package org.erlide.wrangler.refactoring.backend; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform; import org.erlide.runtime.rpc.RpcResult; import org.erlide.util.ErlLogger; import org.erlide.wrangler.refactoring.Activator; import org.erlide.wrangler.refactoring.backend.internal.WranglerBackendManager; import org.osgi.framework.Bundle; import; import; import; import; /** * Class for handling logic of installed user refactorings installed means: * currently in repository or added by a user * * Singleton * * @author Aleksandra Lipiec <> * @version %I%, %G% */ public class UserRefactoringsManager { private static UserRefactoringsManager manager; private List<UserRefactoringInfo> elementaryRefacs; // gen_refac refacs private List<UserRefactoringInfo> compositeRefacs; // gen_composite_refac // refacs private List<UserRefactoringInfo> myElementaryRefacs; // gen_refac refacs // - user's private List<UserRefactoringInfo> myCompositeRefacs; // gen_composite_refac // refacs - user's private UserRefactoringsManager() { } public synchronized static UserRefactoringsManager getInstance() { if (manager == null) { manager = new UserRefactoringsManager(); } return manager; } public synchronized List<UserRefactoringInfo> getElementary() { if (elementaryRefacs == null) { scanForUserRefactorings(); } return elementaryRefacs; } public synchronized List<UserRefactoringInfo> getComposite() { if (compositeRefacs == null) { scanForUserRefactorings(); } return compositeRefacs; } public synchronized List<UserRefactoringInfo> getMyElementary() { if (myElementaryRefacs == null) { scanForUserRefactorings(); } return myElementaryRefacs; } public synchronized List<UserRefactoringInfo> getMyComposite() { if (myCompositeRefacs == null) { scanForUserRefactorings(); } return myCompositeRefacs; } public synchronized void addMyElementary(final String module) { if (myElementaryRefacs == null) { scanForUserRefactorings(); } final UserRefactoringInfo info = new UserRefactoringInfo(module); if (!myElementaryRefacs.contains(info)) { myElementaryRefacs.add(info); } } public synchronized void addMyComposite(final String module) { if (myCompositeRefacs == null) { scanForUserRefactorings(); } final UserRefactoringInfo info = new UserRefactoringInfo(module); if (!myCompositeRefacs.contains(info)) { myCompositeRefacs.add(info); } } /** * Looks for user defined refactorings (in order to generate menu items for * them) */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private void scanForUserRefactorings() { elementaryRefacs = new LinkedList<>(); compositeRefacs = new LinkedList<>(); myElementaryRefacs = new LinkedList<>(); myCompositeRefacs = new LinkedList<>(); final Bundle coreBundle = Platform.getBundle(Activator.CORE_ID); final Enumeration modules = coreBundle.findEntries("wrangler/ebin", "*.beam", false); // modules that origin from repository final List<OtpErlangObject> erlModules = new LinkedList<>(); while (modules != null && modules.hasMoreElements()) { final String next = modules.nextElement().toString(); final String module = next.substring(next.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, next.lastIndexOf('.')); erlModules.add(new OtpErlangString(module)); } RpcResult res = WranglerBackendManager.getRefactoringBackend().callWithoutParser( "get_user_refactorings", "x", new OtpErlangList(erlModules.toArray(new OtpErlangObject[0]))); if (res.isOk() && res.getValue() instanceof OtpErlangList) { final OtpErlangList genRefac = (OtpErlangList) ((OtpErlangTuple) ((OtpErlangList) res .getValue()).elementAt(0)).elementAt(1); final OtpErlangList genCompositeRefac = (OtpErlangList) ((OtpErlangTuple) ((OtpErlangList) res .getValue()).elementAt(1)).elementAt(1); for (final OtpErlangObject obj : genRefac) { elementaryRefacs.add(new UserRefactoringInfo(obj.toString())); } for (final OtpErlangObject obj : genCompositeRefac) { compositeRefacs.add(new UserRefactoringInfo(obj.toString())); } }"Refac modules found " + res.toString()); // user's own refactoring final Enumeration userModules = coreBundle .findEntries("wrangler/ebin/my_gen_refac", "*.beam", false); while (userModules != null && userModules.hasMoreElements()) { final String next = userModules.nextElement().toString(); myElementaryRefacs.add(new UserRefactoringInfo( next.substring(next.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, next.lastIndexOf('.')))); } // user's own composite refactorings final Enumeration userCompositeModules = coreBundle .findEntries("wrangler/ebin/my_gen_composite_refac", "*.beam", false); while (userCompositeModules != null && userCompositeModules.hasMoreElements()) { final String next = userCompositeModules.nextElement().toString(); myCompositeRefacs.add(new UserRefactoringInfo( next.substring(next.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, next.lastIndexOf('.')))); } // load refactorings res = WranglerBackendManager.getRefactoringBackend() .callWithoutParser("load_user_refactorings", "s", getEbinPath()); ErlLogger.debug(res.toString()); } // path to ebin directory private String getEbinPath() { final Bundle coreBundle = Platform.getBundle(Activator.CORE_ID); String path = new Path(coreBundle.getLocation()).append("wrangler").append("ebin") .toOSString(); path = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf(':') + 1); return path; } }