// Tags: JDK1.0 /* Copyright (C) 1999 Hewlett-Packard Company This file is part of Mauve. Mauve is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. Mauve is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Mauve; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package gnu.testlet.wonka.net.URL; import gnu.testlet.Testlet; import gnu.testlet.TestHarness; import java.net.*; import java.io.IOException; public class URLTest implements Testlet { protected static TestHarness harness; public void test_Basics() { // see whether malformed exception is thrown or not. harness.checkPoint("Constructors"); try { URL url = new URL("hithleksjf" ); harness.fail("Error in test_Basics - 1 " + " should have raised malformed URL exception here"); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ){ harness.check(true); } try { URL url = new URL("http://////://" ); harness.check(true); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ){ harness.fail("Error in test_Basics - 2 " + " should not have raised malformed URL exception here"); } try { ; URL url = new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/index.html" ); harness.check(true); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ){ harness.fail("Error in test_Basics - 3 " + " should not have raised malformed URL exception here"); } // URL with individual arguments. harness.checkPoint("get Methods"); try { URL baseurl = new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/"); URL url = new URL ( baseurl, "index.html"); url.hashCode(); baseurl.hashCode(); URL.setURLStreamHandlerFactory( null ); harness.check (url.getProtocol(), "http"); harness.check (url.getPort(), -1); harness.check (url.getHost(), "sources.redhat.com"); // CG 20060703 - this is how I read RFC 2396 ... harness.check (url.getAuthority(), "sources.redhat.com"); harness.check (url.getFile(), "/index.html"); harness.check (url.equals(new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/index.html"))); // CG 20070702 - it can be 0 if it wants to be // harness.check (url.hashCode() != 0); url = new URL("http://username:password@sources.redhat.com"); url.hashCode(); harness.check (url.getHost(), "sources.redhat.com"); // CG 20060703 - this is how I read RFC 2396 ... harness.check (url.getAuthority(), "username:password@sources.redhat.com"); harness.check (url.getFile(), ""); // test our workaround for a common bogosity url = new URL ( baseurl, "http:index.html"); harness.check (url.getProtocol(), "http"); harness.check (url.getPort(), -1); harness.check (url.getHost(), "sources.redhat.com"); harness.check (url.getAuthority(), "sources.redhat.com"); harness.check (url.getFile(), "/index.html"); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ){ harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics - 9 " + " exception should not be thrown here"); } try { URL url = new URL ( "http", "sources.redhat.com", "/index.html"); harness.check (url.getProtocol(), "http"); // CG 20051030 - see above // harness.check (url.getPort(), -1); harness.check (url.getHost(), "sources.redhat.com"); harness.check (url.getFile(), "/index.html"); harness.check (url.equals(new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/index.html"))); URL url1 = new URL ( "http", "sources.redhat.com", 80, "index.html"); harness.check (url1.getPort(), 80); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ){ harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics - 16 " + " exception should not be thrown here"); } try { URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com:80/mauve/testarea/index.html"); harness.check (url.getProtocol(), "http"); harness.check (url.getPort(), 80); harness.check (url.getHost(), "sources.redhat.com"); harness.check (url.getFile(), "/mauve/testarea/index.html"); } catch ( MalformedURLException e ){ harness.fail(" Error in test_Basics - 21 " + " exception should not be thrown here"); } } /* CG - none of this stuff works any more ... public void test_openConnection() { harness.checkPoint("openConnection"); try { URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html"); URLConnection conn = url.openConnection(); harness.check (conn.getHeaderField(2), "Apache/1.3.9 (Unix)"); String conttype = conn.getContentType(); harness.check (conttype, "text/html"); Object obj = url.getContent(); harness.check (url.toExternalForm(), "http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html"); harness.check (url.getRef(), null); URL url2 = new URL("http://www.hhp.com/index.html#help"); harness.check (url2.getRef(), "help"); }catch ( Exception e ){ harness.fail(" Error in test_openConnection - 3 " + " exception should not be thrown here"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } */ public void test_openStream() { harness.checkPoint("openStream"); try { byte[] b = new byte[6]; URL url = new URL("http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html"); java.io.InputStream conn = url.openStream(); conn.read(b , 0 , 6 ); String str = new String( b ) ; harness.check (str, "<HTML>"); }catch ( Exception e ){ harness.fail(" Error in test_openStream - 2 " + e + " should not be thrown here"); } } public void test_sameFile() { harness.checkPoint("sameFile"); try { URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html"); URL url1 = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/mauve/testarea/index.html"); harness.check (url.sameFile(url1)); URL url2 = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com:80/mauve/testarea/index.html"); harness.check (url.sameFile(url2)); }catch ( Exception e ){ harness.fail(" Error in test_sameFile - 3 " + " exception should not be thrown here"); } } /* CG - if you ask me you can't rely on any of this stuff public void test_toString() { harness.checkPoint("toString"); try { URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/index.html"); String str = url.toString(); URL url1 = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com:80/mauve/testarea/index.html"); String str1 = url1.toString(); URL url2 = new URL ( ""); String str2 = url2.toString(); harness.check (str, "http://sources.redhat.com/index.html"); harness.check (str1, "http://sources.redhat.com:80/mauve/testarea/index.html"); harness.check (str2, ""); URL url3 = new URL( "ftp" , "sources.redhat.com" , 21 , "/dir/dir1.lst"); String str3 = url3.toString( ); harness.check (str3, "ftp://sources.redhat.com:21/dir/dir1.lst"); }catch ( Exception e ){ harness.fail(" Error in test_toString - 5 " + " exception should not be thrown here"); } } */ /* [CG 20110610] * None of this is allowed because sh has to be the URLStreamHandler * which originally created the URL else SecurityError. * <p>MyURLStreamHandler was just a thin wrapper around URLStreamHandler * so I don't know what these tests were supposed to show anyway .. public void test_URLStreamHandler() { harness.checkPoint("URLStreamHandler"); try { URL url = new URL ( "http://sources.redhat.com/index.html"); // test URLStreamHandler MyURLStreamHandler sh = new MyURLStreamHandler(); sh.invoke_setURL(url, "http", "sources.redhat.com", 80, "/index.html", "#ref"); harness.check(true); sh.invoke_parseURL(url, "http://sources.redhat.com/index.html", 0, 20); harness.check(true); }catch ( MalformedURLException e ){ harness.fail(" Error in test_URLStreamHandler - 1 " + " exception should not be thrown here"); } } */ public void test_cr601a() { String[][] s = { // tests 1..2 {"file:///c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file:/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "", "/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 3..4 {"file://hpjavaux/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavaux/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "hpjavaux", "/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 5..6 {"file://c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file://c/pub/files/foobar.txt", "c", "/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 7..8 {"file:/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file:/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "", "/c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 11..12 {"file:///hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file:/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "", "/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 13..14 {"file://hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "hpjavant", "/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 15..16 {"file:/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file:/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "", "/hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 17..18 {"file://hpjavaux//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavaux//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "hpjavaux", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 19..20 {"file://hpjavaux/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavaux/bgee/foobar.txt", "hpjavaux", "/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 21..22 {"file://hpjavaux/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavaux/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt", "hpjavaux", "/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 23..24 {"file://bg710571//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://bg710571//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "bg710571", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 25..27 {"file://bg710571/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://bg710571/bgee/foobar.txt", "bg710571", "/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 28..29 {"file://bg710571/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt", "file://bg710571/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt", "bg710571", "/c:/pubs/files/foobar.txt"}, }; harness.checkPoint("new URL(string)"); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { try { URL url = new URL(s[i][0]); //harness.check(url.toExternalForm(), s[i][1]); harness.check(url.getHost(), s[i][2]); harness.check(url.getFile(), s[i][3]); } catch (Throwable e) { harness.fail("Should not have thrown exception"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } public void test_cr601b() { String[][] s = { // tests 1..3 {"////", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file://////c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "////", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 4..6 {"///", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file://///c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "///", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 7..9 {"//", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file:////c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "//", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 10..12 {"/", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file:///c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "/", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 13..15 {"", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file:c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 16..18 {"hpjavaux", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavauxc:/pub/files/foobar.txt", "hpjavaux", "c:/pub/files/foobar.txt"}, // tests 19..21 {"////", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file:////////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "////", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 22..24 {"///", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file:///////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "///", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 25..27 {"//", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://////hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "//", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 28..30 {"/", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://///hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "/", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 31..33 {"", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 34..36 {"hpjavaux", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavaux//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "hpjavaux", "//hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 37..39 {"hpjavant", "/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavant/bgee/foobar.txt", "hpjavant", "/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 40..42 {"hpjavant", "/home/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavant/home/bgee/foobar.txt", "hpjavant", "/home/bgee/foobar.txt"}, // tests 43..45 {"hpjavaux", "/home/bgee/foobar.txt", "file://hpjavaux/home/bgee/foobar.txt", "hpjavaux", "/home/bgee/foobar.txt"}, }; harness.checkPoint("new URL(protocol, host, file)"); for (int i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) { try { URL url = new URL("file", s[i][0], s[i][1]); //harness.check(url.toExternalForm(), s[i][2]); harness.check(url.getHost(), s[i][3]); harness.check(url.getFile(), s[i][4]); harness.check(true); } catch (NullPointerException e) { if ((i != 6) && (i != 13)) { harness.fail("Should not have thrown NullPointerException"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } catch (Throwable e) { harness.fail("Should not have thrown exception"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } public void testall() { test_Basics(); //test_openConnection(); test_openStream(); test_sameFile(); //test_toString(); //test_URLStreamHandler(); test_cr601a(); test_cr601b(); } public void test (TestHarness the_harness) { harness = the_harness; harness.setclass("java.net.URL"); testall (); } }