package org.erlide.cover.core; import org.erlide.cover.views.model.TestTreeModel; import org.erlide.cover.views.model.TestTreeObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Handler for eunit events * * @author Aleksandra Lipiec <> * */ public class EUnitEventHandler extends ErlangEventHandler { private static final String EVENT_NAME = "eunit_event"; private static final String GROUP_BEGIN = "gbegin"; private static final String GROUP_END = "gend"; private static final String TEST_BEGIN = "tbegin"; private static final String TEST_END = "tend"; private static final String GROUP_CANCELED = "gcanceled"; private static final String TEST_CANCELED = "tcanceled"; private static final String SUMMARY = "result"; private static final String SKIPPED = "skipped"; private static final String ERROR = "error"; private static final OtpErlangAtom MODULE_NOT_FOUND = new OtpErlangAtom( "module_not_found"); private static final OtpErlangAtom NO_SUCH_FUNCTION = new OtpErlangAtom( "no_such_function"); private final Logger log; // log private final CoverBackend coverBackend; // cover backend (if needed) private final TestTreeModel model; public EUnitEventHandler(final TestTreeModel model, final CoverBackend coverBackend) { super(EVENT_NAME); this.coverBackend = coverBackend; this.model = model; log = Activator.getDefault(); } @Subscribe public void handleEvent(final ErlEvent event) { if (!event.getTopic().equals(getTopic())) { return; } final OtpErlangObject data = event.getEvent(); if (!(data instanceof OtpErlangTuple && ((OtpErlangTuple) data).elementAt(0) instanceof OtpErlangAtom)) { return; } final OtpErlangTuple msg = (OtpErlangTuple) data; final OtpErlangAtom resType = (OtpErlangAtom) msg.elementAt(0);; if (resType.atomValue().equals(GROUP_BEGIN)) { handle_group_begin(msg); } else if (resType.atomValue().equals(TEST_BEGIN)) { } else if (resType.atomValue().equals(TEST_END)) { handle_test(msg); } else if (resType.atomValue().equals(GROUP_END)) { handle_group(msg); } else if (resType.atomValue().equals(SUMMARY)) { handle_summary(msg); for (final IEUnitObserver obs : coverBackend.getEUnitListeners()) { obs.labelChanged(); } } else if (resType.atomValue().equals(ERROR)) { handle_error(msg); } else if (resType.atomValue().equals(SKIPPED)) { handle_skipped(msg); } else if (resType.atomValue().equals(TEST_CANCELED)) { handle_test_canceled(msg); } else if (resType.atomValue().equals(GROUP_CANCELED)) { handle_group_canceled(msg); } for (final IEUnitObserver obs : coverBackend.getEUnitListeners()) { obs.treeChanged(); } } // on group begining private void handle_group_begin(final OtpErlangTuple msg) { final String group = msg.elementAt(1).toString(); final String description = msg.elementAt(2).toString(); if (group != null && !group.equals("[]") && !group.equals("undefined")) { TestTreeObject node = model.findNode(description); TestTreeObject parent = model.findNode(group); if (parent == null) { parent = new TestTreeObject(group, TestTreeObject.WARN); model.addChildren(parent); } if (node != null) { model.removeChild(node); } else { node = new TestTreeObject(description, TestTreeObject.WARN); } parent.addChild(node); } else { final TestTreeObject node = model.findNode(description); if (node == null) { model.addChildren(new TestTreeObject(description, TestTreeObject.WARN)); } } } // on group cancel private void handle_group_canceled(final OtpErlangTuple msg) { final String description = msg.elementAt(1).toString(); final String reason = msg.elementAt(2).toString(); if (description != null && !description.equals("[]") && !description.equals("undefined")) { final TestTreeObject node = model.findNode(description); node.setDescription( String.format("%s ... canceled: %s", node.getDescription(), reason)); } else { model.addChildren(new TestTreeObject(String.format("canceled: %s", reason), TestTreeObject.FAILURE)); } } // on test cancel private void handle_test_canceled(final OtpErlangTuple msg) { final String group = msg.elementAt(1).toString(); final String description = msg.elementAt(2).toString(); final int line = Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(3).toString()); final String reason = msg.elementAt(4).toString(); final OtpErlangTuple source = (OtpErlangTuple) msg.elementAt(5); final String module = source.elementAt(0).toString(); final String function = source.elementAt(1).toString(); final int arity = Integer.parseInt(source.elementAt(2).toString()); final TestTreeObject node = new TestTreeObject( makeTestShortDescription(module, function, arity), TestTreeObject.FAILURE); node.setDescription(makeTestFullDescription(module, function, arity, description, line, String.format("canceled: %s", reason))); model.findNode(group).addChild(node); } // on skipped test private void handle_skipped(final OtpErlangTuple msg) { final String group = msg.elementAt(2).toString(); final String description = msg.elementAt(3).toString(); final int line = Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(4).toString()); final OtpErlangTuple source = (OtpErlangTuple) msg.elementAt(5); final String module = source.elementAt(0).toString(); final String function = source.elementAt(1).toString(); final int arity = Integer.parseInt(source.elementAt(2).toString()); String reason = ""; if (msg.elementAt(1).equals(MODULE_NOT_FOUND)) { reason = String.format("Module not found: %s", msg.elementAt(5)); } else if (msg.elementAt(1).equals(NO_SUCH_FUNCTION)) { final OtpErlangTuple func = (OtpErlangTuple) msg.elementAt(5); reason = String.format("No such function: %s:%s/%s", func.elementAt(1).toString(), func.elementAt(2).toString(), func.elementAt(3).toString()); } final TestTreeObject node = new TestTreeObject( makeTestShortDescription(module, function, arity), TestTreeObject.FAILURE); node.setDescription(makeTestFullDescription(module, function, arity, description, line, String.format("skipped: %s", reason))); model.findNode(group).addChild(node); } // on failed test private void handle_error(final OtpErlangTuple msg) { final String group = msg.elementAt(1).toString(); final String description = msg.elementAt(2).toString(); final int line = Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(3).toString()); final OtpErlangTuple source = (OtpErlangTuple) msg.elementAt(4); final String module = source.elementAt(0).toString(); final String function = source.elementAt(1).toString(); final int arity = Integer.parseInt(source.elementAt(2).toString()); final String exception = msg.elementAt(5).toString(); final TestTreeObject node = new TestTreeObject( makeTestShortDescription(module, function, arity), TestTreeObject.FAILURE); node.setDescription(makeTestFullDescription(module, function, arity, description, line, "error")); node.addChild(new TestTreeObject(exception, TestTreeObject.DESCR)); model.findNode(group).addChild(node); } // at the end of testing private void handle_summary(final OtpErlangTuple msg) { model.updatePass(Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(1).toString())); model.updateFail(Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(2).toString())); model.updateSkip(Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(3).toString())); model.updateCancel(Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(4).toString())); } // on group ending private void handle_group(final OtpErlangTuple msg) { final String description = msg.elementAt(1).toString(); final int time = Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(2).toString()); final TestTreeObject node = model.findNode(description); node.setTime(time); node.updateType(); } // on test success private void handle_test(final OtpErlangTuple msg) { final String group = msg.elementAt(1).toString(); final String description = msg.elementAt(2).toString(); final int line = Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(3).toString()); final int time = Integer.parseInt(msg.elementAt(5).toString()); final OtpErlangTuple source = (OtpErlangTuple) msg.elementAt(4); final String module = source.elementAt(0).toString(); final String function = source.elementAt(1).toString(); final int arity = Integer.parseInt(source.elementAt(2).toString()); final TestTreeObject node = new TestTreeObject( makeTestShortDescription(module, function, arity), TestTreeObject.SUCCESS); node.setDescription(makeTestFullDescription(module, function, arity, description, line, "ok")); node.setTime(time); model.findNode(group).addChild(node); } // test name private String makeTestShortDescription(final String module, final String function, final int arity) { return String.format("%s:%s/%d", module, function, arity); } // test full description private String makeTestFullDescription(final String module, final String function, final int arity, final String description, final int line, final String status) { if (description != null && !description.equals("undefined")) { return String.format("%s:%s/%d (%s) at line %d - %s", module, function, arity, description, line, status); } return String.format("%s:%s/%d at line %d - %s", module, function, arity, line, status); } }