/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.streamstatus; import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static org.apache.flink.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import org.apache.flink.annotation.Internal; import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.watermark.Watermark; /** * A {@code StatusWatermarkValve} embodies the logic of how {@link Watermark} and {@link StreamStatus} are propagated to * downstream outputs, given a set of one or multiple input channels that continuously receive them. Usages of this * class need to define the number of input channels that the valve needs to handle, as well as provide a customized * implementation of {@link ValveOutputHandler}, which is called by the valve only when it determines a new watermark or * stream status can be propagated. */ @Internal public class StatusWatermarkValve { /** * Usages of {@code StatusWatermarkValve} should implement a {@code ValveOutputHandler} * to handle watermark and stream status outputs from the valve. */ public interface ValveOutputHandler { void handleWatermark(Watermark watermark); void handleStreamStatus(StreamStatus streamStatus); } private final ValveOutputHandler outputHandler; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Runtime state for watermark & stream status output determination // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Array of current status of all input channels. Changes as watermarks & stream statuses are * fed into the valve. */ private final InputChannelStatus[] channelStatuses; /** The last watermark emitted from the valve. */ private long lastOutputWatermark; /** The last stream status emitted from the valve. */ private StreamStatus lastOutputStreamStatus; /** * Returns a new {@code StatusWatermarkValve}. * * @param numInputChannels the number of input channels that this valve will need to handle * @param outputHandler the customized output handler for the valve */ public StatusWatermarkValve(int numInputChannels, ValveOutputHandler outputHandler) { checkArgument(numInputChannels > 0); this.channelStatuses = new InputChannelStatus[numInputChannels]; for (int i = 0; i < numInputChannels; i++) { channelStatuses[i] = new InputChannelStatus(); channelStatuses[i].watermark = Long.MIN_VALUE; channelStatuses[i].streamStatus = StreamStatus.ACTIVE; channelStatuses[i].isWatermarkAligned = true; } this.outputHandler = checkNotNull(outputHandler); this.lastOutputWatermark = Long.MIN_VALUE; this.lastOutputStreamStatus = StreamStatus.ACTIVE; } /** * Feed a {@link Watermark} into the valve. If the input triggers the valve to output a new Watermark, * {@link ValveOutputHandler#handleWatermark(Watermark)} will be called to process the new Watermark. * * @param watermark the watermark to feed to the valve * @param channelIndex the index of the channel that the fed watermark belongs to (index starting from 0) */ public void inputWatermark(Watermark watermark, int channelIndex) { // ignore the input watermark if its input channel, or all input channels are idle (i.e. overall the valve is idle). if (lastOutputStreamStatus.isActive() && channelStatuses[channelIndex].streamStatus.isActive()) { long watermarkMillis = watermark.getTimestamp(); // if the input watermark's value is less than the last received watermark for its input channel, ignore it also. if (watermarkMillis > channelStatuses[channelIndex].watermark) { channelStatuses[channelIndex].watermark = watermarkMillis; // previously unaligned input channels are now aligned if its watermark has caught up if (!channelStatuses[channelIndex].isWatermarkAligned && watermarkMillis >= lastOutputWatermark) { channelStatuses[channelIndex].isWatermarkAligned = true; } // now, attempt to find a new min watermark across all aligned channels findAndOutputNewMinWatermarkAcrossAlignedChannels(); } } } /** * Feed a {@link StreamStatus} into the valve. This may trigger the valve to output either a new Stream Status, * for which {@link ValveOutputHandler#handleStreamStatus(StreamStatus)} will be called, or a new Watermark, * for which {@link ValveOutputHandler#handleWatermark(Watermark)} will be called. * * @param streamStatus the stream status to feed to the valve * @param channelIndex the index of the channel that the fed stream status belongs to (index starting from 0) */ public void inputStreamStatus(StreamStatus streamStatus, int channelIndex) { // only account for stream status inputs that will result in a status change for the input channel if (streamStatus.isIdle() && channelStatuses[channelIndex].streamStatus.isActive()) { // handle active -> idle toggle for the input channel channelStatuses[channelIndex].streamStatus = StreamStatus.IDLE; // the channel is now idle, therefore not aligned channelStatuses[channelIndex].isWatermarkAligned = false; // if all input channels of the valve are now idle, we need to output an idle stream // status from the valve (this also marks the valve as idle) if (!InputChannelStatus.hasActiveChannels(channelStatuses)) { lastOutputStreamStatus = StreamStatus.IDLE; outputHandler.handleStreamStatus(lastOutputStreamStatus); } else if (channelStatuses[channelIndex].watermark == lastOutputWatermark) { // if the watermark of the channel that just became idle equals the last output // watermark (the previous overall min watermark), we may be able to find a new // min watermark from the remaining aligned channels findAndOutputNewMinWatermarkAcrossAlignedChannels(); } } else if (streamStatus.isActive() && channelStatuses[channelIndex].streamStatus.isIdle()) { // handle idle -> active toggle for the input channel channelStatuses[channelIndex].streamStatus = StreamStatus.ACTIVE; // if the last watermark of the input channel, before it was marked idle, is still larger than // the overall last output watermark of the valve, then we can set the channel to be aligned already. if (channelStatuses[channelIndex].watermark >= lastOutputWatermark) { channelStatuses[channelIndex].isWatermarkAligned = true; } // if the valve was previously marked to be idle, mark it as active and output an active stream // status because at least one of the input channels is now active if (lastOutputStreamStatus.isIdle()) { lastOutputStreamStatus = StreamStatus.ACTIVE; outputHandler.handleStreamStatus(lastOutputStreamStatus); } } } private void findAndOutputNewMinWatermarkAcrossAlignedChannels() { long newMinWatermark = Long.MAX_VALUE; // determine new overall watermark by considering only watermark-aligned channels across all channels for (InputChannelStatus channelStatus : channelStatuses) { if (channelStatus.isWatermarkAligned) { newMinWatermark = Math.min(channelStatus.watermark, newMinWatermark); } } // we acknowledge and output the new overall watermark if it is larger than the last output watermark if (newMinWatermark > lastOutputWatermark) { lastOutputWatermark = newMinWatermark; outputHandler.handleWatermark(new Watermark(lastOutputWatermark)); } } /** * An {@code InputChannelStatus} keeps track of an input channel's last watermark, stream * status, and whether or not the channel's current watermark is aligned with the overall * watermark output from the valve. * * <p>There are 2 situations where a channel's watermark is not considered aligned: * <ul> * <li>the current stream status of the channel is idle * <li>the stream status has resumed to be active, but the watermark of the channel hasn't * caught up to thelast output watermark from the valve yet. * </ul> */ private static class InputChannelStatus { private long watermark; private StreamStatus streamStatus; private boolean isWatermarkAligned; /** * Utility to check if at least one channel in a given array of input channels is active. */ private static boolean hasActiveChannels(InputChannelStatus[] channelStatuses) { for (InputChannelStatus status : channelStatuses) { if (status.streamStatus.isActive()) { return true; } } return false; } } }