovyClass gclass) { groovyClassesForThisTemplate.add(gclass); } }); compilationUnit.compile(); // ouf // Define script classes StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("LINESMATRIX" + "\n"); sb.append(Codec.encodeBASE64(Java.serialize(linesMatrix)).replaceAll("\\s", "")); sb.append("\n"); sb.append("DOBODYLINES" + "\n"); sb.append(Codec.encodeBASE64(Java.serialize(doBodyLines)).replaceAll("\\s", "")); sb.append("\n"); for (GroovyClass gclass : groovyClassesForThisTemplate) { tClassLoader.defineTemplate(gclass.getName(), gclass.getBytes()); sb.append(gclass.getName()); sb.append("\n"); sb.append(Codec.encodeBASE64(gclass.getBytes()).replaceAll("\\s", "")); sb.append("\n"); } // Cache BytecodeCache.cacheBytecode(sb.toString().getBytes("utf-8"), name, source); compiledTemplate = tClassLoader.loadClass(groovyClassesForThisTemplate.get(0).getName()); if (System.getProperty("precompile") != null) { try { // emit bytecode to standard class layout as well File f = Play.getFile("precompiled/templates/" + name.replaceAll("\\{(.*)\\}", "from_$1").replace(":", "_").replace("..", "parent")); f.getParentFile().mkdirs(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f); fos.write(sb.toString().getBytes("utf-8")); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn(e, "Unexpected"); } } if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("%sms to compile template %s to %d classes", System.currentTimeMillis() - start, name, groovyClassesForThisTemplate.size()); } } catch (MultipleCompilationErrorsException e) { if (e.getErrorCollector().getLastError() != null) { SyntaxErrorMessage errorMessage = (SyntaxErrorMessage) e.getErrorCollector().getLastError(); SyntaxException syntaxException = errorMessage.getCause(); Integer line = this.linesMatrix.get(syntaxException.getLine()); if (line == null) { line = 0; } String message = syntaxException.getMessage(); if (message.indexOf("@") > 0) { message = message.substring(0, message.lastIndexOf("@")); } throw new TemplateCompilationException(this, line, message); } throw new UnexpectedException(e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } compiledTemplateName = compiledTemplate.getName(); } @Override public String render(Map<String, Object> args) { try { return super.render(args); } finally { currentTemplate.remove(); } } @Override protected String internalRender(Map<String, Object> args) { compile(); Binding binding = new Binding(args); binding.setVariable("play", new Play()); binding.setVariable("messages", new Messages()); binding.setVariable("lang", Lang.get()); // If current response-object is present, add _response_encoding' Http.Response currentResponse = Http.Response.current(); if (currentResponse != null) { binding.setVariable("_response_encoding", currentResponse.encoding); } StringWriter writer = null; Boolean applyLayouts = false; // must check if this is the first template being rendered.. // If this template is called from inside another template, // then args("out") have already been initialized if (!args.containsKey("out")) { // This is the first template being rendered. // We have to set up the PrintWriter that this (and all sub-templates) are going // to write the output to.. applyLayouts = true; layout.set(null); writer = new StringWriter(); binding.setProperty("out", new PrintWriter(writer)); currentTemplate.set(this); } if (!args.containsKey("_body") && !args.containsKey("_isLayout") && !args.containsKey("_isInclude")) { layoutData.set(new HashMap<Object, Object>()); TagContext.init(); } ExecutableTemplate t = (ExecutableTemplate) InvokerHelper.createScript(compiledTemplate, binding); t.template = this; Monitor monitor = null; try { monitor = MonitorFactory.start(name); long start = System.currentTimeMillis();; monitor.stop(); monitor = null; if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("%sms to render template %s", System.currentTimeMillis() - start, name); } } catch (NoRouteFoundException e) { if (e.isSourceAvailable()) { throw e; } throwException(e); } catch (PlayException e) { throw (PlayException) cleanStackTrace(e); } catch (DoBodyException e) { if (Play.mode == Mode.DEV) { compiledTemplate = null; BytecodeCache.deleteBytecode(name); } Exception ex = (Exception) e.getCause(); throwException(ex); } catch (Throwable e) { if (Play.mode == Mode.DEV) { compiledTemplate = null; BytecodeCache.deleteBytecode(name); } throwException(e); } finally { if (monitor != null) { monitor.stop(); } } if (applyLayouts && layout.get() != null) { Map<String, Object> layoutArgs = new HashMap<String, Object>(args); layoutArgs.remove("out"); layoutArgs.put("_isLayout", true); String layoutR = layout.get().internalRender(layoutArgs); // Must replace '____%LAYOUT%____' inside the string layoutR with the content from writer.. final String whatToFind = "____%LAYOUT%____"; final int pos = layoutR.indexOf(whatToFind); if (pos >=0) { // prepending and appending directly to writer/buffer to prevent us // from having to duplicate the string. // this makes us use half of the memory! writer.getBuffer().insert(0,layoutR.substring(0,pos)); writer.append(layoutR.substring(pos+whatToFind.length())); return writer.toString().trim(); } return layoutR; } if (writer != null) { return writer.toString(); } return null; } Throwable cleanStackTrace(Throwable e) { List<StackTraceElement> cleanTrace = new ArrayList<StackTraceElement>(); for (StackTraceElement se : e.getStackTrace()) { //Here we are parsing the classname to find the file on disk the template was generated from. //See GroovyTemplateCompiler.head() for more info. if (se.getClassName().startsWith("Template_")) { String tn = se.getClassName().substring(9); if (tn.indexOf("$") > -1) { tn = tn.substring(0, tn.indexOf("$")); } BaseTemplate template = TemplateLoader.templates.get(tn); if( template != null ) { Integer line = template.linesMatrix.get(se.getLineNumber()); if (line != null) { String ext = ""; if (tn.indexOf(".") > -1) { ext = tn.substring(tn.indexOf(".") + 1); tn = tn.substring(0, tn.indexOf(".")); } StackTraceElement nse = new StackTraceElement(TemplateLoader.templates.get(tn).name, ext, "line", line); cleanTrace.add(nse); } } } if (!se.getClassName().startsWith("org.codehaus.groovy.") && !se.getClassName().startsWith("groovy.") && !se.getClassName().startsWith("sun.reflect.") && !se.getClassName().startsWith("java.lang.reflect.") && !se.getClassName().startsWith("Template_")) { cleanTrace.add(se); } } e.setStackTrace(cleanTrace.toArray(new StackTraceElement[cleanTrace.size()])); return e; } /** * Groovy template */ public static abstract class ExecutableTemplate extends Script { // Leave this field public to allow custom creation of TemplateExecutionException from different pkg public GroovyTemplate template; @Override public Object getProperty(String property) { try { if (property.equals("actionBridge")) { return new ActionBridge(this); } return super.getProperty(property); } catch (MissingPropertyException mpe) { return null; } } public void invokeTag(Integer fromLine, String tag, Map<String, Object> attrs, Closure body) { String templateName = tag.replace(".", "/"); String callerExtension = "tag"; if (".") > 0) { callerExtension =".") + 1); } BaseTemplate tagTemplate = null; try { tagTemplate = (BaseTemplate)TemplateLoader.load("tags/" + templateName + "." + callerExtension); } catch (TemplateNotFoundException e) { try { tagTemplate = (BaseTemplate)TemplateLoader.load("tags/" + templateName + ".tag"); } catch (TemplateNotFoundException ex) { if (callerExtension.equals("tag")) { throw new TemplateNotFoundException("tags/" + templateName + ".tag", template, fromLine); } throw new TemplateNotFoundException("tags/" + templateName + "." + callerExtension + " or tags/" + templateName + ".tag", template, fromLine); } } TagContext.enterTag(tag); Map<String, Object> args = new HashMap<String, Object>(); args.put("session", getBinding().getVariables().get("session")); args.put("flash", getBinding().getVariables().get("flash")); args.put("request", getBinding().getVariables().get("request")); args.put("params", getBinding().getVariables().get("params")); args.put("play", getBinding().getVariables().get("play")); args.put("lang", getBinding().getVariables().get("lang")); args.put("messages", getBinding().getVariables().get("messages")); args.put("out", getBinding().getVariable("out")); args.put("_attrs", attrs); // all other vars are template-specific args.put("_caller", getBinding().getVariables()); if (attrs != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : attrs.entrySet()) { args.put("_" + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } args.put("_body", body); try { tagTemplate.internalRender(args); } catch (TagInternalException e) { throw new TemplateExecutionException(template, fromLine, e.getMessage(), template.cleanStackTrace(e)); } catch (TemplateNotFoundException e) { throw new TemplateNotFoundException(e.getPath(), template, fromLine); } TagContext.exitTag(); } public Class _(String className) throws Exception { try { return Play.classloader.loadClass(className); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } /** * This method is faster to call from groovy than __safe() since we only evaluate val.toString() * if we need to */ public String __safeFaster(Object val) { if (val != null) { if (val instanceof RawData) { return ((RawData) val).data; } else if (!".html") || TagContext.hasParentTag("verbatim")) { if (".xml")) { return StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml(val.toString()); } else if (".csv")) { return StringEscapeUtils.escapeCsv(val.toString()); } return val.toString(); } else { return HTML.htmlEscape(val.toString()); } } else { return ""; } } public String __getMessage(Object[] val) { if (val==null) { throw new NullPointerException("You are trying to resolve a message with an expression " + "that is resolved to null - " + "have you forgotten quotes around the message-key?"); } if (val.length == 1) { return Messages.get(val[0]); } else { // extract args from val Object[] args = new Object[val.length-1]; for( int i=1;i<val.length;i++) { args[i-1] = val[i]; } return Messages.get(val[0], args); } } public String __reverseWithCheck_absolute_true(String action) { return __reverseWithCheck(action, true); } public String __reverseWithCheck_absolute_false(String action) { return __reverseWithCheck(action, false); } private String __reverseWithCheck(String action, boolean absolute) { return Router.reverseWithCheck(action, Play.getVirtualFile(action), absolute); } public String __safe(Object val, String stringValue) { if (val instanceof RawData) { return ((RawData) val).data; } if (!".html") || TagContext.hasParentTag("verbatim")) { return stringValue; } return HTML.htmlEscape(stringValue); } public Object get(String key) { return GroovyTemplate.layoutData.get().get(key); } static class ActionBridge extends GroovyObjectSupport { ExecutableTemplate template = null; String controller = null; boolean absolute = false; public ActionBridge(ExecutableTemplate template, String controllerPart, boolean absolute) { this.template = template; this.controller = controllerPart; this.absolute = absolute; } public ActionBridge(ExecutableTemplate template) { this.template = template; } @Override public Object getProperty(String property) { return new ActionBridge(template, controller == null ? property : controller + "." + property, absolute); } public Object _abs() { this.absolute = true; return this; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object invokeMethod(String name, Object param) { try { if (controller == null) { controller = Request.current().controller; } String action = controller + "." + name; if (action.endsWith(".call")) { action = action.substring(0, action.length() - 5); } try { Map<String, Object> r = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Method actionMethod = (Method) ActionInvoker.getActionMethod(action)[1]; String[] names = (String[]) actionMethod.getDeclaringClass().getDeclaredField("$" + actionMethod.getName() + LocalVariablesNamesTracer.computeMethodHash(actionMethod.getParameterTypes())).get(null); if (param instanceof Object[]) { if(((Object[])param).length == 1 && ((Object[])param)[0] instanceof Map) { r = (Map<String,Object>)((Object[])param)[0]; } else { // too many parameters versus action, possibly a developer error. we must warn him. if (names.length < ((Object[]) param).length) { throw new NoRouteFoundException(action, null); } for (int i = 0; i < ((Object[]) param).length; i++) { if (((Object[]) param)[i] instanceof Router.ActionDefinition && ((Object[]) param)[i] != null) { Unbinder.unBind(r, ((Object[]) param)[i].toString(), i < names.length ? names[i] : "", actionMethod.getAnnotations()); } else if (isSimpleParam(actionMethod.getParameterTypes()[i])) { if (((Object[]) param)[i] != null) { Unbinder.unBind(r, ((Object[]) param)[i].toString(), i < names.length ? names[i] : "", actionMethod.getAnnotations()); } } else { Unbinder.unBind(r, ((Object[]) param)[i], i < names.length ? names[i] : "", actionMethod.getAnnotations()); } } } } Router.ActionDefinition def = Router.reverse(action, r); if (absolute) { def.absolute(); } if (".xml")) { def.url = def.url.replace("&", "&"); } return def; } catch (ActionNotFoundException e) { throw new NoRouteFoundException(action, null); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof PlayException) { throw (PlayException) e; } throw new UnexpectedException(e); } } } } static boolean isSimpleParam(Class type) { return Number.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || type.equals(String.class) || type.isPrimitive(); } }