package play.libs; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import play.Logger; import play.exceptions.PlayException; import play.libs.WS.HttpResponse; import play.mvc.Router; import play.mvc.Http.Request; import play.mvc.Scope.Params; import play.mvc.results.Redirect; public class OpenID { private OpenID(String id) { = id; this.returnAction = this.realmAction = Request.current().action; } // ~~~ API String id; String returnAction; String realmAction; List<String> sregRequired = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> sregOptional = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, String> axRequired = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> axOptional = new HashMap<String, String>(); public OpenID returnTo(String action) { this.returnAction = action; return this; } public OpenID forRealm(String action) { this.realmAction = action; return this; } public OpenID required(String alias) { this.sregRequired.add(alias); return this; } public OpenID required(String alias, String schema) { this.axRequired.put(alias, schema); return this; } public OpenID optional(String alias) { this.sregOptional.add(alias); return this; } public OpenID optional(String alias, String schema) { this.axOptional.put(alias, schema); return this; } public boolean verify() { try { // Normalize String claimedId = normalize(id); String server = null; String delegate = null; // Discover HttpResponse response = WS.url(claimedId).get(); // Try HTML (I know it's bad) String html = response.getString(); server = discoverServer(html); if (server == null) { // Try YADIS Document xrds = null; if (response.getContentType().contains("application/xrds+xml")) { xrds = response.getXml(); } else if (response.getHeader("X-XRDS-Location") != null) { xrds = WS.url(response.getHeader("X-XRDS-Location")).get().getXml(); } else { return false; } // Ok we have the XRDS file server = XPath.selectText("//Type[text()='']/following-sibling::URI/text()", xrds); claimedId = XPath.selectText("//Type[text()='']/following-sibling::LocalID/text()", xrds); if (claimedId == null) { claimedId = ""; } else { server = XPath.selectText("//Type[text()='']/following-sibling::URI/text()", xrds); } if (server == null) { return false; } } else { // Delegate Matcher openid2Localid = Pattern.compile("<link[^>]+openid2[.]local_id[^>]+>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(html); Matcher openidDelegate = Pattern.compile("<link[^>]+openid[.]delegate[^>]+>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(html); if (openid2Localid.find()) { delegate = extractHref(; } else if (openidDelegate.find()) { delegate = extractHref(; } } // Redirect String url = server; if (!server.contains("?")) { url += "?"; } if (!url.endsWith("?") && !url.endsWith("&")) { url += "&"; } url += "openid.ns=" + URLEncoder.encode("", "UTF-8"); url += "&openid.mode=checkid_setup"; url += "&openid.claimed_id=" + URLEncoder.encode(claimedId, "utf8"); url += "&openid.identity=" + URLEncoder.encode(delegate == null ? claimedId : delegate, "utf8"); if (returnAction != null && (returnAction.startsWith("http://") || returnAction.startsWith("https://"))) { url += "&openid.return_to=" + URLEncoder.encode(returnAction, "utf8"); } else { url += "&openid.return_to=" + URLEncoder.encode(Request.current().getBase() + Router.reverse(returnAction), "utf8"); } if (realmAction != null && (realmAction.startsWith("http://") || realmAction.startsWith("https://"))) { url += "&openid.realm=" + URLEncoder.encode(realmAction, "utf8"); } else { url += "&openid.realm=" + URLEncoder.encode(Request.current().getBase() + Router.reverse(realmAction), "utf8"); } if (!sregOptional.isEmpty() || !sregRequired.isEmpty()) { url += "&openid.ns.sreg=" + URLEncoder.encode("", "UTF-8"); } String sregO = ""; for (String a : sregOptional) { sregO += URLEncoder.encode(a, "UTF-8") + ","; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sregO)) { url += "&openid.sreg.optional=" + sregO.substring(0, sregO.length() - 1); } String sregR = ""; for (String a : sregRequired) { sregR += URLEncoder.encode(a, "UTF-8") + ","; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(sregR)) { url += "&openid.sreg.required=" + sregR.substring(0, sregR.length() - 1); } if (!axRequired.isEmpty() || !axOptional.isEmpty()) { url += "&"; url += "&"; for (String a : axOptional.keySet()) { url += "&" + a + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(axOptional.get(a), "UTF-8"); } for (String a : axRequired.keySet()) { url += "&" + a + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(axRequired.get(a), "UTF-8"); } if (!axRequired.isEmpty()) { String r = ""; for (String a : axRequired.keySet()) { r += "," + a; } r = r.substring(1); url += "&" + r; } if (!axOptional.isEmpty()) { String r = ""; for (String a : axOptional.keySet()) { r += "," + a; } r = r.substring(1); url += "&" + r; } } if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { // Debug Logger.trace("Send request %s", url); } throw new Redirect(url); } catch (Redirect e) { throw e; } catch (PlayException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } // ~~~~ Main API public static OpenID id(String id) { return new OpenID(id); } /** * Normalize the given openid as a standard openid */ public static String normalize(String openID) { openID = openID.trim(); if (!openID.startsWith("http://") && !openID.startsWith("https://")) { openID = "http://" + openID; } try { URI url = new URI(openID); String frag = url.getRawFragment(); if (frag != null && frag.length() > 0) { openID = openID.replace("#" + frag, ""); } if (url.getPath().equals("")) { openID += "/"; } openID = new URI(openID).toString(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(openID + " is not a valid URL"); } return openID; } /** * Is the current request an authentication response from the OP ? */ public static boolean isAuthenticationResponse() { return Params.current().get("openid.mode") != null; } /** * Retrieve the verified OpenID * @return A UserInfo object */ public static UserInfo getVerifiedID() { try { String mode = Params.current().get("openid.mode"); // Check authentication if (mode != null && mode.equals("id_res")) { // id String id = Params.current().get("openid.claimed_id"); if (id == null) { id = Params.current().get("openid.identity"); } id = normalize(id); // server String server = Params.current().get("openid.op_endpoint"); if (server == null) { server = discoverServer(id); } String fields = Request.current().querystring.replace("openid.mode=id_res", "openid.mode=check_authentication"); WS.HttpResponse response = WS.url(server).mimeType("application/x-www-form-urlencoded").body(fields).post(); if (response.getStatus() == 200 && response.getString().contains("is_valid:true")) { UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(); = id; Pattern patternAX = Pattern.compile("^openid[.].+[.]value[.]([^.]+)([.]\\d+)?$"); Pattern patternSREG = Pattern.compile("^openid[.]sreg[.]([^.]+)$"); for (String p : Params.current().allSimple().keySet()) { Matcher m = patternAX.matcher(p); if (m.matches()) { String alias =; userInfo.extensions.put(alias, Params.current().get(p)); } m = patternSREG.matcher(p); if (m.matches()) { String alias =; userInfo.extensions.put(alias, Params.current().get(p)); } } return userInfo; } else { return null; } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return null; } // ~~~~ Utils static String extractHref(String link) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("href=\"([^\"]*)\"").matcher(link); if (m.find()) { return; } m = Pattern.compile("href=\'([^\']*)\'").matcher(link); if (m.find()) { return; } return null; } public static String discoverServer(String openid) { if (openid.startsWith("http")) { openid = WS.url(openid).get().getString(); } Matcher openid2Provider = Pattern.compile("<link[^>]+openid2[.]provider[^>]+>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(openid); Matcher openidServer = Pattern.compile("<link[^>]+openid[.]server[^>]+>", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(openid); String server = null; if (openid2Provider.find()) { server = extractHref(; } else if (openidServer.find()) { server = extractHref(; } return server; } // ~~~~ Result class public static class UserInfo { /** * OpenID */ public String id; /** * Extensions values */ public Map<String, String> extensions = new HashMap<String, String>(); @Override public String toString() { return id + " " + extensions; } } }