package de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.expressions; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.Position; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.Identifier; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.visitor.ASTTraversal; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.visitor.ASTTraversalException; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.visitor.ASTVisitor; import de.skuzzle.polly.core.parser.ast.visitor.Transformation; /** * Assignments either declare new variables or new functions. * * @author Simon Taddiken */ public class Assignment extends Expression { private Expression expression; private Identifier name; private final boolean isPublic; private final boolean isTemp; /** * Creates a new assignment. * * @param position Source position of the assignment. * @param expression Expression (left handed statement) that is assigned. * @param name Name to which the expression is assigned. * @param isPublic Whether this is a public declaration. * @param isTemp Whether this is a temporary declaration. */ public Assignment(Position position, Expression expression, Identifier name, boolean isPublic, boolean isTemp) { super(position); this.expression = expression; = name; this.isPublic = isPublic; this.isTemp = isTemp; } /** * Whether this is a public declaration. * * @return Whether this is a public declaration. */ public boolean isPublic() { return this.isPublic; } /** * Whether this is a temporary declaration. * * @return Whether this is a temporary declaration. */ public boolean isTemp() { return this.isTemp; } /** * Gets the expression that should be assigned to a variable or function. * * @return The expression. */ public Expression getExpression() { return this.expression; } /** * Sets the expression to be assigned. * * @param expression The expression to assign. */ public void setExpression(Expression expression) { this.expression = expression; } /** * Gets the name as which the expression should be stored. * * @return The name. */ public Identifier getName() { return; } /** * Sets the name that the expression is assigned to. * * @param name The new name. */ public void setName(Identifier name) { = name; } @Override public boolean visit(ASTVisitor visitor) throws ASTTraversalException { return visitor.visit(this); } @Override public Expression transform(Transformation transformation) throws ASTTraversalException { return transformation.transformAssignment(this); } @Override public boolean traverse(ASTTraversal visitor) throws ASTTraversalException { switch (visitor.before(this)) { case ASTTraversal.SKIP: return true; case ASTTraversal.ABORT: return false; } if (! { return false; } if (!this.expression.traverse(visitor)) { return false; } return visitor.after(this) == ASTTraversal.CONTINUE; } @Override public String toString() { return "[Assignment to: " + this.getName() + ", type: " + this.getUnique() + "]"; } }