package org.erlide.engine.internal.model.cache; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.Pair; import org.erlide.engine.ErlangEngine; import org.erlide.engine.model.IErlElement; import org.erlide.engine.model.root.IErlModelChangeListener; import org.erlide.engine.model.root.IErlModule; import org.erlide.engine.model.root.IErlProject; import; import org.erlide.util.IDisposable; import; import; import; import; import; public class ErlModelCache implements IDisposable { private static final int CACHE_SIZE = 200; private static final int CACHE_TIME_MINUTES = 15; private static final boolean disabled = Boolean .valueOf(System.getProperty("erlide.noModelCache")); private static volatile ErlModelCache fgInstance; private final Cache<IErlModule, List<IErlModule>> moduleIncludeCache; private final Cache<String, IErlModule> pathToModuleCache; private final Cache<String, Pair<IErlProject, List<ExternalTreeEntry>>> externalTreeCache; private final Map<String, IErlModule> editedModulesMap; // private final Cache<String, Set<IErlModule>> nameToModuleCache; private final ModelChangeListener modelChangeListener; private final Cache<IErlProject, List<IErlModule>> projectModuleCache; private final Cache<IErlProject, List<IErlModule>> projectIncludeCache; public static ErlModelCache getDefault() { if (fgInstance == null) { fgInstance = disabled ? new DisabledErlModelCache() : new ErlModelCache(); } return fgInstance; } private class ModelChangeListener implements IErlModelChangeListener { // TODO should we handle changes of projects and includes too? // Which is hard, since the IOldErlangProjectProperties doesn't have // listeners @Override public void elementChanged(final IErlElement element) { if (element instanceof IErlModule) { final IErlModule module = (IErlModule) element; moduleIncludeCache.invalidate(module); } } } private static <K, V> Cache<K, V> newCache() { final Cache<K, V> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(CACHE_SIZE) .expireAfterAccess(CACHE_TIME_MINUTES, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .initialCapacity(16).build(); return cache; } private ErlModelCache() { pathToModuleCache = newCache(); editedModulesMap = Maps.newHashMap(); // nameToModuleCache = newCache(); moduleIncludeCache = newCache(); externalTreeCache = newCache(); projectModuleCache = newCache(); projectIncludeCache = newCache(); modelChangeListener = new ModelChangeListener(); ErlangEngine.getInstance().getModel().addModelChangeListener(modelChangeListener); } public void putModule(final IErlModule module) { // final String moduleName = module.getModuleName(); // Set<IErlModule> modules = getModulesByName(moduleName); // if (modules == null) { // modules = Sets.newHashSet(); // } // modules.add(module); // nameToModuleCache.put(moduleName, modules); final String path = module.getFilePath(); pathToModuleCache.put(path, module); } public void removeModule(final IErlModule module) { // final String moduleName = module.getModuleName(); // nameToModuleCache.remove(moduleName); final String path = module.getFilePath(); if (path != null) { pathToModuleCache.invalidate(path); } } // public Set<IErlModule> getModulesByName(final String moduleName) { // final Set<IErlModule> modules = nameToModuleCache.get(moduleName); // if (modules == null) { // return Sets.newHashSet(); // } // return Sets.newHashSet(modules); // } // public void put(final String path, final IErlModule module) { // if (noModelCache) { // return; // } // pathToModuleCache.put(path, module); // } public void putEdited(final String path, final IErlModule module) { if (module == null) { editedModulesMap.remove(path); } else { editedModulesMap.put(path, module); } } public IErlModule getModuleByPath(final String path) { final IErlModule module = editedModulesMap.get(path); if (module != null) { return module; } return pathToModuleCache.getIfPresent(path); } public void putIncludedFilesForModule(final IErlModule module, final Collection<IErlModule> result) { if (result == null) { moduleIncludeCache.invalidate(module); } else { moduleIncludeCache.put(module, Lists.newArrayList(result)); } } public List<IErlModule> getIncludedFilesForModule(final IErlModule module) { final List<IErlModule> modules = moduleIncludeCache.getIfPresent(module); if (modules == null) { return Lists.newArrayList(); } return Lists.newArrayList(modules); } @Override public void dispose() { ErlangEngine.getInstance().getModel() .removeModelChangeListener(modelChangeListener); } public void putExternalTree(final String externalPath, final IErlProject project, final List<ExternalTreeEntry> externalTree) { if (externalTree == null) { externalTreeCache.invalidate(externalPath); } else { externalTreeCache.put(externalPath, new Pair<IErlProject, List<ExternalTreeEntry>>(project, Lists.newArrayList(externalTree))); } } public List<ExternalTreeEntry> getExternalTree(final String externalPath) { final Pair<IErlProject, List<ExternalTreeEntry>> tuple = externalTreeCache .getIfPresent(externalPath); if (tuple == null) { return null; } final List<ExternalTreeEntry> entries = tuple.getValue(); if (entries == null) { return null; } return Lists.newArrayList(entries); } public List<IErlModule> getModulesForProject(final IErlProject project) { final List<IErlModule> modules = projectModuleCache.getIfPresent(project); if (modules == null) { return null; } return Lists.newArrayList(modules); } public List<IErlModule> getIncludesForProject(final IErlProject project) { final List<IErlModule> includes = projectIncludeCache.getIfPresent(project); if (includes == null) { return null; } return Lists.newArrayList(includes); } public void putModulesForProject(final IErlProject project, final List<IErlModule> modules) { final List<String> moduleNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final IErlModule module : modules) { moduleNames.add(module.getName()); } // ErlLogger.debug("setModulesForProject %s %s", project.getName(), // moduleNames); projectModuleCache.put(project, Lists.newArrayList(modules)); } public void putIncludesForProject(final IErlProject project, final List<IErlModule> includes) { final List<String> moduleNames = Lists.newArrayList(); for (final IErlModule module : includes) { moduleNames.add(module.getName()); } // ErlLogger.debug("setIncludesForProject %s %s", project.getName(), // moduleNames); projectIncludeCache.put(project, Lists.newArrayList(includes)); } public void removeProject(final IErlProject project) { // ErlLogger.debug("removeForProject %s", project.getName()); final List<IErlModule> includes = projectIncludeCache.getIfPresent(project); if (includes != null) { for (final IErlModule module : includes) { moduleIncludeCache.invalidate(module); } } final List<IErlModule> modules = projectModuleCache.getIfPresent(project); if (modules != null) { for (final IErlModule module : modules) { moduleIncludeCache.invalidate(module); } } projectIncludeCache.invalidate(project); projectModuleCache.invalidate(project); final Set<String> keysToRemove = Sets.newHashSet(); final Set<Entry<String, Pair<IErlProject, List<ExternalTreeEntry>>>> entrySet = externalTreeCache .asMap().entrySet(); for (final Entry<String, Pair<IErlProject, List<ExternalTreeEntry>>> entry : entrySet) { if (entry.getValue().getKey() == project) { keysToRemove.add(entry.getKey()); } } for (final String keyToRemove : keysToRemove) { externalTreeCache.invalidate(keyToRemove); } } public void pathVarsChanged() { // FIXME we need to clear some stuff here... } public void newProjectCreated() { pathToModuleCache.invalidateAll(); // nameToModuleCache.clear(); } public void putModules(final Collection<IErlModule> modules) { for (final IErlModule module : modules) { putModule(module); } } public void clearModelCache() { moduleIncludeCache.invalidateAll(); pathToModuleCache.invalidateAll(); externalTreeCache.invalidateAll(); // editedModulesMap.clear(); // nameToModuleCache.clear(); projectModuleCache.invalidateAll(); projectIncludeCache.invalidateAll(); } private static class DisabledErlModelCache extends ErlModelCache { @Override public void putEdited(final String path, final IErlModule module) { } @Override public void putExternalTree(final String externalPath, final IErlProject project, final List<ExternalTreeEntry> externalTree) { } @Override public void putIncludedFilesForModule(final IErlModule module, final Collection<IErlModule> result) { } @Override public void putIncludesForProject(final IErlProject project, final List<IErlModule> includes) { } @Override public void putModule(final IErlModule module) { } @Override public void putModules(final Collection<IErlModule> modules) { } @Override public void putModulesForProject(final IErlProject project, final List<IErlModule> modules) { } } }