package org.erlide.ui.editors.erl.completion; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ICompletionProposal; import org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.IContextInformation; import; import; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISourceViewer; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import; import; import; import; import org.erlide.util.ErlLogger; public class ErlCompletionProposal implements ICompletionProposal { protected static final class ExitPolicy implements LinkedModeUI.IExitPolicy { final char fExitCharacter; public ExitPolicy(final char exitCharacter, final IDocument document) { fExitCharacter = exitCharacter; } /* * @see * * #doExit(, *, int, int) */ @Override public LinkedModeUI.ExitFlags doExit(final LinkedModeModel environment, final VerifyEvent event, final int offset, final int length) { if (event.character == fExitCharacter) { if (environment.anyPositionContains(offset)) { return new LinkedModeUI.ExitFlags(ILinkedModeListener.UPDATE_CARET, false); } return new LinkedModeUI.ExitFlags(ILinkedModeListener.UPDATE_CARET, true); } switch (event.character) { case ';': return new LinkedModeUI.ExitFlags(ILinkedModeListener.NONE, true); case SWT.CR: return null; default: return null; } } } /** List of offsets (x) and lengths (y) for linked mode replacements */ private final List<Location> offsetsAndLengths; /** The string to be displayed in the completion proposal popup. */ private final String displayString; /** The replacement string. */ private final String replacementString; /** The replacement offset. */ private final int replacementOffset; /** The replacement length. */ private final int replacementLength; /** The cursor position after this proposal has been applied. */ private final int cursorPosition; /** The image to be displayed in the completion proposal popup. */ private final Image image; /** The context information of this proposal. */ private final IContextInformation contextInformation; /** The additional info of this proposal. */ private final String additionalProposalInfo; /** A sourceViewer (from the erlang editor) */ private final ISourceViewer sourceViewer; /** * @param offsetsAndLengths * @param displayString * @param replacementString * @param replacementOffset * @param replacementLength * @param cursorPosition * @param image * @param contextInformation * @param additionalProposalInfo * @param sourceViewer */ public ErlCompletionProposal(final List<Location> offsetsAndLengths, final String displayString, final String replacementString, final int replacementOffset, final int replacementLength, final int cursorPosition, final Image image, final IContextInformation contextInformation, final String additionalProposalInfo, final ISourceViewer sourceViewer) { this.offsetsAndLengths = offsetsAndLengths; this.displayString = displayString; this.replacementString = replacementString; this.replacementOffset = replacementOffset; this.replacementLength = replacementLength; this.cursorPosition = cursorPosition; this.image = image; this.contextInformation = contextInformation; this.additionalProposalInfo = additionalProposalInfo; this.sourceViewer = sourceViewer; } /* * @see ICompletionProposal#apply(IDocument) */ @Override public void apply(final IDocument document) { try { document.replace(replacementOffset, replacementLength, replacementString); setUpLinkedMode(document, ')', offsetsAndLengths); } catch (final BadLocationException x) { // ignore } } /* * @see ICompletionProposal#getAdditionalProposalInfo() */ @Override public String getAdditionalProposalInfo() { return additionalProposalInfo; } /* * @see ICompletionProposal#getContextInformation() */ @Override public IContextInformation getContextInformation() { return contextInformation; } /* * @see ICompletionProposal#getDisplayString() */ @Override public String getDisplayString() { if (displayString != null) { return displayString; } return replacementString; } /* * @see ICompletionProposal#getImage() */ @Override public Image getImage() { return image; } /* * @see ICompletionProposal#getSelection(IDocument) */ @Override public Point getSelection(final IDocument document) { if (offsetsAndLengths.isEmpty()) { return new Point(replacementOffset + cursorPosition, 0); } final Location location = offsetsAndLengths.get(0); return new Point(location.getOffset(), location.getLength()); } /** * Sets up a simple linked mode at {@link #getCursorPosition()} and an exit * policy that will exit the mode when <code>closingCharacter</code> is * typed and an exit position at <code>getCursorPosition() + 1</code>. * * @param document * the document * @param closingCharacter * the exit character * @param offsetsAndLengths * list of offsets and lengths for linked groups */ protected void setUpLinkedMode(final IDocument document, final char closingCharacter, final List<Location> offsetsAndLengths) { if (sourceViewer != null && !offsetsAndLengths.isEmpty()) { try { final LinkedModeModel model = new LinkedModeModel(); int last = 0, i = 0; for (final Location offsetAndLength : offsetsAndLengths) { final LinkedPositionGroup group = new LinkedPositionGroup(); group.addPosition( new LinkedPosition(document, offsetAndLength.getOffset(), offsetAndLength.getLength(), ++i)); model.addGroup(group); final int l = offsetAndLength.getOffset() + offsetAndLength.getLength(); if (l > last) { last = l; } } model.forceInstall(); final LinkedModeUI ui = new EditorLinkedModeUI(model, sourceViewer); // ui.setSimpleMode(true); ui.setExitPolicy(new ExitPolicy(closingCharacter, document)); ui.setExitPosition(sourceViewer, last + 1, 0, LinkedPositionGroup.NO_STOP); ui.setCyclingMode(LinkedModeUI.CYCLE_ALWAYS); ui.enter(); } catch (final BadLocationException x) { ErlLogger.error(x); } } } }