package org.erlide.util.erlang; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class OtpErlang { public static OtpErlangList mkList(final OtpErlangObject... args) { return new OtpErlangList(args); } public static OtpErlangList mkList(final Collection<OtpErlangObject> args) { return new OtpErlangList(args.toArray(new OtpErlangObject[args.size()])); } public static OtpErlangTuple mkTuple(final OtpErlangObject... args) { return new OtpErlangTuple(args); } public static OtpErlangList mkStringList(final Collection<?> args) { final List<OtpErlangObject> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final Object s : args) { result.add(new OtpErlangString(s.toString())); } return mkList(result); } // for debugging purposes public static long sizeOf(final OtpErlangObject obj) { try (final OtpOutputStream buf = new OtpOutputStream(obj)) { return buf.size(); } catch (final IOException e) { return -1; } } public static OtpParser getTermParser() { return new OtpParser(); } final private static OtpParser TERM_PARSER = OtpErlang.getTermParser(); public static OtpErlangObject parse(final String string) throws OtpParserException { return TERM_PARSER.parse(string); } /** * Build an Erlang (extended) term from a textual description. For example, * <code> format("{hello, ~s, [~a, _]}", "myname", "mykey") * </code> gives the equivalent of <code> {hello, "myname", [mykey, _]} * </code>. * <p> * Items beginning with ~ are placeholders that will be replaced with the * corresponding argument (from left to right). The text after the ~ is the type * signature of the argument, so that automatic conversion Java->Erlang can be done. * See TypeConverter.java2erlang for details. * * @see */ public static OtpErlangObject format(final String fmt, final Object... args) throws OtpParserException, SignatureException { final List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(args)); final OtpErlangObject result = fill(parse(fmt), values); return result; } public static OtpBindings match(final String pattern, final String term) throws OtpParserException { return match(parse(pattern), parse(term), new OtpBindings()); } public static OtpBindings match(final String pattern, final OtpErlangObject term) throws OtpParserException { return match(parse(pattern), term, new OtpBindings()); } public static OtpBindings match(final String pattern, final String term, final OtpBindings bindings) throws OtpParserException { return match(parse(pattern), parse(term), bindings); } public static OtpBindings match(final OtpErlangObject pattern, final OtpErlangObject term) { return match(pattern, term, new OtpBindings()); } /** * Match two Erlang terms. * <p> * Patterns have an extended syntax: * <ul> * <li>Variables can have a type signature attached, like for example * <code>Var:i</code>. Its meaning is that the type of the value must match too.</li> * <li>The tail of a list can only be a variable.</li> * </ul> * <p> * The returned value is null if there was any mismatch, otherwise it is a map of * variable names to matched values. <br> * */ public static OtpBindings match(final OtpErlangObject pattern, final OtpErlangObject term, final OtpBindings bindings) { if (pattern == null && term == null) { return bindings; } if (pattern == null || term == null) { return null; } if (pattern instanceof OtpPatternVariable) { final OtpPatternVariable var = (OtpPatternVariable) pattern; if (!TypeConverter.doesMatchSignature(term, var.getSignature())) { return null; } if (var.getName().equals("_")) { return bindings; } final OtpBindings result = new OtpBindings(bindings); final OtpErlangObject old = bindings.get(var.getName()); if (old == null) { // no previous binding result.put(var.getName(), term); return result; } return old.equals(term) ? result : null; } if (!pattern.getClass().equals(term.getClass())) { return null; } if (pattern instanceof OtpErlangList) { return matchList(pattern, term, bindings); } else if (pattern instanceof OtpErlangTuple) { return matchTuple(((OtpErlangTuple) pattern).elements(), ((OtpErlangTuple) term).elements(), bindings); } else if (pattern.equals(term)) { return bindings; } return null; } private static OtpBindings matchList(final OtpErlangObject pattern, final OtpErlangObject term, final OtpBindings bindings) { final OtpErlangList lpattern = (OtpErlangList) pattern; final OtpErlangList lterm = (OtpErlangList) term; final int patternArity = lpattern.arity(); final int termArity = lterm.arity(); if (patternArity > termArity) { return null; } if (patternArity < termArity && lpattern.isProper()) { return null; } if (patternArity == termArity && lpattern.isProper() != lterm.isProper()) { return null; } OtpBindings rez = bindings; for (int i = 0; i < patternArity; i++) { rez = match(lpattern.elementAt(i), lterm.elementAt(i), rez); if (rez == null) { return null; } } if (patternArity == termArity) { rez = match(lpattern.getLastTail(), lterm.getLastTail(), rez); return rez; } if (lpattern.getLastTail() instanceof OtpPatternVariable) { return match(lpattern.getLastTail(), lterm.getNthTail(patternArity), rez); } return match(lpattern.getLastTail(), lterm.getLastTail(), rez); } private static OtpErlangObject fill(final OtpErlangObject template, final List<Object> values) throws SignatureException, OtpParserException { if (values.isEmpty()) { return template; } if (template instanceof OtpErlangList) { final OtpErlangObject[] elements = ((OtpErlangList) template).elements(); final List<OtpErlangObject> result = new ArrayList<>(elements.length); for (final OtpErlangObject elem : elements) { result.add(fill(elem, values)); } return new OtpErlangList(result.toArray(elements)); } else if (template instanceof OtpErlangTuple) { final OtpErlangObject[] elements = ((OtpErlangTuple) template).elements(); final List<OtpErlangObject> result = new ArrayList<>(elements.length); for (final OtpErlangObject elem : elements) { result.add(fill(elem, values)); } return new OtpErlangTuple(result.toArray(elements)); } else if (template instanceof OtpFormatPlaceholder) { final OtpFormatPlaceholder holder = (OtpFormatPlaceholder) template; final Object ret = values.remove(0); final Signature[] signs = Signature.parse(holder.getName()); if (signs.length == 0 && !(ret instanceof OtpErlangObject)) { throw new OtpParserException("funny placeholder"); } final Signature sign = signs.length == 0 ? new Signature('x') : signs[0]; return TypeConverter.java2erlang(ret, sign); } else { return template; } } private static OtpBindings matchTuple(final OtpErlangObject[] patterns, final OtpErlangObject[] terms, final OtpBindings bindings) { if (patterns.length != terms.length) { return null; } OtpBindings result = new OtpBindings(bindings); for (int i = 0; i < patterns.length; i++) { result = match(patterns[i], terms[i], result); if (result == null) { return null; } } return result; } /** * This is useful if a value can be anything, but we need to see it as a string (but * without any quotes if it really is a string). * * @param target * @return */ public static String asString(final OtpErlangObject target) { if (target instanceof OtpErlangAtom) { return ((OtpErlangAtom) target).atomValue(); } else if (target instanceof OtpErlangString) { return ((OtpErlangString) target).stringValue(); } else if (target instanceof OtpErlangBinary) { return new String(((OtpErlangBinary) target).binaryValue()); } else if (target instanceof OtpErlangList) { try { return ((OtpErlangList) target).stringValue(); } catch (final OtpErlangException e) { return target.toString(); } } else { return target.toString(); } } }