package de.skuzzle.polly.process; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * The {@link JavaProcessExecutor} is a factory class which is not instantiable. It * has static methods to create a {@link ProcessExecutor} that can create a new java * process. * * @author Simon * @see ProcessExecutor */ public final class JavaProcessExecutor { /** * Gets a {@link ProcessExecutor} that will run <code>java</code> with the given * commandline commands. * * @param runInConsole Whether java should b launched using a new console window. * Note: the behavior of this parameter is highly system dependent. See * {@link ProcessExecutor#ProcessExecutor(boolean)}. * @param commands Commands to add to the created executor. * @return The created ProcessExecutor. */ public static ProcessExecutor getOsInstance(boolean runInConsole, List<String> commands) { File java = null; if (ProcessExecutor.IS_WINDOWS) { java = getJava("sun.boot.library.path", "javaw"); } if (java == null || !java.exists()) { java = getJava("java.home", "bin/java"); } if (!java.exists()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("java home error: " + java); } ProcessExecutor pe = ProcessExecutor.getOsInstance(runInConsole); pe.addCommand(java.getAbsolutePath()); pe.addCommand(commands); return pe; } private static File getJava(String propertyName, String child) { if (ProcessExecutor.IS_WINDOWS) { child += ".exe"; } return new File(System.getProperty(propertyName), child); } /** * Creates a ProcessExecutor which will start a new JVM with the same arguments * as the current vm. * * @param runInConsole Whether java should b launched using a new console window. * Note: the behavior of this parameter is highly system dependent. See * {@link ProcessExecutor#ProcessExecutor(boolean)}. * @return The created {@link ProcessExecutor} instance. */ public static ProcessExecutor getCurrentInstance(boolean runInConsole) { ProcessExecutor pe = JavaProcessExecutor.getOsInstance(runInConsole); List<String> vmArgs = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments(); for (String arg : vmArgs) { if (!arg.contains("-agentlib")) { pe.addCommand(arg); } } return pe; } /** * Creates a new {@link ProcessExecutor} which can run a new java process. All * commands added to the resulting ProcessExecutor will be arguments for * <code>java</code> or <code>javaw</code>. * * @param runInConsole Whether java should b launched using a new console window. * Note: the behavior of this parameter is highly system dependent. See * {@link ProcessExecutor#ProcessExecutor(boolean)}. * @return The created {@link ProcessExecutor} instance. */ public static ProcessExecutor getOsInstance(boolean runInConsole) { return JavaProcessExecutor.getOsInstance(runInConsole, new LinkedList<String>()); } private JavaProcessExecutor() {} }