/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.lang; //import dalvik.annotation.KnownFailure; //import dalvik.annotation.TestLevel; //import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass; //import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetNew; //@TestTargetClass(Math.class) public class MathTest extends junit.framework.TestCase { double HYP = Math.sqrt(2.0); double OPP = 1.0; double ADJ = 1.0; /* Required to make previous preprocessor flags work - do not remove */ int unused = 0; public static void assertEquals(String message, double expected, double actual, double delta) { if (delta == 0D) junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(message, expected, actual, Math.ulp(expected)); else junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(message, expected, actual, delta); } public static void assertEquals(String message, float expected, float actual, float delta) { if (delta == 0F) junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(message, expected, actual, Math.ulp(expected)); else junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(message, expected, actual, delta); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#abs(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "abs", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_absD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.abs(double) assertTrue("Incorrect double abs value", (Math.abs(-1908.8976) == 1908.8976)); assertTrue("Incorrect double abs value", (Math.abs(1908.8976) == 1908.8976)); assertEquals(0.0, Math.abs(0.0)); assertEquals(0.0, Math.abs(-0.0)); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.abs(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.abs(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.abs(Double.NaN)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#abs(float) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "abs", args = {float.class} ) */ public void test_absF() { // Test for method float java.lang.Math.abs(float) assertTrue("Incorrect float abs value", (Math.abs(-1908.8976f) == 1908.8976f)); assertTrue("Incorrect float abs value", (Math.abs(1908.8976f) == 1908.8976f)); assertEquals(0.0f, Math.abs(0.0f)); assertEquals(0.0f, Math.abs(-0.0f)); assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.abs(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.abs(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(Float.NaN, Math.abs(Float.NaN)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#abs(int) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "abs", args = {int.class} ) */ public void test_absI() { // Test for method int java.lang.Math.abs(int) assertTrue("Incorrect int abs value", (Math.abs(-1908897) == 1908897)); assertTrue("Incorrect int abs value", (Math.abs(1908897) == 1908897)); assertEquals(Integer.MIN_VALUE, Math.abs(Integer.MIN_VALUE)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#abs(long) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "abs", args = {long.class} ) */ public void test_absJ() { // Test for method long java.lang.Math.abs(long) assertTrue("Incorrect long abs value", (Math.abs(-19088976000089L) == 19088976000089L)); assertTrue("Incorrect long abs value", (Math.abs(19088976000089L) == 19088976000089L)); assertEquals(Long.MIN_VALUE, Math.abs(Long.MIN_VALUE)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#acos(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "acos", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_acosD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.acos(double) double r = Math.cos(Math.acos(ADJ / HYP)); long lr = Double.doubleToLongBits(r); long t = Double.doubleToLongBits(ADJ / HYP); assertTrue("Returned incorrect arc cosine", lr == t || (lr + 1) == t || (lr - 1) == t); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.acos(Double.MAX_VALUE)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.acos(Double.NaN)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#asin(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "asin", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_asinD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.asin(double) double r = Math.sin(Math.asin(OPP / HYP)); long lr = Double.doubleToLongBits(r); long t = Double.doubleToLongBits(OPP / HYP); assertTrue("Returned incorrect arc sine", lr == t || (lr + 1) == t || (lr - 1) == t); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.asin(Double.MAX_VALUE)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.asin(Double.NaN)); assertEquals(0, Math.asin(0), 0); assertEquals(-0, Math.asin(-0), 0); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#atan(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "atan", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_atanD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.atan(double) double answer = Math.tan(Math.atan(1.0)); assertTrue("Returned incorrect arc tangent: " + answer, answer <= 1.0 && answer >= 9.9999999999999983E-1); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.atan(Double.NaN)); assertEquals(0.0, Math.atan(0.0), 0.0); assertEquals(-0.0, Math.atan(-0.0), 0.0); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#atan2(double, double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "atan2", args = {double.class, double.class} ) */ public void test_atan2DD() { double pi = 3.141592653589793; // Test for method double java.lang.Math.atan2(double, double) double answer = Math.atan(Math.tan(1.0)); assertTrue("Returned incorrect arc tangent: " + answer, answer <= 1.0 && answer >= 9.9999999999999983E-1); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.atan2(Double.NaN, 1.0)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.atan2(1.0, Double.NaN)); assertEquals(0.0, Math.atan2(0, 1)); assertEquals(0.0, Math.atan2(1, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(-0.0, Math.atan2(-0.0, 1.0)); assertEquals(-0.0, Math.atan2(-1.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(pi, Math.atan2(0.0, -1.0)); assertEquals(pi, Math.atan2(1.0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(-pi, Math.atan2(-0.0, -1.0)); assertEquals(-pi, Math.atan2(-1.0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(pi/2, Math.atan2(1.0, 0.0)); assertEquals(pi/2, Math.atan2(1.0, -0.0)); assertEquals(pi/2, Math.atan2(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1)); assertEquals(pi/2, Math.atan2(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, -1)); assertEquals(-pi/2, Math.atan2(-1, 0)); assertEquals(-pi/2, Math.atan2(-1, -0)); assertEquals(-pi/2, Math.atan2(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 1)); assertEquals(pi/4, Math.atan2(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(3*pi/4, Math.atan2(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(-pi/4, Math.atan2(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(-3*pi/4, Math.atan2(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#cbrt(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "cbrt", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_cbrt_D() { //Test for special situations assertTrue("Should return Double.NaN", Double.isNaN(Math .cbrt(Double.NaN))); assertEquals("Should return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math .cbrt(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Math .cbrt(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(0.0), Double.doubleToLongBits(Math .cbrt(0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(+0.0), Double.doubleToLongBits(Math .cbrt(+0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(-0.0), Double.doubleToLongBits(Math .cbrt(-0.0))); assertEquals("Should return 3.0", 3.0, Math.cbrt(27.0), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 23.111993172558684", 23.111993172558684, Math.cbrt(12345.6), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 5.643803094122362E102", 5.643803094122362E102, Math.cbrt(Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 0.01", 0.01, Math.cbrt(0.000001), 0D); assertEquals("Should return -3.0", -3.0, Math.cbrt(-27.0), 0D); assertEquals("Should return -23.111993172558684", -23.111993172558684, Math.cbrt(-12345.6), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.7031839360032603E-108", 1.7031839360032603E-108, Math.cbrt(Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Should return -0.01", -0.01, Math.cbrt(-0.000001), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#ceil(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "ceil", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_ceilD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.ceil(double) assertEquals("Incorrect ceiling for double", 79, Math.ceil(78.89), 0); assertEquals("Incorrect ceiling for double", -78, Math.ceil(-78.89), 0); assertEquals("Incorrect ceiling for double", -78, Math.ceil(-78), 0); double [] args = {0.0, -0.0, Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { assertEquals(args[i], Math.ceil(args[i])); } assertEquals(-0.0, Math.ceil(-0.5)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#cos(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "cos", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_cosD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.cos(double) assertEquals("Incorrect answer", 1.0, Math.cos(0), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect answer", 0.5403023058681398, Math.cos(1), 0D); double [] args = {Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { assertEquals(args[i], Math.ceil(args[i])); } } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#cosh(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "cosh", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_cosh_D() { // Test for special situations assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Math.cosh(Double.NaN))); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.cosh(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.cosh(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.0", 1.0, Math.cosh(+0.0), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.0", 1.0, Math.cosh(-0.0), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.cosh(1234.56), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.cosh(-1234.56), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.0000000000005", 1.0000000000005, Math .cosh(0.000001), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.0000000000005", 1.0000000000005, Math .cosh(-0.000001), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 5.212214351945598", 5.212214351945598, Math .cosh(2.33482), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.cosh(Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.0", 1.0, Math.cosh(Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#exp(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "exp", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_expD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.exp(double) assertTrue("Incorrect answer returned for simple power", Math.abs(Math .exp(4D) - Math.E * Math.E * Math.E * Math.E) < 0.1D); assertTrue("Incorrect answer returned for larger power", Math.log(Math .abs(Math.exp(5.5D)) - 5.5D) < 10.0D); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value for NaN", Double.NaN, Math.exp(Double.NaN)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value for positive infinity", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.exp(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value for negative infinity", 0, Math.exp(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#expm1(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "expm1", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_expm1_D() { // Test for special cases assertTrue("Should return NaN", Double.isNaN(Math.expm1(Double.NaN))); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.expm1(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return -1.0", -1.0, Math .expm1(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(0.0), Double.doubleToLongBits(Math .expm1(0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(+0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.expm1(+0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(-0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.expm1(-0.0))); assertEquals("Should return -9.999950000166666E-6", -9.999950000166666E-6, Math.expm1(-0.00001), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.0145103074469635E60", 1.0145103074469635E60, Math.expm1(138.16951162), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math .expm1(123456789123456789123456789.4521584223), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.expm1(Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Should return MIN_VALUE", Double.MIN_VALUE, Math .expm1(Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#floor(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "floor", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_floorD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.floor(double) assertEquals("Incorrect floor for double", 78, Math.floor(78.89), 0); assertEquals("Incorrect floor for double", -79, Math.floor(-78.89), 0); assertEquals("Incorrect floor for integer", -78, Math.floor(-78), 0); double [] args = {0, -0, Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { assertEquals(args[i], Math.floor(args[i])); } } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#hypot(double, double) @TestTargetNew( notes = "", method = "hypot", level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, args = {double.class, double.class} ) */ public void test_hypot_DD() { // Test for special cases assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.hypot(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1.0), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.hypot(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 123.324), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.hypot(-758.2587, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.hypot(5687.21, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.hypot(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.hypot(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertTrue("Should be NaN", Double.isNaN(Math.hypot(Double.NaN, 2342301.89843))); assertTrue("Should be NaN", Double.isNaN(Math.hypot(-345.2680, Double.NaN))); assertEquals("Should return 2396424.905416697", 2396424.905416697, Math .hypot(12322.12, -2396393.2258), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 138.16958070558556", 138.16958070558556, Math.hypot(-138.16951162, 0.13817035864), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.7976931348623157E308", 1.7976931348623157E308, Math.hypot(Double.MAX_VALUE, 211370.35), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 5413.7185", 5413.7185, Math.hypot( -5413.7185, Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#IEEEremainder(double, double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "IEEEremainder", args = {double.class, double.class} ) */ public void test_IEEEremainderDD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.IEEEremainder(double, double) assertEquals("Incorrect remainder returned", 0.0, Math.IEEEremainder(1.0, 1.0), 0D); assertTrue("Incorrect remainder returned", Math.IEEEremainder(1.32, 89.765) >= 1.4705063220631647E-2 || Math.IEEEremainder(1.32, 89.765) >= 1.4705063220631649E-2); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.IEEEremainder(Double.NaN, Double.NaN)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.IEEEremainder(Double.NaN, 1.0)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.IEEEremainder(1.0, Double.NaN)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.IEEEremainder(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1.0)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.IEEEremainder(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 1.0)); assertEquals(1.0, Math.IEEEremainder(1.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(1.0, Math.IEEEremainder(1.0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.IEEEremainder(1.0, 0.0)); assertEquals(Double.NaN, Math.IEEEremainder(1.0, -0.0)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#log(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "log", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_logD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.log(double) for (double d = 10; d >= -10; d -= 0.5) { double answer = Math.log(Math.exp(d)); assertTrue("Answer does not equal expected answer for d = " + d + " answer = " + answer, Math.abs(answer - d) <= Math .abs(d * 0.00000001)); } } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#log10(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "log10", args = {double.class} ) */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public void test_log10_D() { // Test for special cases assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Math.log10(Double.NaN))); assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Math.log10(-2541.05745687234187532))); assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Math.log10(-0.1))); assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.log10(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Math.log10(0.0)); assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Math.log10(+0.0)); assertEquals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Math.log10(-0.0)); assertEquals(3.0, Math.log10(1000.0)); assertEquals(14.0, Math.log10(Math.pow(10, 14))); assertEquals(3.7389561269540406, Math.log10(5482.2158)); assertEquals(14.661551142893833, Math.log10(458723662312872.125782332587)); assertEquals(-0.9083828622192334, Math.log10(0.12348583358871)); assertEquals(308.25471555991675, Math.log10(Double.MAX_VALUE)); assertEquals(-323.3062153431158, Math.log10(Double.MIN_VALUE)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#log1p(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "log1p", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_log1p_D() { // Test for special cases assertTrue("Should return NaN", Double.isNaN(Math.log1p(Double.NaN))); assertTrue("Should return NaN", Double.isNaN(Math.log1p(-32.0482175))); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.log1p(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(0.0), Double.doubleToLongBits(Math .log1p(0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(+0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.log1p(+0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(-0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.log1p(-0.0))); assertEquals("Should return -0.2941782295312541", -0.2941782295312541, Math.log1p(-0.254856327), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 7.368050685564151", 7.368050685564151, Math .log1p(1583.542), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 0.4633708685409921", 0.4633708685409921, Math.log1p(0.5894227), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 709.782712893384", 709.782712893384, Math .log1p(Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Should return Double.MIN_VALUE", Double.MIN_VALUE, Math .log1p(Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#max(double, double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "max", args = {double.class, double.class} ) */ public void test_maxDD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.max(double, double) assertEquals("Incorrect double max value", 1908897.6000089, Math.max(-1908897.6000089, 1908897.6000089), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect double max value", 1908897.6000089, Math.max(2.0, 1908897.6000089), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect double max value", -2.0, Math.max(-2.0, -1908897.6000089), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", Double.NaN, Math.max(-1.0, Double.NaN)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", Double.NaN, Math.max(Double.NaN, -1.0)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", 0, Math.max(0, -0), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#max(float, float) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "max", args = {float.class, float.class} ) */ public void test_maxFF() { // Test for method float java.lang.Math.max(float, float) assertTrue("Incorrect float max value", Math.max(-1908897.600f, 1908897.600f) == 1908897.600f); assertTrue("Incorrect float max value", Math.max(2.0f, 1908897.600f) == 1908897.600f); assertTrue("Incorrect float max value", Math.max(-2.0f, -1908897.600f) == -2.0f); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", Float.NaN, Math.max(-1.0f, Float.NaN)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", Float.NaN, Math.max(Float.NaN, -1.0f)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", 0f, Math.max(0f, -0f)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#max(int, int) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "max", args = {int.class, int.class} ) */ public void test_maxII() { // Test for method int java.lang.Math.max(int, int) assertEquals("Incorrect int max value", 19088976, Math.max(-19088976, 19088976)); assertEquals("Incorrect int max value", 19088976, Math.max(20, 19088976)); assertEquals("Incorrect int max value", -20, Math.max(-20, -19088976)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#max(long, long) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "max", args = {long.class, long.class} ) */ public void test_maxJJ() { // Test for method long java.lang.Math.max(long, long) assertEquals("Incorrect long max value", 19088976000089L, Math.max(-19088976000089L, 19088976000089L)); assertEquals("Incorrect long max value", 19088976000089L, Math.max(20, 19088976000089L)); assertEquals("Incorrect long max value", -20, Math.max(-20, -19088976000089L)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#min(double, double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "min", args = {double.class, double.class} ) */ public void test_minDD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.min(double, double) assertEquals("Incorrect double min value", -1908897.6000089, Math.min(-1908897.6000089, 1908897.6000089), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect double min value", 2.0, Math.min(2.0, 1908897.6000089), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect double min value", -1908897.6000089, Math.min(-2.0, -1908897.6000089), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", Double.NaN, Math.min(-1.0, Double.NaN)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", Double.NaN, Math.min(Double.NaN, -1.0)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", -0.0, Math.min(0.0, -0.0)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#min(float, float) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "min", args = {float.class, float.class} ) */ public void test_minFF() { // Test for method float java.lang.Math.min(float, float) assertTrue("Incorrect float min value", Math.min(-1908897.600f, 1908897.600f) == -1908897.600f); assertTrue("Incorrect float min value", Math.min(2.0f, 1908897.600f) == 2.0f); assertTrue("Incorrect float min value", Math.min(-2.0f, -1908897.600f) == -1908897.600f); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", Float.NaN, Math.min(-1.0f, Float.NaN)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", Float.NaN, Math.min(Float.NaN, -1.0f)); assertEquals("Incorrect returned value", -0f, Math.min(0f, -0f)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#min(int, int) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "min", args = {int.class, int.class} ) */ public void test_minII() { // Test for method int java.lang.Math.min(int, int) assertEquals("Incorrect int min value", -19088976, Math.min(-19088976, 19088976)); assertEquals("Incorrect int min value", 20, Math.min(20, 19088976)); assertEquals("Incorrect int min value", -19088976, Math.min(-20, -19088976)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#min(long, long) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "min", args = {long.class, long.class} ) */ public void test_minJJ() { // Test for method long java.lang.Math.min(long, long) assertEquals("Incorrect long min value", -19088976000089L, Math.min(-19088976000089L, 19088976000089L)); assertEquals("Incorrect long min value", 20, Math.min(20, 19088976000089L)); assertEquals("Incorrect long min value", -19088976000089L, Math.min(-20, -19088976000089L)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#pow(double, double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "pow", args = {double.class, double.class} ) */ public void test_powDD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.pow(double, double) assertTrue("pow returned incorrect value", (long) Math.pow(2, 8) == 256l); assertTrue("pow returned incorrect value", Math.pow(2, -8) == 0.00390625d); assertEquals("Incorrect root returned1", 2, Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.sqrt(2), 4)), 0); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 1.0, Math.pow(1, 0)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 2.0, Math.pow(2, 1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.NaN, Math.pow(Double.MAX_VALUE, Double.NaN)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.NaN, Math.pow(Double.NaN, Double.MAX_VALUE)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.pow(1.1, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.pow(0.9, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 0.0, Math.pow(1.1, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 0.0, Math.pow(0.9, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.NaN, Math.pow(1.0, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.NaN, Math.pow(1.0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 0.0, Math.pow(0, 1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 0.0, Math.pow(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, -0.1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.pow(0, -1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.pow(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 0.0, Math.pow(-0.0, 0.9)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 0.0, Math.pow(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -0.9)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", -0.0, Math.pow(-0.0, 1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", -0.0, Math.pow(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, -1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.pow(-0.0, -0.9)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.pow(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 0.9)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Math.pow(-0.0, -1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Math.pow(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, 1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", 0.81, Math.pow(-0.9, 2)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", -0.9, Math.pow(-0.9, 1)); assertEquals("pow returned incorrect value", Double.NaN, Math.pow(-0.9, 0.1)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#rint(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "rint", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_rintD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.rint(double) assertEquals("Failed to round properly - up to odd", 3.0, Math.rint(2.9), 0D); assertTrue("Failed to round properly - NaN", Double.isNaN(Math .rint(Double.NaN))); assertEquals("Failed to round properly down to even", 2.0, Math.rint(2.1), 0D); assertTrue("Failed to round properly " + 2.5 + " to even", Math .rint(2.5) == 2.0); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#round(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "round", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_roundD() { // Test for method long java.lang.Math.round(double) assertEquals("Incorrect rounding of a float", -91, Math.round(-90.89d)); assertEquals("Incorrect rounding of a float", 0, Math.round(Double.NaN)); assertEquals("Incorrect rounding of a float", Long.MIN_VALUE, Math.round(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("Incorrect rounding of a float", Long.MAX_VALUE, Math.round(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#round(float) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "round", args = {float.class} ) */ public void test_roundF() { // Test for method int java.lang.Math.round(float) assertEquals("Incorrect rounding of a float", -91, Math.round(-90.89f)); assertEquals("Incorrect rounding of a float", 0, Math.round(Float.NaN)); assertEquals("Incorrect rounding of a float", Integer.MIN_VALUE, Math.round(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("Incorrect rounding of a float", Integer.MAX_VALUE, Math.round(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#signum(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "signum", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_signum_D() { assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Math.signum(Double.NaN))); assertTrue(Double.isNaN(Math.signum(Double.NaN))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(0.0), Double.doubleToLongBits(Math .signum(0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(+0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.signum(+0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(-0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.signum(-0.0))); assertEquals(1.0, Math.signum(253681.2187962), 0D); assertEquals(-1.0, Math.signum(-125874693.56), 0D); assertEquals(1.0, Math.signum(1.2587E-308), 0D); assertEquals(-1.0, Math.signum(-1.2587E-308), 0D); assertEquals(1.0, Math.signum(Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals(1.0, Math.signum(Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals(-1.0, Math.signum(-Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals(-1.0, Math.signum(-Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals(1.0, Math.signum(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals(-1.0, Math.signum(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#signum(float) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "signum", args = {float.class} ) */ public void test_signum_F() { assertTrue(Float.isNaN(Math.signum(Float.NaN))); assertEquals(Float.floatToIntBits(0.0f), Float .floatToIntBits(Math.signum(0.0f))); assertEquals(Float.floatToIntBits(+0.0f), Float .floatToIntBits(Math.signum(+0.0f))); assertEquals(Float.floatToIntBits(-0.0f), Float .floatToIntBits(Math.signum(-0.0f))); assertEquals(1.0f, Math.signum(253681.2187962f), 0f); assertEquals(-1.0f, Math.signum(-125874693.56f), 0f); assertEquals(1.0f, Math.signum(1.2587E-11f), 0f); assertEquals(-1.0f, Math.signum(-1.2587E-11f), 0f); assertEquals(1.0f, Math.signum(Float.MAX_VALUE), 0f); assertEquals(1.0f, Math.signum(Float.MIN_VALUE), 0f); assertEquals(-1.0f, Math.signum(-Float.MAX_VALUE), 0f); assertEquals(-1.0f, Math.signum(-Float.MIN_VALUE), 0f); assertEquals(1.0f, Math.signum(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0f); assertEquals(-1.0f, Math.signum(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0f); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#sin(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "sin", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_sinD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.sin(double) assertEquals("Incorrect answer", 0.0, Math.sin(0), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect answer", 0.8414709848078965, Math.sin(1), 0D); double [] args = {Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { assertEquals("Incorrest returned value.", Double.NaN, Math.sin(args[i])); } assertEquals("Incorrest returned value.", 0.0, Math.sin(0.0)); assertEquals("Incorrest returned value.", -0.0, Math.sin(-0.0)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#sinh(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "sinh", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_sinh_D() { // Test for special situations assertTrue("Should return NaN", Double.isNaN(Math.sinh(Double.NaN))); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.sinh(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return NEGATIVE_INFINITY", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Math.sinh(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(0.0), Double.doubleToLongBits(Math .sinh(0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(+0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.sinh(+0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(-0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.sinh(-0.0))); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.sinh(1234.56), 0D); assertEquals("Should return NEGATIVE_INFINITY", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Math.sinh(-1234.56), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.0000000000001666E-6", 1.0000000000001666E-6, Math.sinh(0.000001), 0D); assertEquals("Should return -1.0000000000001666E-6", -1.0000000000001666E-6, Math.sinh(-0.000001), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 5.115386441963859", 5.115386441963859, Math .sinh(2.33482), 0D); assertEquals("Should return POSITIVE_INFINITY", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.sinh(Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 4.9E-324", 4.9E-324, Math .sinh(Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#sqrt(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "sqrt", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_sqrtD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.sqrt(double) assertEquals("Incorrect root returned2", 7, Math.sqrt(49), 0); assertEquals("Incorrect value is returned", Double.NaN, Math.sqrt(Double.NaN)); assertEquals("Incorrect value is returned", Double.NaN, Math.sqrt(-1)); assertEquals("Incorrect value is returned", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math.sqrt(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)); assertEquals("Incorrect value is returned", 0.0, Math.sqrt(0.0)); assertEquals("Incorrect value is returned", -0.0, Math.sqrt(-0.0)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#tan(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "tan", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_tanD() { // Test for method double java.lang.Math.tan(double) assertEquals("Incorrect answer", 0.0, Math.tan(0), 0D); assertEquals("Incorrect answer", 1.5574077246549023, Math.tan(1), 0D); double [] args = {Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY}; for(int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { assertEquals("Incorrest returned value.", Double.NaN, Math.tan(args[i])); } assertEquals("Incorrest returned value.", 0.0, Math.tan(0.0)); assertEquals("Incorrest returned value.", -0.0, Math.tan(-0.0)); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#tanh(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "tanh", args = {double.class} ) */ @KnownFailure(value = "bug 2139334") public void test_tanh_D() { // Test for special situations assertTrue("Should return NaN", Double.isNaN(Math.tanh(Double.NaN))); assertEquals("Should return +1.0", +1.0, Math .tanh(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Should return -1.0", -1.0, Math .tanh(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(0.0), Double.doubleToLongBits(Math .tanh(0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(+0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.tanh(+0.0))); assertEquals(Double.doubleToLongBits(-0.0), Double .doubleToLongBits(Math.tanh(-0.0))); assertEquals("Should return 1.0", 1.0, Math.tanh(1234.56), 0D); assertEquals("Should return -1.0", -1.0, Math.tanh(-1234.56), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 9.999999999996666E-7", 9.999999999996666E-7, Math.tanh(0.000001), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 0.981422884124941", 0.981422884124941, Math .tanh(2.33482), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 1.0", 1.0, Math.tanh(Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Should return 4.9E-324", 4.9E-324, Math .tanh(Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#random() @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "random", args = {} ) */ public void test_random() { // There isn't a place for these tests so just stick them here assertEquals("Wrong value E", 4613303445314885481L, Double.doubleToLongBits(Math.E)); assertEquals("Wrong value PI", 4614256656552045848L, Double.doubleToLongBits(Math.PI)); for (int i = 500; i >= 0; i--) { double d = Math.random(); assertTrue("Generated number is out of range: " + d, d >= 0.0 && d < 1.0); } } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#toRadians(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "toRadians", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_toRadiansD() { for (double d = 500; d >= 0; d -= 1.0) { double converted = Math.toDegrees(Math.toRadians(d)); assertTrue("Converted number not equal to original. d = " + d, converted >= d * 0.99999999 && converted <= d * 1.00000001); } } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#toDegrees(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "toDegrees", args = {double.class} ) */ public void test_toDegreesD() { for (double d = 500; d >= 0; d -= 1.0) { double converted = Math.toRadians(Math.toDegrees(d)); assertTrue("Converted number not equal to original. d = " + d, converted >= d * 0.99999999 && converted <= d * 1.00000001); } } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#ulp(double) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "ulp", args = {double.class} ) */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public void test_ulp_D() { // Test for special cases assertTrue("Should return NaN", Double.isNaN(Math.ulp(Double.NaN))); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math .ulp(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math .ulp(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Double.MIN_VALUE, Math .ulp(0.0), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Double.MIN_VALUE, Math .ulp(+0.0), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Double.MIN_VALUE, Math .ulp(-0.0), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Math.pow(2, 971), Math .ulp(Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Math.pow(2, 971), Math .ulp(-Double.MAX_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Double.MIN_VALUE, Math .ulp(Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Double.MIN_VALUE, Math .ulp(-Double.MIN_VALUE), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 2.220446049250313E-16, Math .ulp(1.0), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 2.220446049250313E-16, Math .ulp(-1.0), 0D); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 2.2737367544323206E-13, Math .ulp(1153.0), 0D); } /** * @tests java.lang.Math#ulp(float) @TestTargetNew( level = TestLevel.COMPLETE, notes = "", method = "ulp", args = {float.class} ) */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") public void test_ulp_f() { // Test for special cases assertTrue("Should return NaN", Float.isNaN(Math.ulp(Float.NaN))); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math .ulp(Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Math .ulp(Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Float.MIN_VALUE, Math .ulp(0.0f), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Float.MIN_VALUE, Math .ulp(+0.0f), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", Float.MIN_VALUE, Math .ulp(-0.0f), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 2.028241E31f, Math .ulp(Float.MAX_VALUE), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 2.028241E31f, Math .ulp(-Float.MAX_VALUE), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 1.4E-45f, Math .ulp(Float.MIN_VALUE), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 1.4E-45f, Math .ulp(-Float.MIN_VALUE), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 1.1920929E-7f, Math.ulp(1.0f), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 1.1920929E-7f, Math.ulp(-1.0f), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 1.2207031E-4f, Math .ulp(1153.0f), 0f); assertEquals("Returned incorrect value", 5.6E-45f, Math .ulp(9.403954E-38f), 0f); } }