package deployment; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import ccre.deployment.Artifact; import ccre.deployment.DepEmulator; import ccre.deployment.DepProject; import ccre.deployment.DepRoboRIO; import ccre.deployment.DepTask; import ccre.deployment.eggs.ArtifactDeployer; import ccre.deployment.eggs.DepEgg; import ccre.frc.FRCApplication; import ccre.log.Logger; public class Deployment { private static Class<? extends FRCApplication> getRobot() { File src ="src"); ArrayList<Class<? extends FRCApplication>> classes = new ArrayList<>(); for (File f : src.listFiles()) { walk(f, f.getName(), classes); } Iterator<Class<? extends FRCApplication>> iterator = classes.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Class<? extends FRCApplication> app =; if (app.getName().contains("firstfare")) { iterator.remove(); } } Collections.sort(classes, (a, b) -> a.getName().compareTo(b.getName())); return selectFrom(classes); } private static <T> T selectFrom(ArrayList<T> classes) { Object[] poss = classes.toArray(); Object s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Select the main class to deploy:", "Sample Selector", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, poss, poss[0]); if (!classes.contains(s)) { throw new RuntimeException("Selected nothing."); } return (T) s; } private static void walk(File f, String path, Collection<Class<? extends FRCApplication>> out) { if (f.isDirectory()) { for (File f2 : f.listFiles()) { walk(f2, path + "." + f2.getName().split("[.]")[0], out); } } else { if (f.getName().endsWith(".java")) { try { Class<?> other = Class.forName(path, false, Deployment.class.getClassLoader()); out.add(other.asSubclass(FRCApplication.class)); } catch (ClassCastException e) { // ignore and move on - clearly not a main class } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { Logger.warning("Could not find class that we thought we found", e); } } } } @DepTask public static void deploy() throws Exception { Artifact result = DepRoboRIO.buildProject(getRobot()); try (DepRoboRIO.RIOShell rshell = DepRoboRIO.discoverAndVerify(1540)) { rshell.archiveLogsTo(DepProject.root()); rshell.downloadAndStart(result); } } @DepTask(fork = true) public static void emulate() throws Exception { Artifact result = DepRoboRIO.buildProject(getRobot()); DepEmulator.emulate(result); } @DepTask public static void layEgg() throws Exception { Artifact result = DepRoboRIO.buildProject(getRobot()); DepEgg.layEgg(result, new ArtifactDeployer() { @Override public void deployArtifact(Artifact artifact) throws Exception { try (DepRoboRIO.RIOShell rshell = DepRoboRIO.discoverAndVerify(1540)) { rshell.downloadAndStart(artifact); } } }); } }