package org.erlide.ui.internal.folding; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.IProjectionListener; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.IProjectionPosition; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionAnnotation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionAnnotationModel; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionViewer; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput; import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider; import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor; import org.erlide.engine.ErlangEngine; import org.erlide.engine.model.ErlElementKind; import org.erlide.engine.model.ErlModelException; import org.erlide.engine.model.IErlElement; import org.erlide.engine.model.IParent; import org.erlide.engine.model.erlang.IErlComment; import org.erlide.engine.model.erlang.IErlMember; import org.erlide.engine.model.erlang.ISourceRange; import org.erlide.engine.model.erlang.ISourceReference; import org.erlide.engine.model.root.IElementChangedListener; import org.erlide.engine.model.root.IErlElementDelta; import org.erlide.engine.model.root.IErlModel; import org.erlide.engine.model.root.IErlModule; import org.erlide.ui.editors.erl.ErlangEditor; import org.erlide.ui.editors.erl.folding.IErlangFoldingStructureProvider; import org.erlide.ui.editors.erl.folding.IErlangFoldingStructureProviderExtension; import org.erlide.ui.internal.DocumentCharacterIterator; import org.erlide.ui.internal.ErlideUIPlugin; import org.erlide.ui.prefs.PreferenceConstants; import org.erlide.ui.util.ErlModelUtils; import org.erlide.ui.util.PerformanceTuning; import org.erlide.util.ErlLogger; import org.erlide.util.SystemConfiguration; public class DefaultErlangFoldingStructureProvider implements IProjectionListener, IErlangFoldingStructureProvider, IErlangFoldingStructureProviderExtension { private static final class ErlangProjectionAnnotation extends ProjectionAnnotation { private IErlElement fErlElement; private final boolean fIsComment; public ErlangProjectionAnnotation(final IErlElement element, final boolean isCollapsed, final boolean isComment) { super(isCollapsed); fErlElement = element; fIsComment = isComment; } public IErlElement getElement() { return fErlElement; } public void setElement(final IErlElement element) { fErlElement = element; } public boolean isComment() { return fIsComment; } /* * @see java.lang.Object#toString() */ @Override public String toString() { return "ErlangProjectionAnnotation:\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "\telement: \t'" + fErlElement.toString() + "' " + fErlElement.getKind() + "/" + fErlElement.getParent().toString() + "\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ "\tcollapsed: \t" + isCollapsed() + "\n" + //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ "\tcomment: \t" + fIsComment + "\n"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ } } private static final class Tuple { ErlangProjectionAnnotation annotation; Position position; Tuple(final ErlangProjectionAnnotation ann, final Position pos) { annotation = ann; position = pos; } } /** * Filter for annotations. * * @since 3.2 */ private static interface Filter { boolean match(ErlangProjectionAnnotation annotation); } private static abstract class MatchCollapsedFilter implements Filter { private final boolean fMatchCollapsed; public MatchCollapsedFilter(final boolean matchCollapsed) { fMatchCollapsed = matchCollapsed; } public boolean stateMatch(final ErlangProjectionAnnotation annotation) { return fMatchCollapsed == annotation.isCollapsed(); } } private static final class ErlangElementSetFilter extends MatchCollapsedFilter { private final Set<IErlElement> fSet; ErlangElementSetFilter(final Set<IErlElement> set, final boolean matchCollapsed) { super(matchCollapsed); fSet = set; } @Override public boolean match(final ErlangProjectionAnnotation annotation) { if (stateMatch(annotation) && !annotation.isComment() && !annotation.isMarkedDeleted()) { final IErlElement element = annotation.getElement(); if (fSet.contains(element)) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * Projection position that will return two foldable regions: one folding * away the region from after the '/**' to the beginning of the content, the * other from after the first content line until after the comment. * * @since 3.1 */ private static final class CommentPosition extends Position implements IProjectionPosition { CommentPosition(final int off, final int len) { super(off, len); } /* * @seeorg.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.IProjectionPosition# * computeFoldingRegions(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) */ @Override public IRegion[] computeProjectionRegions(final IDocument document) throws BadLocationException { final DocumentCharacterIterator sequence = new DocumentCharacterIterator( document, offset, offset + length); final int prefixEnd = 0; final int contentStart = findFirstContent(sequence, prefixEnd); final int firstLine = document.getLineOfOffset(offset + prefixEnd); final int captionLine = document.getLineOfOffset(offset + contentStart); final int lastLine = document.getLineOfOffset(offset + length); Assert.isTrue(firstLine <= captionLine, "first folded line is greater than the caption line"); //$NON-NLS-1$ Assert.isTrue(captionLine <= lastLine, "caption line is greater than the last folded line"); //$NON-NLS-1$ IRegion preRegion; if (firstLine < captionLine) { // preRegion= new Region(offset + prefixEnd, contentStart - // prefixEnd); final int preOffset = document.getLineOffset(firstLine); final IRegion preEndLineInfo = document.getLineInformation(captionLine); final int preEnd = preEndLineInfo.getOffset(); preRegion = new Region(preOffset, preEnd - preOffset); } else { preRegion = null; } if (captionLine < lastLine) { final int postOffset = document.getLineOffset(captionLine + 1); final IRegion postRegion = new Region(postOffset, offset + length - postOffset); if (preRegion == null) { return new IRegion[] { postRegion }; } return new IRegion[] { preRegion, postRegion }; } if (preRegion != null) { return new IRegion[] { preRegion }; } return null; } /** * Finds the offset of the first identifier part within * <code>content</code>. Returns 0 if none is found. * * @param content * the content to search * @return the first index of a unicode identifier part, or zero if none * can be found */ private int findFirstContent(final CharSequence content, final int prefixEnd) { final int lenght = content.length(); for (int i = prefixEnd; i < lenght; i++) { if (Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(content.charAt(i))) { return i; } } return 0; } // /** // * Finds the offset of the first identifier part within // * <code>content</code>. Returns 0 if none is found. // * // * @param content // * the content to search // * @return the first index of a unicode identifier part, or zero if // none // * can be found // */ // private int findPrefixEnd(final CharSequence content) { // // return the index after the leading '/*' or '/**' // final int len = content.length(); // int i = 0; // while (i < len && isWhiteSpace(content.charAt(i))) { // i++; // } // if (len >= i + 2 && content.charAt(i) == '/' // && content.charAt(i + 1) == '*') { // if (len >= i + 3 && content.charAt(i + 2) == '*') { // return i + 3; // } else { // return i + 2; // } // } else { // return i; // } // } // private boolean isWhiteSpace(final char c) { // return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; // } /* * @seeorg.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.IProjectionPosition# * computeCaptionOffset(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) */ @Override public int computeCaptionOffset(final IDocument document) { // return 0; final DocumentCharacterIterator sequence = new DocumentCharacterIterator( document, offset, offset + length); return findFirstContent(sequence, 0); } } /** * Projection position that will return two foldable regions: one folding * away the lines before the one containing the simple name of the erlang * element, one folding away any lines after the caption. * * @since 3.1 */ private static final class ErlangElementPosition extends Position implements IProjectionPosition { private IErlMember fMember; public ErlangElementPosition(final int off, final int len, final IErlMember member) { super(off, len); fMember = member; } public void setMember(final IErlMember member) { fMember = member; } @Override public String toString() { return "ErlangElementPosition " + offset + " " + length + " " + fMember.getName(); } /* * @seeorg.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.IProjectionPosition# * computeFoldingRegions(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) */ @Override public IRegion[] computeProjectionRegions(final IDocument document) throws BadLocationException { int nameStart = offset; /* * The member's name range may not be correct. However, reconciling * would trigger another element delta which would lead to reentrant * situations. Therefore, we optimistically assume that the name * range is correct, but double check the received lines below. */ final ISourceRange nameRange = fMember.getNameRange(); if (nameRange != null) { nameStart = nameRange.getOffset(); } final int firstLine = document.getLineOfOffset(offset); int captionLine = document.getLineOfOffset(nameStart); final int lastLine = document.getLineOfOffset(offset + length); /* * see comment above - adjust the caption line to be inside the * entire folded region, and rely on later element deltas to correct * the name range. */ if (captionLine < firstLine) { captionLine = firstLine; } if (captionLine > lastLine) { captionLine = lastLine; } IRegion preRegion; if (firstLine < captionLine) { final int preOffset = document.getLineOffset(firstLine); final IRegion preEndLineInfo = document.getLineInformation(captionLine); final int preEnd = preEndLineInfo.getOffset(); preRegion = new Region(preOffset, preEnd - preOffset); } else { preRegion = null; } if (captionLine < lastLine) { final int postOffset = document.getLineOffset(captionLine + 1); final IRegion postRegion = new Region(postOffset, offset + length - postOffset); if (preRegion == null) { return new IRegion[] { postRegion }; } return new IRegion[] { preRegion, postRegion }; } if (preRegion != null) { return new IRegion[] { preRegion }; } return null; } /* * @seeorg.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.IProjectionPosition# * computeCaptionOffset(org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument) */ @Override public int computeCaptionOffset(final IDocument document) throws BadLocationException { int nameStart = offset; final ISourceRange nameRange = fMember.getNameRange(); if (nameRange != null) { nameStart = nameRange.getOffset(); } return nameStart - offset; } } private IDocument fCachedDocument; private ProjectionAnnotationModel fCachedModel; private ITextEditor fEditor; private ProjectionViewer fViewer; IErlModule fModule; private IElementChangedListener fElementListener; private boolean fAllowCollapsing = false; private boolean fFirstTimeInitialCollapse = true; private boolean fCollapseHeaderComments = true; private boolean fCollapseComments = false; private boolean fCollapseClauses = false; private boolean fCollapseTypespecs = false; private static class FunctionsFilter extends MatchCollapsedFilter { public FunctionsFilter(final boolean matchCollapsed) { super(matchCollapsed); } @Override public boolean match(final ErlangProjectionAnnotation annotation) { if (stateMatch(annotation) && !annotation.isComment() && !annotation.isMarkedDeleted()) { final IErlElement element = annotation.getElement(); final ErlElementKind kind = element.getKind(); return kind == ErlElementKind.FUNCTION || kind == ErlElementKind.CLAUSE; } return false; } } private final class CommentsFilter extends MatchCollapsedFilter { public CommentsFilter(final boolean matchCollapsed) { super(matchCollapsed); } @Override public boolean match(final ErlangProjectionAnnotation annotation) { if (stateMatch(annotation) && annotation.isComment() && !annotation.isMarkedDeleted()) { return true; } return false; } } /* filters */ /** * Member filter, matches nested members (but not top-level types). * * @since 3.2 */ private final Filter fCollapseFunctionsFilter = new FunctionsFilter(false); /** * Comment filter, matches comments. * * @since 3.2 */ private final Filter fCollapseCommentsFilter = new CommentsFilter(false); private final Filter fExpandAllFilter = new Filter() { @Override public boolean match(final ErlangProjectionAnnotation annotation) { return annotation.isCollapsed(); } }; public DefaultErlangFoldingStructureProvider() { } @Override public void install(final ITextEditor editor, final ProjectionViewer viewer) { if (editor instanceof ErlangEditor) { fFirstTimeInitialCollapse = true; fEditor = editor; fViewer = viewer; fViewer.addProjectionListener(this); final IErlModel mdl = ErlangEngine.getInstance().getModel(); mdl.addModelChangeListener(this); } } @Override public void uninstall() { if (isInstalled()) { projectionDisabled(); fViewer.removeProjectionListener(this); fViewer = null; fEditor = null; ErlangEngine.getInstance().getModel().removeModelChangeListener(this); } } protected boolean isInstalled() { return fEditor != null; } /* * @seeorg.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.IProjectionListener# * projectionEnabled() */ @Override public void projectionEnabled() { // // projectionEnabled messages are not always paired with // projectionDisabled // i.e. multiple enabled messages may be sent out. // we have to make sure that we disable first when getting an enable // message. projectionDisabled(); initialize(); if (fEditor instanceof ErlangEditor && fModule != null) { boolean structureKnown = false; try { structureKnown = fModule.isStructureKnown(); } catch (final ErlModelException e1) { } if (structureKnown) { final IErlElementDelta d = ErlangEngine .getInstance() .getModel() .createElementDelta(IErlElementDelta.CHANGED, IErlElementDelta.F_CONTENT, fModule); processDelta(d); } else { try {; } catch (final ErlModelException e) { ErlLogger.error(e); } } } } /* * @seeorg.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.IProjectionListener# * projectionDisabled() */ @Override public void projectionDisabled() { fCachedDocument = null; if (fElementListener != null) { ErlangEngine.getInstance().getModel() .removeElementChangedListener(fElementListener); fElementListener = null; } } @Override public void initialize() { if (!isInstalled()) { return; } initializePreferences(); try { fModule = ErlModelUtils.getModule(fEditor.getEditorInput()); } catch (final CoreException e) { ErlLogger.error(e); } } private void initializePreferences() { final IPreferenceStore store = ErlideUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore(); fAllowCollapsing = store.getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.EDITOR_FOLDING_ENABLED); fCollapseClauses = store.getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.EDITOR_FOLDING_CLAUSES); fCollapseHeaderComments = store .getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.EDITOR_FOLDING_HEADER_COMMENTS); fCollapseComments = store.getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.EDITOR_FOLDING_COMMENTS); fCollapseTypespecs = store .getBoolean(PreferenceConstants.EDITOR_FOLDING_TYPESPECS); } private void computeAdditions(final IErlModule erlModule, final Map<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> map) { if (erlModule == null) { return; } try { computeAdditions((IParent) erlModule, map); computeAdditions(erlModule.getComments(), map); } catch (final ErlModelException x) { ErlLogger.warn(x); } } private void computeAdditions(final IParent parent, final Map<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> map) { if (parent == null) { return; } try { computeAdditions(parent.getChildren(), map); } catch (final ErlModelException x) { ErlLogger.warn(x); } } private void computeAdditions(final Collection<? extends IErlElement> elements, final Map<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> map) throws ErlModelException { if (elements == null) { return; } for (final IErlElement element : elements) { computeAdditions(element, map); if (element instanceof IParent) { final IParent parent = (IParent) element; computeAdditions(parent.getChildren(), map); } } } private void computeAdditions(final IErlElement element, final Map<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> map) { boolean createProjection = false; boolean collapse = false; if (element.getKind() == ErlElementKind.CLAUSE || element.getKind() == ErlElementKind.FUNCTION) { collapse = fAllowCollapsing && fCollapseClauses; createProjection = true; } else if (element.getKind() == ErlElementKind.COMMENT) { final IErlComment c = (IErlComment) element; if (c.isHeader()) { collapse = fAllowCollapsing && fCollapseHeaderComments; } else { collapse = fAllowCollapsing && fCollapseComments; } createProjection = true; } else if (element.getKind() == ErlElementKind.ATTRIBUTE) { createProjection = true; } else if (element.getKind() == ErlElementKind.EXPORT) { createProjection = true; } else if (element.getKind() == ErlElementKind.RECORD_DEF) { createProjection = true; } else if (element.getKind() == ErlElementKind.MACRO_DEF) { createProjection = true; } else if (element.getKind() == ErlElementKind.TYPESPEC) { collapse = fAllowCollapsing && fCollapseTypespecs; createProjection = true; } if (createProjection) { final IRegion region = computeProjectionRanges(element); if (region != null) { final Position position = createProjectionPosition(region, element); if (position != null) { map.put(new ErlangProjectionAnnotation(element, collapse && fFirstTimeInitialCollapse, element instanceof IErlComment), position); } } } } // private boolean isInnerType(IType type) { // return type.getDeclaringType() != null; // } /** * Computes the projection ranges for a given <code>IErlElement</code>. More * than one range may be returned if the element has a leading comment which * gets folded separately. If there are no foldable regions, * <code>null</code> is returned. * * @param element * the erlang element that can be folded * @return the regions to be folded, or <code>null</code> if there are none */ private IRegion computeProjectionRanges(final IErlElement element) { if (element instanceof ISourceReference) { final ISourceReference reference = (ISourceReference) element; final ISourceRange range = reference.getSourceRange(); return new Region(range.getOffset(), range.getLength()); } return null; } private Position createProjectionPosition(final IRegion region, final IErlElement element) { if (fCachedDocument == null) { return null; } try { final int roffset = region.getOffset(); int rlength = region.getLength(); if (element instanceof IErlComment && SystemConfiguration.getInstance().isOnWindows()) { // Erlang has CR included in comment rlength -= 1; } final int startLine = fCachedDocument.getLineOfOffset(roffset); final int endLine = fCachedDocument .getLineOfOffset(roffset + rlength); if (startLine != endLine) { final int offset = fCachedDocument.getLineOffset(startLine); int endOffset; if (fCachedDocument.getNumberOfLines() > endLine + 1) { endOffset = fCachedDocument.getLineOffset(endLine + 1); } else if (endLine > startLine) { endOffset = fCachedDocument.getLineOffset(endLine) + fCachedDocument.getLineLength(endLine); } else { return null; } final int length = endOffset - offset; if (element instanceof IErlComment) { return new CommentPosition(offset, length); } if (element instanceof IErlMember) { return new ErlangElementPosition(offset, length, (IErlMember) element); } } } catch (final BadLocationException x) { } return null; } protected void processDelta(final IErlElementDelta delta) { if (!isInstalled()) { return; } if ((delta.getFlags() & (IErlElementDelta.F_CONTENT | IErlElementDelta.F_CHILDREN)) == 0) { return; } final IErlElement de = delta.getElement(); if (de instanceof IErlModule && de != fModule) { return; } final ProjectionAnnotationModel model = (ProjectionAnnotationModel) fEditor .getAdapter(ProjectionAnnotationModel.class); if (model == null) { return; } final IDocumentProvider provider = fEditor.getDocumentProvider(); try { fCachedModel = model; fCachedDocument = provider.getDocument(fEditor.getEditorInput()); if (fCachedDocument.getNumberOfLines() > PerformanceTuning.get() .getFoldingLimit()) { // disable folding for files larger than this model.removeAllAnnotations(); return; } final Map<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> additions = new HashMap<>(); final List<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> deletions = new ArrayList<>(); final List<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> updates = new ArrayList<>(); // use a linked map to maintain ordering of comments final Map<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> updated = new LinkedHashMap<>(); computeAdditions(fModule, updated); final Map<Object, List<Tuple>> previous = createAnnotationMap(model); for (final Entry<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> entry : updated .entrySet()) { final ErlangProjectionAnnotation newAnnotation = entry.getKey(); final IErlElement element = newAnnotation.getElement(); final Position newPosition = entry.getValue(); final List<Tuple> annotations = previous.get(element); if (annotations == null) { additions.put(newAnnotation, newPosition); } else { final Iterator<Tuple> x = annotations.iterator(); boolean matched = false; while (x.hasNext()) { final Tuple tuple =; final ErlangProjectionAnnotation existingAnnotation = tuple.annotation; final Position existingPosition = tuple.position; if (newAnnotation.isComment() == existingAnnotation.isComment()) { if (existingPosition != null && !newPosition.equals(existingPosition)) { existingPosition.setOffset(newPosition.getOffset()); existingPosition.setLength(newPosition.getLength()); updates.add(existingAnnotation); } matched = true; x.remove(); break; } } if (!matched) { additions.put(newAnnotation, newPosition); } if (annotations.isEmpty()) { previous.remove(element); } } } for (final List<Tuple> l : previous.values()) { for (final Tuple t : l) { deletions.add(t.annotation); } } match(deletions, additions, updates); final Annotation[] removals = new Annotation[deletions.size()]; deletions.toArray(removals); final Annotation[] changes = new Annotation[updates.size()]; updates.toArray(changes); model.modifyAnnotations(removals, additions, changes); fFirstTimeInitialCollapse = false; } finally { fCachedDocument = null; fCachedModel = null; // fFirstType= null; // fHasHeaderComment = false; } } /** * Matches deleted annotations to changed or added ones. A deleted * annotation/position tuple that has a matching addition / change is * updated and marked as changed. The matching tuple is not added (for * additions) or marked as deletion instead (for changes). The result is * that more annotations are changed and fewer get deleted/re-added. */ private void match(final List<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> deletions, final Map<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> additions, final List<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> changes) { if (deletions.isEmpty() || additions.isEmpty() && changes.isEmpty()) { return; } final List<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> newDeletions = new ArrayList<>(); final List<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> newChanges = new ArrayList<>(); final Iterator<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> deletionIterator = deletions .iterator(); while (deletionIterator.hasNext()) { final ErlangProjectionAnnotation deleted =; final Position deletedPosition = fCachedModel.getPosition(deleted); if (deletedPosition == null) { continue; } final Tuple deletedTuple = new Tuple(deleted, deletedPosition); Tuple match = findMatch(deletedTuple, changes, null); boolean addToDeletions = true; if (match == null) { match = findMatch(deletedTuple, additions.keySet(), additions); addToDeletions = false; } if (match != null) { final IErlElement element = match.annotation.getElement(); deleted.setElement(element); deletedPosition.setLength(match.position.getLength()); if (deletedPosition instanceof ErlangElementPosition && element instanceof IErlMember) { final ErlangElementPosition eep = (ErlangElementPosition) deletedPosition; eep.setMember((IErlMember) element); } deletionIterator.remove(); newChanges.add(deleted); if (addToDeletions) { newDeletions.add(match.annotation); } } } deletions.addAll(newDeletions); changes.addAll(newChanges); } /** * Finds a match for <code>tuple</code> in a collection of annotations. The * positions for the <code>ErlangProjectionAnnotation</code> instances in * <code>annotations</code> can be found in the passed * <code>positionMap</code> or <code>fCachedModel</code> if * <code>positionMap</code> is <code>null</code>. * <p> * A tuple is said to match another if their annotations have the same * comment flag and their position offsets are equal. * </p> * <p> * If a match is found, the annotation gets removed from * <code>annotations</code>. * </p> * * @param tuple * the tuple for which we want to find a match * @param annotations * collection of <code>ErlangProjectionAnnotation</code> * @param positionMap * a <code>Map<Annotation, Position></code> or * <code>null</code> * @return a matching tuple or <code>null</code> for no match */ private Tuple findMatch(final Tuple tuple, final Collection<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> annotations, final Map<ErlangProjectionAnnotation, Position> positionMap) { final Iterator<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> it = annotations.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { final ErlangProjectionAnnotation annotation =; if (tuple.annotation.isComment() == annotation.isComment()) { final Position position = positionMap == null ? fCachedModel .getPosition(annotation) : positionMap.get(annotation); if (position == null) { continue; } if (tuple.position.getOffset() == position.getOffset()) { it.remove(); return new Tuple(annotation, position); } } } return null; } private Map<Object, List<Tuple>> createAnnotationMap(final IAnnotationModel model) { final Map<Object, List<Tuple>> map = new HashMap<>(); final Iterator<?> e = model.getAnnotationIterator(); while (e.hasNext()) { final Object annotation =; if (annotation instanceof ErlangProjectionAnnotation) { final ErlangProjectionAnnotation epa = (ErlangProjectionAnnotation) annotation; final Position position = model.getPosition(epa); List<Tuple> list = map.get(epa.getElement()); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(2); map.put(epa.getElement(), list); } list.add(new Tuple(epa, position)); } } final Comparator<Tuple> comparator = new Comparator<Tuple>() { @Override public int compare(final Tuple o1, final Tuple o2) { return o1.position.getOffset() - o2.position.getOffset(); } }; for (final List<Tuple> name : map.values()) { final List<Tuple> list = name; Collections.sort(list, comparator); } return map; } @Override public void collapseFunctions() { modifyFiltered(fCollapseFunctionsFilter, false); } @Override public void collapseComments() { modifyFiltered(fCollapseCommentsFilter, false); } @Override public void expandAll() { modifyFiltered(fExpandAllFilter, true); } @Override public void collapseElements(final IErlElement[] elements) { final Set<IErlElement> set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(elements)); modifyFiltered(new ErlangElementSetFilter(set, false), false); } @Override public void expandElements(final IErlElement[] elements) { final Set<IErlElement> set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(elements)); modifyFiltered(new ErlangElementSetFilter(set, true), true); } /** * Collapses all annotations matched by the passed filter. * * @param filter * the filter to use to select which annotations to collapse * @param expand * <code>true</code> to expand the matched annotations, * <code>false</code> to collapse them * @since 3.2 */ private void modifyFiltered(final Filter filter, final boolean expand) { if (!isInstalled()) { return; } final ProjectionAnnotationModel model = (ProjectionAnnotationModel) fEditor .getAdapter(ProjectionAnnotationModel.class); if (model == null) { return; } final List<ErlangProjectionAnnotation> modified = new ArrayList<>(); final Iterator<?> iter = model.getAnnotationIterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Object annotation =; if (annotation instanceof ErlangProjectionAnnotation) { final ErlangProjectionAnnotation epa = (ErlangProjectionAnnotation) annotation; if (filter.match(epa)) { if (expand) { epa.markExpanded(); } else { epa.markCollapsed(); } modified.add(epa); } } } model.modifyAnnotations(null, null, modified.toArray(new Annotation[modified.size()])); } @Override public void elementChanged(final IErlElement element) { if (fEditor == null) { return; } final IDocumentProvider provider = fEditor.getDocumentProvider(); if (provider == null) { return; } final IEditorInput input = fEditor.getEditorInput(); if (input == null) { return; } fCachedDocument = provider.getDocument(input); if (fCachedDocument == null) { return; } // fFirstType= null; // fHasHeaderComment = false; try { final ProjectionAnnotationModel model = (ProjectionAnnotationModel) fEditor .getAdapter(ProjectionAnnotationModel.class); if (model == null) { return; } fCachedModel = model; if (element instanceof IErlModule && element != fModule) { return; } final IErlElementDelta d = ErlangEngine .getInstance() .getModel() .createElementDelta(IErlElementDelta.CHANGED, IErlElementDelta.F_CONTENT, fModule); processDelta(d); } finally { fCachedDocument = null; fCachedModel = null; } } }