package de.skuzzle.polly.process; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * <p>This class handles the system dependent task of creating and interacting with * processes. It currently does not support MAC OS.</p> * * <p>A concrete instance can be obtained using one of the static factory methods * {@link #getOsInstance(boolean)} or {@link #getOsInstance(boolean, List)}.</p> * * <h2>StreamHandlers</h2> * When a process is created, it is important to empty its standard out and standard * error streams, as otherwise deadlocks may occur (as by the documentation of * {@link Process}). {@link StreamHandler StreamHandlers} are threads that asynchronously * read data from the created processes to ensure that all buffers are emptied regularly. * A StreamHandler instance can only be attached to a process before it is executed using * {@link #setInputHandler(StreamHandler)} and {@link #setErrorHandler(StreamHandler)}. * If no StreamHandler is set, {@link SilentStreamHandler SilentStreamHandlers} are used * by default. * * <h2>ProcessWatchers</h2> * A ProcessWatcher is, like a StreamHandler, a separate thread which is started along * with executing a process. It will then be notified when the created process is * shutdown (or optionally a timeout expired). * * @author Simon Taddiken */ public abstract class ProcessExecutor { /** Determines whether we are running UNIX */ public final static boolean IS_UNIX = ProcessExecutor.isUnix(); /** Determines whether we are running on MAC OS */ public final static boolean IS_MAC = ProcessExecutor.isMac(); /** Determines whether we are running Windows */ public final static boolean IS_WINDOWS = ProcessExecutor.isWindows(); private static boolean isWindows() { String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); return (os.indexOf("win") >= 0); } private static boolean isMac() { String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); return (os.indexOf("mac") >= 0); } private static boolean isUnix() { String os = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); return (os.indexOf("nix") >=0 || os.indexOf("nux") >=0); } /** * Creates a proper {@link ProcessExecutor} for the current OS. MAC OS is currently * not supported. * * @param runInConsole This flag is system dependent. If set to false, the * ProcessExecutor will create the new process running in background. If set * to true on Windows machines, the ProcessExecutor opens a new Console * window running the process. On Unix machines the executor creates a new * shell process which then executes the command. * @param commands List of commandline arguments for the created ProcessExecutor. * @return A new ProcessExecutor instance. */ public static ProcessExecutor getOsInstance(boolean runInConsole, List<String> commands) { if (IS_WINDOWS) { return new WindowsProcessExecutor(runInConsole, commands); } else if (IS_UNIX) { return new UnixProcessExecutor(runInConsole, commands); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("os not supported"); } } /** * Creates a proper {@link ProcessExecutor} for the current OS. MAC OS is currently * not supported. * * @param runInConsole This flag is system dependent. If set to false, the * ProcessExecutor will create the new process running in background. If set * to true on Windows machines, the ProcessExecutor opens a new Console * window running the process. On Unix machines the executor creates a new * shell process which then executes the command. * @return A new ProcessExecutor instance. */ public static ProcessExecutor getOsInstance(boolean runInConsole) { return ProcessExecutor.getOsInstance(runInConsole, new LinkedList<String>()); } /** * ProcessExecutor implementation for Windows machines. * * @author Simon Taddiken */ protected static class WindowsProcessExecutor extends ProcessExecutor { public WindowsProcessExecutor(boolean runInConsole, List<String> commands) { super(runInConsole); if (!IS_WINDOWS) { throw new IllegalStateException("invalid os"); } if (runInConsole) { // HACK: using the 'start' command causes a new window to open but also // creates another process we can not watch. We can only watch the // cmd process. As this process terminates when the other process // terminates we are at least able to watch for termination. // TODO: Find a way to redirect the output of the process created // by 'start' to the 'cmd' process. this.commands.add("cmd"); this.commands.add("/c"); this.commands.add("start"); this.commands.add("\"cmd\""); // window title } this.commands.addAll(commands); } @Override protected Process doStart(ProcessBuilder pb) throws IOException { pb.command().addAll(this.commands); return pb.start(); } @Override protected String escapeCommand(String command) { if (command.contains(" ")) { command = "\"" + command + "\""; } return command; } } /** * ProcessExecutor implementation for UNIX machines. * * @author Simon Taddiken */ protected static class UnixProcessExecutor extends ProcessExecutor { private final static List<File> SHELLS = new ArrayList<File>(); private final static List<String> SHELL_ARGS = new ArrayList<String>(); static { SHELLS.add((new File("/bin/bash").getAbsoluteFile())); SHELL_ARGS.add("-lic"); SHELLS.add((new File("/bin/sh").getAbsoluteFile())); SHELL_ARGS.add("-c"); } private List<String> processCommands; public UnixProcessExecutor(boolean runInConsole, List<String> commands) { super(runInConsole); if (!IS_UNIX && !IS_MAC) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("invalid os"); } this.processCommands = new LinkedList<String>(); if (runInConsole) { boolean shellFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < SHELLS.size(); ++i) { if (SHELLS.get(i).exists()) { this.processCommands.add(SHELLS.get(i).getAbsolutePath()); this.addCommandsFromString(SHELL_ARGS.get(i), this.processCommands); shellFound = true; break; } } if (!shellFound) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "running in console not supported: no shell found"); } } this.commands.addAll(commands); } @Override protected Process doStart(ProcessBuilder pb) throws IOException { if (this.runInConsole) { pb.command().addAll(this.processCommands); StringBuilder cmd = new StringBuilder(); for (String command : this.commands) { cmd.append(command); cmd.append(" "); } pb.command().add("\"" + cmd.toString().trim() + "\""); } else { pb.command().addAll(this.commands); } return pb.start(); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); if (this.runInConsole) { for (String cmd : this.processCommands) { b.append(cmd); b.append(" "); } b.append("\""); b.append(super.toString()); b.append("\""); } else { b.append(super.toString()); } return b.toString(); } } protected List<String> commands; private boolean valid; protected boolean runInConsole; protected File executeIn; private StreamHandler input; private StreamHandler error; private ProcessWatcher watcher; private final static Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[^\\s\"]+|(\"[^\"]+\")"); /** * * @param runInConsole This flag is system dependent. If set to false, the * ProcessExecutor will create the new process running in background. If set * to true on Windows machines, the ProcessExecutor opens a new Console * window running the process. On Unix machines the executor creates a new * shell process which then executes the command. */ public ProcessExecutor(boolean runInConsole) { this.runInConsole = runInConsole; this.commands = new LinkedList<String>(); this.valid = true; this.executeIn = new File("."); this.input = new SilentStreamHandler("SILENT_INPUT_HANDLER"); this.error = new SilentStreamHandler("SILENT_ERROR_HANDLER"); } /** * Adds a single commandline argument to this executor. * * @param cmd The command to add. * @return This instance to enable setter chaining. */ public ProcessExecutor addCommand(String cmd) { this.commands.add(cmd); return this; } /** * Adds a list of commandline arguments to this executor. * * @param cmds The commands to add. * @return This instance to enable setter chaining. */ public ProcessExecutor addCommand(List<String> cmds) { for (String cmd : cmds) { this.addCommand(cmd); } return this; } /** * Parses the given string like a commandline tool would do. Parts wrapped in * quotes (") will form a single argument, otherwise, the string is splitted at * whitespaces. * * @param commandLine The string to parse. * @return This instance to enable setter chaining. */ public ProcessExecutor addCommandsFromString(String commandLine) { this.addCommandsFromString(commandLine, this.commands); return this; } /** * Sets the working directory for the process to create. * * @param executeIn The working directory. * @return This instance to enable setter chaining. */ public ProcessExecutor setExecuteIn(File executeIn) { this.executeIn = executeIn; return this; } /** * Gets the working directory for the process to create. By default, this will be * the directory from which the current JVM is run. * * @return The working directory. */ public File getExecuteIn() { return this.executeIn; } /** * Sets the {@link StreamHandler} that will read all the data from the created * process's standard output. * * @param input Standard out StreamHandler. * @return This instance to enable setter chaining. */ public ProcessExecutor setInputHandler(StreamHandler input) { this.input = input; return this; } /** * Gets the {@link StreamHandler} that will read all the data from the created * process's standard output. * @return The StreamHandler. */ public StreamHandler getInputHandler() { return this.input; } /** * Gets the {@link StreamHandler} that will read all the data from the created * process's standard error output. * @return The StreamHandler. */ public StreamHandler getErrorHandler() { return this.error; } /** * Sets the {@link StreamHandler} that will read all the data from the created * process's standard error output. * * @param error Standard out StreamHandler. * @return This instance to enable setter chaining. */ public ProcessExecutor setErrorHandler(StreamHandler error) { this.error = error; return this; } /** * Sets a {@link ProcessWatcher} which will be notified when the create process is * shutdown. * * @param watcher The ProcessWatcher to set. * @return This instance to enable setter chaining. */ public ProcessExecutor setProcessWatcher(ProcessWatcher watcher) { this.watcher = watcher; return this; } protected void addCommandsFromString(String commandLine, List<String> into) { Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher(commandLine); while (m.find()) { String substr = commandLine.substring(m.start(), m.end()); if (substr.startsWith("\"")) { if (!substr.endsWith("\"")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("commandline format fail: " + substr); } substr = substr.substring(1, substr.length() - 1); } into.add(substr); } } /** * <p>Starts the process using the parameters supplied by this class' setter methods. * If no custom {@link StreamHandler StreamHandlers} was set, * {@link SilentStreamHandler} will be used by default. By default, no * {@link ProcessWatcher} will be attached if not set by * {@link #setProcessWatcher(ProcessWatcher)}.</p> * * <p>Note: this method can only be invoked once on this instance.</p> * @return A {@link ProcessWrapper} representing the created process. * @throws IOException If creation of the process fails. */ public ProcessWrapper start() throws IOException { if (!this.valid) { throw new IllegalStateException("already started"); } try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(new LinkedList<String>());; Process proc = this.doStart(pb); ProcessWrapper pw = new ProcessWrapper(proc, this.input, this.error); this.input.setStream(proc.getInputStream()); this.error.setStream(proc.getErrorStream()); this.input.start(); this.error.start(); if (this.watcher != null) { this.watcher.setProc(pw); this.watcher.start(); } return pw; } finally { this.valid = false; } } /** * System dependent method to start a process. * * @param pb The {@link ProcessBuilder} that will be used to create the process. * @return The created process. * @throws IOException If creation of the process fails. */ protected abstract Process doStart(ProcessBuilder pb) throws IOException; /** * System dependent method to quote a commandline argument when it contains * whitespaces. * * @param command The argument to escape. * @return The escaped argument. */ protected String escapeCommand(String command) { return command; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (String cmd : this.commands) { if (cmd.indexOf(" ") != -1) { b.append("\""); b.append(cmd); b.append("\""); } else { b.append(cmd); } b.append(" "); } return b.toString().trim(); } }