/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.xnet.provider.jsse; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; import javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException; /** * This class encapsulates the operating environment of the SSL v3 * (http://wp.netscape.com/eng/ssl3) Record Protocol and provides * relating encryption/decryption functionality. * The work functionality is based on the security * parameters negotiated during the handshake. */ public class ConnectionStateSSLv3 extends ConnectionState { // digest to create and check the message integrity info private final MessageDigest messageDigest; private final byte[] mac_write_secret; private final byte[] mac_read_secret; // paddings private final byte[] pad_1; private final byte[] pad_2; // array will hold the part of the MAC material: // length of 3 == 1(SSLCompressed.type) + 2(SSLCompressed.length) // (more on SSLv3 MAC computation and payload protection see // SSL v3 specification, p. 5.2.3) private final byte[] mac_material_part = new byte[3]; /** * Creates the instance of SSL v3 Connection State. All of the * security parameters are provided by session object. * @param session: the sessin object which incapsulates * all of the security parameters established by handshake protocol. * The key calculation for the state is done according * to the SSL v3 Protocol specification. * (http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/pki/nss/ssl/draft302.txt) */ protected ConnectionStateSSLv3(SSLSessionImpl session) { try { CipherSuite cipherSuite = session.cipherSuite; boolean is_exportabe = cipherSuite.isExportable(); hash_size = cipherSuite.getMACLength(); int key_size = (is_exportabe) ? cipherSuite.keyMaterial : cipherSuite.expandedKeyMaterial; int iv_size = cipherSuite.getBlockSize(); String algName = cipherSuite.getBulkEncryptionAlgorithm(); String hashName = cipherSuite.getHashName(); if (logger != null) { logger.println("ConnectionStateSSLv3.create:"); logger.println(" cipher suite name: " + session.getCipherSuite()); logger.println(" encryption alg name: " + algName); logger.println(" hash alg name: " + hashName); logger.println(" hash size: " + hash_size); logger.println(" block size: " + iv_size); logger.println(" IV size (== block size):" + iv_size); logger.println(" key size: " + key_size); } byte[] clientRandom = session.clientRandom; byte[] serverRandom = session.serverRandom; // so we need PRF value of size of // 2*hash_size + 2*key_size + 2*iv_size byte[] key_block = new byte[2*hash_size + 2*key_size + 2*iv_size]; byte[] seed = new byte[clientRandom.length + serverRandom.length]; System.arraycopy(serverRandom, 0, seed, 0, serverRandom.length); System.arraycopy(clientRandom, 0, seed, serverRandom.length, clientRandom.length); PRF.computePRF_SSLv3(key_block, session.master_secret, seed); byte[] client_mac_secret = new byte[hash_size]; byte[] server_mac_secret = new byte[hash_size]; byte[] client_key = new byte[key_size]; byte[] server_key = new byte[key_size]; boolean is_client = !session.isServer; is_block_cipher = (iv_size > 0); System.arraycopy(key_block, 0, client_mac_secret, 0, hash_size); System.arraycopy(key_block, hash_size, server_mac_secret, 0, hash_size); System.arraycopy(key_block, 2*hash_size, client_key, 0, key_size); System.arraycopy(key_block, 2*hash_size+key_size, server_key, 0, key_size); IvParameterSpec clientIV = null; IvParameterSpec serverIV = null; if (is_exportabe) { if (logger != null) { logger.println("ConnectionStateSSLv3: is_exportable"); } MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md5.update(client_key); md5.update(clientRandom); md5.update(serverRandom); client_key = md5.digest(); md5.update(server_key); md5.update(serverRandom); md5.update(clientRandom); server_key = md5.digest(); key_size = cipherSuite.expandedKeyMaterial; if (is_block_cipher) { md5.update(clientRandom); md5.update(serverRandom); clientIV = new IvParameterSpec(md5.digest(), 0, iv_size); md5.update(serverRandom); md5.update(clientRandom); serverIV = new IvParameterSpec(md5.digest(), 0, iv_size); } } else if (is_block_cipher) { clientIV = new IvParameterSpec(key_block, 2*hash_size+2*key_size, iv_size); serverIV = new IvParameterSpec(key_block, 2*hash_size+2*key_size+iv_size, iv_size); } if (logger != null) { logger.println("is exportable: "+is_exportabe); logger.println("master_secret"); logger.print(session.master_secret); logger.println("client_random"); logger.print(clientRandom); logger.println("server_random"); logger.print(serverRandom); //logger.println("key_block"); //logger.print(key_block); logger.println("client_mac_secret"); logger.print(client_mac_secret); logger.println("server_mac_secret"); logger.print(server_mac_secret); logger.println("client_key"); logger.print(client_key, 0, key_size); logger.println("server_key"); logger.print(server_key, 0, key_size); if (clientIV != null) { logger.println("client_iv"); logger.print(clientIV.getIV()); logger.println("server_iv"); logger.print(serverIV.getIV()); } else { logger.println("no IV."); } } encCipher = Cipher.getInstance(algName); decCipher = Cipher.getInstance(algName); messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(hashName); if (is_client) { // client side encCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(client_key, 0, key_size, algName), clientIV); decCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(server_key, 0, key_size, algName), serverIV); mac_write_secret = client_mac_secret; mac_read_secret = server_mac_secret; } else { // server side encCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(server_key, 0, key_size, algName), serverIV); decCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, new SecretKeySpec(client_key, 0, key_size, algName), clientIV); mac_write_secret = server_mac_secret; mac_read_secret = client_mac_secret; } if (hashName.equals("MD5")) { pad_1 = SSLv3Constants.MD5pad1; pad_2 = SSLv3Constants.MD5pad2; } else { pad_1 = SSLv3Constants.SHApad1; pad_2 = SSLv3Constants.SHApad2; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AlertException(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, new SSLProtocolException( "Error during computation of security parameters")); } } /** * Creates the GenericStreamCipher or GenericBlockCipher * data structure for specified data of specified type. * @throws AlertException if alert was occurred. */ @Override protected byte[] encrypt(byte type, byte[] fragment, int offset, int len) { try { int content_mac_length = len + hash_size; int padding_length = is_block_cipher ? padding_length = ((8 - (++content_mac_length & 0x07)) & 0x07) : 0; byte[] res = new byte[content_mac_length + padding_length]; System.arraycopy(fragment, offset, res, 0, len); mac_material_part[0] = type; mac_material_part[1] = (byte) ((0x00FF00 & len) >> 8); mac_material_part[2] = (byte) (0x0000FF & len); messageDigest.update(mac_write_secret); messageDigest.update(pad_1); messageDigest.update(write_seq_num); messageDigest.update(mac_material_part); messageDigest.update(fragment, offset, len); byte[] digest = messageDigest.digest(); messageDigest.update(mac_write_secret); messageDigest.update(pad_2); messageDigest.update(digest); digest = messageDigest.digest(); System.arraycopy(digest, 0, res, len, hash_size); //if (logger != null) { // logger.println("MAC Material:"); // logger.print(write_seq_num); // logger.print(mac_material_header); // logger.print(fragment, offset, len); //} if (is_block_cipher) { // do padding: Arrays.fill(res, content_mac_length-1, res.length, (byte) (padding_length)); } if (logger != null) { logger.println("SSLRecordProtocol.encrypt: " + (is_block_cipher ? "GenericBlockCipher with padding[" +padding_length+"]:" : "GenericStreamCipher:")); logger.print(res); } byte[] rez = new byte[encCipher.getOutputSize(res.length)]; encCipher.update(res, 0, res.length, rez); incSequenceNumber(write_seq_num); return rez; } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new AlertException(AlertProtocol.INTERNAL_ERROR, new SSLProtocolException("Error during the encryption")); } } /** * Retrieves the fragment of the Plaintext structure of * the specified type from the provided data. * @throws AlertException if alert was occured. */ @Override protected byte[] decrypt(byte type, byte[] fragment, int offset, int len) { // plain data of the Generic[Stream|Block]Cipher structure byte[] data = decCipher.update(fragment, offset, len); // the 'content' part of the structure byte[] content; if (is_block_cipher) { // check padding int padding_length = data[data.length-1]; for (int i=0; i<padding_length; i++) { if (data[data.length-2-i] != padding_length) { throw new AlertException( AlertProtocol.DECRYPTION_FAILED, new SSLProtocolException( "Received message has bad padding")); } } content = new byte[data.length - hash_size - padding_length - 1]; } else { content = new byte[data.length - hash_size]; } byte[] mac_value; mac_material_part[0] = type; mac_material_part[1] = (byte) ((0x00FF00 & content.length) >> 8); mac_material_part[2] = (byte) (0x0000FF & content.length); messageDigest.update(mac_read_secret); messageDigest.update(pad_1); messageDigest.update(read_seq_num); messageDigest.update(mac_material_part); messageDigest.update(data, 0, content.length); mac_value = messageDigest.digest(); messageDigest.update(mac_read_secret); messageDigest.update(pad_2); messageDigest.update(mac_value); mac_value = messageDigest.digest(); if (logger != null) { logger.println("Decrypted:"); logger.print(data); //logger.println("MAC Material:"); //logger.print(read_seq_num); //logger.print(mac_material_header); //logger.print(data, 0, content.length); logger.println("Expected mac value:"); logger.print(mac_value); } // checking the mac value for (int i=0; i<hash_size; i++) { if (mac_value[i] != data[i+content.length]) { throw new AlertException(AlertProtocol.BAD_RECORD_MAC, new SSLProtocolException("Bad record MAC")); } } System.arraycopy(data, 0, content, 0, content.length); incSequenceNumber(read_seq_num); return content; } /** * Shutdown the protocol. It will be impossible to use the instance * after the calling of this method. */ @Override protected void shutdown() { Arrays.fill(mac_write_secret, (byte) 0); Arrays.fill(mac_read_secret, (byte) 0); super.shutdown(); } }