package de.skuzzle.polly.sdk; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.ChannelModeListener; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.ConnectionListener; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.JoinPartListener; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.MessageListener; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.MessageSendListener; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.NickChangeListener; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.QuitListener; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.UserSpottedListener; /** * <p>This class manages all irc related tasks and provides a few events on which you can * react.</p> * * <p>Please note that all events raised by this class are called in another Thread.</p> * * @author Simon * @since zero day * @version RC 1.0 */ public interface IrcManager { /** * Quits the irc with the given quit message. Note that this message may be overriden * by IRC servers. For example euIrc overrides it by "Life is too short" if you * quit shortly after joining. * * @param message The quit message. */ public abstract void quit(String message); /** * Quits the irc using a default quit message. */ public abstract void quit(); /** * Determines whether a user with given nick is online in any channel. * * @param nickName The nickname to check. * @return <code>true</code> if the user is online on any channel that polly is on. */ public abstract boolean isOnline(String nickName); // ISSUE: 0000052 /** * Determines whether a user with given nick is online in any channel. This method * is case insensitive with nicknames. * * @param nickName The nickname to check. * @return <code>true</code> if the user is online on any channel that polly is on. * @since 0.6.1 */ public abstract boolean isOnlineIgnoreCase(String nickName); /** * Gets a readonly set of all users that are currently online on any channel that * polly is on. * * @return A set of nicknames. */ public abstract Set<String> getOnlineUsers(); /** * Closes the irc connection. */ public abstract void disconnect(); /** * Closes the current irc connection, logs off all users, then reconnects to the irc * and joins all default channels. * @throws IOException If reconnecting fails. */ public abstract void reconnect() throws IOException; /** * Determines if polly is currently connected to the irc. * @return <code>true</code> if polly is connected. */ public abstract boolean isConnected(); /** * Gets a list of all channels that polly is currently on. * * @return A list of channel names. */ public abstract List<String> getChannels(); /** * Determines whether an user with given nickname is online in the given channel. * Obviously this requires polly to be on the same channel too. * * @param channel The channel. * @param nickName The user to check. * @return <code>true</code> if a user with the given nickname is online in the given * channel. */ public abstract boolean isOnChannel(String channel, String nickName); /** * Gets all users which are online on the given channel. Will return an empty list * if polly is not on the given channel- * * @param channel The channel. * @return A list of nicknames. */ public abstract List<String> getChannelUser(String channel); /** * Joins all the channels that are specified in the configuration file as * {@link Configuration#CHANNELS}. * @since 0.9.1 */ public abstract void rejoinDefaultChannels(); /** * Lets polly join a channel using a password. Type any String as password if the * channel you are willing to join does not have a password. * * @param channel The channel to join. Must be preceded by a '#' * @param password The password for the channel. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the channel does not start with a '#'. */ public abstract void joinChannel(String channel, String password); /** * Lets polly join the given channels. All channelnames must be preceded by a '#'. If * one channel does not start with a '#', all further channels will not be joined and * an {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown. * * @param channels The channels to join. */ public abstract void joinChannels(String...channels); /** * Lets polly part the given channel using the given message as part message. If * polly is not on the channel you are trying to part, nothing happens. * * @param channel The channel to leave. * @param message The message to show upon leaving. */ public abstract void partChannel(String channel, String message); /** * Kicks an user from the given channel. This method will have no effect if polly has * insufficient rights on the channel. * * @param channel The channel from which the user shall be kicked. * @param nickName The user to kick. * @param reason Kickreason which will be shown in the kick message. */ public abstract void kick(String channel, String nickName, String reason); /** * Grants operator rights to the given user. This method will have no effect if polly * has insufficient rights on the channel. * * @param channel The channel on which the user shall be granted operator rights. * @param nickName The user. */ public abstract void op(String channel, String nickName); /** * Removes operator rights for a given user. This method will have no effect if polly * has insufficient rights on the channel. * * @param channel The channel on which the users operator rights shall be removed. * @param nickName The user to deop. */ public abstract void deop(String channel, String nickName); /** * <p>Sends a message to the irc. If the channel parameter is not preceded by a '#', * the message will be sent to a user with that name.</p> * * <p>Don't bother sending too long messages. Polly will automatically wrap them * into lines with suitable length. The actual length of the lines is determined by * pollys configuration.</p> * * @param channel The channel or user to send a message to. * @param message The message to send. */ public abstract void sendMessage(String channel, String message); /** * <p>Sends a message to the irc. If the channel parameter is not preceded by a '#', * the message will be sent to a user with that name.</p> * * <p>This method sends messages with a certain priority. Polly uses the source * parameter to distinguish between different message sources and tries to send them * in a fair order.</p> * * <p>Don't bother sending too long messages. Polly will automatically wrap them * into lines with suitable length. The actual length of the lines is determined by * pollys configuration.</p> * * @param channel The channel or user to send a message to. * @param message The message to send. * @param source The source of this message. Used for fair message scheduling when * sending multiple messages. * @since 0.6.1 */ public abstract void sendMessage(String channel, String message, Object source); /** * <p>Sends an action to the irc. If the channel parameter is not preceded by a '#', * the action will be sent to a user with that name.</p> * * <p>Don't bother sending too long messages. Polly will automatically wrap them * into lines with suitable length. The actual length of the lines is determined by * pollys configuration.</p> * * @param channel The channel or user to send a message to. * @param message The message to send. */ public abstract void sendAction(String channel, String message); /** * Sends a raw irc command to the current server. * * @param command the command string to send. */ public abstract void sendRawCommand(String command); /** * Sets the topic for the specified channel to the specified String. Nothing * will happen if polly has not the permissions to change the topic. * * @param channel The channel to change the topic on. * @param topic The new topic. * @since Beta 0.2 */ public abstract void setTopic(String channel, String topic); /** * Gets the topic for the specified channel. If polly is not on the channel, an * empty String will be returned. * * @param channel The channel which topic shall be retrieved. * @return The channels topic. * @since Beta 0.2 */ public abstract String getTopic(String channel); /** * Gets pollys current set nickname. * * @return the nickname. */ public abstract String getNickname(); /** * Sets polly irc nickname. * * @param nickname The new nickname. */ public abstract void setNickname(String nickname); /** * Sets pollys nickname to the default name and identifies with nickserv. * @since 0.9.1 */ public abstract void setAndIdentifyDefaultNickname(); /** * Adds a {@link MessageSendListener}. It will be notified whenever polly sends a * message via IRC. * * @param listener The listener to add. */ public abstract void addMessageSendListener(MessageSendListener listener); /** * Removes a {@link MessageSendListener}. * * @param listener The listener to remove. * @since 0.7 */ public abstract void removeMessageSendListener(MessageSendListener listener); /** * Adds a {@link NickChangeListener}. It will be notified each time a user changes * its nickname. * * @param listener The listener to add. */ public abstract void addNickChangeListener(NickChangeListener listener); /** * Removes a {@link NickChangeListener} listener. * * @param listener The listener to remove. */ public abstract void removeNickChangeListener(NickChangeListener listener); /** * Adds a {@link JoinPartListener}. It will be notified each time a user joins or * parts a channel that polly is on. * * @param listener The listener to add. */ public abstract void addJoinPartListener(JoinPartListener listener); /** * Removes a {@link JoinPartListener}. * * @param listener The listener to remove. */ public abstract void removeJoinPartListener(JoinPartListener listener); /** * Adds a {@link QuitListener}. It will be notified each time a user quits from irc. * * @param listener The listener to add. */ public abstract void addQuitListener(QuitListener listener); /** * Removes a {@link QuitListener}. * * @param listener The listener to remove. */ public abstract void removeQuitListener(QuitListener listener); /** * Adds a {@link MessageListener}. It will be notified each time a user sends any * message to a channel that polly is on. * * @param listener The listener to add. */ public abstract void addMessageListener(MessageListener listener); /** * Removes a {@link MessageListener}. * * @param listener The listener to remove. */ public abstract void removeMessageListener(MessageListener listener); /** * Adds a {@link ChannelModeListener}. It will be notified each time the mode of a * channel that polly is on is changed. * * @param listener The listener to add. * @since Beta 0.5 */ public abstract void addChannelModeListener(ChannelModeListener listener); /** * Removes a {@link ChannelModeListener}. * * @param listener The listener to remove. * @since Beta 0.5 */ public abstract void removeChannelModeListener(ChannelModeListener listener); /** * Adds a {@link UserSpottedListener}. It will be notified each time a user comes * in pollys sight for the first time (= join a channel) or leaves pollys sight * (part last common channel, quit). * * @param listener The listener to add. * @since 0.6.0 */ public abstract void addUserSpottedListener(UserSpottedListener listener); /** * Removes a {@link UserSpottedListener}. * * @param listener The listener to remove. * @since 0.6.0 */ public abstract void removeUserSpottedListener(UserSpottedListener listener); /** * Adds a {@link ConnectionListener}. It will get notified each time an irc * connection is (re)established or lost. * * @param listener The listener to add. * @since 0.6.1 */ public abstract void addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener); /** * Removes a {@link ConnectionListener}. * * @param listener The listener to remove. * @since 0.6.1 */ public abstract void removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener listener); }