package de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser; import*; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * <p>This is an abstract base class for all classes that are * to provide String-scanning for tokens. Extending classes only * need to implement the {@link #readToken()} method in order to * provide their own token forming rules.</p> * * <p>This class then provides many convenience functions for * context-free string parsing such as looking one token ahead, * consuming tokens, match the next token against an expected * token or skipping tokens over.</p> * * <p>This class does position tracking within the input which works * best for one lined input strings as it does not track line * breaks.</p> * * <p>To implement {@link #readToken()} this class provides the * methods {@link #readChar()} which reads exactly one char from * the input and {@link #pushBack(int)} which can put a char back * onto the stream so it will be read next.</p> * * @author Simon */ public abstract class AbstractTokenStream implements Iterable<Token>, TokenStream { /** * Stream which is used to read chars from the input. */ protected PushbackReader reader; /** * The pushback buffer for characters */ protected LinkedList<Integer> pushbackBuffer; /** * Pushbackbuffer for tokens. */ protected LinkedList<Token> tokenBuffer; /** Holds all tokens in order they have been consumed. */ protected final List<Token> consumedTokens; /** Pointer which points to the last consumed token in {@link #consumedTokens}. */ protected int tokenIndex; /** Pointer for marking a position in {@link #consumedTokens}. */ protected int mark; /** * Creates a new TokenStream with the given PushbackReader as input. It will use the * charset provided by the reader. * * @param reader The PushbackReader to scan for tokens. */ public AbstractTokenStream(PushbackReader reader){ this.reader = reader; this.pushbackBuffer = new LinkedList<Integer>(); this.tokenBuffer = new LinkedList<Token>(); this.consumedTokens = new ArrayList<Token>(); this.mark = -1; } /** * Creates a new TokenStream with the given String as input. It will use UTF-8 as * default charset. * * @param stream The String to scan for tokens. */ public AbstractTokenStream(String stream) { this(stream,Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } /** * Creates a new TokenStream with the given String as input. * * @param stream The String to scan for tokens. * @param charset The charset in which the stream is encoded. */ public AbstractTokenStream(String stream, Charset charset) { this(new PushbackReader(new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(stream.getBytes(charset)), charset)))); } /** * Creates a new TokenStream with the given {@link InputStream} * as input. * * @param stream The InputStream to scan for tokens. * @param charset The name of the charset in which the characters from the stream are * encoded. */ public AbstractTokenStream(InputStream stream, Charset charset) { this(new PushbackReader(new InputStreamReader(stream, charset))); } /** * Whether all characters have been read from the input. * * @return Whether all characters have been read from the input. */ public boolean eos() { return this.reader.eos(); } /** * Gets a {@link TokenStream} view of all consumed tokens. The last token returned * by this stream will always have the type {@link TokenType#EOS}. * * @return A TokenStream that can read all tokens that already have been consumed. */ public TokenStream consumed() { return new TokenStream() { private int i = 0; @Override public boolean match(Token token) throws ParseException { return this.match(token.getType()); } @Override public boolean match(TokenType type) throws ParseException { final TokenType compare = this.indexExists(this.i + 1) ? TokenType.EOS : consumedTokens.get(this.i + 1).getType(); if (compare == type) { ++this.i; return true; } return false; } @Override public Token lookAhead() throws ParseException { if (!this.indexExists(this.i + 1)) { return new Token(TokenType.EOS, Position.NONE); } return consumedTokens.get(this.i + 1); } @Override public Token consume() throws ParseException { return consumedTokens.get(this.i++); } private boolean indexExists(int index) { return index < consumedTokens.size(); } }; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.skuzzle.polly.parsing.TokenStream#match(de.skuzzle.polly.parsing.TokenType) */ @Override public boolean match(TokenType type) throws ParseException { if (this.lookAhead().matches(type)) { this.consume(); return true; } return false; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.skuzzle.polly.parsing.TokenStream#match(de.skuzzle.polly.parsing.Token) */ @Override public boolean match(Token token) throws ParseException { return this.match(token.getType()); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.skuzzle.polly.parsing.TokenStream#lookAhead() */ @Override public Token lookAhead() throws ParseException { if (this.tokenBuffer.isEmpty()) { this.tokenBuffer.add(this.nextToken()); } return this.tokenBuffer.peek(); } /** * Consumes tokens until the next token to be consumed has * any of the given types or the end of the stream has been reached. * * @param types Array of {@link TokenType}s to skip until. * @return The Token to which this method has been skipped. * That means that: * {@code Token la = synchronize(...) => la = this.lookAhead()}. * @throws ParseException If an invalid token has been read while skipping. */ public Token synchronize(TokenType...types) throws ParseException { return this.synchronize(Arrays.asList(types)); } /** * Consumes tokens until the next token to be consumed has * any of the given types or the end of the stream has been reached. * * @param types Array of {@link TokenType}s to skip until. * @return The Token to which this method has been skipped. * That means that: * {@code Token la = synchronize(...) => la = this.lookAhead()}. * @throws ParseException If an invalid token has been read while skipping. */ public Token synchronize(Collection<TokenType> types) throws ParseException { while (!this.eos()) { final Token la = this.lookAhead(); if (types.contains(la.getType())) { return la; } this.consume(); } return this.lookAhead(); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.skuzzle.polly.parsing.TokenStream#consume() */ @Override public Token consume() throws ParseException { return this.nextToken(); } /** * Returns the current position within the input stream. * @return The current stream position. */ public int getStreamIndex() { return this.reader.getPosition(); } /** * Creates a new {@link Position} which spans from the given * start index until the current stream index. * * @param start The start index of the new {@link Position} object. * @return A new {@link Position} which represents the span from * {@code start} until {@link #getStreamIndex()}. */ public Position spanFrom(int start) { int endIdx = this.eos() ? this.getStreamIndex() + 1 : this.getStreamIndex(); return new Position(start, endIdx); } /** * <p> * Creates a new {@link Position} which spans from the beginning * of the given {@link Token} until the current stream index. * </p> * * @param token The {@link Token} which states the beginning of the new * {@link Position} object. * @return A new {@link Position} which represents the span from * {@code token.getPosition.getStart()} until {@link #getStreamIndex()}. */ public Position spanFrom(Token token) { return this.spanFrom(token.getPosition()); } /** * Creates a new {@link Position} which spans from the beginning of the given * Position until the current stream index. * * @param start Start position. * @return A new Position representing the span from start until * {@link #getStreamIndex()} */ public Position spanFrom(Position start) { int endIdx = this.eos() ? this.getStreamIndex() + 1 : this.getStreamIndex(); return new Position(start.getStart(), endIdx); } /** * <p> * Pushes one character back onto the input and decreases the streampointer by 1. * </p> * * <p>This method will always set {@link #eos} to {@code false}.</p> * @param t The character to be pushed back onto the input. */ protected void pushBack(int t) { this.reader.pushback(t); } protected void pushBackArtificial(int c) { this.reader.pushbackInvisible(c); } /** * <p>Pushes back one token. The pushed back token will be buffered and read by later * calls of {@link #readToken()}. The pushed back token will be appended to the head * of the token pushback buffer. That means the next call to {@link #readToken()} will * return the pushed back token.</p> * * <p>Pushed back tokens are, when consumed, never added to the list of consumed * tokens.</p> * * @param t The token to push back. */ public void pushBackFirst(Token t) { this.tokenBuffer.addFirst(t); } /** * <p>Pushes back one token. The pushed back token will be buffered and read by later * calls of {@link #readToken()}. The pushed back token will be appended to the tail * of the token pushback buffer.</p> * * <p>Pushed back tokens are, when consumed, never added to the list of consumed * tokens.</p> * * @param t Token to push back. */ public void pushBackLast(Token t) { this.tokenBuffer.addLast(t); } /** * Consumes the next character only if it is the expected one. * * @param c The expected character. * @return Whether the next character is the expected one. */ protected boolean nextIs(int c) { final int next = this.readChar(); if (next == c) { return true; } this.pushBack(next); return false; } /** * <p> * Reads the next character from the input and increases the streampointer by 1. * If the end of the input is reached, this method sets the attribute {@link #eos} * to {@code true}. * </p> * * @return The character that has been read from the input or {@code -1} if the end * of the input has been reached. */ protected int readChar() { try { return; } catch (IOException e) { return -1; } } /** * <p>Remembers the current position within the token stream. The token stream can * be reset to this mark by using {@link #reset(boolean, boolean)}. Doing so will * cause the token to where the stream has been reseted to be the next token returned * by <code>nextToken()</code> or any other methods that would return a token.</p> */ public void mark() { this.mark = this.tokenIndex; } /** * Resets this stream to the mark set by {@link #mark()}. If the token buffer is * empty, the token that the stream was reset to will be the next one to be read. * If the token buffer contains tokens, they will be read first until it is empty. * * @param removeMark Whether the mark should be removed. * @param clearBuffer Whether the token buffer should be cleared. */ public void reset(boolean removeMark, boolean clearBuffer) { if (this.mark == -1) { throw new IllegalStateException("no mark available"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } this.tokenIndex = this.mark; if (removeMark) { this.mark = -1; } if (clearBuffer) { this.tokenBuffer.clear(); } } /** * Reads the next token from the input and consumes it. If the token has already * been read (due to call of {@link #lookAhead()}, the token will not be read again. * In that case, the token will be retrieved from the lookahead buffer and then be * returned. * @return The next token in the input stream. * @throws ParseException If no valid token could be read. */ private Token nextToken() throws ParseException { if (!this.tokenBuffer.isEmpty()) { return this.tokenBuffer.poll(); } final Token next; if (this.tokenIndex < this.consumedTokens.size()) { next = this.consumedTokens.get(this.tokenIndex); } else { next = this.readToken(); this.consumedTokens.add(next); } ++this.tokenIndex; return next; } /** * Main method for reading tokens from the input stream. * * @return The next token in the input stream. * @throws ParseException If no valid token could be read. */ protected abstract Token readToken() throws ParseException; private Iterator<Token> tokenIterator; @Override public synchronized Iterator<Token> iterator() { if (this.tokenIterator == null) { this.tokenIterator = new TokenIterator(); } return this.tokenIterator; } private class TokenIterator implements Iterator<Token> { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return !AbstractTokenStream.this.eos() && AbstractTokenStream.this.tokenBuffer.isEmpty(); } @Override public Token next() { if (!this.hasNext()) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } try { return AbstractTokenStream.this.nextToken(); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException("ParseException occurred", e); //$NON-NLS-1$ } } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }