package de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.visitor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.Position; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.ResolvableIdentifier; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.Root; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.declarations.Declaration; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.declarations.Namespace; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.directives.DelayDirective; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.directives.Directive; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Assignment; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Call; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Delete; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Empty; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Expression; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Inspect; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.NamespaceAccess; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Native; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.OperatorCall; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.VarAccess; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Delete.DeleteableIdentifier; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.DateLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.FunctionLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.ListLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.Literal; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.NumberLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.StringLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.problems.ProblemReporter; import; import; public class ExecutionVisitor extends DepthFirstVisitor { protected final Stack<Literal> stack; private Namespace nspace; private final Namespace rootNs; private final ProblemReporter reporter; public ExecutionVisitor(Namespace rootNs, Namespace workingNs, ProblemReporter reporter) { this.stack = new LinkedStack<Literal>(); this.nspace = workingNs; this.rootNs = rootNs; this.reporter = reporter; } public ProblemReporter getReporter() { return this.reporter; } /** * Gets the top most element on the stack. Will throw an exception if there is no * unique result available. * @return The result of the execution. */ public Literal getSingleResult() { return this.stack.peek(); } /** * Determines whether we have a unique result (e.g. stack has only one element). * * @return Whether we have a unique result. */ public boolean hasResult() { return this.stack.size() == 1; } /** * Creates a new sub namespace of the current namespace and sets that new namespace * as the current one. * * @return The created namespace. */ public Namespace enter() { return this.nspace = this.nspace.enter(); } /** * Sets the current namespace as the parent of the current namespace. * * @return The parent of the former current namespace. */ public Namespace leave() { return this.nspace = this.nspace.getParent(); } @Override public boolean visit(Root node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } final List<Literal> results = new ArrayList<Literal>(node.getExpressions().size()); for (final Expression exp : node.getExpressions()) { if (!exp.visit(this)) { return false; } results.add(this.stack.pop()); } for (final Directive dir : node.getDirectives().values()) { if (!dir.visit(this)) { return false; } } node.setResults(results); return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public int after(DelayDirective node) throws ASTTraversalException { // there must be a timespan or date literal on the stack final DateLiteral date = (DateLiteral) this.stack.pop(); node.setResult(date); return CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(Literal node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } this.stack.push(node); return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(FunctionLiteral node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } this.stack.push(node); return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(ListLiteral node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } // create collection of executed list content final List<Expression> executed = new ArrayList<Expression>( node.getContent().size()); for (final Expression exp : node.getContent()) { // places executed expression on the stack if (!exp.visit(this)) { return false; } executed.add(this.stack.pop()); } final ListLiteral result = new ListLiteral(node.getPosition(), executed); result.setUnique(node.getUnique()); this.stack.push(result); return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(NamespaceAccess node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } // store current ns and switch to new one final Namespace backup = this.nspace; // get namespace which is accessed here and has the current namespace as // parent. // lhs of access is guaranteed to be a VarAccess final VarAccess va = (VarAccess) node.getLhs(); this.nspace = Namespace.forName(va.getIdentifier()).derive(this.nspace); // execute expression and restore old namespace if (!node.getRhs().visit(this)) { return false; } this.nspace = backup; return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(Native node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } node.execute(this.stack, this.nspace, this); return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(Assignment node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } // result of assignment is the result of the assigned expression if (!node.getExpression().visit(this)) { return false; } final Declaration vd = new Declaration(node.getName().getPosition(), node.getName(), this.stack.peek()); vd.setPublic(node.isPublic()); vd.setTemp(node.isTemp()); if (vd.isPublic()) { Namespace.declarePublic(vd); } else { this.rootNs.declare(vd); } return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(OperatorCall node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } if (!this.visit((Call) node)) { return false; } return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(Call node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } // this will push the function call onto the stack if (!node.getLhs().visit(this)) { return false; } final FunctionLiteral func = (FunctionLiteral) this.stack.pop(); this.enter(); final Iterator<Expression> actualIt = node.getRhs().getContent().iterator(); final Iterator<Declaration> formalIt = func.getFormal().iterator(); while (formalIt.hasNext()) { final Declaration formal =; final Expression actual =; // execute actual parameter if (!actual.visit(this)) { return false; } // declare result as local variable for this call final Expression result = this.stack.pop(); final Declaration local = new Declaration(actual.getPosition(), formal.getName(), result, true); this.nspace.declare(local); } if (!func.getBody().visit(this)) { return false; } this.leave(); return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(VarAccess node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } Declaration vd = node.getIdentifier().getDeclaration(); if (vd == null || vd.isLocal() || vd.getExpression() instanceof Empty) { vd = this.nspace.tryResolve( node.getIdentifier(), node.getUnique()); } if (!vd.getExpression().visit(this)) { return false; } return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(Delete node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } int i = 0; for (final DeleteableIdentifier id: node.getIdentifiers()) { if (id.isGlobal()) { i += Namespace.deletePublic(id); } else { i += this.rootNs.delete(id); } } this.stack.push(new NumberLiteral(Position.NONE, i)); return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } @Override public boolean visit(Inspect node) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (this.before(node)) { case SKIP: return true; case ABORT: return false; } Namespace target = null; ResolvableIdentifier var = null; if (node.getAccess() instanceof VarAccess) { final VarAccess va = (VarAccess) node.getAccess(); target = this.nspace; var = va.getIdentifier(); } else if (node.getAccess() instanceof NamespaceAccess) { final NamespaceAccess nsa = (NamespaceAccess) node.getAccess(); final VarAccess nsName = (VarAccess) nsa.getLhs(); var = ((VarAccess) nsa.getRhs()).getIdentifier(); target = Namespace.forName(nsName.getIdentifier()); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("this should not be reachable"); } final Collection<Declaration> decls = target.lookupAll(var); final StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (final Declaration decl : decls) { if (decl.isPublic()) { b.append("(public) "); } if (decl.isNative()) { b.append("Native"); } else if (decl.getExpression() instanceof FunctionLiteral) { b.append("Funktion: " + Unparser.toString(decl.getExpression())); } else { b.append("Wert: " + Unparser.toString(decl.getExpression())); } b.append(". Type: " + decl.getType().getName()); b.append("\n"); } this.stack.push(new StringLiteral(node.getPosition(), b.toString())); return this.after(node) == CONTINUE; } }