/* Copyright 2011-2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.google.security.zynamics.zylib.yfileswrap.gui.zygraph; import y.io.IOHandler; import y.io.ImageIoOutputHandler; import y.io.ImageOutputHandler; import y.io.ViewPortConfigurator; import y.view.Graph2D; import y.view.Graph2DView; import yext.svg.io.SVGIOHandler; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.imageio.ImageWriter; public class GraphExporters { private static void configureExportView(final Graph2DView exportView) { final ViewPortConfigurator vpc = new ViewPortConfigurator(); // Register the graph to be exported with the configurator instance. // Depending on the other settings (see below) the graph will be used to // determine the image size, for example. vpc.setGraph2D(exportView.getGraph2D()); // The complete graph should be exported, hence set the clipping type // accordingly. vpc.setClipType(ViewPortConfigurator.CLIP_GRAPH); // The graph's bounding box should determine the size of the image. vpc.setSizeType(ViewPortConfigurator.SIZE_USE_ORIGINAL); // Configure the export view using mainly default values, i.e., zoom level // 100%, and 15 pixel margin around the graph's bounding box. vpc.configure(exportView); } // private static void exportGraphPartToImageFileFormat(final Graph2D graph, final // ImageOutputHandler ioh, final String outFile) throws IOException private static void exportGraphPartToImageFileFormat(final Graph2D graph, final IOHandler ioh, final String outFile) throws IOException { writeGraphToFile(graph, ioh, outFile); } private static void exportGraphToImageFileFormat(final Graph2D graph, final IOHandler ioh, final String outFile, final Graph2DView exportView) throws IOException { final Graph2DView originalView = replaceCurrentWithExportView(graph, exportView); configureExportView((Graph2DView) graph.getCurrentView()); try { writeGraphToFile(graph, ioh, outFile); } catch (final IOException e) { throw e; } finally { restoreOriginalView(graph, originalView); } } private static Graph2DView replaceCurrentWithExportView(final Graph2D graph, final Graph2DView exportView) { // Save the currently active view. final Graph2DView originalView = (Graph2DView) graph.getCurrentView(); // Use the Graph2DRenderer instance of the currently active view. (Optional.) exportView.setGraph2DRenderer(originalView.getGraph2DRenderer()); // Replace the currently active view containing the graph with the "export" // view. graph.setCurrentView(exportView); return originalView; } private static void restoreOriginalView(final Graph2D graph, final Graph2DView originalView) { // Remove the "export" view from the graph. graph.removeView(graph.getCurrentView()); // Reset the current view to the originally active view. graph.setCurrentView(originalView); } private static void writeGraphToFile(final Graph2D graph, final IOHandler ioh, final String outFile) throws IOException { ioh.write(graph, outFile); } public static ImageOutputHandler createPNGOutputHandler() { // Use the services of Java Image I/O API to see whether there is an image // writer registered that is capable of writing the PNG graphics file format. final Iterator<ImageWriter> it = ImageIO.getImageWritersBySuffix("png"); final ImageWriter iw = it.hasNext() ? it.next() : null; // Return an image output handler that serves as an adapter to this image // writer. return iw == null ? null : new ImageIoOutputHandler(iw); } /** * Exports a graph to a GIF file. * * @param view The graph to export. * @param filename The name of the JPEG file. * * @throws IOException Thrown if saving the file fails. */ public static void exportAllAsGIF(final Graph2DView view, final String filename) throws IOException { final y.io.GIFIOHandler gif = new y.io.GIFIOHandler(); gif.setAntialiasingEnabled(true); exportGraphToImageFileFormat(view.getGraph2D(), gif, filename, gif.createDefaultGraph2DView(view.getGraph2D())); } /** * Exports a graph to a JPEG file. * * @param view The graph to export. * @param filename The name of the JPEG file. * * @throws IOException Thrown if saving the file fails. */ public static void exportAllAsJPEG(final Graph2DView view, final String filename) throws IOException { final y.io.JPGIOHandler jpg = new y.io.JPGIOHandler(); jpg.setAntialiasingEnabled(true); jpg.setQuality(0.9f); exportGraphToImageFileFormat(view.getGraph2D(), jpg, filename, jpg.createDefaultGraph2DView(view.getGraph2D())); } // Warning on raw types on the following methods are suppressed. We need to use the raw type to // allow these methods to be called without introducing dependencies on yFiles. @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean exportAllAsPNG(final AbstractZyGraph zygraph, final String filename) throws IOException { Graph2DView view = zygraph.getView(); final ImageOutputHandler png = createPNGOutputHandler(); exportGraphToImageFileFormat(view.getGraph2D(), png, filename, png.createDefaultGraph2DView(view.getGraph2D())); return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static boolean exportAllAsSVG(final AbstractZyGraph zygraph, final String filename) throws IOException { Graph2DView view = zygraph.getView(); final SVGIOHandler svg = new SVGIOHandler(); exportGraphToImageFileFormat(view.getGraph2D(), svg, filename, svg.createDefaultGraph2DView(view.getGraph2D())); return true; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void exportPartAsGIF(final AbstractZyGraph zygraph, final String filename) throws IOException { Graph2DView view = zygraph.getView(); final y.io.GIFIOHandler jpg = new y.io.GIFIOHandler(); jpg.setAntialiasingEnabled(true); exportGraphPartToImageFileFormat(view.getGraph2D(), jpg, filename); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void exportPartAsJPEG(final AbstractZyGraph zygraph, final String filename) throws IOException { Graph2DView view = zygraph.getView(); final y.io.JPGIOHandler jpg = new y.io.JPGIOHandler(); jpg.setAntialiasingEnabled(true); jpg.setQuality(0.9f); exportGraphPartToImageFileFormat(view.getGraph2D(), jpg, filename); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void exportPartAsPNG(final AbstractZyGraph zygraph, final String filename) throws IOException { Graph2DView view = zygraph.getView(); final ImageOutputHandler png = createPNGOutputHandler(); png.setAntialiasingEnabled(true); exportGraphPartToImageFileFormat(view.getGraph2D(), png, filename); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void exportPartAsSVG(final AbstractZyGraph zygraph, final String filename) throws IOException { Graph2DView view = zygraph.getView(); final SVGIOHandler svg = new SVGIOHandler(); exportGraphPartToImageFileFormat(view.getGraph2D(), svg, filename); } }