/************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2001 by Acunia N.V. All rights reserved. * * * * This software is copyrighted by and is the sole property of Acunia N.V. * * and its licensors, if any. All rights, title, ownership, or other * * interests in the software remain the property of Acunia N.V. and its * * licensors, if any. * * * * This software may only be used in accordance with the corresponding * * license agreement. Any unauthorized use, duplication, transmission, * * distribution or disclosure of this software is expressly forbidden. * * * * This Copyright notice may not be removed or modified without prior * * written consent of Acunia N.V. * * * * Acunia N.V. reserves the right to modify this software without notice. * * * * Acunia N.V. * * Vanden Tymplestraat 35 info@acunia.com * * 3000 Leuven http://www.acunia.com * * Belgium - EUROPE * **************************************************************************/ package gnu.testlet.wonka.net.Socket; import gnu.testlet.Testlet; import gnu.testlet.TestHarness; import java.net.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.io.*; /** ** This test class doesn't test methods which call get/setSocketOption. ** these methods are tested AcuniaSocketOptions ** */ public class AcuniaSocketTest implements Testlet { protected TestHarness th; protected static final int port = 54321; public void test (TestHarness harness) { th = harness; th.setclass("java.net.Socket"); MyServer msrv = new MyServer(port); if(!msrv.start()){ th.fail("failed to setup server"); return; } // test_Socket(); test_close(); test_getInputStream(); test_getOutputStream(); test_getInetAddress(); test_getLocalAddress(); test_getLocalPort(); test_getPort(); test_toString(); test_setSocketImplFactory(); test_keepalive(); test_shutdownInput(); test_shutdownOutput(); msrv.stop(); } private void close(Socket s){ if(s != null){ try{ s.close(); } catch(IOException e){} } } private void constructMustFail(InetAddress addr, int p, String excType, int count){ try{ Socket s = new Socket(addr,p); th.fail("constructor didn't fail -- "+count); s.close(); } catch(Exception e){ th.check(e.toString().startsWith(excType) ,"checking exception type -- "+count); if(!e.toString().startsWith(excType)){ th.debug("got "+e.getClass().getName()+", but expected "+excType); } } } private void constructMustFail(String addr, int p, String excType, int count){ try{ Socket s = new Socket(addr,p); th.fail("constructor didn't fail -- "+count); s.close(); } catch(Exception e){ th.check(e.toString().startsWith(excType) ,"checking exception type -- "+count); if(!e.toString().startsWith(excType)){ th.debug("got "+e.getClass().getName()+", but expected "+excType); } } } private void constructMustFail(String addr, int p, InetAddress laddr, int lp, String excType, int count){ try{ Socket s = new Socket(addr,p,laddr,lp); th.fail("constructor didn't fail -- "+count); s.close(); } catch(Exception e){ th.check(e.toString().startsWith(excType) ,"checking exception type -- "+count); if(!e.toString().startsWith(excType)){ th.debug("got "+e.getClass().getName()+", but expected "+excType); } } } private void constructMustFail(InetAddress addr, int p, InetAddress laddr, int lp, String excType, int count){ try{ Socket s = new Socket(addr,p,laddr,lp); th.fail("constructor didn't fail -- "+count); s.close(); } catch(Exception e){ th.check(e.toString().startsWith(excType) ,"checking exception type -- "+count); if(!e.toString().startsWith(excType)){ th.debug("got "+e.getClass().getName()+", but expected "+excType); } } } /** * CG 20160414 This is all BOGUS! The InetAddress could be anything - loopback, * address on WLAN or LAN, ... * public void test_Socket(){ Socket sock = null; th.checkPoint("Socket(java.net.InetAddress,int)"); constructMustFail((InetAddress)null, 1,"java.lang.NullPointerException",1); try { InetAddress local = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); constructMustFail(local, -1,"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",2); constructMustFail(local, 65536,"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",3); constructMustFail(local, 65535,"java.net.ConnectException",4); sock = new Socket(local,port); th.check(sock.getInetAddress(), local, "checking remote address"); th.check(sock.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(), local.getHostAddress(), "checking local address"); th.check(sock.getPort(), port, "checking remote port"); th.check(sock.getLocalPort() > 1024, "checking local port > 1024, got "+sock.getLocalPort()); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); } close(sock); th.checkPoint("Socket(java.net.InetAddress,int,java.net.InetAddress,int)"); try { InetAddress local = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); constructMustFail((InetAddress)null, 1, local, 10300, "java.lang.NullPointerException",1); constructMustFail(local, -1, local, 10301, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",2); constructMustFail(local, 65536, local, 10302, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",3); constructMustFail(local, 65535, local, 10303, "java.net.ConnectException",4); constructMustFail(local, port, local, -1, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",5); constructMustFail(local, port, local, 65536, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",6); sock = new Socket(local,port,local,10304); th.check(sock.getInetAddress(), local, "checking remote address -- 1"); th.check(sock.getLocalAddress(), local, "checking local address -- 1"); th.check(sock.getPort(), port, "checking remote port -- 1"); th.check(sock.getLocalPort(), 10304, "checking local port -- 1"); sock.close(); sock = new Socket(local,port,null,10305); th.check(sock.getInetAddress(), local, "checking remote address -- 2"); th.check(sock.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress(), local.getHostAddress(), "checking local address -- 2"); th.check(sock.getPort(), port, "checking remote port -- 2"); th.check(sock.getLocalPort(), 10305, "checking local port -- 2"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } close(sock); th.checkPoint("Socket(java.lang.String,int)"); constructMustFail((String)null, 1,"java.net.ConnectException",1); constructMustFail("localhost", -1,"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",2); constructMustFail("localhost", 65536,"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",3); constructMustFail("localhost", 65535,"java.net.ConnectException",4); try { InetAddress local = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sock = new Socket(local,port); th.check(sock.getInetAddress(), local, "checking remote address"); th.check(sock.getLocalAddress().getHostName(), local.getHostName(), "checking local address"); th.check(sock.getPort(), port, "checking remote port"); th.check(sock.getLocalPort() > 1024, "checking local port > 1024, got "+sock.getLocalPort()); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); } close(sock); th.checkPoint("Socket(java.lang.String,int,java.net.InetAddress,int)"); try { InetAddress local = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); constructMustFail((String)null, 1, local, 10306, "java.net.ConnectException",1); constructMustFail("localhost", -1, local, 10307, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",2); constructMustFail("localhost", 65536, local, 10312, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",3); constructMustFail("localhost", 65535, local, 10313, "java.net.ConnectException",4); constructMustFail("localhost", port, local, -1, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",5); constructMustFail("localhost", port, local, 65536, "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException",6); sock = new Socket("localhost",port,local,10314); InetAddress loopb = InetAddress.getByName(""); th.check(sock.getInetAddress(), loopb, "checking remote address -- 1"); th.check(sock.getLocalAddress(), local, "checking local address -- 1"); th.check(sock.getPort(), port, "checking remote port -- 1"); th.check(sock.getLocalPort(), 10314, "checking local port -- 1"); sock.close(); sock = new Socket("localhost",port,null,10315); th.check(sock.getInetAddress(), loopb, "checking remote address -- 2"); th.check(sock.getLocalAddress(), loopb, "checking local address -- 2"); th.check(sock.getPort(), port, "checking remote port -- 2"); th.check(sock.getLocalPort(), 10315, "checking local port -- 2"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); } close(sock); } */ /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_close(){ th.checkPoint("close()void"); Socket sock = null; try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sock = new Socket(laddr,port,null,10335); sock.close(); sock.close(); sock.close(); try { sock.getReceiveBufferSize(); th.fail("should throw an SocketException -- 1"); } catch(IOException e){ th.check(true); } try { sock.getOutputStream(); th.fail("should throw an Exception -- 1"); } catch(Exception e){ th.check(true); } } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_getInputStream(){ th.checkPoint("getInputStream()java.io.InputStream"); Socket sock = null; try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sock = new Socket(laddr,port,null,10345); InputStream in = sock.getInputStream(); th.check(in.available() ,0 ,"checking available -- 1"); in.close(); try { sock.getSendBufferSize(); th.fail("should throw an SocketException -- 1"); } catch(IOException e){ th.check(true); } } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } close(sock); } /** * not implemented. <br> * */ public void test_getOutputStream(){ th.checkPoint("getOutputStream()java.io.OutputStream"); Socket sock = null; try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sock = new Socket(laddr,port,null,10355); OutputStream out = sock.getOutputStream(); out.close(); try { sock.getReceiveBufferSize(); th.fail("should throw an SocketException -- 1"); } catch(IOException e){ th.check(true); } } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } close(sock); } /** * not implemented. <br> * @see Socket constructor */ public void test_getInetAddress(){ th.checkPoint("()"); } /** * not implemented. <br> * @see Socket constructor */ public void test_getLocalAddress(){ th.checkPoint("()"); } /** * not implemented. <br> * @see Socket constructor */ public void test_getLocalPort(){ th.checkPoint("()"); } /** * not implemented. <br> * @see Socket constructor */ public void test_getPort(){ th.checkPoint("()"); } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_toString(){ th.checkPoint("toString()java.lang.String"); Socket sock = null; try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sock = new Socket(laddr,port,null,10325); th.check(sock.toString().indexOf(laddr.toString()) != -1 , "should contain remote address"); th.check(sock.toString().indexOf(""+10325) != -1 , "should contain local port"); th.check(sock.toString().indexOf(""+port) != -1 , "should contain remote port"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } close(sock); } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_keepalive(){ th.checkPoint("getKeepAlive()boolean"); Socket sock = null; try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sock = new Socket(laddr,port); th.check(!sock.getKeepAlive(), "default is false"); sock.setKeepAlive(true); th.check(sock.getKeepAlive(), "set to true"); sock.setKeepAlive(false); th.check(!sock.getKeepAlive(), "set to false"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } close(sock); } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_shutdownInput(){ th.checkPoint("shutdownInput()void"); Socket sock = null; try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sock = new Socket(laddr,port); InputStream in = sock.getInputStream(); sock.shutdownInput(); th.check(in.read(), -1, "EOF reached"); } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } close(sock); } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_shutdownOutput(){ th.checkPoint("shutdownOutput()void"); Socket sock = null; try { InetAddress laddr = InetAddress.getLocalHost(); sock = new Socket(laddr,port); OutputStream out = sock.getOutputStream(); sock.shutdownOutput(); try { out.write(new byte[256]); th.fail("after shutdownOutput IOException should be thrown"); } catch(IOException e){ th.check(true); } } catch(Exception e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); e.printStackTrace(); } close(sock); } /** * implemented. <br> * */ public void test_setSocketImplFactory(){ th.checkPoint("setSocketImplFactory(java.net.SocketImplFactory)void"); try { Socket.setSocketImplFactory(null); Socket.setSocketImplFactory(null); Socket.setSocketImplFactory(new TestFactory()); try { Socket.setSocketImplFactory(new TestFactory()); th.fail("Factory can be set only once -- 1"); } catch(SocketException se){ th.check(true); } try { Socket.setSocketImplFactory(null); th.fail("Factory can be set only once -- 2"); } catch(SocketException se){ th.check(true); } try { Socket.setSocketImplFactory(new TestFactory()); th.fail("Factory can be set only once -- 3"); } catch(SocketException se){ th.check(true); } } catch(IOException e){ th.fail("caught unwanted exception "+e); } } static class TestFactory implements SocketImplFactory{ private static java.lang.reflect.Constructor constructor; public TestFactory(){ if (constructor == null){ try { Class cl = Class.forName("java.net.PlainSocketImpl"); constructor = cl.getDeclaredConstructor(null); constructor.setAccessible(true); } catch(Exception e){} } } public SocketImpl createSocketImpl(){ try { return (SocketImpl)constructor.newInstance(null); } catch(Exception e){ return null; } } } static class MyServer implements Runnable { private int port; private ServerSocket srv; private boolean stop; public MyServer(int port){ this.port = port; } public void stop(){ stop = true; try{ srv.close(); } catch (IOException e){ } while(stop){ Thread.yield(); } } public boolean start(){ try { srv = new ServerSocket(port); srv.setSoTimeout(150); new Thread(this,"MyServer thread").start(); return true; } catch(Exception e){ return false; } } public void run(){ try { Vector v = new Vector(); while(!stop){ try { v.add(srv.accept()); } catch(Exception e){} } for(int i = 0 ; i < v.size() ; i++){ try {((Socket)v.get(i)).close(); } catch(IOException ioe){} } srv.close(); } catch(Exception e1){} stop = false; } } }