package org.erlide.core.builder; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Pair; import org.erlide.util.erlang.OtpErlang; import org.erlide.util.erlang.OtpParser; import org.erlide.util.erlang.OtpParserException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public abstract class CompilerOption { public static final BooleanOption COMPRESSED = new BooleanOption("compressed", false, "Compress beam file", "The compiler will compress the generated object code, which can be useful for embedded systems"); public static final BooleanOption DEBUG_INFO = new BooleanOption("debug_info", false, "Debug info", "Include debug info in BEAM file"); public static final BooleanOption ENCRYPT_DEBUG_INFO = new BooleanOption( "encrypt_debug_info", false, "Encrypt debug info", "Encrypt debug info, the key will be read from .erlang.crypt"); public static final DefineOption DEFINE = new DefineOption("d", new String[] { "Name", "Value" }, "", ""); public static final WarningOption WARN_UNUSED_RECORD = new WarningOption( "warn_unused_record", true, "Unused records", "Unused records"); public static final WarningOption WARN_UNUSED_VARS = new WarningOption( "warn_unused_vars", true, "Unused variables", "Unused variables"); public static final WarningOption WARN_UNUSED_IMPORT = new WarningOption( "warn_unused_import", false, "Unused imports", "Unused imported functions"); public static final WarningOption WARN_OBSOLETE_GUARD = new WarningOption( "warn_obsolete_guard", false, "Obsolete guards", "Old type testing BIFs such as pid/1 and list/1"); public static final WarningOption WARN_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION = new WarningOption( "warn_deprecated_function", true, "Deprecated functions", "Call to a function known by the compiler to be deprecated"); public static final WarningOption WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION = new WarningOption( "warn_unused_function", true, "Unused functions", "Local functions are not being called"); public static final WarningOption WARN_SHADOW_VARS = new WarningOption( "warn_shadow_vars", false, "Shadowed variables", "Warn for \"fresh\" variables in functional objects or list comprehensions with the same name as some already defined variable"); public static final WarningOption WARN_EXPORT_VARS = new WarningOption( "warn_export_vars", false, "Implicitely exported variables", "Warn for implicitly exported variables referred to after the primitives where they were first defined"); public static final WarningOption WARN_EXPORT_ALL = new WarningOption( "warn_export_all", false, "Use of export_all", "The compiler option export_all"); public static final PathsOption INCLUDE_DIRS = new PathsOption("i", "Additional include dirs: ", "Comma-separated list of paths"); public static final ModuleOption PARSE_TRANSFORM = new ModuleOption("parse_transform", "Global parse transform module: ", "Specify a module to be used as a global parse transform"); public static final RawOption CUSTOM = new RawOption("raw", "Other options: ", "A list of compiler options as Erlang terms (the list brackets can be omitted)."); public static class PathsOption extends CompilerOption { public PathsOption(final String name, final String description, final String tooltip) { super(name, description, tooltip); } public OtpErlangObject toTerm(final Iterable<String> value) { final List<OtpErlangObject> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final String path : value) { result.add(OtpErlang.mkTuple(new OtpErlangAtom(getName()), new OtpErlangString(path))); } return OtpErlang.mkList(result); } public static String toString(final Iterable<String> value) { return Joiner.on(',').join(value); } public static Iterable<String> fromString(final String string) { return Splitter.on(',').trimResults().omitEmptyStrings().split(string); } } public static class ModuleOption extends CompilerOption { public ModuleOption(final String name, final String description, final String tooltip) { super(name, description, tooltip); } public OtpErlangObject toTerm(final String value) { return OtpErlang.mkTuple(new OtpErlangAtom(getName()), new OtpErlangAtom(value)); } public static String toString(final String value) { return value; } public static String fromString(final String string) { return string; } } public static class RawOption extends CompilerOption { public RawOption(final String name, final String description, final String tooltip) { super(name, description, tooltip); } public OtpErlangObject toTerm(final String value) { final OtpParser parser = OtpErlang.getTermParser(); OtpErlangObject result; try { String val; if (value.charAt(0) != '[') { val = "[" + value + "]"; } else { val = value; } result = parser.parse(val); } catch (final Exception e) { result = OtpErlang.mkList(); } return result; } public static String toString(final String value) { return value; } public static String fromString(final String string) { return string; } } public static class BooleanOption extends CompilerOption { private final boolean defaultValue; public BooleanOption(final String name, final boolean defaultValue, final String description, final String tooltip) { super(name, description, tooltip); this.defaultValue = defaultValue; } public boolean getDefaultValue() { return defaultValue; } public OtpErlangObject toTerm(final boolean currentValue) { if (currentValue) { return new OtpErlangAtom(getName()); } return null; } } public static class WarningOption extends BooleanOption { public WarningOption(final String name, final boolean defaultValue, final String description, final String tooltip) { super(name, defaultValue, description, tooltip); } @Override public OtpErlangObject toTerm(final boolean currentValue) { if (currentValue) { return new OtpErlangAtom(getName()); } return new OtpErlangAtom("no" + getName()); } } public static class DefineOption extends CompilerOption { private final String[] fieldLabels; public DefineOption(final String name, final String[] fieldLabels, final String description, final String tooltip) { super(name, description, tooltip); this.fieldLabels = fieldLabels; } public String[] getFieldLabels() { return fieldLabels; } public OtpErlangList toTerm(final Collection<Pair<String, String>> values) throws OtpParserException { final OtpErlangObject[] defines = new OtpErlangObject[values.size()]; final int i = 0; for (final Pair<String, String> value : values) { final String key = value.getKey(); final String val = value.getValue(); final OtpErlangAtom tag = new OtpErlangAtom(getName()); final OtpErlangAtom okey = new OtpErlangAtom(key); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(val)) { defines[i] = OtpErlang.mkTuple(tag, okey); } else { final OtpErlangObject ovalue = OtpErlang.getTermParser().parse(val); defines[i] = OtpErlang.mkTuple(tag, okey, ovalue); } } return OtpErlang.mkList(defines); } } //@formatter:off public static final Collection<WarningOption> WARNINGS = Lists.newArrayList( WARN_EXPORT_ALL, WARN_EXPORT_VARS, WARN_SHADOW_VARS, WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION, WARN_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION, WARN_OBSOLETE_GUARD, WARN_UNUSED_IMPORT, WARN_UNUSED_VARS, WARN_UNUSED_RECORD); public static final Collection<CompilerOption> ALL_OPTIONS = Lists.newArrayList( CUSTOM, INCLUDE_DIRS, PARSE_TRANSFORM, DEFINE, COMPRESSED, DEBUG_INFO, ENCRYPT_DEBUG_INFO, WARN_EXPORT_ALL, WARN_EXPORT_VARS, WARN_SHADOW_VARS, WARN_UNUSED_FUNCTION, WARN_DEPRECATED_FUNCTION, WARN_OBSOLETE_GUARD, WARN_UNUSED_IMPORT, WARN_UNUSED_VARS, WARN_UNUSED_RECORD); //@formatter:on private final String name; private final String description; private final String tooltip; private CompilerOption(final String name, final String description, final String tooltip) { = name; this.description = description; this.tooltip = tooltip; } public static CompilerOption find(final String data) { for (final CompilerOption option : ALL_OPTIONS) { if (data.equals(option.getName())) { return option; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid value for compiler option: " + data); } public String getName() { return name; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public String getTooltip() { return tooltip; } }