package de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.PrecedenceTable.PrecedenceLevel; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.Identifier; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.ResolvableIdentifier; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.Root; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.declarations.Declaration; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.declarations.Namespace; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.declarations.types.MissingType; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.declarations.types.ProductType; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.declarations.types.Type; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.directives.DelayDirective; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.directives.Directive; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.directives.ProblemDirective; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.directives.ReinterpretDirctive; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Assignment; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Braced; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Call; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Delete; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Delete.DeleteableIdentifier; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Empty; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Expression; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Inspect; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.NamespaceAccess; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.OperatorCall; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.Problem; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.VarAccess; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.BooleanLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.ChannelLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.DateLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.FunctionLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.HelpLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.ListLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.NumberLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.ProductLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.StringLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.TimespanLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions.literals.UserLiteral; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.lang.Operator.OpType; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.problems.ProblemReporter; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.problems.Problems; import; import; /** * <p>This class provides recursive descent parsing for polly expressions and can output * an abstract syntax tree for the parsed expression. The root of the AST is represented * by the class {@link Root}, all AST nodes are subclasses of {@link Node}. * Every AST node that is created by this parser gets assigned its actual * {@link Position} within the input string. This allows to provide detailed error * message during parsing, type-checking or execution of the AST.</p> * * <p>This parser uses the following context-free syntax, given in EBNF. There may exist * some tweaks in the implementation that are not expressed in the following grammar.</p> * * <pre> * root -> ':' ID (assign (WS assign)*)? // AST root with a WS separated list of expressions * * directives -> directive (',' directive)* * directive -> DELAY secTerm * | REINTERPRET * * assign -> relation '->' PUBLIC? TEMP? ID // assignment of relation to identifier X * relation -> conjunction (REL_OP conjunction)* // relation (<,>,<=,>=,==, !=) * conjunction -> disjunction (CONJ_OP disjunction)* // conjunction (||) * disjunction -> secTerm (DISJ_OP secTerm)* // disjunction (&&) * secTerm -> term (SECTERM_OP term)* // plus minus * term -> factor (TERM_OP factor)* // multiplication and co * factor -> postfix (FACTOR_OP factor)? // right-associative (power operator) * postfix -> autolist (POSTFIX_OP autolist)* // postfix operator * autolist -> dotdot (';' dotdot)* // implicit list literal * dotdot -> unary ('..' unary ('$' unary)?)? // range operator with optional step size * unary -> UNARY_OP unary // right-associative unary operator * | call * call -> access ( '(' parameters ')' )? * access -> literal ('.' literal )? // namespace access. left operand must be a single identifier (represented by a VarAccess) * literal -> ID // VarAccess * | '(' relation ')' // braced expression * | '\(' parameters ':' relation ')' // lambda function literal * | '{' exprList '}' // concrete list of expressions * | DELETE PUBLIC? ID (',' PUBLIC? ID)* // delete operator * | INSPECT PUBLIC ID // inspect for public * | INSPECT ID ('.' ID)? // inspect operator * | IF relation ':' relation ':' relation // conditional operator * | TRUE | FALSE // boolean literal * | CHANNEL // channel literal * | USER // user literal * | STRING // string literal * | NUMBER // number literal * | DATETIME // date liter * | TIMESPAN // timespan literal * | '?' // HELP literal * | RADIX literal // radix operator * * exprList -> (relation (',' relation)*)? * parameters -> (parameter (',' parameter)*)? * parameter -> type? ID * type -> ID // primitive type * | LIST '<' type '>' // list type * | '(' (type (WS type)*)? '->' type ')' // function type * | '?' * * WS -> ' ' | \t * TEMP -> 'temp' * PUBLIC -> 'public' * IF -> 'if' * TRUE -> 'true' * FALSE -> 'false' * CHANNEL -> '#' ID * USER -> '@' ID * STRING -> '"' .* '"' * NUMBER -> [0-9]*(\.[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?)? * TIMESPAN -> ([0-9]+[ywdhms])+ * DATE -> [0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{1,2}\.[0-9]{4} * TIME -> [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2} * DATETIME -> TIME | DATE | DATE@TIME * ID -> [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]+ * | '\' . // any escaped token * </pre> * * <p>This parser has simple support to report multiple problems during parsing. For * incomplete expressions, {@link Problem} nodes are inserted in the resulting AST. For * missing types will be created temporary types and the same applies to missing * identifiers. Occurring problems will be reported to the outside using a * {@link ProblemReporter} instance.</p> * * @author Simon Taddiken */ public class InputParser { /** Operator precedence table */ protected final PrecedenceTable operators; /** Stack which contains closing token types for currently parsed sub expressions */ private final Stack<TokenType> expressions; /** Scanner that reads tokens from the input */ protected InputScanner scanner; /** Cache for missing type references */ private final Map<String, Type> typeCache = new HashMap<String, Type>(); /** ID generator for missing identifiers */ private int missingId; /** Used to report problems during parsing */ private final ProblemReporter reporter; /** * Creates a new parser which will use the provided scanner to read the tokens from. * It will use the same {@link ProblemReporter} as the provided scanner. * * @param scanner The {@link InputScanner} which provides the token stream. * @param reporter The ProblemReporter for this parser. */ public InputParser(InputScanner scanner, ProblemReporter reporter) { this.scanner = scanner; this.operators = new PrecedenceTable(); this.expressions = new LinkedStack<TokenType>(); this.reporter = reporter; } /** * Creates a new parser which will parse the given input string using the default * encoding. * * @param input The string to parse. * @param reporter The ProblemReporter for this parser. */ public InputParser(String input, ProblemReporter reporter) { this.scanner = new InputScanner(input); this.operators = new PrecedenceTable(); this.expressions = new LinkedStack<TokenType>(); this.reporter = reporter; } /** * Creates a new parser which will parse the given input string using the provided * encoding. * * @param input The string to parse. * @param encoding The charset name to use. * @param reporter The ProblemReporter for this parser. * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException If the charset name was invalid. */ public InputParser(String input, String encoding, ProblemReporter reporter) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { this.scanner = new InputScanner(input, Charset.forName(encoding)); this.operators = new PrecedenceTable(); this.expressions = new LinkedStack<TokenType>(); this.reporter = reporter; } /** * Tries to parse the input string and returns the root of the AST. If the string was * not valid, this method returns <code>null</code>. * * @return The parsed AST root or <code>null</code> if the string was not well * formatted. */ public Root tryParse() { try { return this.parse(); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Parses the input string and returns the root of the AST. If the string was not * valid, this method will throw a {@link ParseException}. * * @return The parsed AST root. * @throws ParseException If the string was not well formatted. */ public Root parse() throws ParseException { return this.parseRoot(); } /** * Parses a single polly expression with no assignments and command prefix. * * @return The parsed AST expression. * @throws ParseException If the string was not well formatted. */ public Expression parseSingleExpression() throws ParseException { final Expression result = this.parseRelation(); this.expect(TokenType.EOS, false); return result; } /** * Creates a new {@link Identifier} with a generated name. * * @param position Position of the generated identifier. * @return A new identifier. */ private Identifier missingIdentifier(Position position) { return new Identifier(position, "$missing_" + (this.missingId++)); //$NON-NLS-1$ } /** * Tries to look up a primitive type by name. If no such type exists, a new * temporary type with the requested name is created and stored in a cache. The * next time a type with the same name is requested, that cached type will * be returned. If polymorphism is allowed by {@link ParserProperties}, this method * will create and cache a type variable of the passed identifiers name. * * @param name Type name to resolve. * @return The resolved type. * @throws ParseException */ private Type lookupType(Identifier name) throws ParseException { Type result = Type.resolve(name); if (result == null) { result = this.typeCache.get(name.getId()); if (result == null && ParserProperties.should(ParserProperties.ALLOW_POLYMORPHIC_DECLS)) { result = Type.newTypeVar(name); } else if (result == null) { result = new MissingType(name); this.reporter.semanticProblem(Problems.UNKNOWN_TYPE, name.getPosition(), name); } this.typeCache.put(name.getId(), result); } return result; } /** * Reports a syntax error when an unexpected token is hit. * * @param expected The token that was expected. * @param actual The token that actually occurred. * @throws ParseException */ protected void reportExpected(TokenType expected, Token actual) throws ParseException { /*if (actual.matches(TokenType.CLOSEDBR)) { this.reporter.syntaxProblem(Problems.MISSING_OBR, this.scanner.spanFrom(actual)); } else {*/ this.reporter.syntaxProblem(expected, actual, this.scanner.spanFrom(actual)); //} } /** * Expects the next token to have the type <code>expected</code>. If the next token is * the expected one, it is consumed. If the next token represents a lexical error or * has not the expected type, a problem is reported. * * <p>If a problem occurred and <code>insert</code> is <code>true</code>, this method * pretends that the occurred token was the expected one and does not consume the * token that occurred instead.</p> * * <p>If <code>insert</code> is <code>false</code>, the token that occurred instead * of the expected one is consumed. This behaves like replacing the unexpected token * with the expected.</p> * * * @param expected Expected token type. * @param insert Whether method should pretend that expected token occurred if it * does not. * @throws ParseException If the ProblemRetporter does not support multiple problems. */ protected void expect(TokenType expected, boolean insert) throws ParseException { final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (la.matches(TokenType.ERROR)) { // report lexical error this.scanner.consume(); this.reporter.lexicalProblem(la.getStringValue(), la.getPosition()); if (!insert) { this.scanner.pushBackFirst(la); } } else if (!la.matches(expected)) { // report unexpected token this.scanner.consume(); this.reportExpected(expected, la); this.scanner.pushBackFirst(la); } if (!insert || la.matches(expected)) { // consume if token should not be inserted or was the expected one this.scanner.consume(); } } /** * Expects the next token to be an {@link Identifier}. If it is, it will be consumed * and a new Identifier will be returned. If the next token represents a lexical * error or is no identifier, a problem is reported. * * @return An {@link Identifier} created from the next token. * @throws ParseException If the next token is no identifier. */ protected Identifier expectIdentifier() throws ParseException { final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (la.matches(TokenType.ERROR)) { // report lexical error this.reporter.lexicalProblem(la.getStringValue(), la.getPosition()); } else if (ParserProperties.should(ParserProperties.ENABLE_TOKEN_ESCAPING) && la.matches(TokenType.ESCAPED)) { // create escaped identifier this.scanner.consume(); final EscapedToken esc = (EscapedToken) la; return new Identifier(esc.getPosition(), esc.getEscaped().getStringValue(), true); } else if (!la.matches(TokenType.IDENTIFIER)) { // report missing identifier this.scanner.consume(); this.reportExpected(TokenType.IDENTIFIER, la); this.scanner.pushBackFirst(la); return this.missingIdentifier(la.getPosition()); } this.scanner.consume(); return new Identifier(la.getPosition(), la.getStringValue()); } /** * Consumes a single whitespace if the next token is one. If not, nothing happens. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected void allowSingleWhiteSpace() throws ParseException { if (!this.scanner.skipWhiteSpaces()) { this.scanner.match(TokenType.SEPERATOR); } } /** * Enters a new sub expression. If at least one expression is "entered", the scanner * will ignore whitespaces. * @param end The tokentype that could close this sub expression. */ protected void enterExpression(TokenType end) { this.expressions.push(end); this.scanner.setSkipWhiteSpaces(true); } /** * Determines whether we currently parse a subexpression (<=> whether whitespaces * are skipped. * * @return Whether we are currently parsing a subexpression where whitespaces are * allowed. */ protected boolean inExpression() { return !this.expressions.isEmpty(); } /** * Leaves an entered expression. If the last expression was left, the scanner will * stop ignoring whitespaces. */ protected void leaveExpression() { this.expressions.pop(); if (this.expressions.isEmpty()) { this.scanner.setSkipWhiteSpaces(false); } } protected Root parseRoot() throws ParseException { Root root = null; Token la = null; Position start = null; try { la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); start = la.getPosition(); if (!this.scanner.match(TokenType.COLON)) { return null; } la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (!this.scanner.match(TokenType.IDENTIFIER)) { return null; } } catch (ParseException ignore) { // if an error occurs at this early stage of parsing, return null to // show that input was invalid. return null; } final Identifier cmd = new Identifier( new Position(start.getStart(), la.getPosition().getEnd()), la.getStringValue()); // min length hack to ignore smilies if (cmd.getId().length() < ParserProperties.getInt( ParserProperties.COMMAND_MIN_LENGTH)) { return null; } final List<Expression> signature = new ArrayList<Expression>(); if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.SEPERATOR)) { do { final Expression next = this.parseAssignment(); signature.add(next); } while (this.scanner.match(TokenType.SEPERATOR)); } final Map<TokenType, Directive> directives = new HashMap<>(); if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.COMMA)) { this.parseDirectives(directives); } this.expect(TokenType.EOS, false); root = new Root(this.scanner.spanFrom(start), cmd, signature, this.reporter.hasProblems(), directives); return root; } /** * Parses a list of comma separated directives * <pre> * directives -> directive (',' directive)* * </pre> * @param directives List into which parsed directives are inserted * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected void parseDirectives(Map<TokenType, Directive> directives) throws ParseException { do { final Directive dir = this.parseDirective(); if (directives.containsKey(dir.getDirectiveType())) { // directive already exists this.reporter.semanticProblem(Problems.DUPLICATED_DIRECTIVE, dir.getPosition(), dir.getDirectiveType()); } else { directives.put(dir.getDirectiveType(), dir); } } while (this.scanner.match(TokenType.COMMA)); } /** * Parses a single directive * <pre> * directive -> DELAY ' ' secTerm * | REINTERPRET * </pre> * @return The parsed directive * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Directive parseDirective() throws ParseException { final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); switch (la.getType()) { case DELAY: this.scanner.consume(); this.expect(TokenType.SEPERATOR, true); final Expression target = this.parseSecTerm(); return new DelayDirective(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), target); case REINTERPRET: this.scanner.consume(); return new ReinterpretDirctive(this.scanner.spanFrom(la)); default: this.expect(TokenType.DIRECTIVE, true); return new ProblemDirective(this.scanner.spanFrom(la)); } } /** * Parses an assignment. If no ASSIGN_OP is found, the result of the next * higher precedence level is returned. This is the root of all expressions and has * thus lowest precedence level. * <pre> * assign -> relation '->'PUBLIC? TEMP? ID // assignment of relation to identifier X * </pre> * @return The parsed Assignment or the result of the next higher precedence level * if no ASSIGN_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseAssignment() throws ParseException { final Expression lhs = this.parseRelation(); if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.ASSIGNMENT)) { this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final boolean pblc = this.scanner.match(TokenType.PUBLIC); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final boolean temp = this.scanner.match(TokenType.TEMP); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final Identifier id = this.expectIdentifier(); return new Assignment( new Position(lhs.getPosition(), id.getPosition()), lhs, id, pblc, temp); } return lhs; } /** * Parses RELATION precedence level operators. * <pre> * relation -> conjunction (REL_OP conjunction)* // relation (<,>,<=,>=,==) * </pre> * @return The parsed operator call or the result from the next higher precedence * level if no REL_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseRelation() throws ParseException { Expression expr = this.parseConjunction(); Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); while (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.RELATION)) { this.scanner.consume(); // ISSUE #12: this was a right shift if (la.matches(TokenType.GT) && this.scanner.lookAhead().matches(TokenType.GT)) { return expr; } final Expression rhs = this.parseConjunction(); expr = OperatorCall.binary( new Position(expr.getPosition(), rhs.getPosition()), OpType.fromToken(la), expr, rhs); la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); } return expr; } /** * Parses CONJUNCTION precedence level operators. * <pre> * conjunction -> disjunction (CONJ_OP disjunction)* // conjunction (||) * </pre> * @return The parsed operator call or the result from the next higher precedence * level if no CONJ_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseConjunction() throws ParseException { Expression expr = this.parseDisjunction(); Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); while (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.CONJUNCTION)) { this.scanner.consume(); final Expression rhs = this.parseDisjunction(); expr = OperatorCall.binary( new Position(expr.getPosition(), rhs.getPosition()), OpType.fromToken(la), expr, rhs); la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); } return expr; } /** * Parses DISJUNCTION precedence level operators. * <pre> * disjunction -> secTerm (DISJ_OP secTerm)* // disjunction (&&) * </pre> * @return The parsed operator call or the result from the next higher precedence * level if no DISJ_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseDisjunction() throws ParseException { Expression expr = this.parseSecTerm(); Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); while (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.DISJUNCTION)) { this.scanner.consume(); final Expression rhs = this.parseSecTerm(); expr = OperatorCall.binary( new Position(expr.getPosition(), rhs.getPosition()), OpType.fromToken(la), expr, rhs); la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); } return expr; } /** * Parses SECTERM precedence level operators. * <pre> * secTerm -> term (SECTERM_OP term)* // plus minus * </pre> * @return The parsed operator call or the result from the next higher precedence * level if no SECTERM_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseSecTerm() throws ParseException { Expression expr = this.parseTerm(); Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); while (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.SECTERM)) { this.scanner.consume(); // ISSUE #12: this is a (unsigned) right shift if (la.matches(TokenType.GT) && this.scanner.match(TokenType.GT)) { if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.GT)) { la = new Token(TokenType.URIGHT_SHIFT, this.scanner.spanFrom(la)); } else { la = new Token(TokenType.RIGHT_SHIFT, this.scanner.spanFrom(la)); } } final Expression rhs = this.parseTerm(); expr = OperatorCall.binary( new Position(expr.getPosition(), rhs.getPosition()), OpType.fromToken(la), expr, rhs); la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); } return expr; } /** * Parses TERM precedence level operators. * <pre> * term -> factor (TERM_OP factor)* // multiplication and co * </pre> * @return The parsed operator call or the result from the next higher precedence * level if no TERM_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseTerm() throws ParseException { Expression expr = this.parseFactor(); Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); while (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.TERM)) { // ISSUE 0000099: If Identifier or open brace, do not consume the token but // pretend it was a multiplication if (la.matches(TokenType.IDENTIFIER) || la.matches(TokenType.OPENBR)) { la = new Token(TokenType.MUL, la.getPosition()); } else { this.scanner.consume(); } final Expression rhs = this.parseFactor(); expr = OperatorCall.binary( new Position(expr.getPosition(), rhs.getPosition()), OpType.fromToken(la), expr, rhs); la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); } return expr; } /** * Parses FACTOR precedence operators. Result will be a nested OperatorCall or the * result of the next higher precedence level if no FACTOR_OP was found. * FACTOR operators are right-associative. * <pre> * factor -> postfix (FACTOR_OP factor)? // right-associative (power operator) * </pre> * @return The parsed operator call or the result from the next higher precedence * level if no FACTOR_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseFactor() throws ParseException { Expression expr = this.parsePostfix(); Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.FACTOR)) { this.scanner.consume(); final Expression rhs = this.parseFactor(); expr = OperatorCall.binary( new Position(expr.getPosition(), rhs.getPosition()), OpType.fromToken(la), expr, rhs); } return expr; } /** * Parses a postfix operator. This may be either of the random index- or the * concrete index operator. * <pre> * postfix -> autolist (POSTFIX_OP autolist)* // postfix operator * </pre> * @return Either the parsed postifx operator call or the expression from the next * higher precedence level if no POSTFIX_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parsePostfix() throws ParseException { Expression lhs = this.parseAutoList(); Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); while (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.POSTFIX)) { this.scanner.consume(); if (la.matches(TokenType.OPENSQBR)) { // index operator final Expression rhs = this.parseAutoList(); this.expect(TokenType.CLOSEDSQBR, true); lhs = OperatorCall.binary( this.scanner.spanFrom(la), OpType.fromToken(la), lhs, rhs); } else { // ? or ?! operator final Position endPos = this.scanner.spanFrom(la); return OperatorCall.unary( new Position(lhs.getPosition(), endPos), OpType.fromToken(la), lhs, true); } la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); } return lhs; } /** * Parses an implicit list literal. * <pre> * autolist -> dotdot (';' dotdot)* // implicit list literal * </pre> * @return Either a {@link ListLiteral} containing the following expressions or the * expression returned by the next higher precedence level. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseAutoList() throws ParseException { Expression lhs = this.parseDotDot(); final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (la.matches(TokenType.SEMICOLON)) { final List<Expression> content = new ArrayList<Expression>(); content.add(lhs); Expression last = null; while (this.scanner.match(TokenType.SEMICOLON)) { last = this.parseDotDot(); content.add(last); } // invariant: last cannot be null here! return new ListLiteral( new Position(lhs.getPosition(), last.getPosition()), content); } return lhs; } /** * Parses the '..' range operator, which can either be a binary operator or * a ternary operator if an additional step size is recognized. * * <pre> * dotdot -> unary ('..' unary ('$' unary)?)? // range operator with optional * // step size * </pre> * @return The parsed operator or the expression from the next higher precedence level * if no DOTDOT operator was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseDotDot() throws ParseException { final Expression lhs = this.parseUnary(); final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.DOTDOT)) { this.scanner.consume(); final Expression endRange = this.parseUnary(); // default step width of 1 (if dollar is ommitted) Expression operand3 = new NumberLiteral(endRange.getPosition(), 1.0); if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.DOLLAR)) { operand3 = this.parseUnary(); } return OperatorCall.ternary( new Position(lhs.getPosition(), operand3.getPosition()), OpType.fromToken(la), lhs, endRange, operand3); } return lhs; } /** * Parses an unary operator call. * <pre> * unary -> UNARY_OP unary // right-associative unary operator * | call * </pre> * @return A unary operator call or the expression returned by the next higher * precedence level if no UNARY_OP was found. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseUnary() throws ParseException { final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (this.operators.match(la, PrecedenceLevel.UNARY)) { this.scanner.consume(); final Expression rhs = this.parseUnary(); return OperatorCall.unary(new Position(la.getPosition(), rhs.getPosition()), OpType.fromToken(la), rhs, false); } else { return this.parseCall(); } } /** * Parses a function call. If no open braces was matched, the result of the next * higher precedence level will be returned. * * <pre> * call -> access ( '(' parameters ')' )? * </pre> * @return The call statement of the result of the next higher precedence level if * this was no call. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails */ protected Expression parseCall() throws ParseException { final Expression lhs = this.parseNamespaceAccess(); final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.OPENBR)) { final List<Expression> params = this.parseExpressionList( TokenType.CLOSEDBR); final ProductLiteral pl = new ProductLiteral( this.scanner.spanFrom(la), params); this.expect(TokenType.CLOSEDBR, true); return new Call( new Position(lhs.getPosition().getStart(), this.scanner.getStreamIndex()), lhs, pl); } return lhs; } /** * Parses a {@link Namespace} access. * <pre> * access -> literal ('.' literal)? * </pre> * * @return The parsed literal if no DOT operator was found, or a {@link Namespace} * access if the was a dot followed by a VarOrCall. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails */ protected Expression parseNamespaceAccess() throws ParseException { final Expression lhs = this.parseLiteral(); final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.DOT)) { final Expression rhs = this.parseLiteral(); return new NamespaceAccess(new Position(lhs.getPosition(), this.scanner.spanFrom(la)), lhs, rhs); } return lhs; } /** * Parses the highest precedence level which is mostly a single literal, but also * a delete or if statement. * * <pre> * literal -> ID // VarAccess * | ESCAPED // token escape * | '(' relation ')' // braced expression * | '\(' parameters ':' relation ')' // lambda function literal * | '{' exprList '}' // concrete list of expressions * | DELETE PUBLIC? ID (',' PUBLIC? ID)* // delete operator * | INSPECT PUBLIC ID // inspect for public * | INSPECT ID ('.' ID)? // inspect operator * | IF expr ':' relation ':' relation // conditional operator * | TRUE | FALSE // boolean literal * | CHANNEL // channel literal * | USER // user literal * | STRING // string literal * | NUMBER // number literal * | DATETIME // date literal * | TIMESPAN // timespan literal * | '?' // HELP literal * | RADIX literal // radixed int * </pre> * * @return The parsed expression. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Expression parseLiteral() throws ParseException { final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); Expression exp = null; switch(la.getType()) { case ESCAPED: this.scanner.consume(); final EscapedToken escaped = (EscapedToken) la; final ResolvableIdentifier escId = new ResolvableIdentifier(la.getPosition(), escaped.getEscaped().getStringValue(), true); return new VarAccess(la.getPosition(), escId); case IDENTIFIER: this.scanner.consume(); final ResolvableIdentifier id = new ResolvableIdentifier( la.getPosition(), la.getStringValue(), false); return new VarAccess(id.getPosition(), id); case OPENBR: this.scanner.consume(); /* * Now we can ignore whitespaces until the matching closing brace is * read. */ this.enterExpression(TokenType.CLOSEDBR); exp = this.parseRelation(); this.expect(TokenType.CLOSEDBR, true); this.leaveExpression(); return new Braced(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), exp); case LAMBDA: this.scanner.consume(); this.enterExpression(TokenType.CLOSEDBR); final Collection<Declaration> formal = this.parseParameters( TokenType.COLON); this.expect(TokenType.COLON, true); exp = this.parseRelation(); this.expect(TokenType.CLOSEDBR, true); final FunctionLiteral func = new FunctionLiteral( this.scanner.spanFrom(la), formal, exp); this.leaveExpression(); return func; case OPENCURLBR: this.scanner.consume(); this.enterExpression(TokenType.CLOSEDCURLBR); final List<Expression> elements = this.parseExpressionList( TokenType.CLOSEDCURLBR); this.expect(TokenType.CLOSEDCURLBR, true); this.leaveExpression(); final ListLiteral list = new ListLiteral(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), elements); list.setPosition(this.scanner.spanFrom(la)); return list; case DELETE: this.scanner.consume(); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final List<DeleteableIdentifier> ids = new ArrayList<DeleteableIdentifier>(); do { this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); boolean global = this.scanner.match(TokenType.PUBLIC); if (global) { this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); } ids.add(new DeleteableIdentifier(this.expectIdentifier(), global)); } while (this.scanner.match(TokenType.COMMA)); return new Delete(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), ids); case INSPECT: this.scanner.consume(); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final Token glob = this.scanner.lookAhead(); final boolean global = this.scanner.match(TokenType.PUBLIC); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final ResolvableIdentifier name = new ResolvableIdentifier( this.expectIdentifier()); final VarAccess va1 = new VarAccess(name.getPosition(), name); Expression result = va1; if (global) { // syntactic sugar for global inspect final ResolvableIdentifier name2 = new ResolvableIdentifier( glob.getPosition(), Namespace.PUBLIC_NAMESPACE_NAME); final VarAccess va2 = new VarAccess(name2.getPosition(), name2); result = new NamespaceAccess(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), va2, va1); } else if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.DOT)) { final ResolvableIdentifier name2 = new ResolvableIdentifier( this.expectIdentifier()); final VarAccess va2 = new VarAccess(name2.getPosition(), name2); result = new NamespaceAccess(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), va1, va2); } return new Inspect(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), result, global); case IF: this.scanner.consume(); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final Expression condition = this.parseRelation(); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); this.expect(TokenType.COLON, true); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final Expression second = this.parseRelation(); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); this.expect(TokenType.COLON, true); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); final Expression third = this.parseRelation(); return OperatorCall.ternary(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), OpType.IF, condition, second, third); case TRUE: this.scanner.consume(); return new BooleanLiteral(la.getPosition(), true); case FALSE: this.scanner.consume(); return new BooleanLiteral(la.getPosition(), false); case CHANNEL: this.scanner.consume(); return new ChannelLiteral(la.getPosition(), la.getStringValue()); case USER: this.scanner.consume(); return new UserLiteral(la.getPosition(), la.getStringValue()); case STRING: this.scanner.consume(); return new StringLiteral(la.getPosition(), la.getStringValue()); case NUMBER: this.scanner.consume(); return new NumberLiteral(la.getPosition(), la.getFloatValue()); case DATETIME: this.scanner.consume(); return new DateLiteral(la.getPosition(), la.getDateValue()); case TIMESPAN: this.scanner.consume(); return new TimespanLiteral(la.getPosition(), (int)la.getLongValue()); case QUESTION: this.scanner.consume(); return new HelpLiteral(la.getPosition()); case RADIX: this.scanner.consume(); final NumberLiteral radix = new NumberLiteral(la.getPosition(), la.getLongValue()); final Expression rhs = this.parseLiteral(); return OperatorCall.binary(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), OpType.RADIX, radix, rhs); default: this.expect(TokenType.LITERAL, true); return new Problem(this.scanner.spanFrom(la)); } } /** * Parses a comma separated list of expressions. The <code>end</code> token type * exists only for determining empty lists. * * <pre> * exprList -> end // empty list * | relation (',' relation)* * </pre> * @param end The token which should end the list. Only used to determine empty lists. * @return A collection of parsed expressions. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected List<Expression> parseExpressionList(TokenType end) throws ParseException { // do not consume here. end token is consume by the caller if (this.scanner.lookAhead().matches(end)) { // empty list return new ArrayList<Expression>(0); } this.enterExpression(end); final List<Expression> result = new ArrayList<Expression>(); result.add(this.parseRelation()); while (this.scanner.match(TokenType.COMMA)) { this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); result.add(this.parseRelation()); } this.leaveExpression(); return result; } /** * Parses a list of formal parameters that ends with the token type <code>end</code>. * * <pre> * parameters -> end // empty list * | parameter (',' parameter)* * </pre> * @param end The token that the list is supposed to end with (to determine empty * lists, token won't be consumed if hit). * @return Collection of parsed formal parameters. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected List<Declaration> parseParameters(TokenType end) throws ParseException { if (this.scanner.lookAhead().matches(end)) { // empty list. return new ArrayList<Declaration>(0); } this.enterExpression(end); final List<Declaration> result = new ArrayList<Declaration>(); result.add(this.parseParameter()); while (this.scanner.match(TokenType.COMMA)) { this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); result.add(this.parseParameter()); } this.leaveExpression(); return result; } /** * <pre> * parameter -> type? ID * </pre> * @return The parsed parameter. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Declaration parseParameter() throws ParseException { final Type type; final Identifier name; final Token la = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (la.matches(TokenType.IDENTIFIER)) { this.scanner.consume(); final Token la2 = this.scanner.lookAhead(); if (la2.matches(TokenType.IDENTIFIER)) { // ID ID type = this.lookupType(new Identifier(la.getPosition(), la.getStringValue())); name = this.expectIdentifier(); } else { type = Type.newTypeVar(); name = new Identifier(la.getPosition(), la.getStringValue()); } } else { type = this.parseType(); name = this.expectIdentifier(); } return new Declaration(this.scanner.spanFrom(la), name, new Empty(type, this.scanner.spanFrom(la))); } /** * <pre> * type -> ID // primitive type * | LIST '<' type '>' // list type * | '(' (type (WS type)*)? '->' type ')' // function type * | '?' * </pre> * @return A resolvable type. * @throws ParseException If parsing fails. */ protected Type parseType() throws ParseException { if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.OPENBR)) { final List<Type> signature = new ArrayList<Type>(); final boolean skipWS = this.scanner.skipWhiteSpaces(); this.scanner.setSkipWhiteSpaces(false); do { if (scanner.lookAhead().matches(TokenType.ASSIGNMENT)) { break; } signature.add(this.parseType()); } while (this.scanner.match(TokenType.SEPERATOR) && !this.scanner.lookAhead().matches(TokenType.ASSIGNMENT)); this.scanner.setSkipWhiteSpaces(skipWS); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); this.expect(TokenType.ASSIGNMENT, true); final Type resultType = this.parseType(); this.allowSingleWhiteSpace(); this.expect(TokenType.CLOSEDBR, true); if (signature.isEmpty()) { signature.add(Type.VOID); } return new ProductType(signature).mapTo(resultType); } else if (this.scanner.match(TokenType.LIST)) { this.expect(TokenType.LT, true); final Type subType = this.parseType(); this.expect(TokenType.GT, true); return subType.listOf(); } else if (ParserProperties.should(ParserProperties.ALLOW_POLYMORPHIC_DECLS) && this.scanner.match(TokenType.QUESTION)) { return Type.newTypeVar(); } else { return this.lookupType(this.expectIdentifier()); } } }