/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream; import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull; import org.apache.flink.annotation.Public; import org.apache.flink.annotation.PublicEvolving; import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.CoGroupFunction; import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.FlatJoinFunction; import org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.JoinFunction; import org.apache.flink.api.common.typeinfo.TypeInformation; import org.apache.flink.api.java.functions.KeySelector; import org.apache.flink.api.java.operators.translation.WrappingFunction; import org.apache.flink.api.java.typeutils.TypeExtractor; import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.datastream.CoGroupedStreams.TaggedUnion; import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.assigners.WindowAssigner; import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.evictors.Evictor; import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.triggers.Trigger; import org.apache.flink.streaming.api.windowing.windows.Window; import org.apache.flink.util.Collector; /** *{@code JoinedStreams} represents two {@link DataStream DataStreams} that have been joined. * A streaming join operation is evaluated over elements in a window. * * <p>To finalize the join operation you also need to specify a {@link KeySelector} for * both the first and second input and a {@link WindowAssigner}. * * <p>Note: Right now, the the join is being evaluated in memory so you need to ensure that the number * of elements per key does not get too high. Otherwise the JVM might crash. * * <p>Example: * <pre> {@code * DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> one = ...; * DataStream<Tuple2<String, Integer>> twp = ...; * * DataStream<T> result = one.join(two) * .where(new MyFirstKeySelector()) * .equalTo(new MyFirstKeySelector()) * .window(TumblingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.of(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS))) * .apply(new MyJoinFunction()); * } </pre> */ @Public public class JoinedStreams<T1, T2> { /** The first input stream. */ private final DataStream<T1> input1; /** The second input stream. */ private final DataStream<T2> input2; /** * Creates new JoinedStreams data streams, which are the first step towards building a streaming co-group. * * @param input1 The first data stream. * @param input2 The second data stream. */ public JoinedStreams(DataStream<T1> input1, DataStream<T2> input2) { this.input1 = requireNonNull(input1); this.input2 = requireNonNull(input2); } /** * Specifies a {@link KeySelector} for elements from the first input. */ public <KEY> Where<KEY> where(KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector) { TypeInformation<KEY> keyType = TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, input1.getType()); return new Where<>(input1.clean(keySelector), keyType); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * Joined streams that have the key for one side defined. * * @param <KEY> The type of the key. */ @Public public class Where<KEY> { private final KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1; private final TypeInformation<KEY> keyType; Where(KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1, TypeInformation<KEY> keyType) { this.keySelector1 = keySelector1; this.keyType = keyType; } /** * Specifies a {@link KeySelector} for elements from the second input. */ public EqualTo equalTo(KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector) { TypeInformation<KEY> otherKey = TypeExtractor.getKeySelectorTypes(keySelector, input2.getType()); if (!otherKey.equals(this.keyType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The keys for the two inputs are not equal: " + "first key = " + this.keyType + " , second key = " + otherKey); } return new EqualTo(input2.clean(keySelector)); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A join operation that has {@link KeySelector KeySelectors} defined for both inputs. */ @Public public class EqualTo { private final KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2; EqualTo(KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2) { this.keySelector2 = requireNonNull(keySelector2); } /** * Specifies the window on which the join operation works. */ @PublicEvolving public <W extends Window> WithWindow<T1, T2, KEY, W> window(WindowAssigner<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, W> assigner) { return new WithWindow<>(input1, input2, keySelector1, keySelector2, keyType, assigner, null, null); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * A join operation that has {@link KeySelector KeySelectors} defined for both inputs as * well as a {@link WindowAssigner}. * * @param <T1> Type of the elements from the first input * @param <T2> Type of the elements from the second input * @param <KEY> Type of the key. This must be the same for both inputs * @param <W> Type of {@link Window} on which the join operation works. */ @Public public static class WithWindow<T1, T2, KEY, W extends Window> { private final DataStream<T1> input1; private final DataStream<T2> input2; private final KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1; private final KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2; private final TypeInformation<KEY> keyType; private final WindowAssigner<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, W> windowAssigner; private final Trigger<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, ? super W> trigger; private final Evictor<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, ? super W> evictor; @PublicEvolving protected WithWindow(DataStream<T1> input1, DataStream<T2> input2, KeySelector<T1, KEY> keySelector1, KeySelector<T2, KEY> keySelector2, TypeInformation<KEY> keyType, WindowAssigner<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, W> windowAssigner, Trigger<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, ? super W> trigger, Evictor<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, ? super W> evictor) { this.input1 = requireNonNull(input1); this.input2 = requireNonNull(input2); this.keySelector1 = requireNonNull(keySelector1); this.keySelector2 = requireNonNull(keySelector2); this.keyType = requireNonNull(keyType); this.windowAssigner = requireNonNull(windowAssigner); this.trigger = trigger; this.evictor = evictor; } /** * Sets the {@code Trigger} that should be used to trigger window emission. */ @PublicEvolving public WithWindow<T1, T2, KEY, W> trigger(Trigger<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, ? super W> newTrigger) { return new WithWindow<>(input1, input2, keySelector1, keySelector2, keyType, windowAssigner, newTrigger, evictor); } /** * Sets the {@code Evictor} that should be used to evict elements from a window before emission. * * <p>Note: When using an evictor window performance will degrade significantly, since * pre-aggregation of window results cannot be used. */ @PublicEvolving public WithWindow<T1, T2, KEY, W> evictor(Evictor<? super TaggedUnion<T1, T2>, ? super W> newEvictor) { return new WithWindow<>(input1, input2, keySelector1, keySelector2, keyType, windowAssigner, trigger, newEvictor); } /** * Completes the join operation with the user function that is executed * for each combination of elements with the same key in a window. * * <p>Note: This method's return type does not support setting an operator-specific parallelism. * Due to binary backwards compatibility, this cannot be altered. Use the {@link #with(JoinFunction)} * method to set an operator-specific parallelism. */ public <T> DataStream<T> apply(JoinFunction<T1, T2, T> function) { TypeInformation<T> resultType = TypeExtractor.getBinaryOperatorReturnType( function, JoinFunction.class, true, true, input1.getType(), input2.getType(), "Join", false); return apply(function, resultType); } /** * Completes the join operation with the user function that is executed * for each combination of elements with the same key in a window. * * <p><b>Note:</b> This is a temporary workaround while the {@link #apply(JoinFunction)} * method has the wrong return type and hence does not allow one to set an operator-specific * parallelism * * @deprecated This method will be removed once the {@link #apply(JoinFunction)} method is fixed * in the next major version of Flink (2.0). */ @PublicEvolving @Deprecated public <T> SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> with(JoinFunction<T1, T2, T> function) { return (SingleOutputStreamOperator<T>) apply(function); } /** * Completes the join operation with the user function that is executed * for each combination of elements with the same key in a window. * * <p>Note: This method's return type does not support setting an operator-specific parallelism. * Due to binary backwards compatibility, this cannot be altered. Use the * {@link #with(JoinFunction, TypeInformation)}, method to set an operator-specific parallelism. */ public <T> DataStream<T> apply(FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, T> function, TypeInformation<T> resultType) { //clean the closure function = input1.getExecutionEnvironment().clean(function); return input1.coGroup(input2) .where(keySelector1) .equalTo(keySelector2) .window(windowAssigner) .trigger(trigger) .evictor(evictor) .apply(new FlatJoinCoGroupFunction<>(function), resultType); } /** * Completes the join operation with the user function that is executed * for each combination of elements with the same key in a window. * * <p><b>Note:</b> This is a temporary workaround while the {@link #apply(JoinFunction, TypeInformation)} * method has the wrong return type and hence does not allow one to set an operator-specific * parallelism * * @deprecated This method will be replaced by {@link #apply(FlatJoinFunction, TypeInformation)} in Flink 2.0. * So use the {@link #apply(FlatJoinFunction, TypeInformation)} in the future. */ @PublicEvolving @Deprecated public <T> SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> with(FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, T> function, TypeInformation<T> resultType) { return (SingleOutputStreamOperator<T>) apply(function, resultType); } /** * Completes the join operation with the user function that is executed * for each combination of elements with the same key in a window. * * <p>Note: This method's return type does not support setting an operator-specific parallelism. * Due to binary backwards compatibility, this cannot be altered. Use the * {@link #with(FlatJoinFunction)}, method to set an operator-specific parallelism. */ public <T> DataStream<T> apply(FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, T> function) { TypeInformation<T> resultType = TypeExtractor.getBinaryOperatorReturnType( function, FlatJoinFunction.class, true, true, input1.getType(), input2.getType(), "Join", false); return apply(function, resultType); } /** * Completes the join operation with the user function that is executed * for each combination of elements with the same key in a window. * * <p><b>Note:</b> This is a temporary workaround while the {@link #apply(FlatJoinFunction)} * method has the wrong return type and hence does not allow one to set an operator-specific * parallelism. * * @deprecated This method will be removed once the {@link #apply(FlatJoinFunction)} * method is fixed in the next major version of Flink (2.0). */ @PublicEvolving @Deprecated public <T> SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> with(FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, T> function) { return (SingleOutputStreamOperator<T>) apply(function); } /** * Completes the join operation with the user function that is executed * for each combination of elements with the same key in a window. * * <p>Note: This method's return type does not support setting an operator-specific parallelism. * Due to binary backwards compatibility, this cannot be altered. Use the * {@link #with(JoinFunction, TypeInformation)}, method to set an operator-specific parallelism. */ public <T> DataStream<T> apply(JoinFunction<T1, T2, T> function, TypeInformation<T> resultType) { //clean the closure function = input1.getExecutionEnvironment().clean(function); return input1.coGroup(input2) .where(keySelector1) .equalTo(keySelector2) .window(windowAssigner) .trigger(trigger) .evictor(evictor) .apply(new JoinCoGroupFunction<>(function), resultType); } /** * Completes the join operation with the user function that is executed * for each combination of elements with the same key in a window. * * <p><b>Note:</b> This is a temporary workaround while the {@link #apply(FlatJoinFunction, TypeInformation)} * method has the wrong return type and hence does not allow one to set an operator-specific * parallelism * * @deprecated This method will be removed once the {@link #apply(JoinFunction, TypeInformation)} * method is fixed in the next major version of Flink (2.0). */ @PublicEvolving @Deprecated public <T> SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> with(JoinFunction<T1, T2, T> function, TypeInformation<T> resultType) { return (SingleOutputStreamOperator<T>) apply(function, resultType); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Implementation of the functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** * CoGroup function that does a nested-loop join to get the join result. */ private static class JoinCoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> extends WrappingFunction<JoinFunction<T1, T2, T>> implements CoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public JoinCoGroupFunction(JoinFunction<T1, T2, T> wrappedFunction) { super(wrappedFunction); } @Override public void coGroup(Iterable<T1> first, Iterable<T2> second, Collector<T> out) throws Exception { for (T1 val1: first) { for (T2 val2: second) { out.collect(wrappedFunction.join(val1, val2)); } } } } /** * CoGroup function that does a nested-loop join to get the join result. (FlatJoin version) */ private static class FlatJoinCoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> extends WrappingFunction<FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, T>> implements CoGroupFunction<T1, T2, T> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public FlatJoinCoGroupFunction(FlatJoinFunction<T1, T2, T> wrappedFunction) { super(wrappedFunction); } @Override public void coGroup(Iterable<T1> first, Iterable<T2> second, Collector<T> out) throws Exception { for (T1 val1: first) { for (T2 val2: second) { wrappedFunction.join(val1, val2, out); } } } } }