package org.erlide.runtime.internal; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.erlide.util.ErlLogger; import org.erlide.util.LogUtil; import org.erlide.util.MessageReporter; import org.erlide.util.SystemConfiguration; import org.erlide.util.event_tracer.ErlideEventTracer; public class ErlRuntimeReporter { private final boolean internal; public ErlRuntimeReporter(final boolean internal) { this.internal = internal; } public String reportRuntimeDown(final String peer) { final String fmt = "Backend '%s' is down"; String msg = String.format(fmt, peer); // TODO when to report errors? final boolean shouldReport = internal; if (shouldReport) { final String user = System.getProperty(""); String msg1; if (internal) { msg1 = "If this happened at startup, it is likely that your network is misconfigured or uses 'strange' host names.\n\n" + "Please check the page" + "Window->preferences->erlang->network for hints about that.\n\n" + "Also, check if you can create and connect two erlang nodes on your machine " + "using \"erl -name foo1\" and \"erl -name foo2\".\n\n" + "If this happened after a while, the Erlang runtime might have run out of memory."; msg += "\n\nPlease report the problem and restart Eclipse."; } else { msg1 = "If you didn't shut it down on purpose, it is an " + "unrecoverable error, please restart Eclipse. "; } final String details = "If an error report named '" + user + "_<timestamp>.txt' has been created in your home directory, " + "please consider reporting the problem. \n" + (SystemConfiguration.hasFeatureEnabled("") ? "" : ""); MessageReporter.showError(msg, msg1 + "\n\n" + details); } return msg; } FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(final File dir, final String name) { return name.matches("^core.[0-9]+$"); } }; public void createFileReport(final String nodeName, final int exitCode) { final String msg = String.format("Backend '%s' crashed with exit code %d.", nodeName, exitCode); String report = null; if (shouldCreateReport(exitCode)) { ErlLogger.error(msg); ErlideEventTracer.getInstance().traceCrash(nodeName); report = createReport(nodeName, exitCode, msg); final String reportMsg = report != null ? "\n\n" + "An error log has been created at " + report + ". Please report the problem so that we can fix it.\n" + (SystemConfiguration .hasFeatureEnabled("") ? "" : "") : ""; MessageReporter.showError( msg + "\n\n" + "This error is not recoverable, please restart your Eclipse instance.", reportMsg); } else {; } } private boolean shouldCreateReport(final int v) { // 129 = SIGHUP (probably logout, ignore) // 143 = SIGTERM (probably logout, ignore) // 137 = SIGKILL (probably killed by user) return v > 0 && v != 143 && v != 129 && v != 137; } private String createReport(final String nodeName, final int v, final String msg) { final String plog = LogUtil.fetchPlatformLog(); final String elog = LogUtil.fetchErlideLog(); final String delim = "\n==================================\n"; final String reportFile = LogUtil.getReportFile(); final File report = new File(reportFile); try { report.createNewFile(); try (final OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(report); final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(out)) { pw.println(String.format(msg, nodeName, v)); pw.println(System.getProperty("")); pw.println(delim); pw.println(plog); pw.println(delim); pw.println(elog); pw.flush(); } } catch (final IOException e) { ErlLogger.warn(e); } return reportFile; } }