package org.team1540.firstfare2015; import; import; import; import ccre.frc.FRC; import ccre.frc.FRCApplication; public class Presentation07 implements FRCApplication { public void setupRobot() { // An input channel can be sent to an anonymous output. FloatInput axis = FRC.joystick1.axisY(); BooleanInput bumper = FRC.digitalInput(0); EventInput button = FRC.joystick1.onPress(1); axis.send((float_value) -> doSomethingWith(float_value)); bumper.send((boolean_value) -> doSomethingWith(boolean_value)); button.send(() -> doSomething()); } private Object doSomething() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } private Object doSomethingWith(Object value) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } }