/************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2001 by Punch Telematix. All rights reserved. * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * 3. Neither the name of Punch Telematix nor the names of * * other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.* * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL PUNCH TELEMATIX OR OTHER CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE * * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * **************************************************************************/ /* ** $Id: UART.java,v 2004/07/12 14:07:48 cvs Exp $ */ package com.acunia.device.uart; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.TooManyListenersException; import javax.comm.SerialPort; import javax.comm.SerialPortEvent; import javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener; import javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException; public class UART extends SerialPort implements Runnable { private static final int BOGUS_ANSWER = 42; private int baudRate; private int dataBits; private int stopBits; private int parity; private int flowControlMode; private boolean rxThresholdEnabled = false; private boolean rxTimeoutEnabled = false; private boolean dtr = false; private boolean rts = false; private SerialPortEventListener eventlistener; private BitSet notifyon; private UARTInputStream in; private UARTOutputStream out; private UARTControlStream control; private Thread eventthread; public UART(String name) throws SecurityException, IOException { this.name = name; control = new UARTControlStream(name); try { baudRate = control.getbaudrate(); dataBits = control.getdatabits(); stopBits = control.getstopbits(); parity = control.getparity(); flowControlMode = control.getflowcontrol(); } catch (Exception e) {} } public int getBaudRate() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return baudRate; } public int getDataBits() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return dataBits; } public int getStopBits() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return stopBits; } public int getParity() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return parity; } public void sendBreak(int millis) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); control.sendbreak(millis); } public void setFlowControlMode (int flowcontrol) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if ((flowcontrol & (FLOWCONTROL_NONE|FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN|FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_OUT))!= flowcontrol) { throw new UnsupportedCommOperationException(); } control.setflowcontrol(flowcontrol); flowControlMode = flowcontrol; } public int getFlowControlMode() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return flowControlMode; } public void setSerialPortParams (int baudrate, int dataBits, int stopBits, int parity) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (dataBits > DATABITS_8 || dataBits < DATABITS_5) { throw new UnsupportedCommOperationException(); } if (stopBits < STOPBITS_1 || stopBits > STOPBITS_1_5) { throw new UnsupportedCommOperationException(); } if (parity < PARITY_NONE || parity > PARITY_SPACE) { throw new UnsupportedCommOperationException(); } if (baudrate<=0) { throw new UnsupportedCommOperationException(); } control.setdatabits(dataBits); this.dataBits = dataBits; control.setstopbits(stopBits); this.stopBits = stopBits; control.setparity(parity); this.parity = parity; baudRate = control.setbaudrate(baudrate); } public void setDTR(boolean newdtr) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); control.setdtr(newdtr); dtr = newdtr; } public boolean isDTR() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return dtr; } public void setRTS(boolean newrts) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); control.setrts(newrts); rts = newrts; } public boolean isRTS() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return rts; } public boolean isCTS() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return control.getcts(); } public boolean isDSR() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return control.getdsr(); } public boolean isRI() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return control.getri(); } public boolean isCD() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return control.getcd(); } public synchronized void addEventListener(SerialPortEventListener lsnr) throws TooManyListenersException { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if (eventlistener!=null) { throw new TooManyListenersException(); } eventlistener = lsnr; if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } eventthread = new Thread(this,getName()+" event notifier"); eventthread.start(); } public void removeEventListener() { notifyon = null; eventthread = null; eventlistener = null; } public void notifyOnDataAvailable(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE); } } // will get DATA_AVAILABLE when buffer goes from empty to non-empty public void notifyOnOutputEmpty(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY); } } // will get OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY when buffer goes from non-empty to empty public void notifyOnCTS(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.CTS); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.CTS); } } public void notifyOnDSR(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.DSR); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.DSR); } } public void notifyOnRingIndicator(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.RI); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.RI); } } public void notifyOnCarrierDetect(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.CD); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.CD); } } public void notifyOnOverrunError(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.OE); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.OE); } } public void notifyOnParityError(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.PE); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.PE); } } public void notifyOnFramingError(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.FE); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.FE); } } public void notifyOnBreakInterrupt(boolean enable) { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(notifyon == null){ notifyon = new BitSet(11); } if (enable) { notifyon.set(SerialPortEvent.BI); } else { notifyon.clear(SerialPortEvent.BI); } } public InputStream getInputStream() throws IOException { if (in == null) in = new UARTInputStream(name); return in; } public OutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException { if (out == null) out = new UARTOutputStream(name); return out; } public void enableReceiveThreshold(int thresh) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(in != null) in.setRxThreshold(thresh); rxThresholdEnabled = true; } public void disableReceiveThreshold() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(in != null) in.clearRxThreshold(); rxThresholdEnabled = false; } public boolean isReceiveThresholdEnabled() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return rxThresholdEnabled; } public int getReceiveThreshold() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return BOGUS_ANSWER; } public void enableReceiveTimeout(int rcvTimeout) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(in != null) in.setRxTimeout(rcvTimeout); rxTimeoutEnabled = true; } public void disableReceiveTimeout() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); if(in != null) in.clearRxTimeout(); rxTimeoutEnabled = false; } public boolean isReceiveTimeoutEnabled() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return rxTimeoutEnabled; } public int getReceiveTimeout() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return BOGUS_ANSWER; } public void enableReceiveFraming(int framingByte) throws UnsupportedCommOperationException { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); throw new UnsupportedCommOperationException(); } public void disableReceiveFraming(){} public boolean isReceiveFramingEnabled() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return false; } public int getReceiveFramingByte() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return BOGUS_ANSWER; } public void setInputBufferSize(int i){} public int getInputBufferSize() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return BOGUS_ANSWER; } public void setOutputBufferSize(int i){} public int getOutputBufferSize() { if (super.closed) throw new IllegalStateException(); return BOGUS_ANSWER; } public void run() { while (eventlistener!=null) { SerialPortEvent newevent = control.getevent(this); synchronized (this) { if (eventlistener == null) { break; } if (notifyon.get(newevent.getEventType())) { eventlistener.serialEvent(newevent); } } } } public synchronized void close() { super.close(); control.close(); } }