package polly.rx.core.orion.pathplanning; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import polly.rx.core.orion.QuadrantProvider; import polly.rx.core.orion.QuadrantUtils; import polly.rx.core.orion.WormholeProvider; import polly.rx.core.orion.model.AlienSpawn; import polly.rx.core.orion.model.Quadrant; import polly.rx.core.orion.model.QuadrantDecorator; import polly.rx.core.orion.model.Sector; import polly.rx.core.orion.model.SectorDecorator; import polly.rx.core.orion.model.SectorType; import polly.rx.core.orion.model.Wormhole; import polly.rx.core.orion.pathplanning.Graph.EdgeCosts; import polly.rx.core.orion.pathplanning.Graph.LazyBuilder; public class PathPlanner { private final static Comparator<Sector> SAFE_SPOT_COMP = new Comparator<Sector>() { @Override public int compare(Sector o1, Sector o2) { // attacker bonus: the less, the better int c =, o2.getAttackerBonus()); if (c == 0) { // defender bonus: the more, the better c =, o1.getDefenderBonus()); } return c; } }; private final static EdgeCosts<EdgeData> EDGE_COSTS = new PathCostCalculator(); public static final int MAX_SAFE_SPOT_OUTPUT = 2; private final QuadrantProvider quadProvider; public PathPlanner(QuadrantProvider quadProvider, WormholeProvider holeProvider) { this.quadProvider = quadProvider; } private final static class HighlightedSector extends SectorDecorator { private final SectorType highlight; public HighlightedSector(Sector wrapped, SectorType highlight) { super(wrapped); this.highlight = highlight; } @Override public SectorType getType() { return this.highlight; } } public final static class HighlightedQuadrant extends QuadrantDecorator { private static int IDS = 0; private final Map<String, SectorType> highlights; private final int id; private final boolean renderDark; public HighlightedQuadrant(Quadrant wrapped, boolean renderDark) { super(wrapped); this.highlights = new HashMap<>(); = IDS++; this.renderDark = renderDark; } public int getId() { return; } public void highlight(Sector sector, SectorType type) { this.highlight(sector.getX(), sector.getY(), type); } public void highlight(int x, int y, SectorType type) { final String key = x + "_" + y; //$NON-NLS-1$ SectorType st = this.highlights.get(key); if (st == null) { this.highlights.put(key, type); } else { // highlight for this sector already exists, keep the one with higher id if (st.getId() < type.getId()) { this.highlights.put(key, type); } } } @Override public Sector getSector(int x, int y) { final String key = QuadrantUtils.createMapKey(x, y); final Sector sector = super.getSector(x, y); final SectorType type = this.highlights.get(key); if (type != null) { return new HighlightedSector(sector, type); } else if (renderDark && sector.getType() != SectorType.NONE){ // render all unrelated sectors dark return new HighlightedSector(sector, SectorType.UNKNOWN); } return sector; } } public final static class Group { final static AtomicInteger IDS = new AtomicInteger(); final int id; final List<Graph<Sector, EdgeData>.Edge> edges; final HighlightedQuadrant quad; private Group(Quadrant quadrant, RouteOptions options) { super(); = IDS.incrementAndGet(); this.quad = new HighlightedQuadrant(quadrant, options.doRenderDark()); this.edges = new ArrayList<>(); } public int getId() { return; } public List<Graph<Sector, EdgeData>.Edge> getEdges() { return this.edges; } public Quadrant getQuadrant() { return this.quad; } public String getQuadName() { return this.quad.getName(); } } public class UniversePath { private final Graph<Sector, EdgeData>.Path path; private final List<Group> groups; private final LinkedList<Wormhole> wormholes; private final int sectorJumps; private final int quadJumps; private final int minUnload; private final int maxUnload; private final int maxWaitTime; private final int sumMinWaitingTime; private final int sumMaxWaitingTime; private final RouteOptions options; /** Number used during path planning to block wormholes */ private int blockNr; /** States used during path planning to block wormholes */ private boolean done; private UniversePath(Graph<Sector, EdgeData>.Path path, RouteOptions options) { this.path = path; this.options = options; this.groups = new ArrayList<>(); this.wormholes = new LinkedList<>(); Group currentGroup = null; // always consider to be unloaded final int jtMinutes = (int) (options.totalJumpTime.getSpan() / 60.0); final int cjtMinutes = (int) (options.currentJumpTime.getSpan() / 60.0); int currentMinUnload = cjtMinutes; int currentMaxUnload = cjtMinutes; int sumMinUnload = 0; int sumMaxUnload = 0; int sumMinWaitingTime = 0; int sumMaxWaitingTime = 0; int maximumWaitTime = 0; boolean first = true; Graph<Sector, EdgeData>.Edge lastEdge = null; final Iterator<Graph<Sector, EdgeData>.Edge> it = path.getPath().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final Graph<Sector, EdgeData>.Edge e =; final Sector source = e.getSource().getData(); final Sector target = e.getTarget().getData(); SectorType highlight = SectorType.HIGHLIGHT_SECTOR; // initialize first group if (first) { final Quadrant quad = quadProvider.getQuadrant(source.getQuadName()); currentGroup = new Group(quad, options); this.groups.add(currentGroup); } if (lastEdge != null && lastEdge.getData().isWormhole()) { // if last edge was a WH, current source node is a WH drop highlight = SectorType.HIGHLIGHT_WH_DROP; } currentGroup.edges.add(e); if (e.getData().isWormhole()) { final Wormhole hole = e.getData().getWormhole(); sumMinUnload += hole.getMinUnload(); sumMaxUnload += hole.getMaxUnload(); this.wormholes.add(hole); highlight = SectorType.HIGHLIGHT_WH_START; switch (hole.requiresLoad()) { case FULL: e.getData().wait = new TimeRange(currentMinUnload, currentMaxUnload); currentMinUnload = hole.getMinUnload(); currentMaxUnload = hole.getMaxUnload(); break; case PARTIAL: final int waitMin = Math.max((jtMinutes - currentMinUnload) - (jtMinutes - hole.getMaxUnload()), 0); final int waitMax = Math.max((jtMinutes - currentMaxUnload) - (jtMinutes - hole.getMaxUnload()), 0); e.getData().wait = new TimeRange(waitMax, waitMin); currentMinUnload += hole.getMinUnload() - e.getData().wait.getMin(); currentMaxUnload += hole.getMaxUnload() - e.getData().wait.getMax(); break; case NONE: currentMinUnload += hole.getMinUnload(); currentMaxUnload += hole.getMaxUnload(); default: } maximumWaitTime = Math.max(maximumWaitTime, e.getData().wait.getMax()); e.getData().unloadAfter = new TimeRange(currentMinUnload, currentMaxUnload); // find near aliens final List<? extends AlienSpawn> spawns = QuadrantUtils.reachableAliens( e.getSource().getData(), QuadrantUtils.AGGRESSIVE_ONLY); e.getData().setSpawns(spawns); for (final AlienSpawn spawn : e.getData().getSpawns()) { currentGroup.quad.highlight(spawn.getSector(), SectorType.HIGHLIGHT_ALIEN_SPAWN); } if (e.getData().mustWait()) { sumMinWaitingTime += e.getData().wait.getMin(); sumMaxWaitingTime += e.getData().wait.getMax(); // find good spots final Quadrant quad = quadProvider.getQuadrant(source.getQuadName()); final List<Sector> spots = QuadrantUtils.getNearSectors(source, quad, options.maxWaitSpotDistance, QuadrantUtils.ACCEPT_ALL); Collections.sort(spots, SAFE_SPOT_COMP); final int bound = Math.min(spots.size(), MAX_SAFE_SPOT_OUTPUT); for (int i = 0; i < bound; ++i) { final Sector safeSpot = spots.get(i); e.getData().waitSpots.add(safeSpot); if (safeSpot.equals(e.getSource().getData())) { currentGroup.quad.highlight(safeSpot, SectorType.HIGHLIGHT_SAFE_SPOT_WL); } else { currentGroup.quad.highlight(safeSpot, SectorType.HIGHLIGHT_SAFE_SPOT); } } } } if (first) { highlight = SectorType.HIGHLIGHT_START; } currentGroup.quad.highlight(e.getSource().getData(), highlight); first = false; lastEdge = e; // create new group if target is within a different quadrant if (!source.getQuadName().equals(target.getQuadName())) { final Quadrant quad = quadProvider.getQuadrant(target.getQuadName()); currentGroup = new Group(quad, options); this.groups.add(currentGroup); } } // lastEdge is null if no way was found if (lastEdge != null) { currentGroup.quad.highlight(lastEdge.getTarget().getData(), SectorType.HIGHLIGHT_TARGET); } this.quadJumps = wormholes.size(); this.sectorJumps = path.getPath().size() - this.quadJumps; this.minUnload = sumMinUnload; this.maxUnload = sumMaxUnload; this.maxWaitTime = maximumWaitTime; this.sumMinWaitingTime = sumMinWaitingTime; this.sumMaxWaitingTime = sumMaxWaitingTime; } public Wormhole getWormholeToBlock(RouteOptions options) { if (this.wormholes.isEmpty()) { return null; } final Iterator<Wormhole> it = options.doBlockTail() ? this.wormholes.descendingIterator() : this.wormholes.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { final Wormhole hole =; if (!hole.getName().equals(SectorType.EINTRITTS_PORTAL.toString()) || options.doBlockEntryPortal()) { if (i++ == this.blockNr) { ++this.blockNr; return hole; } } } return null; } public int getMaxSafeSpotDistance() { return options.maxWaitSpotDistance; } public int getMaxWaitingTime() { return this.maxWaitTime; } public boolean pathFound() { return !this.path.getPath().isEmpty(); } public int getMaxUnload() { return this.maxUnload; } public int getMinUnload() { return this.minUnload; } public int getSumMinWaitingTime() { return this.sumMinWaitingTime; } public int getSumMaxWaitingTime() { return this.sumMaxWaitingTime; } public int getSectorJumps() { return this.sectorJumps; } public List<Wormhole> getWormholes() { return this.wormholes; } public int getQuadJumps() { return this.quadJumps; } public List<Group> getGroups() { return this.groups; } } private UniversePath findShortestPath(Sector start, Sector target, LazyBuilder<Sector, EdgeData> builder, RouteOptions options) { final Graph<Sector, EdgeData> graph = new Graph<>(); final Graph<Sector, EdgeData>.Path path = graph.findShortestPath( start, target, builder, Graph.<Sector>noHeuristic(), EDGE_COSTS); final UniversePath result = new UniversePath(path, options); return result; } public UniversePath findShortestPath(Sector start, Sector target, RouteOptions options) { return this.findShortestPath(start, target, new UniverseBuilder(options), options); } public List<UniversePath> findShortestPaths(Sector start, Sector target, RouteOptions options) { final int K = 10; final UniverseBuilder builder = new UniverseBuilder(options); final List<UniversePath> result = new ArrayList<>(K); final UniversePath shortest = this.findShortestPath(start, target, builder, options); result.add(shortest); if (shortest.pathFound()) { int pathsDone = 0; int nextPathIdx = -1; while (result.size() < K && pathsDone != result.size()) { nextPathIdx = (nextPathIdx + 1) % result.size(); final UniversePath nextPath = result.get(nextPathIdx); if (nextPath.done) continue; final Wormhole block = nextPath.getWormholeToBlock(options); if (block != null) { builder.startOverAndBlock(block); final UniversePath path = this.findShortestPath(start, target, builder, options); if (path.pathFound()) { result.add(path); } else { // if no path found yet, there will be no path when blocking // further holes, so this one's done nextPath.done = true; pathsDone++; } } else { nextPath.done = true; pathsDone++; } } } return result; } }