/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2004 Eric Merritt and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * Eric Merritt * Vlad Dumitrescu *******************************************************************************/ package org.erlide.ui.prefs; import org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources; import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.RGB; /** * Constants used in project and plugin preferences * * @author Eric Merritt [cyberlync at yahoo dot com] */ public class PreferenceConstants { public static final String EDITOR_PREFIX = "__erl_editor_"; public static final int DEFAULT_PRINT_MARGIN = 80; public static final String PRINT_MARGIN = "__erl_print_margin"; public static final String EDITOR_TEXT_FONT = JFaceResources.TEXT_FONT; /** * A named preference that controls whether bracket matching highlighting is * turned on or off. * <p> * Value is of type <code>Boolean</code>. * </p> */ public static final String EDITOR_MATCHING_BRACKETS = "matchingBrackets"; //$NON-NLS-1$ // JC: Folding stuff (ripped from JDT) /** * A named preference that controls whether folding is enabled in the * editor. * <p> * Value is of type <code>Boolean</code>. * </p> */ public static final String EDITOR_FOLDING_ENABLED = "editor_folding_enabled"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * A named preference that stores the configured folding provider. * <p> * Value is of type <code>String</code>. * </p> */ public static final String EDITOR_FOLDING_PROVIDER = "editor_folding_provider"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * A named preference that stores the value for function clauses folding for * the default folding provider. * <p> * Value is of type <code>Boolean</code>. * </p> */ public static final String EDITOR_FOLDING_CLAUSES = "editor_folding_default_clauses"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * A named preference that stores the value for comment folding for the * default folding provider. * <p> * Value is of type <code>Boolean</code>. * </p> */ public static final String EDITOR_FOLDING_COMMENTS = "editor_folding_default_comments"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * A named preference that stores the value for header comment folding for * the default folding provider. * <p> * Value is of type <code>Boolean</code>. * </p> */ public static final String EDITOR_FOLDING_HEADER_COMMENTS = "editor_folding_default_headers"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * A named preference that stores the value for header comment folding for * the default folding provider. * <p> * Value is of type <code>Boolean</code>. * </p> */ public static final String EDITOR_FOLDING_TYPESPECS = "editor_folding_typespecs"; //$NON-NLS-1$ /** * A named preference that holds the color used to highlight matching * brackets. * <p> * Value is of type <code>String</code>. A RGB color value encoded as a * string using class <code>PreferenceConverter</code> * </p> * * @see org.eclipse.jface.resource.StringConverter * @see org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceConverter */ public static final String EDITOR_MATCHING_BRACKETS_COLOR = "matchingBracketsColor"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String EDITOR_SHOW_SEGMENTS = "showSegments"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String ERLANG_OUTLINE_LINK_WITH_EDITOR = "erlangOutlineLinkWithEditor"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String OUTLINE_CUSTOM_PATTERN_FILTERS_ENABLED = "erlangOutlineCustomPatternFiltersEnabled"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String OUTLINE_CUSTOM_PATTERN_FILTERS = "erlangOutlineCustomPatternFilters"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String OUTLINE_ENABLED_FILTERS = "erlangOutlineEnabledFilters"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static enum Color { //@formatter:off ALICEBLUE(240, 248, 255), ANTIQUEWHITE(250, 235, 215), AQUA(0, 255, 255), AQUAMARINE(127, 255, 212), AZURE(240, 255, 255), BEIGE(245, 245, 220), BISQUE(255, 228, 196), BLACK(0, 0, 0), BLANCHEDALMOND(255, 235, 205), BLUE(0, 0, 255), BLUEVIOLET(138, 43, 226), BROWN(165, 42, 42), BURLYWOOD(222, 184, 135), CADETBLUE(95, 158, 160), CHARTREUSE(127, 255, 0), CHOCOLATE(210, 105, 30), CORAL(255, 127, 80), CORNFLOWERBLUE(100, 149, 237), CORNSILK(255, 248, 220), CRIMSON(220, 20, 60), CYAN(0, 255, 255), DARKBLUE(0, 0, 139), DARKCYAN(0, 139, 139), DARKGOLDENROD(184, 134, 11), DARKGRAY(169, 169, 169), DARKGREEN(0, 100, 0), DARKGREY(169, 169, 169), DARKKHAKI(189, 183, 107), DARKMAGENTA(139, 0, 139), DARKOLIVEGREEN(85, 107, 47), DARKORANGE(255, 140, 0), DARKORCHID(153, 50, 204), DARKRED(139, 0, 0), DARKSALMON(233, 150, 122), DARKSEAGREEN(143, 188, 143), DARKSLATEBLUE(72, 61, 139), DARKSLATEGRAY(47, 79, 79), DARKSLATEGREY(47, 79, 79), DARKTURQUOISE(0, 206, 209), DARKVIOLET(148, 0, 211), DEEPPINK(255, 20, 147), DEEPSKYBLUE(0, 191, 255), DIMGRAY(105, 105, 105), DIMGREY(105, 105, 105), DODGERBLUE(30, 144, 255), FIREBRICK(178, 34, 34), FLORALWHITE(255, 250, 240), FORESTGREEN(34, 139, 34), FUCHSIA(255, 0, 255), GAINSBORO(220, 220, 220), GHOSTWHITE(248, 248, 255), GOLD(255, 215, 0), GOLDENROD(218, 165, 32), GRAY(128, 128, 128), GREEN(0, 128, 0), GREENYELLOW(173, 255, 47), GREY(128, 128, 128), HONEYDEW(240, 255, 240), HOTPINK(255, 105, 180), INDIANRED(205, 92, 92), INDIGO(75, 0, 130), IVORY(255, 255, 240), KHAKI(240, 230, 140), LAVENDER(230, 230, 250), LAVENDERBLUSH(255, 240, 245), LAWNGREEN(124, 252, 0), LEMONCHIFFON(255, 250, 205), LIGHTBLUE(173, 216, 230), LIGHTCORAL(240, 128, 128), LIGHTCYAN(224, 255, 255), LIGHTGOLDENRODYELLOW(250, 250, 210), LIGHTGRAY(211, 211, 211), LIGHTGREEN(144, 238, 144), LIGHTGREY(211, 211, 211), LIGHTPINK(255, 182, 193), LIGHTSALMON(255, 160, 122), LIGHTSEAGREEN(32, 178, 170), LIGHTSKYBLUE(135, 206, 250), LIGHTSLATEGRAY(119, 136, 153), LIGHTSLATEGREY(119, 136, 153), LIGHTSTEELBLUE(176, 196, 222), LIGHTYELLOW(255, 255, 224), LIME(0, 255, 0), LIMEGREEN(50, 205, 50), LINEN(250, 240, 230), MAGENTA(255, 0, 255), MAROON(128, 0, 0), MEDIUMAQUAMARINE(102, 205, 170), MEDIUMBLUE(0, 0, 205), MEDIUMORCHID(186, 85, 211), MEDIUMPURPLE(147, 112, 219), MEDIUMSEAGREEN(60, 179, 113), MEDIUMSLATEBLUE(123, 104, 238), MEDIUMSPRINGGREEN(0, 250, 154), MEDIUMTURQUOISE(72, 209, 204), MEDIUMVIOLETRED(199, 21, 133), MIDNIGHTBLUE(25, 25, 112), MINTCREAM(245, 255, 250), MISTYROSE(255, 228, 225), MOCCASIN(255, 228, 181), NAVAJOWHITE(255, 222, 173), NAVY(0, 0, 128), OLDLACE(253, 245, 230), OLIVE(128, 128, 0), OLIVEDRAB(107, 142, 35), ORANGE(255, 165, 0), ORANGERED(255, 69, 0), ORCHID(218, 112, 214), PALEGOLDENROD(238, 232, 170), PALEGREEN(152, 251, 152), PALETURQUOISE(175, 238, 238), PALEVIOLETRED(219, 112, 147), PAPAYAWHIP(255, 239, 213), PEACHPUFF(255, 218, 185), PERU(205, 133, 63), PINK(255, 192, 203), PLUM(221, 160, 221), POWDERBLUE(176, 224, 230), PURPLE(128, 0, 128), RED(255, 0, 0), ROSYBROWN(188, 143, 143), ROYALBLUE(65, 105, 225), SADDLEBROWN(139, 69, 19), SALMON(250, 128, 114), SANDYBROWN(244, 164, 96), SEAGREEN(46, 139, 87), SEASHELL(255, 245, 238), SIENNA(160, 82, 45), SILVER(192, 192, 192), SKYBLUE(135, 206, 235), SLATEBLUE(106, 90, 205), SLATEGRAY(112, 128, 144), SLATEGREY(112, 128, 144), SNOW(255, 250, 250), SPRINGGREEN(0, 255, 127), STEELBLUE(70, 130, 180), TAN(210, 180, 140), TEAL(0, 128, 128), THISTLE(216, 191, 216), TOMATO(255, 99, 71), TURQUOISE(64, 224, 208), VIOLET(238, 130, 238), WHEAT(245, 222, 179), WHITE(255, 255, 255), WHITESMOKE(245, 245, 245), YELLOW(255, 255, 0), YELLOWGREEN(154, 205, 50); //@formatter:on private final RGB color; private Color(final int r, final int g, final int b) { color = new RGB(r, g, b); } public RGB getColor() { return color; } } }