/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.test.javaApiOperators.util; import java.io.File; import java.io.Serializable; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.BasicTypeInfo; import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo; import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple2; import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple3; import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple5; import org.apache.flink.api.java.tuple.Tuple7; import org.apache.flink.api.java.typeutils.TupleTypeInfo; import org.apache.flink.api.java.DataSet; import org.apache.flink.api.java.ExecutionEnvironment; import org.apache.hadoop.io.IntWritable; import scala.math.BigInt; /** * ####################################################################################################### * * BE AWARE THAT OTHER TESTS DEPEND ON THIS TEST DATA. * IF YOU MODIFY THE DATA MAKE SURE YOU CHECK THAT ALL TESTS ARE STILL WORKING! * * ####################################################################################################### */ public class CollectionDataSets { public static DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> get3TupleDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple3<>(1, 1L, "Hi")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(2, 2L, "Hello")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(3, 2L, "Hello world")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(4, 3L, "Hello world, how are you?")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(5, 3L, "I am fine.")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(6, 3L, "Luke Skywalker")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(7, 4L, "Comment#1")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(8, 4L, "Comment#2")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(9, 4L, "Comment#3")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(10, 4L, "Comment#4")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(11, 5L, "Comment#5")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(12, 5L, "Comment#6")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(13, 5L, "Comment#7")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(14, 5L, "Comment#8")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(15, 5L, "Comment#9")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(16, 6L, "Comment#10")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(17, 6L, "Comment#11")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(18, 6L, "Comment#12")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(19, 6L, "Comment#13")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(20, 6L, "Comment#14")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(21, 6L, "Comment#15")); Collections.shuffle(data); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> getSmall3TupleDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple3<Integer, Long, String>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple3<>(1, 1L, "Hi")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(2, 2L, "Hello")); data.add(new Tuple3<>(3, 2L, "Hello world")); Collections.shuffle(data); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> get5TupleDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple5<>(1, 1L, 0, "Hallo", 1L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(2, 2L, 1, "Hallo Welt", 2L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(2, 3L, 2, "Hallo Welt wie", 1L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(3, 4L, 3, "Hallo Welt wie gehts?", 2L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(3, 5L, 4, "ABC", 2L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(3, 6L, 5, "BCD", 3L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(4, 7L, 6, "CDE", 2L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(4, 8L, 7, "DEF", 1L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(4, 9L, 8, "EFG", 1L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(4, 10L, 9, "FGH", 2L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(5, 11L, 10, "GHI", 1L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(5, 12L, 11, "HIJ", 3L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(5, 13L, 12, "IJK", 3L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(5, 14L, 13, "JKL", 2L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(5, 15L, 14, "KLM", 2L)); Collections.shuffle(data); TupleTypeInfo<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> type = new TupleTypeInfo<>( BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO ); return env.fromCollection(data, type); } public static DataSet<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> getSmall5TupleDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple5<>(1, 1L, 0, "Hallo", 1L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(2, 2L, 1, "Hallo Welt", 2L)); data.add(new Tuple5<>(2, 3L, 2, "Hallo Welt wie", 1L)); Collections.shuffle(data); TupleTypeInfo<Tuple5<Integer, Long, Integer, String, Long>> type = new TupleTypeInfo<>( BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.LONG_TYPE_INFO ); return env.fromCollection(data, type); } public static DataSet<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String>> getSmallNestedTupleDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(1, 1), "one")); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(2, 2), "two")); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(3, 3), "three")); TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String>> type = new TupleTypeInfo<>( new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>(BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO), BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO ); return env.fromCollection(data, type); } public static DataSet<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String>> getGroupSortedNestedTupleDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(1, 3), "a")); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(1, 2), "a")); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(2, 1), "a")); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(2, 2), "b")); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(3, 3), "c")); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(3, 6), "c")); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new Tuple2<>(4, 9), "c")); TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String>> type = new TupleTypeInfo<>( new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>(BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO), BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO ); return env.fromCollection(data, type); } public static DataSet<Tuple3<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String, Integer>> getGroupSortedNestedTupleDataSet2(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple3<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String, Integer>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple3<>(new Tuple2<>(1, 3), "a", 2)); data.add(new Tuple3<>(new Tuple2<>(1, 2), "a", 1)); data.add(new Tuple3<>(new Tuple2<>(2, 1), "a", 3)); data.add(new Tuple3<>(new Tuple2<>(2, 2), "b", 4)); data.add(new Tuple3<>(new Tuple2<>(3, 3), "c", 5)); data.add(new Tuple3<>(new Tuple2<>(3, 6), "c", 6)); data.add(new Tuple3<>(new Tuple2<>(4, 9), "c", 7)); TupleTypeInfo<Tuple3<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>, String, Integer>> type = new TupleTypeInfo<>( new TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>>(BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO), BasicTypeInfo.STRING_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO ); return env.fromCollection(data, type); } public static DataSet<Tuple2<byte[], Integer>> getTuple2WithByteArrayDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple2<byte[], Integer>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new byte[]{0, 4}, 1)); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new byte[]{2, 0}, 1)); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new byte[]{2, 0, 4}, 4)); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new byte[]{2, 1}, 3)); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new byte[]{0}, 0)); data.add(new Tuple2<>(new byte[]{2, 0}, 1)); TupleTypeInfo<Tuple2<byte[], Integer>> type = new TupleTypeInfo<>( PrimitiveArrayTypeInfo.BYTE_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPE_INFO, BasicTypeInfo.INT_TYPE_INFO ); return env.fromCollection(data, type); } public static DataSet<String> getStringDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<String> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add("Hi"); data.add("Hello"); data.add("Hello world"); data.add("Hello world, how are you?"); data.add("I am fine."); data.add("Luke Skywalker"); data.add("Random comment"); data.add("LOL"); Collections.shuffle(data); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<Integer> getIntegerDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Integer> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(1); data.add(2); data.add(2); data.add(3); data.add(3); data.add(3); data.add(4); data.add(4); data.add(4); data.add(4); data.add(5); data.add(5); data.add(5); data.add(5); data.add(5); Collections.shuffle(data); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<CustomType> getCustomTypeDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<CustomType> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new CustomType(1, 0L, "Hi")); data.add(new CustomType(2, 1L, "Hello")); data.add(new CustomType(2, 2L, "Hello world")); data.add(new CustomType(3, 3L, "Hello world, how are you?")); data.add(new CustomType(3, 4L, "I am fine.")); data.add(new CustomType(3, 5L, "Luke Skywalker")); data.add(new CustomType(4, 6L, "Comment#1")); data.add(new CustomType(4, 7L, "Comment#2")); data.add(new CustomType(4, 8L, "Comment#3")); data.add(new CustomType(4, 9L, "Comment#4")); data.add(new CustomType(5, 10L, "Comment#5")); data.add(new CustomType(5, 11L, "Comment#6")); data.add(new CustomType(5, 12L, "Comment#7")); data.add(new CustomType(5, 13L, "Comment#8")); data.add(new CustomType(5, 14L, "Comment#9")); data.add(new CustomType(6, 15L, "Comment#10")); data.add(new CustomType(6, 16L, "Comment#11")); data.add(new CustomType(6, 17L, "Comment#12")); data.add(new CustomType(6, 18L, "Comment#13")); data.add(new CustomType(6, 19L, "Comment#14")); data.add(new CustomType(6, 20L, "Comment#15")); Collections.shuffle(data); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<CustomType> getSmallCustomTypeDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<CustomType> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new CustomType(1, 0L, "Hi")); data.add(new CustomType(2, 1L, "Hello")); data.add(new CustomType(2, 2L, "Hello world")); Collections.shuffle(data); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static class CustomType implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int myInt; public long myLong; public String myString; public CustomType() { } public CustomType(int i, long l, String s) { myInt = i; myLong = l; myString = s; } @Override public String toString() { return myInt + "," + myLong + "," + myString; } } public static class CustomTypeComparator implements Comparator<CustomType> { @Override public int compare(CustomType o1, CustomType o2) { int diff = o1.myInt - o2.myInt; if (diff != 0) { return diff; } diff = (int) (o1.myLong - o2.myLong); return diff != 0 ? diff : o1.myString.compareTo(o2.myString); } } public static DataSet<Tuple7<Integer, String, Integer, Integer, Long, String, Long>> getSmallTuplebasedDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple7<Integer, String, Integer, Integer, Long, String, Long>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple7<>(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L)); data.add(new Tuple7<>(2, "Second", 20, 200, 2000L, "Two", 20000L)); data.add(new Tuple7<>(3, "Third", 30, 300, 3000L, "Three", 30000L)); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<Tuple7<Long, Integer, Integer, Long, String, Integer, String>> getSmallTuplebasedDataSetMatchingPojo(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple7<Long, Integer, Integer, Long, String, Integer, String>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple7<>(10000L, 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 1, "First")); data.add(new Tuple7<>(20000L, 20, 200, 2000L, "Two", 2, "Second")); data.add(new Tuple7<>(30000L, 30, 300, 3000L, "Three", 3, "Third")); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<POJO> getSmallPojoDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<POJO> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new POJO(1 /*number*/, "First" /*str*/, 10 /*f0*/, 100/*f1.myInt*/, 1000L/*f1.myLong*/, "One" /*f1.myString*/, 10000L /*nestedPojo.longNumber*/)); data.add(new POJO(2, "Second", 20, 200, 2000L, "Two", 20000L)); data.add(new POJO(3, "Third", 30, 300, 3000L, "Three", 30000L)); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<POJO> getDuplicatePojoDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<POJO> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L)); // 5x data.add(new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L)); data.add(new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L)); data.add(new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L)); data.add(new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L)); data.add(new POJO(2, "Second", 20, 200, 2000L, "Two", 20000L)); data.add(new POJO(3, "Third", 30, 300, 3000L, "Three", 30000L)); // 2x data.add(new POJO(3, "Third", 30, 300, 3000L, "Three", 30000L)); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<POJO> getMixedPojoDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<POJO> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10100L)); // 5x data.add(new POJO(2, "First_", 10, 105, 1000L, "One", 10200L)); data.add(new POJO(3, "First", 11, 102, 3000L, "One", 10200L)); data.add(new POJO(4, "First_", 11, 106, 1000L, "One", 10300L)); data.add(new POJO(5, "First", 11, 102, 2000L, "One", 10100L)); data.add(new POJO(6, "Second_", 20, 200, 2000L, "Two", 10100L)); data.add(new POJO(7, "Third", 31, 301, 2000L, "Three", 10200L)); // 2x data.add(new POJO(8, "Third_", 30, 300, 1000L, "Three", 10100L)); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static class POJO { public int number; public String str; public Tuple2<Integer, CustomType> nestedTupleWithCustom; public NestedPojo nestedPojo; public transient Long ignoreMe; public POJO(int i0, String s0, int i1, int i2, long l0, String s1, long l1) { this.number = i0; this.str = s0; this.nestedTupleWithCustom = new Tuple2<>(i1, new CustomType(i2, l0, s1)); this.nestedPojo = new NestedPojo(); this.nestedPojo.longNumber = l1; } public POJO() { } @Override public String toString() { return number + " " + str + " " + nestedTupleWithCustom + " " + nestedPojo.longNumber; } } public static class NestedPojo { public static Object ignoreMe; public long longNumber; public NestedPojo() { } } public static DataSet<CrazyNested> getCrazyNestedDataSet(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<CrazyNested> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new CrazyNested("aa")); data.add(new CrazyNested("bb")); data.add(new CrazyNested("bb")); data.add(new CrazyNested("cc")); data.add(new CrazyNested("cc")); data.add(new CrazyNested("cc")); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static class CrazyNested { public CrazyNestedL1 nest_Lvl1; public Long something; // test proper null-value handling public CrazyNested() { } public CrazyNested(String set, String second, long s) { // additional CTor to set all fields to non-null values this(set); something = s; nest_Lvl1.a = second; } public CrazyNested(String set) { nest_Lvl1 = new CrazyNestedL1(); nest_Lvl1.nest_Lvl2 = new CrazyNestedL2(); nest_Lvl1.nest_Lvl2.nest_Lvl3 = new CrazyNestedL3(); nest_Lvl1.nest_Lvl2.nest_Lvl3.nest_Lvl4 = new CrazyNestedL4(); nest_Lvl1.nest_Lvl2.nest_Lvl3.nest_Lvl4.f1nal = set; } } public static class CrazyNestedL1 { public String a; public int b; public CrazyNestedL2 nest_Lvl2; } public static class CrazyNestedL2 { public CrazyNestedL3 nest_Lvl3; } public static class CrazyNestedL3 { public CrazyNestedL4 nest_Lvl4; } public static class CrazyNestedL4 { public String f1nal; } // Copied from TypeExtractorTest public static class FromTuple extends Tuple3<String, String, Long> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public int special; } public static class FromTupleWithCTor extends FromTuple { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public FromTupleWithCTor() {} public FromTupleWithCTor(int special, long tupleField) { this.special = special; this.setField(tupleField, 2); } } public static DataSet<FromTupleWithCTor> getPojoExtendingFromTuple(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<FromTupleWithCTor> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new FromTupleWithCTor(1, 10L)); // 3x data.add(new FromTupleWithCTor(1, 10L)); data.add(new FromTupleWithCTor(1, 10L)); data.add(new FromTupleWithCTor(2, 20L)); // 2x data.add(new FromTupleWithCTor(2, 20L)); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static class PojoContainingTupleAndWritable { public int someInt; public String someString; public IntWritable hadoopFan; public Tuple2<Long, Long> theTuple; public PojoContainingTupleAndWritable() { } public PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(int i, long l1, long l2) { hadoopFan = new IntWritable(i); someInt = i; theTuple = new Tuple2<>(l1, l2); } } public static DataSet<PojoContainingTupleAndWritable> getPojoContainingTupleAndWritable(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<PojoContainingTupleAndWritable> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(1, 10L, 100L)); // 1x data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 20L, 200L)); // 5x data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 20L, 200L)); data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 20L, 200L)); data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 20L, 200L)); data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 20L, 200L)); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<PojoContainingTupleAndWritable> getGroupSortedPojoContainingTupleAndWritable(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<PojoContainingTupleAndWritable> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(1, 10L, 100L)); // 1x data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 20L, 200L)); // 5x data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 20L, 201L)); data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 30L, 200L)); data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 30L, 600L)); data.add(new PojoContainingTupleAndWritable(2, 30L, 400L)); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static DataSet<Tuple3<Integer, CrazyNested, POJO>> getTupleContainingPojos(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<Tuple3<Integer, CrazyNested, POJO>> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new Tuple3<>(1, new CrazyNested("one", "uno", 1L), new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L))); // 3x data.add(new Tuple3<>(1, new CrazyNested("one", "uno", 1L), new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L))); data.add(new Tuple3<>(1, new CrazyNested("one", "uno", 1L), new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L))); // POJO is not initialized according to the first two fields. data.add(new Tuple3<>(2, new CrazyNested("two", "duo", 2L), new POJO(1, "First", 10, 100, 1000L, "One", 10000L))); // 1x return env.fromCollection(data); } public static class Pojo1 { public String a; public String b; public Pojo1() {} public Pojo1(String a, String b) { this.a = a; this.b = b; } } public static class Pojo2 { public String a2; public String b2; } public static class PojoWithMultiplePojos { public Pojo1 p1; public Pojo2 p2; public Integer i0; public PojoWithMultiplePojos() { } public PojoWithMultiplePojos(String a, String b, String a1, String b1, Integer i0) { p1 = new Pojo1(); p1.a = a; p1.b = b; p2 = new Pojo2(); p2.a2 = a1; p2.b2 = b1; this.i0 = i0; } } public static DataSet<PojoWithMultiplePojos> getPojoWithMultiplePojos(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<PojoWithMultiplePojos> data = new ArrayList<>(); data.add(new PojoWithMultiplePojos("a", "aa", "b", "bb", 1)); data.add(new PojoWithMultiplePojos("b", "bb", "c", "cc", 2)); data.add(new PojoWithMultiplePojos("b", "bb", "c", "cc", 2)); data.add(new PojoWithMultiplePojos("b", "bb", "c", "cc", 2)); data.add(new PojoWithMultiplePojos("d", "dd", "e", "ee", 3)); data.add(new PojoWithMultiplePojos("d", "dd", "e", "ee", 3)); return env.fromCollection(data); } public enum Category { CAT_A, CAT_B } public static class PojoWithDateAndEnum { public String group; public Date date; public Category cat; } public static DataSet<PojoWithDateAndEnum> getPojoWithDateAndEnum(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<PojoWithDateAndEnum> data = new ArrayList<>(); PojoWithDateAndEnum one = new PojoWithDateAndEnum(); one.group = "a"; one.date = new Date(666); one.cat = Category.CAT_A; data.add(one); PojoWithDateAndEnum two = new PojoWithDateAndEnum(); two.group = "a"; two.date = new Date(666); two.cat = Category.CAT_A; data.add(two); PojoWithDateAndEnum three = new PojoWithDateAndEnum(); three.group = "b"; three.date = new Date(666); three.cat = Category.CAT_B; data.add(three); return env.fromCollection(data); } public static class PojoWithCollection { public List<Pojo1> pojos; public int key; public java.sql.Date sqlDate; public BigInteger bigInt; public BigDecimal bigDecimalKeepItNull; public BigInt scalaBigInt; public List<Object> mixed; @Override public String toString() { return "PojoWithCollection{" + "pojos.size()=" + pojos.size() + ", key=" + key + ", sqlDate=" + sqlDate + ", bigInt=" + bigInt + ", bigDecimalKeepItNull=" + bigDecimalKeepItNull + ", scalaBigInt=" + scalaBigInt + ", mixed=" + mixed + '}'; } } public static class PojoWithCollectionGeneric { public List<Pojo1> pojos; public int key; public java.sql.Date sqlDate; public BigInteger bigInt; public BigDecimal bigDecimalKeepItNull; public BigInt scalaBigInt; public List<Object> mixed; private PojoWithDateAndEnum makeMeGeneric; @Override public String toString() { return "PojoWithCollection{" + "pojos.size()=" + pojos.size() + ", key=" + key + ", sqlDate=" + sqlDate + ", bigInt=" + bigInt + ", bigDecimalKeepItNull=" + bigDecimalKeepItNull + ", scalaBigInt=" + scalaBigInt + ", mixed=" + mixed + '}'; } } public static DataSet<PojoWithCollection> getPojoWithCollection(ExecutionEnvironment env) { List<PojoWithCollection> data = new ArrayList<>(); List<Pojo1> pojosList1 = new ArrayList<>(); pojosList1.add(new Pojo1("a", "aa")); pojosList1.add(new Pojo1("b", "bb")); List<Pojo1> pojosList2 = new ArrayList<>(); pojosList2.add(new Pojo1("a2", "aa2")); pojosList2.add(new Pojo1("b2", "bb2")); PojoWithCollection pwc1 = new PojoWithCollection(); pwc1.pojos = pojosList1; pwc1.key = 0; pwc1.bigInt = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).multiply(BigInteger.TEN); pwc1.scalaBigInt = BigInt.int2bigInt(10); pwc1.bigDecimalKeepItNull = null; // use calendar to make it stable across time zones GregorianCalendar gcl1 = new GregorianCalendar(2033, 4, 18); pwc1.sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(gcl1.getTimeInMillis()); pwc1.mixed = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, Integer> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put("someKey", 1); // map.put("anotherKey", 2); map.put("third", 3); pwc1.mixed.add(map); pwc1.mixed.add(new File("/this/is/wrong")); pwc1.mixed.add("uhlala"); PojoWithCollection pwc2 = new PojoWithCollection(); pwc2.pojos = pojosList2; pwc2.key = 0; pwc2.bigInt = BigInteger.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).multiply(BigInteger.TEN); pwc2.scalaBigInt = BigInt.int2bigInt(31104000); pwc2.bigDecimalKeepItNull = null; GregorianCalendar gcl2 = new GregorianCalendar(1976, 4, 3); pwc2.sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(gcl2.getTimeInMillis()); // 1976 data.add(pwc1); data.add(pwc2); return env.fromCollection(data); } }