/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.flink.contrib.tweetinputformat.model.User; import org.apache.flink.contrib.tweetinputformat.model.tweet.entities.Entities; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * {@link Users} can be anyone or anything. They {@link org.apache.flink.contrib.tweetinputformat.model.tweet.Tweet} * , follow, create lists, have a home_timeline, can be mentioned, and can be looked up in bulk. */ public class Users { private boolean contributors_enabled; private String created_at = ""; private boolean default_profile; private boolean default_profile_image; private String description = ""; private Entities entities; private long favourites_count; private boolean follow_request_sent; private boolean following; private long followers_count; private long friends_count; private boolean geo_enabled; private long id; private String id_str = ""; private boolean is_translator; private String lang = ""; private long listed_count; private String location = ""; private String name = ""; private boolean notifications; private String profile_background_color = ""; private String profile_background_image_url = ""; private String profile_background_image_url_https = ""; private boolean profile_background_tile; private String profile_banner_url = ""; private String profile_image_url = ""; private String profile_image_url_https = ""; private String profile_link_color = ""; private String profile_sidebar_border_color = ""; private String profile_sidebar_fill_color = ""; private String profile_text_color = ""; private boolean profile_use_background_image; private boolean protected_tweet; private String screen_name = ""; private long statuses_count; private String time_zone = ""; private String url = ""; private long utc_offset; private boolean verified; public Users() { reset(); } // to avoid FLINK KRYO serializer problem public void reset() { contributors_enabled = false; created_at = ""; default_profile = false; default_profile_image = false; description = ""; entities = new Entities(); favourites_count = 0L; follow_request_sent = false; following = false; followers_count = 0L; friends_count = 0L; geo_enabled = false; id = 0L; id_str = ""; is_translator = false; lang = ""; listed_count = 0L; location = ""; name = ""; notifications = false; profile_background_color = ""; profile_background_image_url = ""; profile_background_image_url_https = ""; profile_background_tile = false; profile_banner_url = ""; profile_image_url = ""; profile_image_url_https = ""; profile_link_color = ""; profile_sidebar_border_color = ""; profile_sidebar_fill_color = ""; profile_text_color = ""; profile_use_background_image = false; protected_tweet = false; screen_name = ""; statuses_count = 0L; time_zone = ""; url = ""; utc_offset = 0L; verified = false; } private String getUTCTime() { Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM d HH:mm:ss Z yyyy"); return format.format(date); } public boolean isContributors_enabled() { return contributors_enabled; } public void setContributors_enabled(boolean contributors_enabled) { this.contributors_enabled = contributors_enabled; } public String getCreated_at() { return created_at; } public void setCreated_at(String created_at) { this.created_at = created_at; } public boolean isDefault_profile() { return default_profile; } public void setDefault_profile(boolean default_profile) { this.default_profile = default_profile; } public boolean isDefault_profile_image() { return default_profile_image; } public void setDefault_profile_image(boolean default_profile_image) { this.default_profile_image = default_profile_image; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public Entities getEntities() { return entities; } public void setEntities(Entities entities) { this.entities = entities; } public long getFavourites_count() { return favourites_count; } public void setFavourites_count(long favourites_count) { this.favourites_count = favourites_count; } public boolean isFollow_request_sent() { return follow_request_sent; } public void setFollow_request_sent(boolean follow_request_sent) { this.follow_request_sent = follow_request_sent; } public boolean isFollowing() { return following; } public void setFollowing(boolean following) { this.following = following; } public long getFollowers_count() { return followers_count; } public void setFollowers_count(long followers_count) { this.followers_count = followers_count; } public long getFriends_count() { return friends_count; } public void setFriends_count(long friends_count) { this.friends_count = friends_count; } public boolean isGeo_enabled() { return geo_enabled; } public void setGeo_enabled(boolean geo_enabled) { this.geo_enabled = geo_enabled; } public long getId() { return id; } public void setId(long id) { this.id = id; } public String getId_str() { return Long.toString(id); } public void setId_str(String id_str) { this.id_str = id_str; } public boolean isIs_translator() { return is_translator; } public void setIs_translator(boolean is_translator) { this.is_translator = is_translator; } public String getLang() { return lang; } public void setLang(String lang) { this.lang = lang; } public long getListed_count() { return listed_count; } public void setListed_count(long listed_count) { this.listed_count = listed_count; } public String getLocation() { return location; } public void setLocation(String location) { this.location = location; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public boolean isNotifications() { return notifications; } public void setNotifications(boolean notifications) { this.notifications = notifications; } public String getProfile_background_color() { return profile_background_color; } public void setProfile_background_color(String profile_background_color) { this.profile_background_color = profile_background_color; } public String getProfile_background_image_url() { return profile_background_image_url; } public void setProfile_background_image_url(String profile_background_image_url) { this.profile_background_image_url = profile_background_image_url; } public String getProfile_background_image_url_https() { return profile_background_image_url_https; } public void setProfile_background_image_url_https(String profile_background_image_url_https) { this.profile_background_image_url_https = profile_background_image_url_https; } public boolean isProfile_background_tile() { return profile_background_tile; } public void setProfile_background_tile(boolean profile_background_tile) { this.profile_background_tile = profile_background_tile; } public String getProfile_banner_url() { return profile_banner_url; } public void setProfile_banner_url(String profile_banner_url) { this.profile_banner_url = profile_banner_url; } public String getProfile_image_url() { return profile_image_url; } public void setProfile_image_url(String profile_image_url) { this.profile_image_url = profile_image_url; } public String getProfile_image_url_https() { return profile_image_url_https; } public void setProfile_image_url_https(String profile_image_url_https) { this.profile_image_url_https = profile_image_url_https; } public String getProfile_link_color() { return profile_link_color; } public void setProfile_link_color(String profile_link_color) { this.profile_link_color = profile_link_color; } public String getProfile_sidebar_border_color() { return profile_sidebar_border_color; } public void setProfile_sidebar_border_color(String profile_sidebar_border_color) { this.profile_sidebar_border_color = profile_sidebar_border_color; } public String getProfile_sidebar_fill_color() { return profile_sidebar_fill_color; } public void setProfile_sidebar_fill_color(String profile_sidebar_fill_color) { this.profile_sidebar_fill_color = profile_sidebar_fill_color; } public String getProfile_text_color() { return profile_text_color; } public void setProfile_text_color(String profile_text_color) { this.profile_text_color = profile_text_color; } public boolean isProfile_use_background_image() { return profile_use_background_image; } public void setProfile_use_background_image(boolean profile_use_background_image) { this.profile_use_background_image = profile_use_background_image; } public boolean isProtected_tweet() { return protected_tweet; } public void setProtected_tweet(boolean protected_tweet) { this.protected_tweet = protected_tweet; } public String getScreen_name() { return screen_name; } public void setScreen_name(String screen_name) { this.screen_name = screen_name; } public long getStatuses_count() { return statuses_count; } public void setStatuses_count(long statuses_count) { this.statuses_count = statuses_count; } public String getTime_zone() { return time_zone; } public void setTime_zone(String time_zone) { this.time_zone = time_zone; } public String getUrl() { return url; } public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } public long getUtc_offset() { return utc_offset; } public void setUtc_offset(long utc_offset) { this.utc_offset = utc_offset; } public boolean isVerified() { return verified; } public void setVerified(boolean verified) { this.verified = verified; } }