package de.skuzzle.polly.sdk; import; import java.util.List; import de.skuzzle.polly.sdk.eventlistener.MessageEvent; /** * <p>Conversations provide an easy way to read several inputs from one user within one * command. It can be used similar to an {@link InputStream}. You can create a * new conversation using any of the create methods of the {@link ConversationManager} * </p> * * <p>Calling any of the {@link #readLine()} methods will cause the current thread to * block until the user for which this conversation was created wrote a line on the * channel for which this conversation was created. {@link #writeLine(String)} is a * convenient way for replying (it wraps * {@link IrcManager#sendMessage(String, String, Object)}</p> * * <p>Message from other users or from the same user on a different channel are ignored * by the conversation.</p> * * <p>Please note: As Conversations are thread-blocking and usually called during * execution of a command they may block pollys event system. If all event threads are * blocked, no further {@link MessageEvent}s can be fired thus causing polly to run into * a deadlock (as the conversations are waiting for the MessageEvent which * unblocks them).</p> * * <p>To prevent any trouble ensure to always close conversations and using them * thoughtfully. Additionally, polly may shutdown idling conversations in order to * gain a further event threads. You may also define a timeout after which your * conversation is closed automatically.</p> * * <p>Once a conversation has been closed, it cannot further be used. You can check * whether the conversation can still be used you may use * {@link #isDisposed()}</p> * * <p>Here is an example of how to create and use conversations:</p> * <pre> * protected boolean executeOnBoth(User executer, String channel, * Signature signature) throws CommandException { * * IrcUser u = new IrcUser(executer.getCurrentNickName(), "", ""); * Conversation c = null; * try { * c = this.getMyPolly().conversations().create(getMyPolly(), executer, channel); * * c.writeLine("Please insert your desired username:"); * String name = c.readStringLine(); * c.writeLine("Now insert your password"); * String password = c.readStringLine(); * c.writeLine("Please retype your password"); * String retype = c.readStringLine(); * if (!retype.equals(password)) { * c.writeLine("Passwords do not match."); * } * c.writeLine(c.getHistory().toString()); * } catch (Exception e) { * this.reply(channel, e.getMessage()); * } finally { * if (c != null) { * c.close(); * } * } * * return false; * } * </pre> * * @author Simon * */ public interface Conversation extends Disposable { /** * Wrapper method for {@link #readLine()} which returns the message-string from the * incoming {@link MessageEvent}. * * @return The String the user wrote. * @throws IOException If this thread was interrupted while waiting for the incoming * message or an invalid cross thread call happened. * @throws InterruptedException If the conversation is closed while waiting for an * incoming line. * @throws IllegalStateException If this Conversation is closed. */ public abstract String readStringLine() throws IOException, InterruptedException; /** * Waits until the user for which this conversation was created wrote a line on the * channel for which this conversation was created. * One conersation can only be read from one thread. If you call readLine() from two * different threads, this will cause an IOException. * * @return The {@link MessageEvent} of the incoming message. * @throws IOException If this thread was interrupted while waiting for the incoming * message or an invalid cross thread call happened. * @throws InterruptedException If the conversation is closed while waiting for an * incoming line. * @throws IllegalStateException If this Conversation is closed. */ public abstract MessageEvent readLine() throws IOException, InterruptedException; /** * Writes the given line on the channel for which this conversation was created. This * method is just a wrapper for {@link IrcManager#sendMessage(String, String)}. * * @param line The line to send to the channel. * @throws IllegalStateException If this Conversation is closed. */ public abstract void writeLine(String line); /** * Gets a list of all {@link MessageEvent}s that this conversation received. * * @return A list of {@link MessageEvent}s */ public abstract List<MessageEvent> getHistory(); /** * Determines whether this conversation is idle. An idle conversation will be * automatically closed by polly. * * @return If this conversation is idle. */ public abstract boolean isIdle(); /** * <p>Closes this conversation. After closing, you cannot use this conversation any * more to read or write lines.</p> * <p>This is a no-exception wrapper for {@link #dispose()}</p> */ public abstract void close(); }