/************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2001 by Acunia N.V. All rights reserved. * * * * This software is copyrighted by and is the sole property of Acunia N.V. * * and its licensors, if any. All rights, title, ownership, or other * * interests in the software remain the property of Acunia N.V. and its * * licensors, if any. * * * * This software may only be used in accordance with the corresponding * * license agreement. Any unauthorized use, duplication, transmission, * * distribution or disclosure of this software is expressly forbidden. * * * * This Copyright notice may not be removed or modified without prior * * written consent of Acunia N.V. * * * * Acunia N.V. reserves the right to modify this software without notice. * * * * Acunia N.V. * * Vanden Tymplestraat 35 info@acunia.com * * 3000 Leuven http://www.acunia.com * * Belgium - EUROPE * **************************************************************************/ package gnu.testlet.wonka.net.DatagramSocket; import gnu.testlet.Testlet; import gnu.testlet.TestHarness; import java.net.*; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InterruptedIOException; /** ** a test class for java.net.DatagramSocket Class. ** ** this class does NOT test get/setSoTimeout, get/setReceiveBufferSize and get/setSendBufferSize ** these methods are tested in the AcuniaSocketOptionsTest. */ public class AcuniaDatagramSocketTest implements Testlet { protected TestHarness th; public void test (TestHarness harness) { th = harness; th.setclass("java.net.DatagramSocket"); test_DatagramSocket(); test_close(); test_receive(); test_send(); test_connect(); test_disconnect(); test_getInetAddress(); test_getPort(); test_getLocalPort(); test_getLocalAddress(); test_behaviour(); } private void close(DatagramSocket ds){ if (ds != null){ ds.close(); } } private void checkConstructFails(int port, InetAddress addr, int count){ try { new DatagramSocket(port,addr); th.fail("constructor must fail -- "+count); } catch(IOException ioe){ th.fail("caught wrong Exception -- "+count+" --> "+ioe); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){ th.check(true,"constructor failed with correct exception "+count); } } private void checkConstructFails(int port, int count){ try { new DatagramSocket(port); th.fail("constructor must fail -- "+count); } catch(IOException ioe){ th.fail("caught wrong Exception -- "+count+" --> "+ioe); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae){ th.check(true,"constructor failed with correct exception "+count); } } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_DatagramSocket(){ th.checkPoint("DatagramSocket()"); DatagramSocket ds = null; try { ds = new DatagramSocket(); th.check(ds.getLocalPort() >= 1024 ,"port should not be in the reserved area below 1024, got "+ds.getLocalPort()); th.check(ds.getLocalAddress(), InetAddress.getByName(""), "cheking local address"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); th.checkPoint("DatagramSocket(int)"); checkConstructFails(-1, 1); checkConstructFails(65536, 2); try { ds = new DatagramSocket(11345); th.check(ds.getLocalPort(), 11345 ,"test value -- 1"); th.check(ds.getLocalAddress(), InetAddress.getByName(""), "cheking local address"); try { new DatagramSocket(11345); th.fail("should throw exception -- port already in use"); } catch(SocketException se){ th.check(true); //se.printStackTrace(); } } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); th.checkPoint("DatagramSocket(int,java.net.InetAddress)"); try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); checkConstructFails(-1, laddr, 1); checkConstructFails(65536, laddr, 2); ds = new DatagramSocket(11346,laddr); th.check(ds.getLocalPort(), 11346 ,"test value -- 1"); try { new DatagramSocket(11346, laddr); th.fail("should throw exception -- port already in use"); } catch(SocketException se){ th.check(true); } th.check(ds.getLocalAddress(), laddr ,"test value -- 1"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_close(){ th.checkPoint("close()void"); try { DatagramSocket ds = new DatagramSocket(); ds.close(); ds.close(); ds.close(); th.debug("local address = "+ds.getLocalAddress()); InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); ds.connect(laddr, 12345); th.check(ds.getPort() , -1); th.check(ds.getInetAddress() , null); ds = new DatagramSocket(); ds.connect(laddr, 12345); th.check(ds.getPort() , 12345); th.check(ds.getInetAddress() , laddr); ds.disconnect(); ds.close(); ds.close(); DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(new byte[10],10); try { ds.send(p); th.fail("exception not thrown -- 1"); } catch(Exception so){ th.check(true); } try { ds.receive(p); th.fail("exception not thrown -- 2"); } catch(Exception so){ th.check(true); } try { ds.getSendBufferSize(); th.fail("exception not thrown -- 3"); } catch(Exception so){ th.check(true); } try { ds.getReceiveBufferSize(); th.fail("exception not thrown -- 4"); } catch(Exception so){ th.check(true); } try { ds.getSoTimeout(); th.fail("exception not thrown -- 5"); } catch(Exception so){ th.check(true); } try { ds.setSoTimeout(4); th.fail("exception not thrown -- 6"); } catch(Exception so){ th.check(true); } } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_receive(){ th.checkPoint("receive(java.net.DatagramPacket)void"); DatagramSocket ds = null; try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); DatagramPacket recvp = new DatagramPacket(new byte[128],20,20); String s = "01234MESSAGE: HELLOWORLD! HOW ARE YOU ALL TODAY ! END12345"; DatagramPacket sendp = new DatagramPacket(s.getBytes(),5, s.length()-10, laddr, 11234); ds = new DatagramSocket(11234,laddr); ds.send(sendp); ds.receive(recvp); th.check(new String(recvp.getData(), recvp.getOffset(), recvp.getLength()), "MESSAGE: HELLOWORLD!", "checking data -- 1"); th.check(recvp.getData()[19] , 0, "nothing written before offset"); th.check(recvp.getAddress(), laddr); th.check(recvp.getPort(), 11234); ds.connect(laddr, 11234); try { DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(s.getBytes(),0, s.length(), laddr, 11233); ds.send(p); th.fail("socket is connected -- 1"); } catch(IllegalArgumentException se){ th.check(true); } try { DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(s.getBytes(),0, s.length(), InetAddress.getByName(""), 11234); ds.send(p); th.fail("socket is connected -- 2"); } catch(IllegalArgumentException se){ th.check(true); } DatagramSocket ds1 = new DatagramSocket(11233,laddr); DatagramPacket p = new DatagramPacket(s.getBytes(),0, s.length(), laddr, 11234); recvp = new DatagramPacket(new byte[128],128); ds1.send(p); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(InterruptedException ie){} ds.send(p); ds.receive(recvp); th.check(new String(recvp.getData(), recvp.getOffset(), recvp.getLength()), s, "checking data -- 2"); th.check(recvp.getAddress(), laddr); th.check(recvp.getPort(), 11234); th.check(recvp.getLength(), s.length()); try { th.debug("DEBUGGING - receiving 'null'"); ds.receive(null); th.fail("should throw an Exception"); } catch(NullPointerException np){ th.check(true); } } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); } /** * implemented. <br> * @see for more tests look at receive ! */ public void test_send(){ th.checkPoint("send(java.net.DatagramPacket)void"); DatagramSocket ds = null; try { ds = new DatagramSocket(); try { ds.send(null); th.fail("should throw an Exception"); } catch(NullPointerException np){ th.check(true); } } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); } /** * not implemented. <br> * */ public void test_connect(){ th.checkPoint("connect(java.net.InetAddress,int)void"); DatagramSocket ds = null; try { ds = new DatagramSocket(); InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); th.check(ds.getInetAddress(), null ,"check value -- 1"); ds.connect(laddr, 12345); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); } /** * not implemented. <br> * @see connect, getPort and getInetAddress */ public void test_disconnect(){ th.checkPoint("()"); } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_getInetAddress(){ th.checkPoint("getInetAddress()java.net.InetAddress"); DatagramSocket ds = null; try { ds = new DatagramSocket(); InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); th.check(ds.getInetAddress(), null ,"check value -- 1"); ds.connect(laddr, 12345); th.check(ds.getInetAddress(), laddr ,"check value -- 2"); ds.disconnect(); th.check(ds.getInetAddress(), null ,"check value -- 3"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_getPort(){ th.checkPoint("getPort()int"); DatagramSocket ds = null; try { ds = new DatagramSocket(); InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); th.check(ds.getPort(), -1 ,"check value -- 1"); ds.connect(laddr, 12345); th.check(ds.getPort(), 12345 ,"check value -- 2"); ds.disconnect(); th.check(ds.getPort(), -1 ,"check value -- 3"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); } /** * not implemented. <br> * @see test in constructor */ public void test_getLocalAddress(){ th.checkPoint("()"); } /** * not implemented. <br> * @see test in constructor */ public void test_getLocalPort(){ th.checkPoint("()"); } /** * implemented. <br> * - it is important to verify the address of the sender ... * --> this is iportant since it can create security holes */ /** * implemented. <br> * * The Socket will have 1 of three addresses: * 1. * 2. REAL IP address * 3. * the goal of these test is to see if the Socket receives a packet sent to one of these addresses * 2 combinations fail: * --> loopback to real address * --> real address to loopback */ public void test_behaviour(){ th.checkPoint("send/receive"); th.debug("testing send/receive"); DatagramSocket ds = null; try { int port = 11345; InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); InetAddress loopb = InetAddress.getByName(""); InetAddress zeros = InetAddress.getByName(""); InetAddress multi = InetAddress.getByName(""); String la = "Send to "; String lb = la+loopb; String zr = la+zeros; String mc = la+multi; la = la+laddr; th.debug(laddr+", "+loopb+", "+zeros); DatagramPacket ladp = new DatagramPacket(la.getBytes(), la.length(), laddr, port); DatagramPacket lbdp = new DatagramPacket(lb.getBytes(), lb.length(), loopb, port); DatagramPacket zrdp = new DatagramPacket(zr.getBytes(), zr.length(), zeros, port); if(laddr.equals(loopb)){ th.debug("getLocalHost returned the loopback address !"); } ds = new DatagramSocket(port++,zeros); ds.setSoTimeout(1000); checkSendReceive(ds, ladp, la, 1,false); checkSendReceive(ds, lbdp, lb, 2,false); //checkSendReceive(ds, zrdp, zr, 3,false); close(ds); setPorts(ladp, lbdp, zrdp, port); ds = new DatagramSocket(port++,laddr); ds.setSoTimeout(1000); checkSendReceive(ds, ladp, la, 4,false); checkSendReceive(ds, lbdp, lb, 5,true); //checkSendReceive(ds, zrdp, zr, 6,false); close(ds); setPorts(ladp, lbdp, zrdp, port); ds = new DatagramSocket(port,loopb); ds.setSoTimeout(1000); checkSendReceive(ds, ladp, la, 7,true); checkSendReceive(ds, lbdp, lb, 8,false); //checkSendReceive(ds, zrdp, zr, 9,false); ds.setSoTimeout(10); try { ds.receive(new DatagramPacket(new byte[1],1)); th.fail("should have thrown an InterruptedIOException"); } catch(InterruptedIOException iioe){ th.check(true); } catch(IOException ioe){ th.fail("threw wrong exception "+ioe); } ds.close(); th.checkPoint("send/receive -- 2"); /* DatagramPacket mcdp = new DatagramPacket(mc.getBytes(), mc.length(), zeros, port); ds = new DatagramSocket(port,multi); ds.setSoTimeout(50); checkSendReceive(ds, mcdp, mc, 10,true); checkSendReceive(ds, zrdp, zr, 11,true); */ } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("unwanted exception caught :"+e); } close(ds); } private void checkSendReceive(DatagramSocket ds, DatagramPacket dp, String msg, int count, boolean bad){ DatagramPacket recv = new DatagramPacket(new byte[256], 256); try { ds.send(dp); ds.receive(recv); th.check(recv.getLength(), msg.length(), "checking length -- "+count); th.check(new String(recv.getData(),0,recv.getLength()), msg, "checking bytes -- "+count); th.check(recv.getPort(), ds.getLocalPort(), "checking local port "+count); } catch(Exception e){ th.check(bad,"SendReceive "+count+" failed due to "+e); } } private void setPorts(DatagramPacket dp1, DatagramPacket dp2, DatagramPacket dp3,int port){ dp1.setPort(port); dp2.setPort(port); dp3.setPort(port); } }