package org.erlide.ui.editors.erl; import java.util.Iterator; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel; import org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EditorsUI; import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AnnotationPreference; import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AnnotationPreferenceLookup; import org.erlide.ui.editors.erl.hover.ErlangAnnotationIterator; import org.erlide.ui.editors.erl.hover.IErlangAnnotation; public class AnnotationSupport { private final ErlangEditor editor; private final AnnotationPreferenceLookup annotationPreferenceLookup; public AnnotationSupport(final ErlangEditor editor, final AnnotationPreferenceLookup annotationPreferenceLookup) { this.editor = editor; this.annotationPreferenceLookup = annotationPreferenceLookup; } /** * Returns whether the given annotation is configured as a target for the * "Go to Next/Previous Annotation" actions * * @param annotation * the annotation * @return <code>true</code> if this is a target, <code>false</code> * otherwise * @since 3.0 */ public boolean isNavigationTarget(final Annotation annotation) { final IPreferenceStore preferences = EditorsUI.getPreferenceStore(); final AnnotationPreference preference = annotationPreferenceLookup .getAnnotationPreference(annotation); final String key = preference == null ? null : preference.getIsGoToNextNavigationTargetKey(); return key != null && preferences.getBoolean(key); } public Annotation gotoAnnotation(final boolean forward) { final ITextSelection selection = (ITextSelection) editor.getSelectionProvider() .getSelection(); final Position position = new Position(0, 0); final Annotation annotation = getNextAnnotation(selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength(), forward, position); editor.setStatusLineErrorMessage(null); editor.setStatusLineMessage(null); if (annotation != null) { updateAnnotationViews(annotation); editor.selectAndReveal(position.getOffset(), position.getLength()); editor.setStatusLineMessage(annotation.getText()); } return annotation; } /** * Returns the annotation closest to the given range respecting the given * direction. If an annotation is found, the annotation's current position * is copied into the provided position. */ private Annotation getNextAnnotation(final int offset, final int length, final boolean forward, final Position annotationPosition) { Annotation nextAnnotation = null; Position nextAnnotationPosition = null; Annotation containingAnnotation = null; Position containingAnnotationPosition = null; boolean currentAnnotation = false; final IDocument document = editor.getDocumentProvider() .getDocument(editor.getEditorInput()); final int endOfDocument = document.getLength(); int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; final IAnnotationModel model = editor.getDocumentProvider() .getAnnotationModel(editor.getEditorInput()); final Iterator<Annotation> e = new ErlangAnnotationIterator(model, true, true); while (e.hasNext()) { final Annotation a =; if (a instanceof IErlangAnnotation && ((IErlangAnnotation) a).hasOverlay() || !isNavigationTarget(a)) { continue; } final Position p = model.getPosition(a); if (p == null) { continue; } if (forward && p.offset == offset || !forward && p.offset + p.getLength() == offset + length) { // || p.includes(offset)) if (containingAnnotation == null || containingAnnotationPosition != null && (forward && p.length >= containingAnnotationPosition.length || !forward && p.length < containingAnnotationPosition.length)) { containingAnnotation = a; containingAnnotationPosition = p; currentAnnotation = p.length == length; } } else { int currentDistance = 0; if (forward) { currentDistance = p.getOffset() - offset; if (currentDistance < 0) { currentDistance = endOfDocument + currentDistance; } if (currentDistance < distance || currentDistance == distance && nextAnnotationPosition != null && p.length < nextAnnotationPosition.length) { distance = currentDistance; nextAnnotation = a; nextAnnotationPosition = p; } } else { currentDistance = offset + length - (p.getOffset() + p.length); if (currentDistance < 0) { currentDistance = endOfDocument + currentDistance; } if (currentDistance < distance || currentDistance == distance && nextAnnotationPosition != null && p.length < nextAnnotationPosition.length) { distance = currentDistance; nextAnnotation = a; nextAnnotationPosition = p; } } } } if (containingAnnotationPosition != null && (!currentAnnotation || nextAnnotation == null)) { annotationPosition.setOffset(containingAnnotationPosition.getOffset()); annotationPosition.setLength(containingAnnotationPosition.getLength()); return containingAnnotation; } if (nextAnnotationPosition != null) { annotationPosition.setOffset(nextAnnotationPosition.getOffset()); annotationPosition.setLength(nextAnnotationPosition.getLength()); } return nextAnnotation; } private void updateAnnotationViews(final Annotation annotation) { } }