package; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * Iterator class to iterate over arrays. This {@link Iterator} implementation provides * additional convenience methods for replacing the current value and iterating backwards. * Using a for...each loop, this class will intentionally iterate a given array from * the beginning to the end. * * @author Simon * @param <T> Type of array elements. */ public class ArrayIterator<T> implements Iterable<T>, Iterator<T> { public static <T> ArrayIterator<T> get(T[] array) { return new ArrayIterator<T>(array, 0, array.length); } public static <T> ArrayIterator<T> forRange(T[] array, int start) { return new ArrayIterator<T>(array, start, array.length); } public static <T> ArrayIterator<T> forRange(T[] array, int start, int end) { return new ArrayIterator<T>(array, start, end); } private int i; private int start; private int end; private T[] array; /** * Creates a new ArrayIterator * @param array The array to iterate over * @param start The inclusive index to begin iteration at. * @param end The exclusive index to end iteration at. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If start and end indices are out of array range. */ private ArrayIterator(T[] array, int start, int end) { if (end > array.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("end > length"); } else if (start < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("start < 0"); } else if (start > end) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("start > end"); } this.array = array; this.start = start; this.i = start; this.end = end; } /** * Moves iteration to the first element, so the next call to {@link #next()} returns * the first element. */ public void first() { this.i = this.start; } /** * Moves iteration to the last element, so the next call to {@link #hasNext()} * returns false. */ public void last() { this.i = this.end; } /** * Returns the next element without moving the iteration pointer. * @return The element which will be returned by the next call to {@link #next()}. */ public T peekNext() { if (!this.hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("index " + this.i); } return this.array[this.i]; } /** * Determines whether there is an element next to current iteration position. * @return <code>true</code> if iteration has not reached the end of the array. */ @Override public boolean hasNext() { return this.i < this.end; } /** * Determines whether there is an element previous to current iteration position. * @return <code>true</code> if iteration is not at the beginning and the array * contains at least one element. */ public boolean hasPrevious() { return this.i > 0; } /** * Returns the next element in this iteration. If there are no more elements, * an exception is thrown. * @return The next array element. * @throws NoSuchElementException If there are no more elements. */ @Override public T next() { if (!this.hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("index " + this.i); } return this.array[this.i++]; } /** * Returns the previous element in this iteration, decreasing the current iteration * pointer by one. * @return The previous element. * @throws NoSuchElementException If there is no previous element. */ public T previous() { if (!this.hasPrevious()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("index " + this.i); } return this.array[--i]; } /** * Returns the current element of the iteration. That is the same as returned by the * preceded call to {@link #next()}. * * @return The current element of iteration. */ public T current() { int index = Math.max(this.start, this.i - 1); return this.array[index]; } /** * Replaces the element at the current position with the given value. * @param other The new value to replace the current elements value with. */ public void replace(T other) { int index = Math.max(this.start, i - 1); this.array[index] = other; } /** * This method is not supported, thus it will always throw an * {@link UnsupportedOperationException}. */ @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("remove"); } /** * Moves current iteration to given index. The next call of {@link #next()} will * return the value at position i. * * @param i The new iteration position. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the given number is not in the range specified * in the constructor. */ public void move(int i) { this.checkRange(i); this.i = i; } /** * Returns the index of the current iteration. * @return The iteration index. */ public int getIndex() { return this.i; } /** * Swaps the element at the current position with the next element. * @throws NoSuchElementException If there is no next element. */ public void swapNext() { if (!this.hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("index " + (this.i + 1)); } this.swap(this.i, this.i + 1); } /** * Swaps the element at the current position with the previous element. * @throws NoSuchElementException If there is no previous element. */ public void swapPrevious() { if (!this.hasPrevious()) { throw new NoSuchElementException("index " + (this.i - 1)); } this.swap(this.i, Math.max(this.i - 1, this.start)); } private void swap(int from, int with) { this.checkRange(from); this.checkRange(with); T tmp = this.array[from]; this.array[from] = this.array[with]; this.array[with] = tmp; } private void checkRange(int i) { if (i < this.start || i >= this.end) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Out of range. " + i); } } @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return this; } }